Wondcroft continuees productive start for Ieak But clubs early-season woes go on with two more losses While the lceHawks will be hard-pressed point total, the lceHawks did likewise with to climh oui of the West Division basement iheir loss count - dropping a pair of four- ibis fali, their homeîown captain goal decisions over tbe weekencl. may well be ready 10 take up pro- The lirsi of ihese came at longed residency around the top Memorial Arena Friday, wiîh Milton of the leagues individual pecking getting îoppled 5- I y the Buflalo Jr. order. Lightning. Adding another goal and assist Eighteen yecar-oldi netiminder this past weekend, 20-year-old provided the only real hright spot Miltonian James Woodcroft - on the night, îurning back 43 of 45 who's factored mbt ail but îwo of shois in the firsi two peniods - and the clubs 14 goals so far - sat in making 51 saves overaîl -10 pre- a three-way tic for first in the James Woodcroft vent a full-fledged blowout. league scoring race as of last night, sporting The visitors put ihings away with îhre five goals and seven helpers. goals in the last 1 3 minutes, after Woodcrofî Though still very early, he represenis scored his second shorthanded marker of the Mihtons hest shot in receni memory of crack- season 4:53 mbt the third. ing the 100-point barrier. Il was a îoo-liîîle-îoo-Iate scenario the fol- While Woodcrofî conîînued addîng to bis lowing nighit as well, as ihL leîHawks feIl 6- Solid performance in Iatest win afromn MFC on page A14 (since niid\va\ nark o l scasonl) and hex îet siariing io undersiand each otie. lî r gelling." Goaliending capiain Scott Cliff sho\ved sîrongly - beaien only on a big drive by Jeremy Shepperd in the 33rd minute - while his defence dîd a good job plugging up the middle of the field and guardîng againsi the corner kick and a couple of free kicks. Also of note, midfield/forward Agusîin De Medina returned from a three-game suspen- Sion and got the bail wiihin striking distancie a (41111e ofiîle (.aibajal 1)aîlîc t a4I 14-4-2 ii iion in the second hall, which met wiîh noticeable iniprovemneni for the hosîs'aitar k. MFC visits L ondo1n C ity Saturday aînd is back ai Redîng Sunday, Oct. 3 ai 4 p. m for its final regular season home gamne againsi lasi- place St. Catharines. A niake-up gaine agaînsi Hamilton C roatia will hc played righit before the playofls, cithier Octoher 5 or 6 in Hamilton. 2 to the Mississauga Chargers ai Port C redit i he shoîs were mnuch closer in tis one, Arena. favouring the hosts 33-24. Boih Milton goals - by newcomiers Len Now 0-4-I-0, the lccHawks will look to0 ý Fabri and Jimmy Kim - came in ihe final hreak mbt the' win eolîîmn Eriday, when they five minutes of play. hosi Brampton, sîarting ai 7:30 p.m. Elite softball program holding tryouts The newly-formed Ontario Stars Fluec Sofihaîl program is looking for lemnale play- crs and îeam coaches. For poiential players between il and 18 years of age, tryouts will be held ai The Basebaîl Zone in Mississauga (1081 Brevik Place) ibis Eriday and next (October 1) from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Ehe new program wilI include skills train- o ing, strength and conclitioning work, nutri-~ tion and for those looking toward an athietic scholarship, academic progress will be fol- Iowed and course selection assistance will be 0 offered. Players are asked to pre-regîster with Dean Bezanson at deanbezanson@liveca. L(o! Work.ca YOUR BEST SOURCE FOR LOCAL JOBS LocalWork.ca is more than just a job board. We're the premier source for local job opportunities in Ontario's heartland. We don't just provide job listings, we put you in control of your job search with an array of job search features and tools. On LocalWork.ca you'll find exact match search results and be able to search by job type, city and distance from your home. You can also create multiple profiles and upload resumes, set job alert notifications & saved searches and apply to jobs directly from the site. LocalWork.ca puts the power to manage your job search into your hands - After ail, the most important 'Free Agent' on the market is you! Local Work.ca is operated by Metroland Media Group Ltd. and is supported by over 100 newspapers and websites across Ontario. You could cai us recruîtment experts! ln à=KIAr ( KAMTORS NEERD SERVICE? CALLI l ifflrmM rvur.T afff 1a &ý 1 qIL 65 Ontario St. North, Milton