V0TIE FOR TONY LAMBERT Locafl/egional Councillor Wards i - 6- 7 -8 you rway .ca Tony & His Daughter School to accommodate 1,200 fromn GROUND on page Ai high Stchool site, xvic i.hs fitate i n Milton s- tt'\etcieveloptrtetrit , the Boynt' survtet Planni ng foi thle shoo I c gan it 2006. IID1)5 plans to cose I(l)î irs' fligît St ho<îl, lotaieci on O)ntario Stireet htctweenl Main Stret anti Lacurier Avetnce, oncle the new school ks ready. [)aielli saiti stict I DSI doesn't os',n the latnd on wxhueh the 900-stdent huugh school is located, andi the need f'or a larger high school n town was îdentifred, the hoard wvas abie tio inake a sîrong hcusiness case for the new lacil- ity Danitîli said it was diffîcult to find the f5 acre site in Milton. "We simply eoctldn-'t find anything in tht exisîing developmet hound- aries in the size that we needed." ITht Towns planning deparîrnent allowed tht hoard to start tnnstrutting the school in Milton's latesi nrhan txpansion survey hel'ore an>' rther developrntnt took place. l'-ventuallv, the lfoy'nt sure>' xvill set 50,000 residenîs in the 2,300 acre area hnnnidtd hy I ours St. L aurent Aventue Io tht northjamecs Snoss Parklwav to th0e tasi , ifritannia Road te, tht sot hant IriruintRoatl to tht ';I 55es lt loit 1( 111(, lit 1 sittî "110 tO1plO ptito l il l)i,rttl ,ald a loi otf the cuinslur ition \%oîrk sat fr t te schlrtItr tinlvc et rtngtng set sic es tri tht aita. iith cu'tonstrutioiun of Miltons third ptuhlic higit schoirl is good itws for HiDSB, whrth recttntly, rdenîified a necd f'or a new eleinentar>' schornu te attomtintulatc thc inereasing ainount of- y'oung residents com- ng in Miltorn, Danielti said it wc)nt bc long OPteriais break gronnd for the newv high school. hecu(re antîher high schciol xxiii he requircd. "In 2015 or 2016, we wtll ncd ici bc look- ing ai antthcr high school. Tht thing ici real- ize is, if you ltok ai httw many kindergarten classes we have now, in eight or nine years, these students are going to need high schools"- sOc said, adding, "TOc hîggcst cohori moving int Milton ai ibis point is zero ici five -,'ears of age." SOt sard HDSBs super cttuncil, wvhich is made up tif tht superintendient, trostees, schord ccttncil chairs and principals. hav e alrcaclv hegcrr discussions ahouît tht' nc\x hîgh schtrtl's hitridaries. Danielli finîes tht hona' rtwts xIll hc rcatts fotr pubhî I le rutsý sc heirl xx II houtse f,200 stirctoîs anud staff antd rrtclucrts a tipIcle i a stttcit/thtatrt, a foodîc s ftîtl antI ttftnital tdut'ttinal fatiliuts, antt an aIl xx etier rtut- ntng tratk. Tht hbutget foîr constructitn, rncluding furniture and eqttîpm-ent, uls S30.4 million. Criistitta (Iniîsxîi cait bc' ittit îd ai (cumiisso@>niilîcrncauiadiaîit lrmtnrpii. cour).