O0PINIONM Getting much Iess for your insurance buck Cnticsfind serîousflaws in changes to Ontarîo insurance industry You probably receîx'ed the notice in the mail over the past two weeks talking about changes to the Ontario insurance industry that will gise you more choîce." You'll get choice ail righî. You'll gel the choice to pay more for the same level of coverage you currently gel in your existing policy. Receoîly the Financial Serviccs C -ommîiissiori uf' Ontario (ESC O), which reg- ulates the losurante inclus- try, aioutîncedl rate approvaks that \vhile holding rates fiat in the short ternm, signal the heginning of a sîg- nificant reduction in cover- age levets starting ïïn September. Ontario auto premium rates have increased an aver- age of 15 per cent in t'wo years, and more than 20 per cent at some companies. When Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty came to power in 2003, he promised to, reduce insurance premi- ums by 10 lier cent. Another broken promise? The government has passed regulations to enact automobile insurance reforms effective September 1. It dlaims the reforms will provide consumers with more choice and flexibility to purchase coverage that best meets their protection needs and budgets. The Ministry of Finance, which oversees FSCO, dlaims the new reforms will stabilize the market and drive down rates. But critics of the new reg- ulations are pointing out serious flaws. "Consumers are essen- îially paying about the same for insurante, but are getting much less protection," said D)ale Oirlando, presideol of Ille. tf1loîî ti r ial ,'\ ci Assuttlion. "For example. on suint cases mincal and reliabîlîta- lion cuverage is heîog reduced frin $ 100,000) lu $3,500. With sucb a dramnai- ic decrease in tuverage withb out a torrespoding rcdtic- lion io premîium, \vcca only expect a corresponding increasc iniilstiier profils. VVhai cuînstlners biasenit been bold is ibat îhev o ill face large preim inlortases alter Sepitcinhe)r 1 ibes,tbtttse lu biy options dit ta\s nulto to ci reslrc ieu protet ion lo utrreîînesl -ibe Inscîrantt lhîrtcau uf C anîada claînîis tusis for ii stiranice basvc risco or O)ntarioîu tltî lhe h1igbi oumiber ut cusîls claimns. Frank Kecs, MEt0 for Newmarkeî Atîrura, sug- gests the goveromexîl crack clown oîn the numiber of peu- pie driving wiîhou onsur- ance. He estimates there are between 400,000 to 800,000 uninsured Ontari o drivers. "For every person whîî doesn't pay premiums, it places a burden on the resi of the pool," he said. The Conservative MPP has put forward a resolution asking the government to develop a systemn ta check the status of insurance when plates are renewed. "lnstead of fiddling with coverage, they need to make sure drivers are paying for insurance, and put a system in place that can validate coverage in real lime. Tou many people are scamming the system." Now theres an insurance reforma that makes sense. Readers Writeu X], 111,S t.hewrite' iiiiie oand] ji ne n ixc St. PauI's debate doesn't belong in letters section DEAR EDITOR: seseral s'crs ago a t cîîch bin Millton %svas înoulvecl in a diffbculî clebale abut w0heiber 1(1 seli ihe chîîrcb pirupcrly and musve lu a cliflerent location. As ici be cxp)ecîed, there wverc icleas on bcîîh sides. Unfortunatel, buib sides aired their laundry in letiers to the Chiampion. ht seemed thai eacb cdi- tion of the papier had a letter stupport- ing une side, fcîllowed by an opposing leiler in the nexi edition. Some of the ccmments printed were cînkind and sometimes very un-Christian. It seems ibat the Chiampion is on the verge of falling into the saine trap aIl over again with lettiers outling the 5'ievs uf s arous cburcb inec'nbers un iuu regular a hasts. -fleic îoîflioi is obliged Ici publish tovon councîl nesos, thurch fires, etc. tiowes'er., the lc'îters tu the editor sec- tion shulc bc oui of bounds soith regard tu ibis particular debate. li flot a inembel)r of St. Faul's, or evien a memiber ut the United Church. Tbe internaI malters and conceros of St. Pauls are none of my bu.siness. I cao only hope and pray that what- ever contenlioris issues being experi- enced arc resolved in a quiet and hutm- bltng mariner. RICHARD MILLS MILTON Theft of flower pot extremely upsetting DEAR EDITOR: i l'm wriîing Ibis letter with a very heavy heart and disappointment. i My family and 1 moved ta Milton one-and-a-half years ago and have absolutely loved this town and the peo- pIe - until last week. We came home from work one evening ta, find one of our flower pots stalen from aur front entrance. To us the plant had sentimental value, as it was given ta us only recently by a very dear friend. The fact that someone could acîually walk up la our house and steal the plant baffles nc'. l'm asking the persan who îcîok the plant ta please return it and restore aur trust in the people of Milton. ZILLA DIAS MILTON Zbe canwMîn Qf0ampion Milton's Community Newspaper Since 1860 555 IndustnialDr., Malton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Editoriat Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertiaing Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 wvww.miiltoncanadianchampon.com V.P. - Group Publisher Neil Oliver Regional General Manager David Harvey General Manager Debbr Koppejan Editor in Chief Ji Das Managing Editor Production Manager Tim Coles Circulation Manager Charuene Hall Office Manager Sandy Pare The Canadian Champion, published every Tuesday and Thursday, in a division of Metrotand Media Group Ltd. Advettsing rs acoepteo on tho conrrdton thatî n the evn fa typoqraphooar error that porton of the adverris ryr pac eouapodtry the etoeorut emn togetflerwith a rearooable ariowance for signature wi flot be charged of, but the tairr o f othe avertisrreet w1 ne pair for aýteap r rat The pblse resefves herqht to êÇ B CCAB Audited à ocna Ont ommonity LOlnl Newstrapers Asociationr Canadian tommurrty C N Nwppr Association SuubnNewspapert of' Ame ri Ha*o Healthcar 1 Lt OMEIê cige Bel Fund MI LTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE UIEDWAvà OF MILTON CANADOA LtAY ' VYMCA ATHiVA Acards Thc OakvIe KfiQo "GALA Award.,s îP C The Milo C ariahan thmon s a Reycal Foh ticL