q264al1111 MINMAXX FOR rininmaxx,,.ucOm YsEnIcAEnn c0"o&eniLTA T"4. FUTUReE SMEEnS MEAL MLS LISTING : OP EN HOUSES * STAGINGDICE i NEWSPAPER ADS * DEDICATED AGENT pVIVID PHOTOGRAPHY * APPOINIMENT BOOKINGS COLOUR LETURE SHEETS &MORE! AIL INCLUSIV opar WlRose' Mode 1 acres of bea îtnort of Eleafon C' Masamyis m'ost Camb llvl 19 ult home. deîable Hawtfiorne Vilage on Surrounded bý million dollar ecrpmn. -3200sf, remearkable vîews. f mile o hwy418mn maayn.,utl5 bedroom, 4 bathroom hodwtwnMlo 2 mina to loaded wl 1 50k of upgraden centre Campbelville. $579 800 $790 $389 900 $389 900 ~.$649,800 "z, uîg irmoni iii mousi issuu sqî noume + OS-,o rînioneci hoe VglctedM banement. 9'ceilinq on mein Or, lot bakng onto Mhrdwood fOrs in lrfdr, librru & t t.With loadu f spiral hardwood ulaircase open oel~ ta basement, gas fireplace brnhome modeliltfff/sqlt denirableM 0f de graî listrict, 9 Mon the main Or G id Or loftM oak flring in the li puace înclud 535 sf 0fof flookout basemnt by the one of the largent pie- lots backing on the pak f livngupae in up toa Mcol ped concreteM cei 1w a,3p ahroom r, sîde entrnce, 9'main fil landscpdfotaddc fec adcdbcvard oOUiti+ upsaeinowmnouse on n main for, MStreet. Very depan hom( d ck& Mlarg bright living rm, Ri dbckadMkitchen andi bathrooms, Mantamy bult. C/ver 2000 sf Private 22+ acres countjy convenient Hawthorne Vlg on property w! Paniabode longue the Escarpmenl lac. Vernopen & Groove Log .bungalow home &bright layovt. Beautf kitchen with cedar si dng Over 1000 sf. w/upgraded backsplash, dark Also a small burn. Combined 6cabinets & centre înland. country home /cottage. i$388 5011 teldgate built' e ord'miodel in ta sneg a t motdei abeMiton Trails 25rnldMayberry li'model on community luot over 2 yrn new, premium lot & loaded w/ lots of _-1800 sf, lots of upgrds & eotrs, modemn upgrds. Colfered ceilingn fabufoun open concept layout, 3 in the living rm, gleaming dark eood nize bedra, sep family rm oak flrîng in living, dining & family m b01mw bLuppor' ivîncîl buugIn o iaîîaîîiy urn e l 06 i u'autilui q vuuuiiiiidiiiyiim blou f8h9 îvau and aam ut sve en ui Mattamy build pppiiîa-r "Bolton after Mattamy built'L-indbrook ln monvt desirable Hauthorneé wtuat&modern fininhes situated on quiet crencent.Hard- location for village home witfi siding ta a pond &backing onto model. In most desirable moetn amhoneVilae n Vg rehodtooh aprx hragoa. pponf 005f9fIwod Ir 1 L/D &fail rom EegySIr'sainu!Poulr are ar. scrmeî ieo awhoneVl o eca pmet nak îk lt ndwlos f ntau 10 nft Oencocethoe eiins 0 an on, eçfly pn onep pan Crmiu 'akroe'(umcicone o qit recet octin Geal'negyStr wthuprdmp l Oneothe ~ fatuen arv faiIyand3 intaledharmd oorn9 opn ktchn &ailbatroos. astr mdelvlghom n asays omeon ne f te but rem starcae &p lthwfîrngî Naved Mnahr Vilage oan) asVa w ef s th o-e , B ake r o t h Record (Aî i . AIlro th00 Stsics ant d fRnins areD &ae fanyrm TREData soredng tram lan n epedn afr. c t iw * Tothbuig'rmodel *a rare 560t. Prerr *& cstucco elen 10l r'Loaded wlover 2 'ro elrr BETwJAAY, 0