Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Oct 2010, p. 12

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Lee retires to make room fohos smehat younger' i3y Chrîstina Commisso CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF 0 Barry Lee neyer aspired to be a politician, and after representing Miltonians lor more Dtban two decadus on town counucil, bu still tdoesn't consider bimself a politician. o 'Grand standing is somnetbing tbat politi- d cans bave te, do to a certain extent, but I <neyer felt comfortable doing it," said I ee, wbo for the past 22 years bas bcun the voice 0of Milton-, rural rusidents, first as a louaI councillor for Ward 3, and tbun as a region- *ai uouncillor. Tbis >,ear, for tbe first timu in cigbt Smunicipal uluctions, voters won't find i ces Sname on tbe ballot. S "l'm getting old. I've been going at it for S22 years and it's lime tu move on. I wanted to open it up for people that are somewbat Syoungur," said Lec on bis retrement. S His entranue into politius was unuonven- tional. After complaining to Town Hall about Sthe lack of weed control along tbe dusty Sroadsides in rural Milton, tbe farnier took bis complaint to counicil, wberu be made a delegation before Mayor Gord Krantz. \uigbiboîirs andi lricnds lattcr unc ouragud i ce to run f'or a position on rounicîl. Ib 1989 bue rail, \vonî ibu seat, andi hasn't Iooked back since. "I've always becni intcesicd and beliced in local govern- absolutely criti cal that people pay attention to the governmcinî that rnost Barry Lee affects the people and its tbe governimcnt that provides the best value-" Despite bis passion for local issues, Lee bas decided to caîl it quits. "finm pitshing 71, and there arc some things that I haven't been able to attend to. I still have two farms that l'mn operating and I always seem to be hebind." Onu of the most important things Lee bas worked on during bis time arouind tbe coun- cil table was tbe preservation of Nassagaweya. t S s a I unqu tittfl' t ttiiiiiiiltt Il( said tof tbu rural îownlsbîp. \Ve puit planning proi riplus im place ibat cnsuiud Nassagawcya would remain as it is." [lis biggust acuomplisbmunt also co)in- cîdus witb onu ol bis biggest blundurs, wbcîî I ee matie a comment about nuwcon)imrs oic- grating in tbe rural arua during an aIl-candi- dates meceting. "I wunt a hlte titi far and saîd tbaithIosu wbo don't integratu cao go back 10 Oakviilu or Mississauga,' I eu rucallud. -I got a lutter frtnn a gentleman wbtt caime Iroin Oakviîle. [le saîrl bu didnt X'oie for niclbit I w as stîll rcsptnsible for rcpresunhting moti. I uu paid tbe gentlemnan a visit and furîbur ex{îlained bis position. Il was able lii w ok wîtb bîîn and wu bucainu extreinuly cltose Irîunds. [rom iu on bue was onu ofi y mnost loyal suipporters. "Ibats tbu gratil> îng part td pttlitit 's. Yon dtmn't necussarl>' agrue w'itb uacb otbcer and tiure's a dîffuruncu ol opinion, but w'c must resptc acb ttburs dlillurunrucs." I uu saîd bus bappy îbaî rural Milton bas- n't Iteun luIt t)ut of the decisittn-iiaktnig procuss ai Town Ill wbilu bu bias sat o n cuucil. Wc are vurx' lortunatu rip buCrt i bu j)'ojlt' ari' a tlîut t -'j).ti l l tO oui-t pa l t tiilbant M 11lit f lic i l, \ Ilt rchange w,'II bei) l oitbu att t\ s 1Ille iown bias sbarcd thu wualtb, rrcaîcd parks ni Nassagawcya, tbe road system bas mnuub improved, aod Town staff is very co-opura- tîvu bo sbare wbats going on so wc'rc no1 luit out of the 100).- I-uu said thu nus' counicîl w il bavc 10 :on- tinnu 10 work on planning issues wvhiIc tai- lorlng growtb, -to prers e tbe icntity of- svbat M ilton s.- I ooking back on somu of bis hîggur aur oiplisbmurints, wbvir b includu prcvcnttng a sbarp inrcasu in bydro rates in rural Milton ani aiding ni t1w I ilton Iandfill site nucgotiations, Lue said bus rumindud of w'bat a great ct)mtunity Milton is compriscd of. "I "e always beun imprussud, on ail tbe issues Isue deait witb, witb bow wîllîng peo- pIc are 10 coru forward and particîpaue.- Wbiic bu'llino longer bu a fixture aitîown and regional cuîîrii inueîîngs, Lue saîd bu d liku 10 sta>' invols'd in Multons ducision- rnaking procuss, justin1 a diffurent capacity xc'v bad a loi of fun along tbe \vay and made trurnundous lifc-long Iriunds througb WiCouiu X got tbe job donc' Iîî'nî,î( nuîso ,ii's' t,. ibtc i Open House Tour Mondaý, Octaber z5th, 5-8pm Child Gare Available For: Infants: 6 - 18 Months Toddiers: 18 Months to 2 1/2 Years Pre-School: 2 1/2 to 5 Years Sohool Age: 6-12 Years 824 Thompson Road South 905-864-6635 Transportation provided to and from schoots. WWw 1IttlhandSMI Iton Ca

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