ReadersWrif p ~iI I m'y. ~ ~ii i upa~.iJ. * appu v~ia LVM DEAR EDITOR: Last xx eek my husband was in a car accident in Milton, which required him to be taken to the hospital via ambulance. The car was îowed [rom the scene, so the question was what to do with our German shcp- herd, whîch was also iii the car but fortunatcly unhurt. What would usually happen in this situation is that the dog would be picked up by animal conîrol and taken to the Oakville shelter. But it turncd out that our dog, Hemi, had an angel waîching over him that day lnstcad of sending him off to the pound, Const. Tara Craig îook the lime and trouble to get Hemi home safcly Our house wasn'î far from the accident scene, and Const. Craîg drove Hemi there, let him in and brought the keys back 10 my husband at the hospital. I catît express how much this kindncss meant 10 us. I lcfî an out-of-town business meeting afîer hearing that my husband was at the hospital, so I was able 10 gel there and jusî focus on him. There was no added stress in arranging to gct our dog back home [rom a different îown. And there was no added stress for my husband, who didn't wanî to go off in the ambulance bel ore knowing the dog was okay And there was no added stress for Ilemi, who Bad proba- Bly been trauinatizcd enough alrcady Ils great 10 know that Milton has such wondcrful and caring police officers Thank you Const. Craig. You made a real difference, and us people lîke you who make our town such a great place 10 live. THERESA CUNNINGHAM MILTON If you know differently, don't teli me from HIGH on page A6 .oold tdf she xsa'~ a Bit stumped, xx Bile at iBe ~atoe lime quite possiBly holding Back a laugh. At iBis point I think she Bclievcd mv situation. She asked mc if Id Be îngesîîng ans of it. No, I doni tliink the olficers would Be giving ont Irce samples Would I Be toniehing il? Not if I could help it. How far away would I be standing? As il îurncd ouI, much doser îhan I thought t would. She didn'î know, she admiîîcd, and put mc over to a pharmacist, who asked a hitany of questions about my medical history before gîving mc a sîm- ilar answcr to my "Am I cndangering the baby?" question. "I dont know, but I cant really sec how.she concluded in a doubîful voice. Since I wouldn't be partaking, this rcally wasn't Bei area of espet tise sBe xaid. I Batiks f \antlx iBe aiîxvei a saiauoid pîeg tî,tnt woman wants io Bear. lu the etîd I reset cd ibe pi cxx ronferenre atîd s~ as extremels xx iii i cd the cohue itîne. Boping mx BaBy xs'ottl(ln i ',otîteBoxs itîBale. Noxx III siiflî)lX file the tir dciii axvtx as a sligBtly' amusing xliii x III uttie dax tdf mv daugh- ter aBout Ber firxt aiid B>j tel ulîx onîx - expe rienre xx'ith illîcit drugs ShelI be fine, the police offirer at the scene assurcd me. 1f you know differently please kcep that knowledge 10 yoursclf. \bu dont want 10 Be responsible for scîting off an overly-emoîional pregnant woman. Trust me (and my husband). Higher-density proposai for Milton Heights concerning * from WHERE on page A6 to the cars being parked there I don't know if the com- plaints were based on environ- mental concerus, aesthetics or anti-car ideologies, but they led to the discontinuation of the car parktng agreement. And thus $60,000 of much- needed support for the park was lost. I have 10 wonder whcre the outrage and environmcnîal con- cern bas gone now that theres a proposed highcr-densiîy amendmenî of 40 units per hectare, wbicb is being scriously considered 10 overturu the pre- vious low-density plans oU 1997 and 2004 in Milton Hcights. Maybe the much larger amounts of money involved have somehow gagged and sti- [led the previous outrage and concern for our village-like community that once prevailed. And where is lIte mayor and council in ail Ibis? JusI wondering. DARRYL EZEARD MILTON Packed house seen for memorial service tri Julien mark uarne oï >t. 'Time Capsules' are gems of infor- mation extracted from past issues of the Champion and other publications in order 10 provide a wîndow into Ml/ton 's past Explanatory comment is sometimes provided to place the situa- tion in context. May 1916 lnstead of a rccruiting meeting the gathcring at the îown hall lasi Sunday evening was a memorial service cummemorating the baîtle of St. Julien. It was a week late, deferred on account oU the previaus Sunday evening being Easter. By 8:30 the hall was 50 crowded that many people sat at the back part of the stage tind the doors were closed. Many people were unable to get admission. Rev. WM. Mackay read the St. Julien honour roîl, firsî the names of the late Captain A.C. Bastedo and the men who Ieft Milton with him and xvere in the baîtle. and second those iii the mcii i~trtt iii Miltoti who enhisted elsewhcre and dîd their bit when the Canadians blocked the way' to Calais. lii each case particu- lars wcre given, whether the soldier Bad been killed. ~ounded or was stîll ai the front There was a portrait of Captain Bastedo on the stage. It is announced that the lti4th Halton and Duff crin Batt. will not be permitted to go into camp until recruited to a strength oU 1000. No. 750. No effort has been spared by the officers oU the Bati. in the matter of recruiting. Public meetings, concerts and personal canvassing have been tried more tItan in other counties. The standing oU the two councils Halton 500, Dufferin 250. There is plenîy of room in the baîtalion for men oU different tastes. The brass band and bugle band are making excellent progress but are in need of musicians, buglers and drummers... Signaling section and scouts already a credit to tue baîtahion...machine gun section is about to be formed. Men are given training at divisional 1~'1ilton Time Capsules *~< sehools in bombing, trench warfare, bayonet fighîing and physical train- ing and ail are carefully instructed with a view to excellence in mus- ketry... Joseph Tock, Joseph J. Peacock, Wm. Wheeler and Dr. MeClean have bought new autos from local agents. County council will inîroduce a bylaw to regulate the width of wagon tires. The massed bands of the I 64th Bat t aiid i Be tov~ i gax c a r Ofl( cri ai the stand in Victoria Park lasî Sunday afternoon. Bandrnaster Gollins was conductor. Havîng bought the old Registry Office. LE [arl is having il tom down and is using the stone for the foundation of his ncw building oppo- site the Bank of Hamilton. Last week Chas. Feaîherstone, Bert. Featherstone and Robinson Bros., ah of Trafalgar, bought 5 pas- senger Maxwell touring cars [rom J F Robinson, agent, Milton. Local dealers were advised last week that sugar had advanced anoth- er 20t per hundred pounds. This was anticipaîed by many and large sup- plies had been purchased. It is pre- dicted that sugar will go sîill higher in a short Urne. This material is assembled on be/ta/J oJi~he Milon Hisoncal Socidy byJim Dl//s, who can l'e reached Êhrough the society at (905) 875-4156. 2010 Nissan Versa U~52j~ 1fIPfl6~B!ed26fi 2009 Nissan Versa ha~ UPIJ15,Re45Z uuIyMV5rWW~ 2009 Nissan Vers a ha L~1114, Slh~52A 2009 Nissan Sentra ii5~/ UPIYI3,W'fîlte,57A "uivUW~WW [2009 Ford k'11QSAwc 58K ..oIi1~U~WW FRE E unday, Octobor 3rd Students OnIy. By appoîntment only. Cail Studio for detaîls. * Chidrens Program (4-6 years old> n one hour group sessions * Rock Band Program * Private & Group Piano Lessons Dook An Appoîntmen * Vocal Program ...try a musical instrument * Drums Program and decide * Guitar Lessons if music lossons are for yen