JEWELLER - GEMOLOGIST AMf ma*ioe CurtMW Gueaobol MARKN BRANCHE CartUd ConMsogIs Milton Mmli 805-870-4387 Q: 50% - 60% - 70% off what... How can 1 be getting the mosi for my money if 1 don't buy it on sale? A.: Il doesn't seemn possible.I l act, the vvhole issue ot prîce has become a litIle confusing. We'd like 10 talk 10 you openly about jeweîlery pnicing. As a jewelleiy buyer, you are faced with many differeni prices for veilhat appears toi be the samne item. Wisely, you want to psy as litie as possible. Yet you know that the lowest price isut slways the mosi for your mouey. 'th/at you realîy wanî îs the Iowest prîce COMBINED WAIT'H QUALITY. But isn't ail jewellery basîcally the same qualiiy? Nothiug couîd bc luiher [rom the trutli WýNhat ls the best kept secret in the jewellery business? .flciîrdtug to studtes. itîî't Peoîplc jtîdgc tbe qutslit% et tcscellen ts ttle prîce. The hîgber the prîce, the better the qualîty Jewellers kuow thîs. They also know that everyone loves a deal. They have found that the easîesî way tu, self jeweîlery is to mark it up high, and offer a big discount. Regardless of the qualîîy It may be the euuîesî way 10 selI jeweîlery, but il sure isut the besi wîay 10 buy it. Donit be misled by iutlated prîces that are always up 10 70% off, or TO70DAY ONLY SALE" sîgus that neyer cornte down. You owe it 10 yourself 10 shop around aud compare qualîîy aud service as well as prîce. For honest value and professional service, vîsîl us DR RON STROHAN - OPTOMETRIST Wakefield Professional Centre 106 WAKEFIELD RD Dr. RouStohan MI LTONONTARIO - L9T 2L8 Optmfotls PHONE: 905-878-5882 , FAX: 905-878-7158 ASSUMI NG YOUR CHI LD CAN LEARN VISION AND LEARNING GO TOGETHER. tf your chitd cant see cleary how coni they tearn ssfth Clairîfy? Untit rocontty, in Mltoas thoro soomod ta, bo a drap in the numbor af children being retorrod tram schoot scroonings. Hat the rocont upswtng in accurrences of vision screonings boos retpastbio for the nimber af chitdren boisg braugt in for oye ouaminafions? Maybo. However if has been aound f haf many schoaf type screesîngs are actualty tiliering t ho test abviaus children wlth passible vitras ditorders and praducisg the probtem at many chiidren being missed tram diagnass af tenis vision and health prabtems because t ho screenisg pracets is using very tîmifod test ing ablties. Schaal screeningt are naf a substitute tar Eyo tEaminatians. Chiidren are fa be tees fty as earty as Ageof Sic Manths fTho Onfaria gavernmenf pravides caverage f hraugh fthe Minisfry at Heath oye evaimînatian tunding for every child ta be examrned yeary tram cge 0oIta19. If il wlt help the childron tee, lears and be awareof their envîrosment thon whtia wautd be ftho issue wth having ci lifi le mare assurance ta havlsg fhe evaminafians? Practisîng naw far aven 30 years, i stîti kringe at tho phrase. *My chîld canstee botter than i cas. Ho/ste dosn't have a problem.! Uffered in repiy fa my questian-DO YOU HAVE ANY CHIIOREN? HAVE 1H00 EVER BEEN EXAMINEOO Or:' Jahnny needs an oye eeam becauso we fEint one eye is turnîng in. TEe ather fiee chîidren, (otten atder) aire too busy ta have an evaminatran. 'Or I wli have ta think about if.' Think abouf whaf2 The weii being of your chiidren'r heaifh and abilty ta seee My silent reply wouid De tho echo of :1 suppose your chiid oras eifher evaimrnod by fthe parenf, the chid knows eueryfhing and maybe oves tho responre. the parent aipparenty tnows if ail" Untarfunaftey if i smote ai tho resposses in a column lite this lamne tako if personctily. So,. Lafet yodrs oft: Faiiowed by, How cas we lxvite How long wil il folie? How muche Ho sie are bury going on hoirdayr' huer sionder why chiidren dcveiop behaviors? If fhey cent scia if 1 suppose they moy have Io guesr! And when do sie decrde sihen belhavior changes? Who feaiches them? Maybe the children are tmarfer than sie thisE, bvt siho knas Financial Literacy Learning Centre inc. Oesmond Jordan, Presideni ( Finally, A Great Alternative to an Equity Mutual Fund! Tscday we wîtt diSetînSSl fa iri ires instîrment thait 1tbtttk \&,it reaily take huîid srsîîîug investors Tht F .1sityAIntked Nite. Ttre fiîst itrîsiii "rîîcote" is. thîs is NOl and irîdcxed-tînked note thai yscs siuid huy ai a hatk. ot an indes tîuked GIC. atîd tl s ltthbu Pritteipat Priitected Notte thai tas teen ptiSdieed sud sîîtd tic irncestîcrs 'tir stars A tîg dîtterense btiseen these îîîstîrrcents is htrie sîîîntîîîîreît aîîd FEES. Face ut. pis cau't pet sîîrîethîîp tir itethiig. These trîsestîrsents are usauutactired li Canadta, t the isestîsieui 'riîs oi thi tanks su ti trust ttsake a proftî. A ttsree yeae nîtte nsitt hase hîphet tees than autre yeae noite Addîug a prittcipal gnatantee xxitt resu>y pife tin tht tees. Cttisideting tte hîddeu ftes, sud ttc dîsappîîrtîug mtarkiets Ili tatt. ses ruaS uit usake uttuti e cx if ttc mîarket flirts ttc nighî way. These uew tîsestintîts are leau oit teces. sîîtîîre iii sîderstaîd. rii tir t year at mîîst, pros de tîquidity aid tequire a stotal suive sp in tte market to give pîsu a sec> hîgb retins Here issua exatîple tif sue that oas retesd 2 weeks ago sud eari te obtaiîted un Milton. Details 1 t eart erni (cari te rîd after 90f daysr *undertyîug index is tte S&P/TSX t60 *300e/t spsîde participationunp tcî 16.1e7 * Kittr/ participation ou the dîiwnide fftf p utc 16.2r tni, n rîsîrî trît muri catisri t iipe s0i [li incrus dus' up tii i inîaxittustc iof 16.r. Il t stc sîk mrket ci îc up 5c, i ciet the reier year, ycîn wîtt cati t15%e It'ttc index is îupt6î/, ytsn are u.apped at t6.2i7t. 100%/ downsîde meaus yon wtli ]ose whaî ttc index foties. It* ttc mîarket faIts 10%, you fatt tif7î.ercc simple. Great alternaive to su equîîy fsud. If ttc market [ails, nsuatty yonr equity fonds [a]]tt 10 If tte market gots Sp 5f/, then maybe the [nd got5 Sp Sf/i ONI.Y. Here's a straiegy tat tas wouiked tisititicat>. Markets tend tsi ciirrect iu ttc Fait, se, bu> tese if ttc index faIts duriîg the SeptemerlOctor permetd wten il's low. These ate svaîlsbte front tocal Insestnscut Advîsors who are ticensed tut taîdle tem. Avusîd the "nte" Vîsîl www.canadianinvestmentsourt i.aior saltt r egîstet. (905) 828-1392 Milton/Oakville Invsmn ous Laser &Cosmetic Centre Judth t. Pinn - Dttnclt 25 Yes Experîene HOW TO GET THE ULTIMATE SKIN TIGHTENING PROCEDURE WITHOUT SURGERY The Tliermage' Pesicedure Ili 1 tf(iiiitiigi luuucii uit to III1lhii ic 1À o l\ i n dttiitcin adlu ,iuiiiicifiuuulln iicý Iii.igt iu'fiiiuciiici nIogiîiiuc li I ir filiai urrîfri (u t iti itiii issus lli tsrîrucîîrrîîu lilli ti.uiuiis' i iilil i i iin f 'uiii imin and tir ihi uîîr*r iliir i f l i ci t î ' î î î î s ' u n i . n n unotif iii mmii ljvnis ni ik i îtî n, îtîri ilgi l. 'sun i lo .îî i ci nîî i i su i lit sk ol ' Ilii plotim ud tir toi Ili, u I l u ' 'n i u ni i IIl c i iý r1 s i1 ll auic'iininiiir i ui t Illi ii no ii Ilits, ilic tIiii. Iiiii g., uu ittuuu s11,c alouii il niiut5i i rucan i tcuil ad i %iliiIi c uînînru \ tII i n ii i fil iii co ino doi ii ncuu fi uil.,iî u an iiliilil. Il(,%\u rol-us îîîîîî lus t' Icuii i ,îîîîiîiîu iiii~ .rnsil iliiiitciiii lic. ,îîîîîîî' tckîîî.îîîîiîînII rrîîiîuîisrruîînîîîrrîsrurîîîru.îîuh fiihlviiit i oiliifiiiiilit.u1iirîrsi\i inih' ii ii ong1iuI.iiii miii iii \ n iii rrtn ii o an i , iig iiilge(11l.pu o od o Sce us ont wws.dailyss' E-mail us aI electrolysiscollegefor 905-864-0000 69 main st. E., Unit 9, \tiltoît\îiîîitt liiiuîlSrru hitp://w ww.ecctasei.ea Elayne M. Tanner B.A., B.S.W., M.S.W., R.S.W., OlP. SOC. AOM. Counselling & Psychotherapy Milton (905) 854-0801 Elayne M. Tanner www.etasolutions. com Q.: My 6 year old is starting grade one this year. Do the dynamics in our family impact him? A.: Ai thrce yeirctîdy ias tirose thar thcrt arc urne 31 fraik types. Tcev examined ttie imrpact rt thesc retils types on h vcar old 'Sud rets scial arrd enituî,rîa deveiuîpruvrt and rtadîtess fr school. flir thrcc rrpcs of femîtue arit: t. Enmeshed 'This taliriil cs ovrscy emî,tîî,rîaiî itrîuived u'îth ewch ther. Thur art mtdding suith a lur t (ifruîrrrn and sunistie. Tht chidret tvmn ths ripe ut taoîil havt an crruttusa îuîorarsrts hsecase theu hast iearsed tic rtf>' on uthers ru suive their proities. Thet doi not fier airog oeil wrth uither cttîdres and frod soirea situations dittrîsif. Their inseccrtu leater them ussure atout their idettu 9. lttseugaged This ramriv type us the opposcte rît the enmetted tsmîily Otttets du nrit taikto ruach ,thtt. sommsuication is pour and interactions are cotd. Tht ternit> mecohers at consrîîing and emuttreattu withdtawu. Communication ut mîrtt utter negatrue. Ctiidrnttaised in thîs type ut tsmity espetiesce hetgtrteoed leteis ut deptessiou. arrsuets asd actîng out afigressîse tehvsiot. They tend tri ht i oscure and du nt ratE about thcircmtion, Thtse chridrcri dt ras\ rargercrurr pttr presturtdarcircii h idi ng il hi o surf bas tait. 3. Cuhesise This s the tamriy tyrt tri strite tut. Interaction in thîs tacttu is tarmuontus. There is emotiouai suarmt and the rîtes are cteat aud flexible, There are defiicd niles tut patents and lrt srildret. Chidren fitus up teelinug supprsrted. ctutîdent. strotg and resitrent. Thti' tetieve sn themseices and teel usottushite. This tamîlv type taises tndcpeudeîît vusg aduits that are abte ru testst peer pressure. These cidran ssii ashiete goals aid abte to resîst drugs sud uther sett trtini tehasvurs. This study tuund that the trildren suho dr, weii in tht first test ut schooi conttnue ru du weil thtuugtuut tîte sud ste mtote abte ru deat u'îtt trautuatît ctiidhood events. Etatot 'Tanner tani te "îlo fsmis'co to l p sui gel sud stai on track: tri taise tesitts cittdrený 5HE LPI1N G YO0U H E LP Y0U R SE L F HJalton His Speech Cnr Dvso t M~ re Su(n Siesie Sp S Lawetlg PtueSS5rtttiiorDoa Youfr C47ùwgPdamrs. .."t Northiview Centre, 211 Guelph St., SuiteS5, Georgetown (905) 873-400 -wwwhltonspeechcom Q:. Mv wife has trouble taking pills. How con 1 hetp? A ttisutrc t11ki1r2 pis is a sersý sîinioni pcctteiu tr ses\ertil ifrttctent teisons. 1 llie tilts dont goi disii Ait prit sittts te tiuketri til litîiis. Il les tt leasi i sup oi liqii ttr t]tîrt Il pisl thrsiet tsi tte stotrnach. Fi iîii Ilit b hecI 111111L sîtrre st.îudîrte PUIls should neser lie gisen lsVing dom rn. t) Tic' is aco ir s i,it iith citt pttai riats st i i l flic P senti scutedl Noairt ii îi",tri te 'ritstet as itre- uiiit. 01iside 0l tire uIiac ni trlac ltee a utii itiar srep, itîcîti lirezkitiie itouni h tl the\ iti lie ci Ilcitiss \cts siiittstraci lit if tIrlestste ci C;1rih t )(1 titi t ýutu î. Puinsf g ti ic t'reir cii tft.î il tîsies et li 'lt [le stusied !Iss Il ,iliere i, a .îstitiet \vis ionter aî liuid iersliîil t î îîise casier Iii tîke.I il îttrs nu i ci shie, tri okii [tie prlH cir vî iciý tîîîd [lie tiltiîi fis' îîe v.teîir ittoirtll(Iiitr put Nr îchirt îtî)sî t0,Ii iîs sî(),Il elles( andi su.îiiîîî cerd. Sý\ic autiniîri tî ilhfe riiiiei r t tilts (bal tîei to ie tîlaketi ili tictie sttiik%Itl tif rutoii aîîît/sî îrts.îîîrî,îs.s Srretîrries rire ococa tfle.iliii r t i ilts (o rnc aîrss da\ titilîtet it rt ntrs t tIle ties j a LOUl aIý JI Cjljjj_1edflon iiiiitIo c1îlr'îiec, 'huit dii ig l' hrs able Ili sfiatrîte irîrî rtte\ ire IaIketi Sîrisl pli, iii te takeir i i u foin) Asc if thir tîsqîîîs caî lie tîrîseil îîîiî i jicc ol i t ila i i ste hetienIf i, lit , r îctllo e aniii îîrîjtes.r tled5 is'ic 1Is fi take tilts changes yourseîl' î ittîtrîi cs'îrsîiîr s rt dtori ii cttrisîr tfîsr e die els' Iîs tii e.îcfîîîîs'îicîtîîr Read the labels ssi the billes aîîd tlI sîilh ytur pharniacisi. to ut îjlie i ii.rii ani li cliii on iiii i: îiîtïuIsîies frcare siitts Isle tilrir 'titis Sfrce'si ('sitî uni a S15î's'.ii i itiesiac2e Pthtrîhreî5 îîîîlît irs tains> ris t'tp i r 17), n cs