f oe So you thirk you want a mortqaqe brkr John Cavan,. MMortg Ae Ask your local z <Good for you. You're about to make what is Iikely Sthe most significant purcirase of your life; tis good z to get somne financiai advice. Stop tinking of a Smortgage as a big fat boan - ond start tirinking of it o s a tremeudous financiai tool. Properly structured, < thre rigirt mortgage con build your wealth, protect you from a financial downturn, and uave you thou- uandu of dollaru. An experienced, skiiled mortgage broker is going to give you the best overali viem of mirat's out tirere for you in thre marketpiace - and coni tailor a mortgage that uuits you perfecty. Firstly, understand that your bock -gruat as tirey are at your day-to-daoy banking - moy not aiways bu tire righi choice fr or 5/i oifgoge. i ot's becoiu',e tirere are many options for getting a mortgage in Canada - including about 50 major lenders. Your bank represents one avoulable lerîder - and t dousn't always maire sense ti restrict yourself to a single lender. That's wirere mortgage brokers corne in. Homebuyers are increauingly savvy, demonding more information, more choice, and better value with tireir mortgages. And that's wiry tiry've been increasingly turning ta professional mortgage brokers, miro can offer almost instant accesu toi rates and featurus from a iruge range of lendurs. How do yau pick a good mortgogu broker? Hure are a few questions to ask: 1 . Experience is critical, as it is in every industry. But sometimes a fresir young broker is working with the support of an experienced broker - sa ask about that persan too. Your young broker may be dynamite - and can leau on a more experienced pianner if needud. Its actuaiiy a good sign to se this kind of mentaring ru tire workIpiace, it shows JohnCarlati s iii Phtitit iviii\ lo A 1 illC( I Mot (fNCII0iý Lthl olu it niL, titibC 111h( leLi I) i0 tiership) 'goalsC,10 yau'îel L an14 yaur ii maSI. îri f b ic cirif sli pliin Ar0.i -8 8- il 1.3r orir,' 1)\, tiri ri ifoiiipi.p7" otit i lr Liicii u fi iiruiiifi iij,'cii frIln irf ii5 rf ,,ifii f (.\cifn 'f lirr Jirlini~~~~ /ci lit ci.ilf'c lisn Iîlfîifr i)m,'t ,'i7s 72 lii li iiicfl rifi icfcfibriiff7,IVii Jrlir( irfi ' f,'l',fr f f fissf,'sji' ifri 7ifir , f r/fi urrr ficcf iliiff 5>fi fi'sii ,unr r:cf7r rli Smart tips for a fali home renovation Call today for your free market evaluation and a free Iist of tipDs in preparing for today's market. $314 "?iîr fi ,, Ai jLai Arriiis 'i(Jer i f a[ ri Aiea ya/i. Good Si/i Masier W/Efis & Large Si/wer Siai' 2eA FI Larinir & Dark Oak Star Ca,,i Model Home Decor $584,800 gradi/ ($70K,/ Pie Li, 2,746 Sq. 9' Cîriregs. Graite Kitcde Airaded Cirgoards & Siariîlss Appi ances Ici Dark Sa//W/SAd Aprn CirarLs, tracîrire Sac & C/as. Mase fin W/ ersîre iouC l rii i unilsl ria ruItgi rrs1 iflic sic i \01i11 ilîîîîc liai 01c Su'oii unill iabci tri i cliii.atu andc ifi iicss Ili s'., ibuit t fiatl s icil iec ir lic ois rt l icca ic ' ttin liBuildiing an acdci- 5l/aic iii \ori cufiicii andi. il cati open'î fi a 'liuîdiiig a bouirse iiinis a gicia was ii anci heip vour fannix sxith additional living space too,- says [)avid F-lood, insulaion expert ai Owesns ( ornîng. Hec are some handy tips for boss ta gel staried: a Plan out yosîr vision, location and availabie budgct for your home addition. 0 Keep vour faiiy needs and the optimal use of space in mnd. a Hire proiessionai services, such as plumbing for a new kitchen or bathroom or design for your basemnent or sun room, to make your added living space comiforîabie and fulIy functionai. 0 Make sure ail new building materi- ais, such as bricks or shingies match the existing structure. * Instali the recommended standard of insulation in floors, inîcricîr anci exterior waiis. Instaiiing îhe rccommicnded sîandard of PINK< TM insulation will keep y'our new space comfortabie and ssarmn and help you savez on heaîing and cooling cosîs by making your home more energy-efficient. By buildiing your addition wîîh PINK TlM insolation, you'Ii feel better about vour contribution to the protection of our environmneni. knowing that 1 ~f ONUS! It il-"MLReal Estate Ads appear ai... www.miltoncanadianchamplon.comn iii PINK' TM insulstion produets are irrade iii Canada frcîm oser 70 per cent rccied content, the highcsî iii the indusiry. And wvah tbe governiment granis avaiabie for ecrgy-cificient retiovations vout cati save inocîne on renc/satic/n cosis. Federal aîîd provincial gos'erninents, as wveli as sor/me energn utilities, c/ffer iuriding for bomcossn- crs ss ii crnpiete eniergy'-efficient retîcia- tions. More informnation on granîs and incen- tives eati lbe found cîliîîe ai www.shcîwilcthegreetî.ea. More informsation about how ici insulate is available ai wWW,-,.oweniscorning.ca. w\rvw. nesvsca nada. coin *Saviîgs, van depending c/n the original amount cof insulaicn in ycsur home, ciimaîe, bouse size, air ieaks and personal energy use and livsing habits. Over 70%*5 recvcied content, based con the average recycied giass content in all Owens (orning Fibergias s baîts, roiis and unhonlec iciosefiil insolation inanufactured in Canada. The colour PINK is a registereci irade- mark of Owens Corning D2010 Owens Corning. Ail Rights Reserved 1 bley r il)IL frSi I ri iof, lSi la i ab d ta osir mhot the bioker 's orriuol volume is, A broker do- erg over $ 10 million riniuaily is nai tiiot 'yaung" in ternis of morîgage transactions experience. 2. Thre Accredited Martgoge Prafessianal desîgna- tion muans tirot tire broker hais prafessional training, and muets certain angaing uducation and professianal requirements. 3. Whrlu there are aver 50 in thre marketplacu most brokers mark mitir a sharter lrst, mfiere tirey are able ta get ta firmly knom tire com- pany and tireir guidelines. You mont ta bu sure that your broker iras a solid stable of lenders, but you don't mant ai of their business gorng primarily ta lest onu, otirermîsu thuy likeiy aren't berng as objective as they sirould bu, unleus tirey specralîze in a spucifrc product thaIt s anly available thraugh tirat lunder. 4. Whure the business cames from says a lot about tire brokur's service, Tire best brakers receive a very hîgh TaaIy of tiroir business lrom referrals from satisfiud custamers. 5. For most standard "conventronal" deals, brokers don't charge feus. They may charge a fue if tire lunder isut payrng a commission or mirere tire deal is complus and tokus considerabe tîme ta package and close. Charging fues isn't nucus- sariiy a negative, you just have ta undursîand tire situations mirere they are charged. Trust your instincts. A gaod marigagu braker miii look profussional, mii have a high-quaity mebsite or other materials, and miii maku yau fuel camfor- able asking questions. Airer they'vu told yau mirat thuy'ii do for yau, ask them mirai happens if yaur martgagu rsn't approvud. A goad brakur miii mark mith you - ta help yau imprave your credit, for exampie. If tire broker is jusi interusted ru tire deai an the table, mave an. Tire rrght brokur mii maku a signifîcaut diffurencu n yaur fruancial lifu. When you'vu gat a partuer ta help you ocirve your financrai and hameomu.