Mw C6 z z 0 DESPICABLE ME 3i0() DIGITAL 30, NA PASSES PRI-THURS 12:45, A:3A, E:30, 9DA PRESATORS (14A) (IOLENCE, TARA AGENtS CAARSE LANNGUAGE) RWIAC/DASO NA PASSES PRI-TRARS 1D25 4:15. 715,1A0 THlE LAST AIRBENSER (PG> (NAT REC FAR YOUG CHILARENSIALENCE) FR1 TRRTDS 1:2 A RAS,65094 ARE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE (PG) (VIOLENC ENATREC FAR YOUNG CHILAAANO APASSES FRI WEATA 1 T04: 7 0 0 AST THURS 4,0 TA 00 AS0 THE AMILIGHA SAGk ECLIPSE (PS> (VIOLENCE, ST NEC. FAN YAUNA CHILAREN) STAR & STRALLERS SOREENINA, NA PASSES THRNS 10AS GAOWN GPS (PIS) (LANGUAGE MAY APPEND, CRADE CANTENT) FR1 THANSAA 12:50 S RDA 63 93 ENIGAT ANS DAN (PEI) (VIOLENCE) FNl-THRNSi1 154:20 7:1A,1:1 TOY STOR 3 (G) PRIAUETA 1.3 T TAS0 RAS :5 TON STANT 3 3D(G) DIGITAL GARIAHANA 1,0 AS45 ARASA A AT THE SORCEREA'S APPRENTICE (PS) ,(CRASE CONTENT, SAME SCANA SCENESI NO PASSES ASPA-THRN 1:3T.410,:5 TAS5RA Dateline is o free listing for local non-profit eommunity groups ta help promote their coming events. We guoîontee one issue of publicity for each event although morc insertions are possible if space pertniss. Dateline notices should be emoailed ta editorial@Sniltoncoîoodiaoncloampi- oO.LoAr. The final deadlinc is na<»si Friday for Tuesday's editioT and naon Tuesda -y for Tloutsda-y's edition. Daieline iteprs WAAiF'f be OLS epseid b (ElepGE)te. Friday July 9 Milton District 1-kspital liolds a drap-on breastfeeding group with a certi[ied lactation consultant Iroin 10 ta 11:30 a.m. ai Our Lady of Victory Sehool, 540 Commercial St., with in[ormation shared and babies weighed. Pregnant woAmen are welcome. ( ail Jill Hicks as (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. The Deck youth drop-in centre. 200 Main St. E. (rear entrante), is open [rom noon ta 10 p.m. [or stu-- dents in Grade 6 up ta age 18. Visit www.y[ The Milton Seniors' .t o s Ceontre, 500 f [olds Dr., halds biu- liards [rom 9 a.m. îo 4 p.m., tai chi [rom 9 ta 10:30 arn., bingo lromn 9:30 arn. tRA nEAon, contract bridge [rom 9:30 a.m. ta noon, CyberCafe [rom 1 ta 3 p.m. and euchre [roin 1:30 ta 4 p.m. Fach acsiviOy cEsts $2 [or members and $4.25 for non- members. Friday Evening Movie runs [rom 7 ta 10 p.m. [eaturing When in Ramne. The cost is $2. AndI bid euchre takes place at the Campbellville Lions Hall [rot 7:30 to 10 p.m. Thoe cosO is $3. For more informatoon, caîl (905) 875-1681. Monday July 12 The Milton Rotary Club mecos a> tihe Best Westeroi Milton, 161 Cbisholmn Dr., in the meeting room upstairs, [roin 6.30 to 8 p.m. Please arrive as 6:15 p.m. For more infor- matison, caîl (905) 878-4094. MiltoAn Distroct H-ospital holds a EAne-Ln-oAnc breastfeeding chiei with a tcrtilied lattation consultant from noon ta 4 p.m. To make an appEinonsens. call lilI Hicks as (905) 878-2383, ext. .76 10. The MiltoAn Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Chîlds Dr., holds bil- liards [rom 9 arn. to 9 p.m., dupli- cale bridge Iroon 9:15 a.nA. ta noAan tlogging loooni 2 to 3':30 o oso. atnd table tennis fromt 7 to 9 pirn Lach acOivîty tEAsis $2 [or memrbers and $4.25 for noA-nembers. Bid euchre rtons frooso 1:30 ta 4 p.m. as a cost of $2.50 for members and $4.50 for non inembers. For more informatoon, caîl (905) 875-1681. MondaylJuly 12 -16 Milton Gospel Hall, 306 OntarioA St. N. (one block south o[ Steeles Ave.), holds its [ree Country Fair Vacation Bible Sehool [rom 9 to 11:30 a.rn. Registration [orms are available as www.miltongospel- and tan bc dropped o[f in the church mailhox. For more informTation, caîl Nancy MARA as (647) 628-0831. TuesdayJuly 13 The Milton Toastmasters meets [romn 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. as the Royal Canadoan Legion, 21 Charles St., in the opper hall. Please arrive as 7:15 p.i. Everyones eIcLAme. For more information ahout the groAup, caîl (905) 878-3684 or vosit www.Amil- ton toastOmasters. org. Fhe Milton Fibromyalgia Support Group meets as 1 p.m. at TrAy's Bar and Grill in the Best Western Milton. FAr more in[ormna- (05)05 cLlI joahAfOO os (905) 878-4371. Calling New Parents, a [ree drop-in program [or parents and babies aged six months and yEunger, meets at the Ontario Early Years Centre, 410 Brconte St., [rom 1:30 lt 3:30 p.m. Cali (905) 825- 6000, ext. 7299. The Deck youth drop-in centre, 200 Main St. E. (rear entrance), is open [rom noon to 4:45 p.m. [or students in Grade 6 up to age 18. Vjsit www.v[ Milton District Hospital bolds a tAne-Rn-one breast[eeding clinie woth ~a eerti[îed lactation consultant l'rom 9:30 arn. to 2 p.m. To make an appointîneno, ciîl Jili Hicks at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holds bil- liards [rom 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Downsizers Weight Loss Club IrASA 10 toA 1l, cribbage lrom 1 EO 3 p.m., Nitendo Wii [rom 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., bingo [rom 1:30 leo 4 p.m. and table tennis [rom 2:30 to 4 p.m. Each activity CRASES $2 [or members and $4.25 [or non-mem- bers. Evening bid euchre is held [rom 7:30 leo 10 p.m. The coSE is $2.50. For more information, eail (905) 875-1681. Wednesday July 14 The Ontario Early Years Centre holds ils [ree Playtime aE Ehe Park event [rom il a.m. to 1 p.m. as McDougall Park (Tonelli Lane and McDougall Crossing) with games, activities, storytime and more. Paek a picnic lunch and join in [or some outdoor [un, weather permitting. For more in[ormation, caîl (905) 876-1244, ext. 222. Milton Distret Hospital holds a one-on-one breasEleeding clinie ývith as LestifieLl lactatsion coAnsultants from noon tOA 4 p.m. To make an appointment, caîl jill Hicks as (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. The Deck youth drop-in centre, 200 Main St. E. (rear entrance), is open [rom noon to 4:45 p.m. [or students in Grade 6 up lt age 18. Vîsit www%.y[ The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holds bil- liards [rom 9 a.m. to, 9 p.m. and contract bridge [rom 9:15 to 11:30 a.m. Each activity costs $2 [or memhers and $4.25 [or non-mem- bers. Its summer barbecue runs [rom noon to 1:30 p.m. [or $8. Sign up as the reception desk in advancc or cali the centre at (905) 875- 1681. And the Milton Leisure Centre, 1100 Main St. E., holds drop-in volleyball [rom 1:30 ta 2:30 p.m. for $3.50. For more information, call (905) 878-7946.