Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Sep 2010, p. 22

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h ~ Family's fali fair demolition derby tradition continues o By Steve LeBlanc ~ CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF ~Twenîy-four bonis removed from ~ bis demolition derby debut at ibe ~ Mihon Fait Fair, Kyle Paui was stiil 2 feeii ng its effects. o. But un bis case, that wasn't au bad. After ail, ibe buzz of xtictory bas a way of running every bit as deep as the acixes and pains necessary 10 achieve it. Yeab, im prctty sore today, but it was wortb it," satd ibe I 7-ycar oid Miltonian Monday afiernoon, on the beels of bis fuil-size sîreet stock ciass win, wbicb coincidentaiiy came just a few days before gening bis G2. "Ive definiteiy got somc wbiplasb, but ifs reaiiy fuit wbiie you're in ibere.' Tbougb ibis Ixasi wcckcnd GRAHAM PAINE I CANADIAN CHAMPIOr HEFTY HAUL: Kyle Paul (in car #2 12) makes a hit on Bull Stoner n Sunday'x fuil xîze street stock c'asx marked bis firsi liînc in îbc middie oh ibe smash em, crash cm acliomi, Paui ix hardI> a newcomcr to tbe derby sceixe. Some of bis fondest cbildbood meniories are of beiping faîber J anxes gel bis owmx car ready for tbe annuai faii sbowcase, wbîie exen moin Catby bas put berseif bchind tbc wbeef a coupic of limes - and prex'aiied on botb occasions. Tbc x ouixger Paul xvas a dual xx iîîiicî sîîîîd,îx 1k kiîîg uîx a iidx S4tR) for bis xx ix plus an addmuonal $75 fîîr uic bcsî dccoraîed car. - I bc snxxilc oix my dad's facc (aftcr xt.îndaxs xx in) xxas ibe besi part tif îfxc day \Vcx'e been îurnîng wrcnchcs together for a long lime, satd Paul. xx ho bad lxelp frtiin bis cnîîrc fanxîlx in preparîîxg bis f bcx'x' i unmiiixa (îxroxîded lxx sîxonsor Busb Auto \\icckcrs of Sîrceîsvîlle) aixd ixaiîxtî-d i landx Matxixx on mixe dri xci s sidc ix bontmni of lxx o-x cai old ixî-jxixcxx I3lakcs faxourite îaritiotx sfioxx iîîx a litile ulxsci lîxîxugix iliai tt s (car) sîtîl goîîxg. I xx anicd ni lxloxx Overtime goal Scaebo.-ough Scanbonougt Town Centre, Hwy 401 ai MCCOWO Rd. * 416 296-9111 Vaughaa NIDs DmreCiiy opp Vaughn Mliii Shopping Centre, Hwy 400 ai Ruthenford Rd * 905-660-0677 Mlsslssauga/OakwIII. 2657 Oundas Si. W. at Winstnn Chunchîti * 905-569-0046 Etobouka 1611 The Oueensway, east ni Sherway Gandens * 416-253 0555 ~ *Pidng nhO,~n nfln~x dl dii~,,,,tn Nu fmftu DuflngtoiefUamlltutei Pnwen Centre, 1220 Brant SineetlûtW * 905-331 -7600 iîcu~nî ~,, ~ ~ Ma,*ham 3083 Highway 97 tast, easi ni Wnedbine * 905-479-0199 w NY tue lu uN Luutud queue e, puduuu Cuuuuug uuuiubn uppuund Kltcheewr 4300 Kîng Street East, weSt et Spontswndd Once * 519 650-4300 lllJJ ceeu/ne en/un lu dutuin 'te-Hune Deug iî up in tîxere and jusî boped to get îwo good bits in before it hiew. I reahiy diditI expeet it ro lasî." Recentiy accepîed into tbc Onîario Youtb Apprenticesbmp Program as an aspiring mecbanic. tbe locai teens approacb b tixc derhy was - to put it succinctiy - simpie yet effectixe. Expiaitxed Paul. - Basicaiiv i jusi sîayed in ibe corner and any time a car came txeaî i usi wcnî ai bim fui i lin ti île Milton-arca di ix crs cîxjox-ed a lau anxounî of ibe ox erali derbv succcss tbis past xxcckcîxd. George Nisheit prexailed un boîlx Sundax"s nxini smasb ciass and îbc ibîrd beai of tixe demîx cross dixi sion Ftidax, xxfxilc Cbrts Sx'tsnxa xxas ibe lasi îxxan sîanding iii tbe nxid size sîrceî sitxcls Sundax. Meatxxxbile. uic busband anti xxîfc îeaîxx tif 'moixixx atxd Mcredtîlx Max'fxexx- aiso cauxe axxax wîîb sîxixît bardxx'arc, xxitxntîxg îbc ininix uîxs n lxxi fi lxi b d sîxt tîx I netsAA minor bantams tournament titie i be AA uxinot Ixantanîs bax c xci cxchangcd goals a incrc 23 second~ uic bat axx'fullx bigb for ibis xear. in apart in ihe txxiddle sian:a, xxiib icrms ol biiih drama and sîicîcss C olin \lollai denîing liii- twine foi kicking tiff ibeit 2010/Il tain \lilion paîgn ai dxi xx cckctid- Neai lx as exciiin~ xx ax Peierborougb N ai limais e ï~ i b c \\'inicibaxxks 3 I iournaîîieni, uic ~ semîltîxal x'tcîoîx over ibe Wîixîct Ixawks dclix'cicd a Foi onio iceDogs. xx îib near pet fcci mn io i etgn -. t iam Buckiev neîîing îbc suprcrnc. winnet xxitb under îw o [bey dîd xii n nail- ~ ininuies rernaining anti biîtng fasbioîx, xx iib Ryaix NlcDonald burxîîxg dcfcncctnaîx Ky le i-lajckcrou an empix ncîîer io scai ibe scoring frotix ibe siot bah-a-minute deal. mb oxerlinie to eclipse uic fornxida C bris Rodricks ticd îbîîxgs up bic Mîssissauga Nortb -ilars 2 I carîx iix Ibe ibird. Derck Foui sbared ibe spoîlîglît Tbis ax'engcd tue ieam's onix loss xx Oh a îopnotcb performante of the wcckcnd - a 3 2 scîbatk io bcîwecn Ibe pipes. The fînalisîs the lceDogs in round thîce - wbîic Milton kickcd off ihe tournameni witb a 2-I triumph oxer ibe Wesî Mail Ltgbîning and foliowed ibai up wiîb a 7-0 pasttng of ibe bosts. Ryan McDonald enjoyed the biggest slice of dxc scoring pie wiîb four goals and fixe assisîs, wbilc Moffat (3g, 5a) and Buckley (lg, fia) were ibe other offensive standouts on the weekend. i 7-year-old Milton driver victonous in debut

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