TrechnicaVSldlte TechniaVSkilted Sales Oppartunitiesl Trades Trades STAMPING PLANT Is Hiring: *Die Makers D ie Set-Up *Die Designer *Brake Press Programmers Lots of Over-Time Compehhtve Wagea Fax resame: 905-336-0272 FI FAMILV Lac Civrk. The isSeai canaiuate ciil be ex prencea i amîly law, w tr i kou cdge of couri prvcecures, Oîvorcermate ana el ana înteract cv ii cîti clients. Exc e1ent saisatr & beniefits. Send te- smrie ti: sharon@haber iaweue.cvmn REQUIREOI IGenera/I offce duiso Mothave Ouick- LIkeIenaij Construction know/edge an asuet. Fax Resumeto 905-336-0119* BARBECUES GALORE la lookîng for career mînded enthusîaatic SALES PEOPLE w/ refait sales esper. Barbecaes Gatore offera the beaf ratait prsdacts, hours :eOKEER Reqaîred for Constraction Company George- town Area. One office position, very professional organized person. EXPERIENCED REOUIRED 0 Simpfy Accoanfing é Payroll, Dedaction, Governmenf Remiffances é Payables/Receivables f Progrens Cerfificates a MS Office Email: ffor Tuesday MONDAY AT 11 AM for Thursday WEDNESDAY AT 11 AM Please cail 905-878-2341 or 905-632-4440 fax: 905-876-2364 9>j_ A hayGeorgetown Automotve Dealership ha s need of a matare, organized self-starter for the permanent The applicant mast enjny working with cas- tomera and have encellent tetephone skills on a matti-line phone system. Applicant sboald have some computer akilîs and he able toi ac- carately close cash and balance sales reports, knowledge of R& R system heipfl. Apply fo: CONCEPT FORD INC. 361 Gaelph Street, Geor getswn Fax: 905-873-3309 , Attention: John Haden ihaden@concep! V ~Part time Hep Wanted Georgetown Chevrofet tnc reqaîres a receptionistl cashier two eveninga per week and alternate Saturdays. Applicant shoufd be familiar with point of sale ter- minal and switchboard. Clerical and computer knowtedge as wef f as protes- sionat courtou peopte skilîs would be an asset. Please rlptoi t.. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Reqaîred immediately for hasy track dealership. Must have A/P experience and excellent communication skills. Alpt Il resume tai: SHEEHANIS TRUCK CENTRE 4320 Harvester Raad Burtinglan, ON L'I 5S4 ar tas: 905-632-4557 ar emait: Sales Oppartunities Sae Oppartunities1 Milton Nissan lis Growing We base immediate openings for 3rd & 4th Year Apprentices & Class A Technicians We offer competitive wages, asd medical & dental coverage. Please torward yaur resume ta: ar tax ta: 905-875-3216 FORMULA ,---cMEIA CROUP Carguide * Wart af Wheets e Canadien AutaWartd a Baatguide a Baating Business Parts e West af the City a Ideat Hame Ose of Casada's teadisg pabtishera of csnsumer and basinss magazines, asd a division ut Metrstand Media Group Ltd., has immediate openinga for. ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVES Carguide & Boatguide ts thîs rotie, yoa witt be castsmer fscased and witt baitd ntrong retationohîpa wîth new and enîsting clients by evaarîng that their advertising needo are met for eîther Cargaîde Magazine and Trade Shows or Boatîng Pablications, Boating Trade Shows, and websites. Yos wîll anderstand the importance of actîvely prospectinig for new basineas and presentîng advertîsîng opportuoîtîea at both the client and agency level. Vos are goal orîented, resourcefal and drîvîng in meeting and esceedîng regalar publication sales targets. To qualîfy for thîs position, yoa need 10 he motîvated, independent, and a self-starter. lvi addition, yoa wîll posseas excellent wîîttvn and verbal communication skîlls and be famîliar wîth Microsoft computer applications. If you woald lîke to work for a leader iv te media îndustry thîs oppontunîty may be rîght for yoa. Se oSier a competîtîve compensation and henefît package as well as opportovîities for fu- ture cameer grvwth tf interested ptease tarward yaur resame citing "Farmuta Media Graup - Carguide ar "Farmula Media Graup - Baatguide' in subîect uine, na tater than September llth, 2010 ta: taurette.maharai@metratand ,cam Ste appreciate the înterest of aIl applicants however only those oelected for as interview wîll be contacted. No phone calta or agencîva please. ArVou Iooking for a fast-paced, creative and chalienging work environiment? il so. is Iooking for you! Outside Sales Representative.- (5 positions available) Wagî ard Merrolaod Media Croup carrvorly hase an excellent oppoîruniry for Fise (5) ulîide Sules Representatives to loir out tram wrîhîn differeoit rerrîlrres of Meîroland West (Hatsn, Hamiron, Woaterloo. Guelph, aod Niagara). The bîand, a leadîog Canadiar onilîne uaîly des> destination, offert amazing deals arvatisus rerarfersin Canada, We delîsver grear offrs by assembl ing a grosp of 'Wagiaggers" vith combîned purchasirg power. The Outside Sales Representaior wrîl rorroduce yod self's dally desl marketing solution ru local strai] and medium sizrd busînesses on their deflord rerrîrory, chule achiesinig aggressîue revenue taigris The Ouside Sales Represenrarive wiii also service ard grna accousr by managitg client relarîonsbîps before, dsrîng, and afrer the featred offert are preserred on sur cebsire, THE POStTtON: * dentify and cold caîl prospects ro deselop sec business *Negotiare and strucrure sales agreemenis *Develop and buîld srrong relationshipswcîrf clients R espvnd promprly Ici sales enclumres, and provîde rborough customer foiloc op *Contact adontnisers regardîng campaîgo optîmîvarron, grvwrh strategies, and opporrunîrties ABOUT YOU: * t-5 years experience un sales/accourt management wîrh a proues histot1 vi achîevîng and surpaseing sales targets é Eoperience in online or media sales preferred * Srrong negoriarion, presenrarion, and telephone skîls 0 Experience rn, and hîgh comfort irvel cîrfi, cold caliîng Io develop ses business s Soiîd organîsatirnal and lime management skîlls * Abîfîty Ici work in a fast-paced, dead-lîne orrented ervîronment * Strong critten and verbal communication skîlls * University or College Segree a defint vaset - Valîd Drivers Lîcense and a relabl eautomob e If sou ate a bîgbi/ self-motîvaied, energeti and re s focused sales professional and sant oe build a carne in the dyramîc industry of onlînie media, foswad your resumne to by Seprember bý, 2010. 55e tbank ail applîcants, boweveî, onl bu se selected for as interview ciii be con aced' *:0 trîndve Teaching Taaching Opportun itie s 0Oppornunitie s ~1~PIANO TEACHERI ~DDEUL~UWANTEDI Part-tîm e Piano teachertreqaîredastartîngl Ieptembe r f or enpandîng mobile teac OîngI Icompany locatedîinoOakvîlle.Prîor teachîngî 1111pejie [ n rofeîonal certifcation requîred. Ows celI phone and personal transportation reqaîred. Please send resume ta Retrants? THAI CUtSINEI COOKSI REQUIREDI I For Thai House Lune$15/hour, Workîng in Milton, 3-yearn enperîence. Fas resume ta:- 905-990-1376 ar Icai: 905-203-0912 da@h*e&oom LesZZZZ (X)L01F CINICS Series of Five i -Ilour Lessons ,S140.00 [ (Beginners> Ttses & Tlhurs. E%-eiin Leani hio%%- t swNing propcrl and liive lfun! Steerts tihe wveek ocf Sept. 6th To register eall (lIarke's (,oif: 905-878- 1818 or lacs: 905-876-7982 1Market Basket Sttrting àpereday1 prSta rt n gi garage sales MILTON MILTON MILTON GARAGE GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE Sat. Sept 4 SALE Sat Sept 4 8amn - i pm Saturday 8am - Noon 856 Fraser September 4 a 71 Court 8amn - lpm OFF TO 3041 Derry Thomas St UNI VERSITY? (Across tram Kitchen set, micro- Road > Fairgraunds) wave, card tables Furniture, firewood, 3 Nids clothes & and chairs, kids soys fruits, vegetables 3c tops, Furniture, and clothes & and more"! 2 household item. hsasehsld items Andl Much More!!l Rain Date Sept 5 ~Ce~e<>nîa commlnhlnios For FIlS FAX classtfied ads. Ifyov vn r antore ru ne lied un or she phone save time Use ire lj sto Post, Oakisi iv eaver and Muelr, Crumpîts Necs ta' lse Incl a s[zeSi classification ardth1e dvys art sewsnvnets yrv wtjitiiMil totrusn We ci laie ilifon trerei il ytv rave asy tuvstions abovt vent your ads cais s ai 632- 440 tocay' FAX: 632-8165 WORI(_ IT'S THAT T(ME 0F YEAR AGAIN Now Open NO ADMISSION CHARGE. (,Macintosh) Wednesdays Seniors 10% Off i Weaithy,, Huttonville 905-455-8202 Mon.-Fri. 9-6; Sat.. Sun.. Ho(idays 9-5 &;q 8605 Heritage Rd. » âdw.uttwmntie.coe/alfercdwons ME 1