The Ith ¾nrntal RF4J,ýTORS C'irTM ]Foundation Motorcycle RIDE for Charity Clakvlie. Ontario, Juiv 2(010 - Tihe lOakviiie, Milton & Ditr/ict Rcsi Estaie Board DMNI DREBI and the REALTORS Caresm Foundatîion arc exFl/cd tis anntsoofle tisai otn Wvedncs- dayJul>, 7/h, 2010 ai 9:30 a.ts. -the REAI-TORS (aeSTl Fotutdatton M///FS/F yFile RIDE fot t.iat its' wil isake a stop ai OMDREB hoi suppot t he fsght aga/ont sttieni.n Os et 30 Easy REALI-OR® R/iers wsiil dotn their leatieF and pteji-it l/t a lis/CF'day ride frot Mîssinsauga to SaFilt Ste. Marte, ssîis a npeciai stop aitie ONt DREB Isoard.Etsi andc i r/e/si âIi loii/ tchier /0 Felelirate tise -su Atstucsi REALFORT Carcte t ST Eo t/si/o/snI//F' RIDE li* ilil/i\. i100"/' oi tise pto FeeFis fruoni thse RIDE iseneitt REAL IORs, t a/e l FciFndatiin \VilFi , Ip~O nni/citer Ce latcd cauFsesni/ \m'c5F/F5555/i15ii ONIDREB REALI IiR'S®R ate pt oud suppor0//tr cii /thF RM - O1RS C ate' Iîih//iati/ii /is/t nsctaisiy ws'ti tiseit Fngo//sg pa~rt/ ihcio ttn tise Ever>ý RUAi i (-IOR® (amsaîgs (O/s se sali cii ail OMDREB Mem-bers, a dontatctFio of$1 per Meml)ise-e tssîîts/is iF/t 12 ntht//svssiii Ne FiFnated tFs thse fFsunFattF/s lise REALIORS C are5I E-ouiicEttiii FF//s/ier tlisetsises prts'teged to roake grants in sutpport of siseiter relateFi Fauses svhici give hope to /Nusc esCo forîFtate and enabie homeiess bildren to live heaiti/er. hsappîer us\es. (On Wccineso(Iay'Juy 7 please lpl OMDREB in weicorning thse REAI -I ORS CarerM Foun- datton Motcycic RIDE fi/ Cisarity as they stop fotr refresisments anFi a photos o p. A spectai p/etcstatFsn wîill Ne mtade lix tise OMDRf B Bosard oif DireFtFsrs in suppbort id the REAL - T ORS ( are i Ml Focataiin MI/îs/rcs'Fie RIDE. 4as i u aife TaVi, C/ fu &IM l'AEs/Aafijo Juy 7]tl 1 2010 REALTORS CAREM FOUNIATION CHARITY RIDERS! Dat Wediisd J'du l lin/ 2010 9 30u ai in the MDREOO radJParkingLut RIDE FOR CHARITY 1 eKe0/' IIS Cli on w'/a jfe/aîiy ýIy 7 1' u[rjýjy 10OoO f Mi ssauqa t 2w- $4 n i i h b pp0 i) il e '" IIYP IC f s CoI e2 ai P/ýl O p (r'gue presertatcon Pieuse r/c/r tha/ the/e wiIi he firaring a30'dir fithe Board parking 0 t/Ial moring Your local REALTORS LIVE, UNVE& PLAY in the Neighbourhood too! Es/ablîshedin 1954, The Oakod/le, Milton and O/s/r/ctRealEstate Board SOMO/FB) serves 03kv/lie, Miltonand surrounding communies w/th more/ha,80 BORFALTORpiO Members ofthe associaion mayo irmeRAFAoO// /raî/emark which identifis them as real es/a/e pro/essionals who subscribe /0a s/rict code of/e/hics The associahion operates the local Multiple Listing dervicedd (ML Si/iand provides ongoing protessional education courses for is Members. 0OSB Real/ors 'i)caie about ceea//eg a be/tlee con/muni/p and participa/ein/the Fueri' REAL/TOR Cares program which supports she//er-based iniiatives Youir OMIJRE REALTO//k cao prou/de hou woi/h hr data and services you need tornake inforîned real estadecsos Advertisenents of ocal MOS/'oroperty lisings and iortonsh about the se/vices proiided Op a bEALT//Ru, ian beiisind alww RE/A//O/R ca loi/noie informationisil r/rois onidreb on a M//FB a 905 844 6491 Its time to accessorize your backyard! Accessorizing is a [un and affordable way to spruce up your backyard, express your personal style, and to create an extension o[ your indoor living space. Great value everyday retailers like Canadian Tire are belping Canadians add some glamour to the backyard this summer witb unique outdoor decorat- ing solutions. Here are some great ideas: -Outdoor patio heaters are thse perfect way t0 gen- crate heat andI stay warm during clear summier nights out with family and friends. The Venetian Firebowl heats up to seven square [ct and includes lava rocks. - Go/d Iighting adds to the ansbience of any space! The Cube Style Solar Hanging I antern is environmentally friendîy with an extra-large solar panel, and is uniquely shaped to add dimension and brightness to your patio area. Found at Canadian Tire ici red, bloc and green. * The Dinsmore G.arden Bench is a wonderlul addition to any outdoor space and perfect for days of rclaxtng out- sidc with a good book or entcrtaining wvith friends ancl [amiiy. Soiid seating for outdoor use, it has a dur able steel frame and is made with hand-wov\en all-wcather resin wicker. * Use labric to instantly and casily add a spiasis of colour to your outdoor living space - without puteing a dent in your walîet. Quick-drying pillows arc water and stain resistant. They're rcvcrsiblc and cornc in an array of bright patterns and colours. Looks like Canadian Tire bas everything you need to create an cxciting outdoor space [or family and friends to enjoy For other backyard decorating solutions, visit canadiantire. ca. www.ilewscailada. como 1 HAVE SERIOUS BUVERS LOOKINO FOR... 1. A 3,000+ square feet home with main floor den with pie-shaped, pool-size backyard direct 905-399-2217 CONGRATULATIONS JOUA UN THE PORCHASE OF YOUB TOIVIVNHOOSE! Siunîng gracious home, e stops to Avenue Road, Red oak hardwood fibors and spectacular open concept rosewood staircase, Tiered deck with bouit-mn seatiog-ao ontertainers delight. Private IS LU FOR 102" IN3 DAS treed yard. LiCIik on Featured Properties JlO~ BRANDII NEW BRI (CiN MAIO CONDiOINIwUMSî utuSd Delopirent Group' o At teee futueul bedruese, t bedroose plus ir.S dot & 2 bedroon desittu, $%1.91 moniN icside khide, prncliai, Wanda, 905 .634.6873 Sendlm!sCentra Arandl 3 pliat/mu Conesee alft e flou/ p lans U in o Wu .huMulak. 1 suites at #1fl2-1487 MalI Aue., iII Gall Fredene PI e out Record