IKUfI Lyebrow int wth purchdSe 0l [yebrow WYdX FULN-RAISER: Top right, Moustafa Arnout leads a group of men in prayer during the Muslim Association of Milton's annual community barbecue for the Milton District Hospital Foundation Saturday afternoon. Thousands attended the event at the Milton Fair Grounds, including Milton res- dents Zainae Ghori, 10, and Werda Ansari, 10, who cooled down wêth some soft serve ice cream. Above right, Marya Rana, 7, got her face painted like an angel. Top Ieft, Usma Valam ignites a bar- h becue to prepare the meat. Among the other activities were pony rides. MICHELLE SIU / METROLANO WEST MEDIA GROUPl - FULL SERVICE QOIL CHANGE' INCLUDES BREAK INSPECTION F=REE CAR WASH WITH COUPON ON QIL CHANGE * Plus HST &Envh'onmentai fter. NEW BRAKES STARTI NG (inctudES labour, nEw rotors/pads and calipEr se=rvice) *Plus HST & EnvironMEntal tEE. Di* Flis E SaIS Iî 1 -r ks rkE.SSEso & *tEig atr EvCS Tiin & -DV Et. uEU E j