ÔOPINIO)N Know who you're zvoting for Monday Monday is Votîng DayI Voting locations xviii open at 10i a.m. and close at 8 p.m To find out where you should vote, visit the Town of Multon's website, wwwmihton.ca. On Monday, residents xviii be asked 10 vote for a mayor. And they will select a town councillor for the ward in Jwhich they live, as well as a local/regional councili r for ~ Sthe same ward. While both serve on town council, the local/regional councillor also sits on Filton regional council. The Town deals witb responsihilitics ljlke local plan- ning, park-, and 1îcciîcaton. lîbîl-a c-. n l .cî .- .1removal and local roads. The Region deals witb responsibilities like garbage and blue box service, policing, watcr and wastcwater, public heaith and social services. Residents xviii also be asked to elci school board Arn trustees for whichever school board ihey support witb their property taxes - Catholic or public. An exception to ibis includes public scbool voters in Wards 2, 3, 4 and 5, since the sole candidate has been acciaimed. Tbe oniy candidate for Halton regional chair bas also been acciaimed. To vote residents must live in the municipaiîy be a Canadian citizen and be at Ieast 18 years old. For information on candidates, visit tbe Town's wch- Hav site, tbe Chiamýpionis website (www.insidebalton.com) or welcoî candidate websites, wbicb can be accesscd usualiy by toncar doing a web searcb under tbe candidate's name. flame, Please make sure to get out and vote. edited Send us ...youi letters le an opinion on a local issue2 The Canadian Champion -nes letters to the editor. Email letters to editoria@mil- ïadianchampion.com. They must include the writer's address and phone number. Lttturs may be ievised, or rejected. DeadlineDarie Iexpected a much better turnout, hougher questions Zbe CDrnîaiian Q!jampion Milion s Commun iy Newspaper Sioce 1860 555 Industnial Dr. Milton, Ont. L9T 5El 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 wvww.miltoncanadianchampion.com V.P. - Group Publisher Neil Oliver Regional General Manager David Harvey General Manager Debbi Koppelan Editor in Chief .3:11 Davi::; Managing Editor Production Manager Tin C1-- Circulation Manager Charieri' Hallî Office Manager Sandy Pare On Line Sales Manager Danîi Colan y The Canadian Champion, pîblished every Tuesday and Thursday, in a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd. udvernisng ol accepted or the condition thai, thie eueni 0i a iypograprrcal erro, ihai poron of the adveri, ng space occupied by nhe erroneous item, logeiber wilhra reasorable allosance for signature, will ont ne craged fo, but the balance ofthSe adueriement wdýl be paid for ai the applicable raie, The pablisher reserves ire rigri to raieqorize aduetirsenents or decire CCAB Audited Ontaaio Communiy oc l Newspapers Associaion Newspapers Associatone buburbani Nevspapeer U!ÇI of A meeria IL r r-uni, if there was a Wbo Wants To Be A Millionaire - Milton Ellection Edition,' I'd probabiy take the top prize. These iast two months have been a wbirl- wind of aIl-candidate meetings. I've heard most candidates' piatforms, ail 34 of them, about haif a dozen times. 1 can tell you who wili fight t0 save St. Paul's churcb, and who thinks the costs asso- ciated with preserving the building are 100 steep for*taxpayers. 1 cao tell you who believes this election is tbe time for change and wbo thinks leader- ship and experience is more imperative now than ever before. i could tell you my thoughts on who wouid do a great job representing Miltonians, who bas done their research and bas demonstnited a passion for this town, and whos not quite ready just yet - but lIli leave that for you 10 decide on Election Day. Wbat did surprise me during the cam- paigning spree, however, was a lack of inter- est from the community A meeting with the public and Catholic achool board trustees, aside from a handful of council candidates, saw by my count six residents. A meeting for the urban wards didn't see mucb more of a turnout. While 1 commend ail the people who did attend the meetings, I was hoping for tougher questions 10 be posed to council hopefuis. A prominent election issue is the Milton hospital expansion, yet some Miltonians have referred 10 this as a non-issue. Hospitals are a Provincial matter. The Province xviii decide wben the expansion xviii take place, and the Town bas already given the thumbs up for a local contribution to help witb the costs of the renovations. Plus, I doubt any candidate, or resident for thai maîter, is anti- expansion. 1, personaily, wouid like to bave seen more questions focused on community building, safe neigb- bourboods and job creation, witb candidates offering real, practical solutions toi problems, rather than -n just making promises. As a reporter, at limes 1 forget not every- one in the community cares about these issues as much as 1 do. Aibeit, 1 do get paid 10 write about munie- esee NEIGHBOURING on page A7 MILTON SLCOMM* SANTA leONs CLAUIS Jigle Bel Fond PARADE UJNITED WAY 0F MILTON M JîýY VYMCA ~ads O - Awards llci ityr Canai, Cl.. pi.n. . bRy. e'(t 11t , i MU"