Preisner races way to GHAC cross-country titie Lealds'Bishop Reding midget boys to swucessful By HERB GARBUTI bom runner." METROLAND WEST MEDIA GROUP Preisner - a long-lime AA hockey captain witb the Milton Winterbawks, lit may not be bis primary sport, but who also plays soccer with bis home- you wouldn'î know it by at bis results. town Magie - said bis reason for Continuing an impressive first sea- adding cross country to bis sporting son in which bes finished no lower endeavours was quite simple. than second at any meet, 1I tried it in elementary Bisbop Redings Ben Preisner - . school and 1 was good at il, 50 won the Golden Horsesboe 1 thought I'd lry it in high Atbletic Conference (GHAC) sehool." cross-country cbampionsbip T he gifted runner said be last Tuesday at Dundas' likes to gel out ahead of the Christie Conservation Areca, pack, and in bis three bigh Preisner beat sehool races hes had little Georgetown's Bryan Bartle by problem staying there. three seconds to win the five- Shane Afier a second-place finish kilometre midgeî boys race, MacDonald ai tht season-opening meet, clocking in ai 17.39 minutes. That also he won the McMaster Invitational proved to be the difference as the tbrec weeks ago. H-e kept bis winning Royals edged Georgetown by a single streak going ai GI-AC, ancd Morrîson point ici capture the eamn title - and believes hes quite capable of having book passage to OFSAA. strong showing ai ibis Saîurdays The top iwo îc'arns ancd top thrît (1 c \c b a pos ipsn toîos îIIdisiclo.îýl fîisisC- cîoaIlls1fol ihL -- JcooîSC 1 la Icîîîî a sîsep liii1 provincial cbampicmnsbips. ih.ii chballengces t iutC s Unlîke iiost of the top fînishers, Fits strong. If- lie an gtî pasi ibai Preisner doesn't train witb a track club. bill, tht resi of C entenn-ial is prty Insteacl, Redîng coach Maucen fiai," Morrison saicl, wbosc co-coacb. Morrison says tht Grade 9 studeni is "a Kevîn Wong, iook tht mîclgei boy s oni raw talent." for a praciicc mun i ['-tob)i-oke ibis pasi "He's ver>' ligbî on bis [cci and bts wtc'kcncl. got good cadence," Morrison loining Prc'îsner ai the provincimal txplained, adding. -[le's cisi a natural sbo\wc.îst wsIll bc Icammnate, lerenîsv AA bantams suifer first season Ioss Miuton's AA bantams will have payback pipes. %vhîle l3rock Ir.ictx inoved bail- to on their minds tonighî, looktng to avenge delentce and provided stcady play, contiînuing their only loss of regular-season play so far. io showv hus \versatility. That came in Oakville Saturday Matîhew Gooding hiad a couple afternoon, when the Winterhawks of' goiid scoring chances lromn thtc struck first but eventually fell 3-1 to point, while assisting on the the now front-running Rangers. Winterhawks flne goal was Kevin The teams had gone int the game Galley. with identical 5-0-3 records, and -l hie delcai lollowcd a 1-1 siale- Milton looked poised to corne out with mnate wiîh the Guelph Jr. Storm lasi sole possession of top spot in Tni County Tusday ai Milton S~ports ('entre (MSC). Bowen Division - holding a clear edge in The Jr. Storm potted the equalizer with the first period and goîng ahead on a power- just 1:07 left to spoil the hosis' victory party. play goal byJacob Quinn early in the second. Austin Dezeeuw lit the lamp [or Milton, who But Oakville evened things up about gave a fairly mediocre effort overaîl. seven minutes later and tallied twice in the The Winterhawks host îonighî's return final [rame, engagement with Oakville ai MSC, starting ai Nicholas Hoffman was sharp between the 8 p.m. Tour~~~ ofonE4mitn n IlI10 Vîsît or caî1905-525-1077 for event details and ticket purchase options No eýhb..,It il Laoktd obl ,The Junior League of Hlamilton -Burlington HÔLI DAY HOUSý OESAA quai fying bidl Farquharson, Nick Hoffman and David Jones, who placed seventh, i 7th and l9th respecîively Each position proved to be important, as just five points sep- arated the top three teams. Also heading to OFSAA is Shane MacDonald, another runner who stuck with the sport after having some suc- cess in elementary sehool. He finished third in the six-km jun- ior boys race with a time of 21.45, 15 seconds back of winner Braden Culver of Oakville's St. Thomas Aquinas. The E.C. Drury Grade 10 student knew he had a formidable opponent in Abbey Park's David Watson - last year's midget boys champion, who fin- ished second this time around - but used ihat as motivation. "My goal was to catch up to David," he said, alier finishing il seconds behincl the 2009 champ. -Last year he beat mec bs 50 six onds. ibis \,cair il wýas I 1 o I i( 1 i cd as fi . oi. I 1pe oli aI l beaii bîm ai PlI S,\\. That ssoulcl put Mac Donald in gooîc standing, sincc Waitson lînîshecl flîlh ai (.)l'AA star. Flllîng oust a liilc' short (f ilsnc ment îo O--A.', M ilion i)sîtric is Serena Kîni lînîsbc'cl cighb in dt, fo ur- kmi juior girls hic c, wîibl a 17 33 pi forinaic c NIKKI /ELE METRikAIND WEST MEDIA CROUP ON THE MOVE: BIen Preisner delivers a winning performance aI the GHAC cross-country championships. WVYE WANT RECIPES! WIN4 $100. GIFI CERTIFICAT! FROM DELACOURT 1111W The Canadiain Champion wilI be publishing a charity cookbaok and wants ta hear tfram local residents wha would like ta share their tavaurite recipes. Ai proceeds wilI be donated to the Milton District Haspital Foundatian. Please submit your recipe ta us by Navember 12. and yaur name wiii be entered ta win a $ 100 giti certificate tram Defacaurt's! email fax drop off or mail ZMwr Canabian (Ciampi'on 1800 905-878-2341 905-876-2364 555 Industrial Drive, Milton, 19T 5El1