- .JjYn Ledwith put heart, soul into serving town: Krantz Register your pre-1976 classic car ($10) 905-876-2773 Info@'-,'downtownmilton.com &from SAYING on page Al related to hini,- she said. But it was the personal connec- lion she had with him thai will remain in lier hcart. "He inspired and guidcd me, first as a cbild and ihen as 1 grew int adultbood,- she said. The service for tbc long-tinc 'St. Paul's United C hurch nmbiner .v as bcld ai Grace Anglican ( burch duc to last xseel&, lire ai St. PauEs. Leclxsiîl wsas borni in Lngland, and afici ai rising i (Canadla witb bis larnil, sciîlcd in Dundas. He enlisted anci sers cd in the C anaclian - and tbcn British - nasies ovcr- scas in the Second World War and rnoved t0 Milton in 1946. Fie opencd a si-nall groccry store ai Main and Martin streets - what later becaine Quality Grcens. I- edwitlhs- accoinplishnsients in town arc many and includle serving as mnayor (in 1957) and as a found- ing inember of tbe Rotary Club of Milton. He was on the bospital board, school hoard, and was presi- dent of Milton Evergreen Cemetery. He's been narned Citizen of the Year, earned a Lifetime Achievement Award and, most recently, was named Mitons Senior of the Year for 2010. He married tbree trnes and oui- livcd each wife. Mayor Gord Kranîz, who knew Ledwiîh for about 60 years, spoke of how bis fricnd put bis becart and soul mbt servtng is cornrnunity. "Mike ssas a great Miltonian,- Kranîz told thc crowd of about 100. "Did lie adopi Miton as bis borne? No. Mihton adoptcd Mikc.' Fcl low,\ Rotary Club tncrnber and close friend Ries Boers said Ledwith ssas the epitoic of a vol- uinteer and scrved as bis mecntor i business and in fle. \'Vbcn 1 hought niy butsiness, I tried to ernulate bis busincss prac- lices,' he said. The pair sornetinies took, road- trtps togethecr, one of the mo1si recent bcing to I edwith-, faîihcrs, gravec in Dundas. "-le was happy," Boers said. cboking up, In addition to bis grandchildreni and a great-granddatighter, Ledwiîb is survived by bis îbree cbildren, tbeir spouses and bis brotber. Stepbanie Hounsell can bc reached ai Shounsell@amiltoncanadi- anchampion.eom. E.157 ~DOWN[OWN Registration is also being accepted Sunday evenings at Milton Cruise Nights, held at GO Station parking lot in Milton