floadshow Begi"ns Nexi Weok in.I By Jason Delong Treasure Hunters Roadshow STAFF WRITER (<lean out xour attics, closetq and iock boxes, because the Roadshoxx is coming bo Milton next %xeek. Roadshow experts vxill bc in tosxn examining antiques, coilectibles, goid and silver. While the Roadshox xxiii accept anvîhing that's oid, thev xxiii be focusing on gold and silver coins dated 1964 and before, millitary items, toys and trains, musical instruments, pocket and wrist xxaîches. Scrap goid " US. coins daîed 1964 and before are niosi soogh1 a/Wer hi co//ector. Coins mîad/e bheffre /964 are 90%ý si/ver and ta/iabe becuse ai t/he si/ver content or cou/d be ivorîli even inore il'one /îappens ta he a rare date. s expecîed to be a ipopuiar category this week due to soaring goid prices. Expert buyers l'or the Roadshoss hase noticed a tremendous increase in the amounit of goid coming to the Got GoId? This week, visibors can cash in on antiques, collectihies, gold, si/ver, coins orjust about anything that is o/l. Roadshoxv and for good reason. Record goid prices liave Roadshowx (,(ests cashing in on brokenjeer or jexseiry lhey don't ixear anymiore xxith our "fait- and hionest<' purchase offers. Thec Roadshoxx encourages any une plannintg a visit to take a minuîte and exatît ne theirjewNeiry box or their Iock box ai tue batik aîîd gather aiîythîiag that's g-old. If' a guest is not sure if sonaething is goid, bring il anxsxax and tlae Roadshosx staff xx1i test it for fr*ee. Other gîîid Items of interest inciode goid couins, gîald outaces. gîuld proof sets and dental goid. Other types of iteis Roadshoss experts lape tic sue tîicîtde Ic tilts nid train sets. Archie i)as ls, roadshtîs lox expert .spoke about somne o' lthe top tox s (2etiitL, Lreai cîffers. -Oid lta x\ iiidup ios s trotta the laie 1800lfs tiarouyli flie I 96Ol aie tai ureat demnad Iaou\,." sait! Six s. -Especiaix Itose tliai are citaracier reiaied. Nliekcx \Iotse, Donald Dock. the Fiitstines tir aitx cliaracter titis are sougit. Od iiuidd\ i, toxs fron flie i1920's ta i1960's are ta deiaaitdi.' I3asicaliy atay toys made before 1965 are \xanted. Train sets made by Lionel, Arnerican Fixer Marklin and others bas-e the potematiai to fetch higli prices. Davis also stressed, "Toys xxith boxes and in mit conditioa bring sensationai prices. Most of tlae îoys that cone to the Rtuadshoxx are niat in perfect shape but can stil! bring go.od prices frota coiiectors,- Wltei expert loit Fuller was asked xxhaî be enjoyed mosi about xx'orking at the Roadshox. liae ias quick to aiaswer-Oid cuins aîad jiaper curreacy For as loîng as i can remember 1 lase beeti fasciîtated xxiîh collectiîîg coins. Above -A guest listens in as Mike Delong estimates and tells about the values of his coin collection. miio1nl s 1 xx-ouid go through the change in mx a parents grocery store iooking for rare dates and errors. Once. 1 found a siixer quarter that I soid for $300.00. Not bado for an 8 ear old."* Fuller scent on to explain that anx U.S. 02 coins daîed 1964 and before are miost 2 sougit afier bx coiiectors. Coins made 3 before 1964 are 900/% siiser and vaiuabie O hecatise of the siiver content or couid bc %vorth even more if one happens to be a rare date. -We heip people sort through i their coins l'or uiniquedates. We buy ail âe tvpes of' coins at the Roadshox front 'r sîheat pennies to buffaio nickels, which ~ Iýf oii go bo the Roadshovi; iVn con cash-mi'our ilen5 o io //l: Roc/sh1oi re/-,)resïenlatii'es 1111/ he aî'ai/ah/e 13 (-issess and puichise ou itenis ut the> BeNt IHstern, nevi Titesdavi îhroug/i nexît Saturc/avi I Milion." a-e s auabie fron one coin 10 ait etire iruckload. Sec sou at fic Roadshow-. said Fuller. Sur Inlternational Collectors Associtiîon members are leekinh fer the Isllewlnu tmes et Items. A' ny and ail coins daîed t964 and bef'ore. This încludes ai l si cer and gculd coinîs, dollars, hiaf dollars, quarters, dines, ntickels and penniîes. Ail conditionis wanariicd SPRICES ATr 411 YLAR l-it(HS! for platinuin itold and sîlser dunt tac ibis ex cii. Brokct e eler dental uold, old coins, pockcî xxatcltes. Kruggyeraiads. (cold Bars (anadian Maple I catsý, (cold, Silser. Platiianm.i diarnonds, rubies, sapplaîres anad att types ni* stmars. meials, etc. Ringts. bracelets. necklaces, aIl others including brokeni jexelry. Ectrîs costume jeiscîrs mianird. K' P-Rolet, Tiffany. Hublot, Ornega, ('hopard, Cartier, Philippe, Ebel, Walthant, Sisaîci. Chopard. Elgin. Buttit Special, Railroad, Hamîilîna ail otîters. - ' . k , ' S ý ýý ' Ail types ofi tîîvs made belore 1965 includingt î lot XX heels. Toînk, Budd\ L. Sinîtl Miller, Nyinii. Robots, batier)i tois. Mickes \louse. aII cillertlois - Irais sets, aIl atcs.accessot ics. tidii dual cars. \tarklin. \niterican I-lier. tionel, Haînei. aIl otîter trains - Barbie t)olls. 61 t oc. Shirley Temple. (biaraciers(iermnan, ail miakers accepied. ix il. Rcolitiiiîirv. MX XXI WX \X Il, etc. lie1iaî, ofilliicrest Icti.etc. \ietal andiîrcelaIi itt. L'as A Il sports mnemorabitia us un hugh demand iutctuding. cuuitpanies, beet anid Ilir' Pte 1970's basebail cards, acttgraphed batebails. foot- inakers. aîiioinoilc, implemnents. balla & baskebata, jerseys: sîgned photos: etc WWWtreasurebDfltersroadsbOWm.COIflým SNadCoinF8 CO 111h1, cash ln Nsw "It's a modern day gold rush, "said Treasure HunIers Roadshow Jeff Parsons, (tît is ii tradintg iiear 40) x car itgt.and w iu cait cash iii at lthe i'rcasLtre i luiterNt Rîiaîlslioi Xli Ipesotilgiald are fi t hnlditte aild cat1is. Krgî a i pI \lape [ cafs. and oiier eiild bairs, etc. UI gîid jeu ciii. iîiciuiit brokeit jeîîclr\ is accepted. Anvîhing ggoid and slset Is îsatied The Roadshow îs în Mfiton Next Week, So Don-*t Miss Oui on Cashing In! October 5th - 9th Next Tues - Fri. 9AIVI - 61PM and Next Sat: 9AM - 4PM FREE A D-MISSION Best Western 161 Chishoim Drive, Milton, ON LSIT 4A6 Mmtim (90) 875-3818 Sbow I* (21ý 72&7590