Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Aug 2010, p. 15

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L~L~ ~AIL j Heathor Salie lits. Agsncy mnc. HEATHER SOLIE, AGENT 420 Bronle Street Soutlh, Suite 210 Sus: 905-593-1400 Fax: 905-693-1403 Email: LIKE A GOOD NEIGHbOUR STATE FARM IS THERETM WaYs to Reduce Your Auto Insurance Premium By Heallier Salie State Fan0 aeon If you're like me, you're always looking for a smart way t0 save money. Sometimes, saoing money con corne in the moot unlikely place - soch as your ooouraoce. There are seoeral ways yoo may be ahie ta cuf yoor auto iooorance coofo. Higher deductibles con Iower yoor premiom as wilI selecting only the cooerage y00 fee1 y00 need. Many insorance comapanies ofter different discounts. When shopping for auto insurance, be sure f0 aok aboot the aoailahility of these discoonts and whether the inoorer offers them. ' New business discount: May oSfer you a discount as a new poticyholder if ysu have been accitlent-free for a specific period of lime. * Accident-free. Policyholsfers who hase been accident-f ras while hsing insured with the same insorance company for seseral years may he eligible for redoced prermoms. * Discounts for other insurance lins Premiomo may be reduceri if you iosurs your home, life or health with the same company that covers your car. « Multiple cars. Premîsmos may he reduced if there are two or more prisats passenger cars in the household însured hy the same company. * Air bug/pasoive restrarot: Cars tout are 1993 or oldor and are equipped ri th air bago or automutic sont belts may recerse tOrs discoun1 Certn r akes nîrd nio0001 of newuer vebicles muy roceivo roe Volricle Satety Discourt because ofthIe iowoer medical paymento usoocîatsd wîth them. Ths Vehicle Salety Discount is for autos 1994 or nemer. Certain makes and models muy haoe a dscrsase in their premiomo hecause of lorer medîcal paymsnts assocîated wîth thoss specîtic makss/modsls. * Antitheft deorcos: Some insorance compans offer discounts on comprebensios couerage premîus when certain antrîbeft deorces are inotalleri or Surît rnos oshîcle. * Defensios drîorng course: Prsmîum discouns sometîmes are offereri for the ooluntary complstîoo of specifîed driver improosment courses. * Good student: Fuli-tîme studeoto lhîgh ochool or bîghsr leoîl) maîntaîniog ut Iest a "B' average may qualif for reduced prsmîums with many companies These are aust a few of the common discounts offered by rosurance comparues. For more detaîls contact your inourance Cumpany or agent. Ahove ail, drive oafely I Krsi~KoherFuiieral Home 114 Main Street 905-878-4452x s ON a I godtnettl *epann' ABSOLLJTELY! Pro- planning yeur luncral is oe ef the kindest, mest caring things yen can das l'or yeur lamnily. Pr-arrangement plans rellect your expressed wishes regarding funeral arrangements. Upen death there are seemingly endless numbers ef details that need attention by yeur fily. You can previd fo hmb aing yeur selections in advance and save yeur leved Cnes t'rem having te make difficuit decisiens at a stressful and emetienal time. Simplit'y yeur Iilè by taking care ef everything in advance. Yen can be assured that yen and your leved enes wilI experience "peace ef mmnd" knexving that yeur %vîshes have been recerded. Please cail us at 905-878-4452 te set up an appeintment at the funeral heme er in the cemfert ef eour ewni heme te discuss yeur wishes with ene ef eur f uneral directer prefessienals. Get answers te ail e)f yeur questions, learn about varieus eptions ax ailable and create a detailed recerd ef yeur wishes. Backpack Safety AltoIsgli expe rs recommend u ona baepuoks r-,,gi , ore ohn 15 percenr of n ciud's body vveighi mnry kr05 routinoSly carry mire thit double that bosSer Oacr im tro Iis cn leus r stoopod postre ci r Snck uod sboolder pair, and muscte vveanocs More thao 40 us,,iton studouts cnrry Ouckpucks, and most of thero are uruwuro tOut osertoadrrg rhem or caîîyrog 10cm rrcorrecty cao r hem up for a tifelime of probtemos Its Sp to parents, touchers arc schoots co Oetp spieus the word about hackpuck sufety and reip our krds ligoter ther oasds FoIlow these lips on how foi select pack and arry backpacks: -Choose a Suckpack Ibat us upproprute for your chitd s age und sîze Weîgb the pack te see Ibat il Is no more tour 15a% of your bridos body weîgbt -The pack souldt reot in the curoe of the lower brick, reoer more tSar four roches Selous t0e wisttrre MuSe sure She pack bus mou -pudded oboulder straps. -Onty pack ites buat are necessary for the diy's actrortres, Loari the Seriest items closeot 10 the chitris back (Ihe buck of the yack). and arrange items so tbey mon't stîde aoourod rn the pack. Ithe pack 0100o fuit, the cbrld shoutri bard-carry a iew items. -Haoe the chîtri weur SotS ohouider straps. Weurîng s pack ooer one shouider crin cuuse the chtri to brin o one sida, curoîng the spire and causîng discomfort. Aise, ridiart the sîrrips o the pack fils snugly uganot the chîldos bacS andi Isler the waîst bsft, if the pack Sus ors, t0 dîstrîbate the useîgbt mors soenty If you haoe aoy questions, contuct Dr. dohn Kim ait 905-878-2333 or ut wuwK, Marilyn J. Samuels, BA, BPHE, LLD, LLM Larnyso 11084 Fifth Line, Milton Ph. 905-854-4942 Marilyn J. Samuels Fax: 905-854-5211 Q: 1 ar n volved in litigation with my wif e r cbuld support for our children. Are the legal fefes I ar nmcurring tax deductible? A. fIl yoîu hase been paf-mng chrld support ro four wrf e then she muy dlaimri the sax cieductible lea-gui [aes she rncurrcd îo uchia-s' the- f ollowrng: to colla-ci late support puymnens ro cssablrsh tha- umrocînt of support paymrents lrcom y'ou, to rf' to gel an increuse in support paymrents, or b 10 tri muke chld support non- taxable il* four sepurarcin predaîccl 1997. Untîl recentîf pay'crs of chilI support cocrld foot cluino uny la-gai [ca-s lo ea--îlish, negsuraic. rrr crrntss chrld supposrt pas'ns _fhr nuy ha- iii ihe Inorocs ofi coigiiig su rîh aî rcccrîî jcisîcîn oil Iflie' Fecicrai -Fia. f. rr Ilic Cosurt rn \L, ncilcc Irai a l,îthcî oeil rji nt c uîisicis so(l loir s s iý, tLcl tr i cIit ther icg.i cc-, hc olîcr o ic îsrscîs chîlcl cîppîrr ccii ilorcghe c i aiwsers huadrdier110 liaitcci dcl crc scippor. tIn the partis ular faIss fil flics ss lis' i lisI lia cii a pltî, i otr su ii niýtd l h i ( Iîii sîsîîîo n liW tir ài '(5I ('fI Lit cîtisisîrîrr urillllt scc10 inl sharoci piîcr01110o lilsliii flic s rr ýllpîloLIl( f11luic0 LIrOit cla-s ic- 05si)la il' nic Iic'slO upport10 litil cil lotioh0 fcîig fic r liou is o ,îso', li as) 1cri ru ic o rîcil Support s) lîc tu-1 o criir 1)0hci) lows s&, sî ci licsitir ci h o andîrislii10 hllcs sonli ijn iliii )îu1 ci fli lus' n IF 1111\ li1o lic 'ibisI tri cscist tiocir scg1 t) , Os 11liiili. fil ti isL (ils r, ohîlcd Support Ns'ther pari\ lîossor s.îîî dlîtîi tlug îl iii liri ILi J11 ssç.î.lrî fi Il oisrs' r Iis' î,i O o r ii i OtIlIioi ightîs tri a c 1mb) Hawkins Animal Hfospital F1Debbie Hawkinms B.Sc., DVMI Dooreor of Veterinary Medicine 550 Ontario Street Soruth, Milton (Pizza lHuit Plaza) W4111N Pheane (905) 875-6888 g eeiHweiu Fax (905) 875-6853 PET BEBAVIQUR AND ILLNESS 'lau would ual bc alan., ifai somarîmae you shouehi ihai rira chuuge ru roua pal s rcaasoui usas due îu thupet bcurg'naught, au'han rn iactiihe bhaiour hageuaas a smpiam of rltuuiaaorriitais Muait sommants W sua ar tram cieants irai ahaîr cat is urinarmeg or havrng puops aruund rira flasa, or rira due as making puddles in file kischan or cîsaushara Thora diîminution proSterna souid ba au indisator ai any nurmher of medîsal prohtams. instading a simple uninarv suacti inuciun kudnay disusa or diabolos Spaakîug ai alumînain proSternas anar mrsraad samproma t offiru Sar ai ara 'mn dog's gai bad eas- il -ms sais dugs breath raty tikros' Simpîs pat.L asa prablamas (guas sauld ralata ru intasinal parasitas. atlargn ru iooda or auma allar prohtam an rira Ëasira-rrriaesiual tract, and had breaih saurb Sasad bY gumi diseusa. a rarsan aoarir rrr a lammu% upaur urrurmals tienadn dog. or sur, mas Sahasa qurra rira opposira. acuc lu rira point ai buiug aloounuirraudis or as au agee-suai% rira ara rît or unîred A5 paînul iaaih- auhe or an iuiasiad car an Sa a.\ruciaiugl% prumtf and sau -causa humainsa u IS a ihau plaasaui (fru rais ras in ruirasama ruas Ti hhds laueuaga ruilf sas ru Yu c fic aluuie I Sa pet urehi duush ru Sau suaokai or gu rrr suap ai rira baud Laa sîrokis Il oua is sunar arfu a ruadîsa prabtam grrrug ou. drau oua migbi uiasrls dhrik filal Sal par is simpîs bcaa rue hadîs. and raprrmaud rira pai 11 ,L ji i' 51 uou, , ý tiir' iI,r'Ii 1.r 1u' , 1 - Ini-hiýc rîlsul iris I ruiruau u ordr, ýau ' ., rrrrrm u oa nss Siruilarsarràurruals pcdulririd l krilr finl ll.lsuiuls husrmcsrustlassrard!rrsci\ auargalrirrruldi isîuspi..irrssrrl a unliion rruc salui Sparffrrdisur r i arsaLuc th\srord il'rrýontirilssuiigbll rrs, s rc riîrrr,îrrr Il illîrass Ilrr îou ttiîlsrur pet ric \1rsS 5 1srsu au bc sussul ls rcirunicdi cr [\ ual draguusrs rut rflU asum \lcsrrri k iruu srrr par ruillar 1hruaus rIrn clsa Juras aud airs suintao ,trddct arrdrrrin ciuirtorrurrrIiidru i siîîitJ Illsrrbass' rus surucrrls aout o raie Oui bc li . unras 'r uirin.rinu irrîrirs.draîuils SPEECH AND HEARING CENTRE INC II onne & Rui OIfliveira 311 Commercial St. Suife 109, Milton 905-875-3345 Q t noumu c (ié,r roin f p no l pn i t ial-ihr'r'aii ha uig aid gi-s afiIi. l-iiio sis a rr ifran su' ic îîd tr, i tlg ici i titradir LIcas' d s'rlrrto orr igg 011 deols j oni \ pli o - lisi a iisturo ;ihflo' u.rfuiu'h-isi- a loch rrrg uls t uiririlssir arr rirrli paoli suBIT hcuri rrg lrrsrrrrrroil s tIreleirorraing sot tlic carirrold r Irsllerrîîs lou i ir, ros-:cc trorîr tlle tic.riiog aid unir thei cai pýi-orpcrts toio Lciii s'ai illot'. i Iiscrrorrcc ic ts riririt lî roh g frionît l caringO inrsarumntus i irkiig sur-lu t s kcii the Ici t ndriglt insitrumentsi isctoai aid i toe cariliIuloîîg ied ota o ger huars and braite aiser linoe. Il il us du lisitl srI, scr c f lic tcariarot Irrui thu hcarrog aid, the i hrg tikcîs licuits Inoc c [iiout i ais Auliuoloigisî, J. \V,îu flic caroiotf ru lik-ss'ariross'aicr sug o raold sap Doî Ncil usc nrurilg cîciergo-nis tir allolu NOTE: THE HEARING INSTRUMENTS THEMSELVES MLIST NEVER BE WA5HED! t. tIo remuoc oarstcncc usara rn fihne îuhng iF)' u1-iig a1 mult l pripea o tarci andf genits\ puosh harts anod trrîh lur distodgc ' aroc ruilors' sus. ournsrca). [his aisso sssrks oeil fuir l siouatt sents ru fic c Irrrd, S'Rinsc well sa-iS mutra- i he osaier sari hbc ruo rigbî Lirirgo to hecub to niauc suire rt r-, olar. S e car alui rca-iirorrg ilioiistilre frot laie focîsrrg b>- sng -- un a-ariouo ir b10 losar Asrcisoiogy ohiinru as ma-tf as roi poharnoaocs sa-lf tocac 6. S ara-foati rcoru c fcliîc subis0g t fluicn hcarrng aid cnssiriog prpe ofn rrientaiosn. If ysru hase an>' qua-sions, ptcasc do nom oasitaa- lo culltihie ffa-ray spa-sol anod ffaarig Ca-ntr- o spaai ro ore ait our Audroologîsîs 1,905)875-3345.

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