Firefighters rescue sl eeping man from one apartment e fromn TWO on page A5 know if anyone was in the apartment below ber, and they broke down the door to find a man inside sleeping. He was awoken and Led from bis apartment. "Two big firefigbters knocking the door dow... Lt was a heck of an awaken- ing," Pratt said. More than 30 firefigbters worked for two bours to knock down tbe blaze, whicb Pratt said started eitber in the balcony of the second floor or the roof of the first fLoor. L quickly spread tbrougb the waLLs and travelled into the second- storey attic. Most of the ceilings in the three-bedroom second-floor dweLLing - wbich is insured - bad to be ripped down to give firefigbters access to the attic, Pratt said. He estimates damage at about $ 150,000 to the build- ing and $50,000 to contents mn the upper living space. The first-floor apartment wasn't damaged. Merchandise at A Bit Equine was mostly covcred, SO it didn't suifer water dam- age, Pratt said. The cause appears to bave been electrical, be said, and the ELectrical Safety Authority bas been notified. Firefîghters remained on scene until the next morn- ing. Pratt said this incident should serve as a reminder to residents that srnokc alarms work and can save lives. Stcphanic Houtisell cari be reor bcd ai shounseiCî@n i lion- i anadiancharnpion.coni. Correction A storv about Miltons Read and Ride The number lfOr the Miulton Public prograrn that appeared in I hut sclax s min brani is ( IOý 875-2bO5 Champion contamncd ait incorrect phone The Champion apologizcs the error and number. any inconvenience il caused. ~ ~'F CL \~6 )[Ç[~JS oit House Duct (E àDIG i'GClemaing -- rip ta 12 venta Fer Clemner AIR DUCT CLEANING Carpes, -Allergy Relief Carpts,- Commiercial and Reqîdcntial Ca"i Remaoval af up to 92% of Airbourn Pollutants STEAMIATIC CARPET CLEANING - Frec Estimates - Na Flidden Charges Whole House -No Chemical Reaidtue -Trruck Mounted 1 finit Carpet Cleaning CA Us~ Todav Io Book Your AppoiîiLnicnt! $ oa19400 Steamatie Aino Offrs 24/7 Emc*~ney Fire ami Water Damage Cleanup n- GRAND OPENING SPECIALS: sqft 7mrn La oe....$0. 69 U whnyou pucaemid-grade underlay* Vinyi..............sO.99 UP Area Rugs .............250/OFF with Laminate or I-ardwood purchase of $500 or Moe* 'C &p VittÉ Rmnan to 70% f *FREE Underpad! with Select Residential Carpet* MiIton's Iargest m-stock selection of Carpet, Viînyl,, Laminate# Area Rulgs, Roll Ends & oe II.C.O.N. e A/G e MATRIX * WELLA * YON-KA # O.P.I 0 CREATIVE