ARTS Local community theatre group chan< Players to perfonn Halloween night murder mystery By Stephanie Hounseli CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF There'Il be ptenîy of tbritîs and chills teading up to Hatloween as part of tbe Milton Ptayers' upeoming offering. But don't îbink tbe ibeatre group, wbieb is best known for uts farees, xxon't sprinkle in soi-ne coînedy along tbe xsay. "I bei-e is sortie coiîc cl\l but ns'ý a bit di Cci ini nainule, 'aid \1ilion resicetun Miima DeC arti, xx'bo plays tbe lead role i A Party to Murder. "its differenit. ItitI be a nice cbange for tbe group.- Tbe ptay wriiien b' Marcia Kasb and Douglas E. Hugbes, w'ilI be per- formed ai tbe Milton Seniors' Aeîiviîy Centre, 500 Cbilcts Dr., siariing iomorrow nigbî and contin- uing Saturday and tben nexi week- end [rom Detober 28 to 30. Susan Cranford, sboxw direcior, said sbe tbinks tbe PIay'crs' loyal audienee wiII en 'joy ber inierpreta- tion of the play No sbortage of' comedy "Tl admit, I put more comcdy into it iban tbe wriîers iniendcd," sbe said, exptaining ibais one of tbe perks of being director. Tbe ptay fottows six people wbo arrixe on Hattoween nigbî ai a rustic îsland cottage to play a murder mys- iery gaine. Tbey tbink tbey're in for a [un weekend, but tbat quickty NIKKI WVESLEY /METROLAND WVEST MEDIA GR0OJP KILLER PRODUCTION IN STORE: Piayers (clockwise from top left> Mimma DeCarli, Steve Chicorli, Kim Evans, Rebecca Whittey, Brian Cranford and Huw Evans rehearse for A Party To Murder, cbanges wben gbosîs [romn tbe past makec an appearance and tbe coi- lage guesis realize its ni a game tbey're pari of. Guests begîn to die andî remaining ptayers realize tbey're ptaying for tbeir tives. Tbe casi features DeCarti, Huw Evans, Kim FEvans, Stihe Cbieorti, new<.,oînier Rebccca Wbittey and t3rian Crantord (Susan's son). "\We'x'e workect 'crx' bard on ibis sbow and uts nol an, easy sliovv to do," Susan said. Like 111051 ti ibie Plax crs' sboxx s. ibis one ends xx'iib a bit ola twist, tbe clirecior noied. Tbe ptay is iecbnicaty cballeng- îng, keeping tbe tîgbîing andt souiid peopte on ieii tocs as ibex tine up explosions and gunsbots, sbe said. o jes it up "Timing's very important with 2 special effecis."n DeCarli - wbo has a back- 3 ground in eommunity theatre - : joined tbe Players îwo years ago, and firsi appeared on stage witb a minor rote in The Nerd. Since tben, she has taken on mostly behind-tbe-scenes rotes- until now. its a challenging rote, and it bas- nit been easy finding tbe necessary lime in ber busy schedule. But ifs been xx cIl worth ii. Wortb the effort I xx ouldo i do iî il 1 dîdn't lovc it,--'bu said. lis arn lloriuni\ Io - \.'II '-, I iii .1 %\ \ NL doîil ,c o Il ndaS to da\tts .siîîi~ gel no be simoie CIsc loi ) a wh ile. \\îrî iib Ilie Milion Plaxei-s lxix been a loi (il Iun, DeC arti said. I 1e l\,i e laniasts. .Ibcruan amnazing giou of~ p)co)lc." "tlioxx -otinîxp l-oi nances take place tiniorox, Ouiobcr 28 and 29. Doors open ai 7.30 p. n, wiîb tbe sbowx siai iing ai 8 Tickets eost $20 ecbc tor the C)cîoher 28 per- lormnaiRe and 5 for tbe otbers. Diniîer ibeaire showus are scbcd- uled for Salurdax' and lictober 30, \vÎlb the bar opening ai 6:30 p.nm. dinnei ai 7 p.ini. andI sbow timTe ai 8.15 p .. ickets cosi $50 cacb in advance andt S55 ai tbe cloor. Tickets are avaîtabte ai Boutique t88, 188 Main Si. E., ai i onptay'ers. coin or bx' caîtîng (90)5) 875-0629. Sieliiiet Hotisell (011 bu îeactîed ol stioiîiiisIidainiiii)iiioiiadianchanipi- olI.i-opr. 2nd ANNUAL SOUTHERN ONTARIO LIQUIHD ION 9,nOJJT T. November 5 - 7,2010