Ko rnut asý sho w at downtown çjallery Milton chiropractor turns __ \lir \iloîin~hiacve-ci b\ \isii txplocs \'liion hem oin hîid n aagc Korntia on thc way to the farmcers' market, points and captures ihose in what she char- Scatching Oust a glimpsc of hcr in crcaiivc atcrizes as an "inimitable way. (D mode. Having sold more than 300 painîings Now the local artisi wilI offer a mnore in- sincc 2005, shc's hranchcd out hcy'ond hier Sdepih look at lher \vork through 'Ads cniurcs homnciowsn in rccni ycars anti hadhc liernls- Sin Trcspassing,' a solo show thai bcgins irations icaturcd in a numhbcr of- publica- z ionighi at Main Streccîs Dorland -Haigi lions. E Gallcrics. Tonighi's opcning staris ai 7 1).m. ant hc S Through hcr iatcst collcction, Kornuta cxhihît cons until Novcmhcbr i13. 0 "The business that considers itself immune to the necessity for advertising sooner or later finds itself immune toi business." Derby Brown author in inspirational book \Vords of ssisdoin Iroin a Mlton chiro- pracior ctn hc f0ond h)ciwcn thc pagcs id a book ainctl ai ectouraging andI inspîring rcadcrs. Dr. Marlcnc Turincr has hccn puhlishced aliongsîtlc 18 oti ci- Inalc t hiropratiors Iromn ( anatla, thc U nitd Stateis and Aiisiralia ni a booîk cntiticti Peîils (if \Xsdooî, Pioc andl Tht hook is a compilaion of o arin, pcr- sonai siorîcs ihai display tintcrsianding, kniowlctigc antI insighi Iroin a grotip Of SUC- tcsslul erlcmacthiropraciors. Turncr lias scr\,ctl thc Milton t orinnti Iroîn hcer doss itossn offitce l'or ncarly 30 s cars and tItring ihai hilec lias raisýcd four t hiltîrcu anti hccn invu>lsct i n local toininiisiicndcavotirs. Shic hias also scrs cd wiih sartous t hiropraciic organizations - a lcs\, oI thc i casons shc was choscn Io contrihuic in thc hook. "Fcr fie tlcrnionsiraics ihait i s poussîiblet raisc a lamily and run a sottcssful husincss ai thc sainc tin,- rcads a prcss rclcasc. T hc hook ais îo hclp pcoplc lis c an athni d,- whith futs in %vith thc chiirti pratt philosophy - lisving a hceilihs. bal- antcd liIcsiy c. Ficto s of 'Nisdloir, Vuir a nd Powutjîîl I s hcîng promoicd o orltls tc ai various chiro- pratic tonIcrcntccs antI is as ailahlc on ama- Zontons111 Rake in the Savings Select" Series Lawn Tractors *4-year limited warranty 17 278W* engines *Hydrostatic transmission $300" off X300s $500" off X500s $700A off X700s Spreaders Aerators Tillers Front Biades And More! MILTON BRAM PTON NOBLETON PORT FERRY OMEMEE 905-878-2121 905-846-2511 800-367-0608 888-81 8-9400 800-563-5601 CERTIFIED SJOHN DEERE V DEALER OJOHN DEERE Collection Sysiemrs Snow Throwers Test drive one at Green Tractors or Elmira Farm Service! www.greentractors.ca