Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Aug 2010, p. 18

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L - - .1 r- F1 ! ~r , L JL1L o- ~VMtro1andl IWEST MEDIA l Niagara titis Waak, a division of Metoland Media Croup Ltd. bas an Immediate oponing for an; ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Reportîng to the General Maniager, the Adver- tîsîng Dîrector is responsîble tor establîshing, dîrectîng and managîng the Advertîsîng efforts tor Niagara Region. n thîs rois yos wiIl establish sales goals and marketing strategies in accordance with overaîl bssiness objectives. In doîng so, yoo will create a climats of innovation whils fostering positive rslationships wîth carrent occounts snd workîng with the sales team in dsvsloping 05w bssiness. Yos wîll motîvats aIl team members by commonîcotîng and oopporting a compslling and înspirsd vision and 05055 of cors purpos throogh provîdîng direct, complels snd 'ac- tionobis' fssdback lu teom membero. To succeed in thîs rote yoe wil nsed t0 under- stand th1e intricacîso0f sur markvts and th1e impact of competîtîvo forces. Yo wîll hans a minimum of 5 yearo soperience inv soales/ marketing management capacîty and wit pos- ses he foitowing competencîs Bosiness Acomen -Managîng Vision ond Porpose -Polîtîcai Soooy -Innooatisn Manage- ment - Effective Tesm Building - Manageriai Courage -Deoeiopîng Direct Reports - Direct- îng Others If you wouid lîke to work for a leader in te media indostry thîs opportui msy be rigit for you. Ws offer a competîtîne compensation ayod benefît package as weIi as opportonîfs for fo- tors corser growth. If internsted please tnrward Vour resume te ne Inter than August 14th, 2010. Ws appreciate th1e intereot of ail opplîcants nowensr only thos siectsd for an interview wîli be contacted. No phone catis or agencias piease. »A L / AUIO7 kkÀ2 iglVIDEO FULL TIME RETAIL SALESPEOPLE Yoo must enjoy serving and satisfyîng costomero, exhibit work ethic, valses and intergri and also'be confident in yoar abîlîties. LONG TERM CAREER Base Salary, Commissions, Bonoses, Extensive Benefits, (manofactorer's pointa program & trips), SPIFFS, Managementlraining. 3350 Fairview Street, Burington Ken Phone@ (905)637-2003 Fax@ (905)637-5705 Burloak and QEW 3715 Wyecroft Road, Onkville Lake Phone@ (905)631-2003 Fax@ (905)469-0661 2431 Trafalgar Rd., Oakvil le Basil @ Phone (905) 257-5701 hrdept@2001audOidOcm OatcviIIe Tnday has an opening fur a part-ilime COPY EDITOR to edît cepy sobmîlted for publication, enoore that copy os accurate, tîmely, and reflectîve of readers' needo, and meeto company standards and ideals of clority, accuracy, objectivity, and faîrneso. Position Accountabitities' # Proceso copy for typesetting, - Edît copy as needed - correct style, apsllîng, grammar oyntao, ponictuation, clsrity, accuracy, faîrneos, lîbeloos statemento. and general readlability. - Design and dummy opscific edîtorial sections for publication and moni prodaction for foclual, typographîcal, and rechoicai errora. - Ensors that ait edîlorial copy (s consistent wîth laws and gaîdelînes for lîbsi and olonder by maîntaînîng a cisar undsrsrannî'ng of thre applicable laws. - Esrablîsh 0n0 marnrain prnfîre and ois rafi in the cnmmunîry. Competencies/Skills and Experience: " Confident. ssloiate te nm prayer " Able to work in a last-paced deadlîne orivn env.rnnment " Thnrnugh undersîanding of regularions and egîslamon concering lbei, prinocy. and fresdom nf informarion " Workîng knnclsdge nI Adobe tnDesgn, In Copy. and Pnorosop " Eopsrîsnce in onlîne publishing inclnding nîdeo, an asser. " Minimum 2 years copy edîror eperience. Ail înterested candidars shooid forward theiu resume oy Augunt re6ts, 20r0 to Fax: 905-632-0308 Hennîgs Automotîne Scheiel Canada nc, os a progressine manufacturer of perîmetrr sealîng systemu used by the autnmntine and buiiaing/cdnslructior industries We hans an immediats opsnîng for oný INJECTION MOULDING TECHNIC IAN The candidats cul haos a minimum of 5 ysars of eopsrîencs in the field of Plastic Injection Mooldîng in an automotîne manufaclurîng envîrooment. Responoîbîlîtîes wîli include bot are 00f lîmîtsd 10: -The set-up, start-up and tear-docn of plastic intection mouldo -Ciptimization 0f mouiding procesa *Prenentatîns Maintenance & Trouble Shootîng - Commîsoîonîng of nec mouldo The saccesofol candidats shahl hans a dîpioma or certificats of quatîfication as an Injection Mooldîng Technîcîan, Please send resumne to: Human Resources Administrator, Henniges Antomutive Schlegel Canada INC. 514 South Service Rd., Dakvitie, Ont. L6J 5A2 or e-mail: Only those selected toroan interview wîl/ be contacteS. PARI-TIME .E EMPLOYMENT MILON OPPORTUNITIES The Town of Miltonis Community Services Department is currently acceptîng applications tor the following part-tlime positions: " Children's Program Instructors " Concession Attendants * Customer service Representatives " Fitness Instructors * Public Skating Patrollers & Cashiers If yon are interested in ny nf these positions or ieoitld tike more information pleose visit th1e Careers section of the Towons webs île at -Speind ïoo rpuc'h,.time i n.traàffic?.- Get -out of the r-at Ii~' get into Watelootgion join us for an ev.niegwith tecb firms fromn Waterloo Reg1onjincIuding.Chrnotre, Ii3$ 1EV, DALSA, Desir4lLerarn, Ecqnorniral Insjirance Group, Karos Health, Miovision, Nuvatlon,.Procom, Research I n Motio'n, Tstbo. nd more.,~ Tueaday, August ti, 2Ô010. --, 7:00 p.m.,-9:00 pifs, Teatro Conferenc* & Event'Centre Rialto Roomn, 121 'Chishoîm Drive,,MiIcon, Visit waterlootechjobs.*com ta register 550+ tech firmnsI 200+, aVe f-n.ý w~rIot~chjbs.IV AZ DRIVERS NEEDED Local Sehmserues Cînan abstract. 40 hnurs, viee S21,50/ hoor Cali Phil 905-822-7776 ext.103 Tobok.0u casife ad GREAT JOBS PRODUCTION ASSOCIATES nesded in the MILTON area $12 plus AIl shifts avaîlable HCR Fax:905-876-4090 TeI:905 876-4661 310 Main St E. Ste. 205, Milton www.hcrca CLASSIFIED E-MAIL dassoedhàtmsearcc INTERNET- wwv.budingfonpostcom s rscroiting for appros 50 merchandîsers for Shoppers Drui MarI in Georgetown. t-monith Contract for September Retaîl soperience prsferred (merchandising). Interviews beîng held Augusf 1111h -121h. Pieuse emal resume ASAP to. Mark 'GEORGETOWN'in oubject lins. Saiary TBD. Please do tnt contact store directif. s a premier manufacturer of processed fruit and segetables. Located close to Hîghway 4011 in Milton, we are currently ueekitg: LEAD HANDS If ycsu are looking for an eocîtîng position workîng hands-ont wîth four crew to meet pro- duction targetu wîthîn a opecified tîmelîns and. *You hans supsrnîsory soperience in a food manufacturîng plant * You pouseus genera ktowieage ot food manufacturîng equîpment înciudîng Form, Fi and Seul, and GMPo * You are organîzed and sîf-motînated * Able ro cork fleorble hours inciusîng nîghts and oveeendo *Able Io work in a rnfrignroreo enirnmenr * Hans your on Iransporiar or * Musr be it vn Englîsir T.ýir an0 hc,,iy csr oferin asearrn.nauo c sK ennîrcrr0rril mmeO noteiyr11 pcf r le wage1 cneii1 5 r c en,s oý cc-. r.,i1y u1 ree r y--, ec t'e abo unyb r,1,ei05rO s rnai ýr ax1, Fsfrecuilment(q tresrst,-rlnou 1m 905-878-9010 1 zier z- SCHOOL BUS RUNS - IDEAL FOR PART*TIME PERSONS * Free training, Competî)ive wages " Train on sma)) or large vehiCles * Extra earnings avai)ab)e wvith charter work EXCELLENT PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT FOR: * Retirees * Mothers/Housewives " Stay at home fathers * No babysitters needed - your chi)d rides wvith you Green Thumb Landscaping is hiring! Experîenced mainrenance posirions avoîtsbie Appty in pnrson 3077 Guelph cine Mon-Fni 7am-Spm Fax: 905-335-23r6 Emîl infoco' greenthumb onco I Residentaîl ICleaningî I Compe os nag Nn nights ceskonds, honaays Caîl 905-847-2210 or email resume: I n Milon, IFus tme, $11-1311 I 1 & 2 shifts anail IPad kly Em1resues o recru tung eclipseadvantage ncom Customer Care Representative Are ynu enthus astic carir; airS oepenc00re. cr111 a passionr for c.,sicmer sers ce0 Woc 5 yoc enjfor a)pporturity a a mpany irat truly apprnciaies riei sailý Are ecco a eai professional" Tire rcsa ors Sale o ii have corkeS in an office envirnm cri ihave eceiiefl verbao and crîtten cmmur. 5h00, ski s, be computer savoy anrd Se oeil organizeS. Ync ciii be responsbie for a5sf lng cuolomero cilS their needs, schedur ng iochnîcîans and pron ding a support funcio sIo ivrie sîspatci 01ea Ws hans on excelmerit comipensarion package for quoilivo candidates, No agenc1 s please, Fax your resume te 905-829-9519 or E-mail A quiet propsrty in Milton reuores a part-lime relief superîntenoent couple. 9-r2 das par moni includes 1 day per ceek plus enery other ceekend. Resp, ic. month-end cisanîng. cuotomer service, maintenance, administration. Training is pronîdsed & compensation inctudes a Ir e"urtm nt Perfetfora, retird ou I Type ot Wnrk: Door-odo necopaper delînery For Milton -Tuesdays and Thursdays Yen Need: Strong sense of commîlment & rssponoîbiîty. We otter: As many routes as you can handie. Training & un-goîng communications & support, To explore, contact Jack Maliai at (416) 902-0914 rEmployment opportunities The Town of Oakoîlleis s 00W acceptîng applications from qualifieS indînîduais înterested in pursuîng tati smpioymnent opportunîtîns vvîth Aquatics Services in the Recreamnn and Culrure deporrmenr Positions are avaitable in the following areas; Seasonai Senior Insnrucnor Guaro Senior Instructor Guard Head Instructor Instructor Guard Slîde Atrendanr Cashier Aquatîc Firness Instructor Babysîtter1 Avaîlabie positions, requirements application instructions and term of empiovment ors aîalabie online at Deadline for application submissonsi Friday. August 6. 2010. MOOING FOR A CHALIENGING & REWARDING EMPIOYMENT OPPORTNITY?-- u The YMCA of HaMilton/Burtington/Brantford 1 is offeritg part-ttme positions provtdtng tcensed 1 1 cars tu childmen betaet tIrs ages uf 3.8-12 ysars.I IThe successfol cardidates cil)l be enthusiastc creatine, cbild focused and abLe to wurA wittin a 1 fissible ocheduls. Reoposibitifes incud fruntîi 1 I supervision of chitdrer as weg as, program deoelopmert, administrair ard woring as part ofu the YMCA School Age Child Cars team. If ysu: I*Haae a dip[oma rn ECE, ChiLd and fouth or Recreatior Org have two or more years soperience woritg with ichildren in a recreaition or cbild cars setting 1 * Are 18 years ot age or older Ptease complets tIrs job application foin o o ur cebsite and emai( w ith your resume and coner (sUter to I or mail. tai: tSA(C JOBS cc o on Edwards Famity YMCA I i 500 Drury Lane Burlington, Ontario L7R 2112 I or I c/o Hamilton Dsotown Fami[y YMCA 1 1 79 James Street Southt, Hamitton, Ontario L8P 27I1I I c/s Brantford Family YMCA 143 Welington Street, Brartfnrd, Ontario N3S 3Y8 Betakaitose whoac lid; r l Latfe L---------------------- j

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