'Challenging 0 owi i'AùL>L 011ý page ïÀi, ketbali as a s'oungstcr mneans sbc bas bettcr .- hand-eye co-ordination, bail skills and a shot <than many other women," explained -~Gregory who guided the Mississauga team to Stheir dynamite debut at the nationals and 'often plays alongside bis wife on various 2mixed teamns. rt Quart admits she thought the sport 'm iooked a littie scary the first time out. And zthats bardiy a unique initiai reaction to Scanoe polo, given that kayaks slam into each Sother tbrougbout a match and players are Sfrequentiy tipped - or pushed - over by 8opponients. IWitb that in mmnd, the ability to right one's self quickiy - and get back in the play -is paramount to a team's success. That's sometbing Quart bas made notice- Jable improvement at in the past year, but stili needs some work on. "There's some very specific techniques to it and ifs got to be done effortiesslyý I'm stîli Snot 100 per cent yet. its one of those things that you can't even think about, you just bave to do it." sport: Quart Sr. Sox cap regular season cci tainly fielcd li ox ni ni Qucbcc - lollow- ing Up an impressive teamn quailying cam- paign with some cxccptional passing and rock-soiid positionai play. Tbis served as an effective complcment to the fierce attack of captain Tamiyn Bohm, who'ii be representing Canada at the world cbampionsbips nexi month in Milan, Itaiy. "Sarah's got great game sense. She knows where the bail and hier teams are at ail times and is aimost aiways in the right place at the right lime." While quite prominent in many areas of the worid - like the U.K. and Australia - canoe polo is stili virtuaily unknown across North America. That, Quart noted, makes for some pretty vocal reactions when people happen upon a tournament like the one on the Beanuharnois Canai. "is like What the heck is going on there?"' she quippeci. 'But thats how we pick up a lot of playcrs. Kayakers happen to catch a game and tnstanilv wvant to iry it out.i ar i bc a nicrvc xx rac kinig sport, but is rcallx- fini with double-header split The Senior Red Sox haven't been able to ht was an entirely different story in ganiu buiid up much in the way of momentum two, as Gianbrook heid their hosts to fotur over the course of this year, but head into bits and prevaiied 5-0. the COBA piayoffs with a fair amount Scott Mclrach suffered thc loss, of that - having won four of its ai/~ surrendering il hits and four walks, five regular-season games. in a tough complete-gamne ouirg The most recent of these came Milton began the weekend wiîbi at Brian Best Park Sunday after- a 6-1 win over the Mississaciga noon, where Milton thumped the Twins Saturday Glanbrook Grizzlies 8-2 to kick off a e ) Tennant heid them to five bits over doubie-header. Workhorse Ian Zettie went the distance, scatterîng six bits and two earned r-uns over seven innings, whiie the Red Sox out-hiit their guests 9-6. Stepping into the desîgnated bitter role, Lîiam Tennant ciuhbed a two-run homer and added a bases-ciearing double to cash in five runs. Kevin Cooper accounted for the rest of the scoring with a three-run borner. the full nine innings, whiie Adam Milis highiighted the oflence witb a two-run dorc- hie. Steve Lauzmn ccntrrbuted a pair of bits, Finishi« the regular scason ai i12-13-1 the Red Sox begîn thc initial round of dou- bie-knockout playolis ibis weekend. -i bot first opponieni had ycî t l e determinccl at press time. COBAs final four surviviug teams xviii clash at Briats Bcst ncxt wcckcud fcor the' leaguc championsbip. Explosive start to Founder's Cup Presenting Sponsar A Som e K, ili 0 W oAI erfI Firewarks Sponsor 410% Theuerhu! aub oiDeloitte (Wl~ ~ ri, n. su %ry Celebration Labour Day Weokend, September 3rd to 6th, 2010, Spencer Smith Park, Butiington, Ontario Came ta Canada's Largest Ribtet, Sept. 3 -6, ot Burlingion's beautiful Spencer Smith Park. Celebrat- ing its 1 5th anniversory, Canada's Largesi Ribf est off ers kids' activities, an amozing line up of lite musical actt, und, of course, great ribsl On Friday, Sept. 3, came oui and see the fireworks and granve ta the music of John Ellison, writer of the 1967 classic sang "She's Same Kind af Wonderf ni." De sure ta follow us on Facebook, and visit CanadastLargest Ribf est.com ta tee why Canado's Lorgest Ribf est is fun for the whale family. 'tl Il i ,.îî i i gît i lim ii l it III proivinc ial cbiaiispiotisipl \%rni tht cc nrgbis c'arir 1 t ban O'Connor ancie hcitaltin 11lis1ý lulciig', cngos cd a Loitiîariiîg stantI 1i ic I îîuiictsk (up li'i k bi îîidg, Rýcd1îixx ý', 1 7 - ()'(kuuîî o i .l i ic 11t( an \ýiiit paii uîfi a li, t \ S. 111,11 f ]î li l t hc' Rciax o 11 ai ngit, gu al until xxiii iritu tilt, iiic p ci 1111 i)ug'. cont i nucci tlic uai 110,1 Jri. 13 clbiliupiînsbip1 tot- rnmiît îipi.5ititlic s csIci as (c\(ciliiîg îgaiiis (Ilc k gr \iîiiiillailicci's Ilci îiccî i ak I 1 Deloit __Uucer/Morrls I_- Budnogtm Ibst aim e It s flot too late to become a part of this ACCEssU fan tastic marketing opportunity! THEDOINONsssW TAKINGVENDOR BOOKINGS NW CALL FOR DETAJILS! QRATTIE 'SNAKE McLEAN-SHERWOOD For mor n rorniiirrîoni corntr ______________________________1_11__ PARTS RENTAi & SUPPULES ini 8bf1iO l7 2,4 Ethan O'Connor 18 Rib Teums 1 (rafts More thon 25 Musical Acts Kids' Activities 1 Free Admission Fireworks en Fridoy Night et 11 p.m. 0