Ruding the "Green" wave f krudential "C).Tow ContreI I (NC.)-Thcre's a new wavc i home design and it's unnîistakably "green". As peo- pic arc bccoming morte awarc oif the everycday permianent impacts they can make with thcir choices large and smalf, thcy're opting tol incorporate more sustainable habits to pre- serve nature for thcmsefvces andi future gcncr- allons. Nosi ,ada\,s making "green" choices is not just a fashion trend but also a new wav of lufe. Tbis trcnd bas ncvcr bccn more levident than i homce decor where cco-conscious con- sumters now strîve tol makc sound decor choies that have little or no impact on the cnvironmient whilc at the samne timile show- case their personality and flare. Eco-fricndly bomceowners arc doin more than their fair share to save the pianet by choosing sustainable and recycled matcrh- al alternatives for their decor choices," saicl Nancy Soccio. designer ofl Dolce Dcsign in \,lîntrcal. "The bot ncw Io cndc is countcrtops rîrade tof rcxclcd miatcri- is, acfded Sott1o. l-ir'e ruade from a s ar rets' îî pîistcîosurner pri îlLts lInd rucl lasandI eric up as clie Eranlt, ensivr nniicntally r reIs'lcl C îrntertops.- I al about a green choice, it reduces One s ,ýîî() '110lîtprint anc1 consiclerabis' reduces \\jt sin landfills. I lcItst eniry i this product catcgory, I1lerrreîits lis Durcon bias alîcady niade a lrnlgL rlipact ssitb cco-eoiîscious home own- crr. anid designers alike as an cxtremcily dulr alile silky siloctb counicrtop surface Inadc ss nb, anîrîIig other tbings, reccced bec!littld". ýcLoîIdiIng to Mark flanna, President of Leeza nc_ onie tif North America's lcadîng clistrictitors (if pîrniium countertops sucb as fI lenits bv Durcon, "stone fabrîcators, dealers anti architccts across Noîrth Anserica hase fîmuîd that the product's îînîqc uali- tics and higlily durable characîcrîstics set tl apart from hirst generation ccii friendly sur- farce irodlucis. Moldeci from a blend oîf fine quartz, epoxy resin, and reccced glass (clear lîccr hottles), the niaterial ks solicI, noli-porous, neyer relquires sealing, and s lioinogcnous in con-i sistcncy. Its unique mnantdact uring proccss produces ant tncrcdibfy silky siîoth aiîd dunrafble ciontcrtoli surface, I fhe clients 1 irivork ssith feel the c urrent itraterials arc too îrrdî- nar>, pîassé iii no envi- riincntaliy friendîs' cii(Iugh tir satisfV ticir adc."7eci- fcn- i"thein a sustaînalile CouLiitel top) aîlternat ive uîliîke aux rîtiir îîî tic market t oday. It's ultra-durale, Yet sîcls aîîd nmode rn and iiîcrcdils snîootîl to the tocîch. Eli enus is a s,îfc aiîd durable coUtetrtop surface ideaf for kiiclîens as it is ccrtificd lis NSF, is a very lom, VOC emitting miaucrial ancl fcannres the higliest lheat resistance rating of any counîcrîop surface available. As ailable in classic colocirs the cocinter- tops arc scuitall fcr any decor, cspecially lgreen" oties. Moîre infornmation on eco- frîendly counterîops is available at leezadîs- tribution.tom and elementshydlurcon .com. f irsi lime 1-omebuyer? Check wiih your LOCAL Real Eisiale Agent about GOMERMENT INCIMTIVES! * fou Etue Ofico8 FINAL CHANGES: mui de m mîîa il 18 Ille MiB fti MU ORW bl a. k.BTm M. on - . rîank( .......~ W miO*G YOU >tffiwjMIJf BestH NEIL OLIVER, Piibl.h., DAVID HARVEY, GeneraI Manager Alel,R C)r e i Cr, K.pp.gan Real EsItIr Rep iane Wohxiehoe Fî,,,,hed hy Th, r iiid,on ho 555 Irdu5tial Drive Mlton, Ont r 9T 5E1. (905) 878-2341 Fax: (905) 876-2364 -i i i hýe ü.,url il" l l .,îre,sIeiet w'. b )rpadtfo athe applicaer ate The rîIrese es h~Itir oclegizidrejct arr)'5'g ri the erC tyogaphsa eirî a)Iv,,l5iirr ot r,sevies lrre wor rc odso evcsi notb od Advin ,g' Proicdoibtafo h Oakile Mrîiard oins Reai Estate Boird ocula jI:' ýC"k 6NA THE CANADIAN CHAMPION IS A PROUD MEDIA SPONSOR FOR- YYMÇA'C A DiIQiVCXiiMxx, GALA APPEAR AIL Real Egate AâAT.. www,,