Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Nov 2010, p. 29

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To lae n,,AdCall 0563-440 Eai: casifedhatoserchc eFa 90-6245 MILTON OFFICE HOURS: Monday ta Friday 9 arn. - 4 p.m. CALI CENTRE HOU RS: Monday ta Friday 8:30 arn. - 5:30 p.m. AD SUBMISSIONc Bpmail erren pension aI BRaninglen Pot, S040 Maînwap, Unit #11, BRnninglen ON LOb 7GS. DEADLINES: Menday t1t arn. fon Tvesday publicativn, W nesdapt t1 arn foe Tharsdap publicatien. Speciai Peature deadlies map valp PAYMENti 50e miii accept cash, cheqe, nIeras, V sa, MarCan Amenican Express. Business auceart map be epened mith an approem credîl applicanien aoaiiabietfrem penn Sales Censultant. CHECK VOUR AD ÎlE FIRST 'F rCruainiq iis laecl DAY ni APPEARS le, ensure itrs acenrane. Tire Canadian Champion miii net be respvnnsibie fen anp errens appeaning aften the firne day ef publiiatien. If an errer appears le pear ad, contact peur Sales Ceesultant mînthin 24 heurs et publication -Thursciap puhlicatien errn muer be nepeetea befere 5:30 p.m. 905-878-5947 on the tetloiemi Mendap. 1 otD FREE VOURSEIF inom aebt Money ton acy pen- poset Oebt consolidaation It, 2na, Snd mortevees, nîvaît lices & voans un te 90% LTO. Self empicyva, menteane or tan anteans. Doccl pay ton lyn neoeraml #10171 Octane ciane Fi- vianniai cenp. Cali 1-888-307-7799 wew.ntanin wcuelînan- nîal.nem S$MONEY$$ CONSOLI DATE Pebîs Moteanes te 95% No incoche, eBad nîaît D0I Better Option Ment- a e 082 1 0 9 6 9 ww, 1 BEDROOM apvclmrrecl. Larne cîcaowc, 1 parOisg space. Laenary lacîily. Open concept. $950! mont inclvsive. Evvc tleBcînnvt 905-877 2030. 2 AND 3 beanceer apant- ments avvviabie in ceorne- love. WviO le Main Street ana GO Trvnsît. $ieencreek levers. 905-vo3-vans. wswerealstaî.ca ACTON 1 bec ornt a part ment. S650/ mo0nth pies hyane, tiret ast, tnidne! cloue. vîiaPeie Secembeî iI. Ne nets pneterîna. 519-853-4721. ACTON 1 bnanoorn laine, ineshiy paîcteel. blh cý quint 8 pieu. Ovvivbie Penemben 1 sI. $095/ mecth innlecîve. Coi ivunano! / vrkinc. Cvii 905-003 3802. ACTON 2 beacoorn apant- menr, neevy rneviate. Ovaivbie Janevnry lt. $900/rnnl etliiec ilaa Qvre t Buiading. Ne pets pretecrea. 192 Cchillî voa, South. cvii 519-053-1201. ACTON 3 Seeorn vpvrr ment, $875/m oolc plus. Sececa fliee 2 bnaîoern $705/montS pies. 1 bed- îoern $550/mooth pies. Geocentown VictrIan cerne 2 Snacoom apacl ment, $1,125/mecth pies cyaîe. 1 bnaneorn. $705/mocîh pies syaîe. Cli 5193853500 or 519,853-5352. ACTON APARTMENns. 1. 2 a 3 bearoorn apacl- rneinc aviivte. lear. quiet buildicg cilS etlitîes incciana 40 Maria Street, 519-053-4374. cou ceaislvc ca DDWNTDWN MILTON Miliside Towers 82 Miliside Drive. Attractive qalet building. Spaciven brîght clean t &2 bedrvvm enlIe with iaendry faciiity anid social rvvm on site. REgeulai resident events Open 7 days & BVBBigsB Cali 905-875-1249 ACTON BACHELOR. Ne pers prelecced vefecernces cenid vO al $190853-3000 FOR RENT: Miton & Brampton, t bedcoern bacemen apacrnment. 0800/mo 2 coorns toc cecI $500 vans/me. vtiîtîns inclcvat No pets pînenead Fîcst ana lasl. cvii 64o-a5a-2284 or 289-752-o118. GEORGETOWN 1, 2 va 3-bvacoom apaîlmeets. Oeaiabin frcm Decvrnonr iI. iricivans 5nat/ cyaîe/ catie, Panking entra. Cli 905-877-6563. GEORGETOWN 2 bea- roo0m apactmet.Que Pve sînnleepi adlts. Reecces. Ne pets pîneeae PvDcembvc 1lst o r 155 a Il 9050877-1209. GEORGETOWN BRAND nev compivrele cenoualva 1-Sednoom/ 2-Svanoom apacimeels, Near GO In quier irle vrand env vo- pliacnec, parkieg/oa, stocane iocnkns/laenacy la- ciliies. Nec eneag effi- cient tecnacn/centcvi air, van ut. No smok- îlets prnlvrred IlSc ceom $850/montS pies Seat/cyace. 2-bnacoom $1.050/monts pies nnvtAiyoe Nouembvi ici. 905-702 4027. GEORGETOWN DECEM- BER 1cr. Orieht clevi 1 bnacvom basemeet. Sepvc- aie erance, nacen aly Parkîng/ ivucace. No pers/s mokîce preleccea. Sait single business comn $750/ot cieatv/ cyaco incuievO Cli 905-vo3- 390. MILTON LARGE 2 SeS- rorn api. foc cient, parking avvivhiv, cenai/ hydco il clunOns Cali Teresv 90508761907. GEORGETOWN DOWN- TOWN. Racheter apant- ment avîlabie Nevemben It. 2na Fleen in cmvii builing. cîen, crient. Pankicg, ivecary, Seat ei nivava. $oce/menîn. cvii on lent Hal 905-866-2627. GEORGETOWN, LOFT lîke uparîment en reiF-mvic- taîniea Main Street building. 10 foot neîiînns, recncly rnevled ana vecy cinan. ParOrne inctueva $950/ monts pies etlitiec. Ovaîlvuin November, Mature Teant. No pets/ smnoking preternea. Fircl/ lest. 41607006202, 905-07707200. SPACIOUS 1-B3DRM den in 13Mii mligy mn aîrvO qaiet ncIassy Fradge serve DW W/D In ciuens elililins, occee, packing. Gym epeol. $ 1250/ meo. neî1 905-86048an. Must pro- vide ISoquilan ce p oc 2îvneoî of empiormnet SlLntlnr lnorn previeous lvacad SPACIOUS, SECURE, c00 il 1 tnaroor. lacge file btiS nec flrs French- Oooîs vît cichen le col rop nadnatio .ul Odaen to nonservation acea ce Erarnosa River, F/$,.W 0. Oockeooa 519s-5ao204 2 BEDROOM cn Ocloc, prîvate yard. S925/meels pies vîrîrties, cetaccea me Geornetown, ravine eot. $1.9S0/mocih pies eln Duplin e ton, privaite yva. garane. oî a so ronlc pies etirties. Lontact Elizabeth Dcvii, Johnson OssecIates R evai E st a te aIt 90s-8oo 5105. BRICK BUNGALOW cn country Selveen Seoce lovei ana Milon. eceeiiy ceniovac 2 Seanoorn an, office, 2 bvlccoorns, a vppîancns. $1.500/moîPi pies eln viabin De- cnrc iIt enîncecces - pe rcerai and lîcancîil 905o-,491 MILnON- BRIGHT 3 be reoms, Ilrc btl, caca cocO. p arOine, ivecaco, yard $140S/me pies etlie S Ornait check, fils ast. Clvi 905-299-2900. NORTH MILTON, SAS 25/ 22 .ade RoaO. 2 stry 3-teeceorn. vile garane. 4 applirvces, $1 150/mec el lis(9051-825 5539ý nwo BEDROOM neye- heuse necI 5 Oppliacces. Nire esnanprnt vîev, ana cloen baicnso vnaay rmmedavteio. $1 275/mu, plus utl Seuls et Oerîe vft of Sott Riva (ircev Oerrvnel in Milton. rirk@aivreeioo oer c cvi 4100821-1210 ACTON. 3 iseacecer, 2 bvthrevm, lîcîshea case- ment. Ovailabie mia Dcember. $1 ,250/meclh nies e as ana h0arv. cvii GEORGETOWN 3 SeO rsrrn end rnit towrihu, v Fr lbes cecssnerra s locatîon. Ne pets/ srnckeîs nvirea. $1300/mcciv pies vle Mact ini Jonsn Ossecîies. 41"-92-4723 MILTON, NEW, 2 bea crns. 3 sîccey, vppi acces, $1250/rne pies eiiies. OvaiuSie rnrnedî aleIyý 416 k4ans155sn 9052520246 vol. 22 IroosrRena~ MILTON- ONE ro avvviabie cn 5cved new 4 Seacevm' cess, Senry/ Ontacie are aSo 40mc ail incluie. 647 220-4609 ROOM FOR vee ri c cc cee teese. Seie c i nie peesen, Pency ana 4rs Lice area, S00/ms Oi en ciesîve, 905-636-8982. 2800 SQ.FT, cilices cn freni, wareheuse cn ceai, Sîeins Ove.W. Miltoc, fll bach. ieasecabie cent. 5ev 1 ces-vos t20s IarfrRel EXPERIENCED, RE- SPONSIBLE Orcheco Hunt er icekîce foc laca le Svnl on and eîiliig le pay a ceasecabie cecI Ici the plvie Safty censcîIoes' non Orickec and cacai esîker. Pieuse cvii Oyac 416-688902 1 om&t are HANDYMAN SOLU- ViONS, cmvii & hie jobs,Il cnes e dO cer tîtîva înstviiens, incurva & nuar anlieva , rnelecennes vaiabie, sncratîieing in batccoms basemeets, vii cenes, vii cepaîrs, pturn iln vienînînvi, aryvaîî & more. cvii toaay 905-320 7563 FREE- CUiT O venk vl ia Otînes Cvii1 905-875-2853. dorama7c@gooiemail.nom LOVING 10 yvvc lemain labry neOs a happy home ife ivo an-iI Jreui rayes ai! siiis Il ici brox -c sccvn e e Pivase cvii 905 334 3102 LIVE IN Ca lenî e n qeîreO toc tee ccilOrn in Ouriieigti 2 yvarc ecpvrî ecce cequmires. Contact ienencoiemai cern FOUND IMAIL gîey cal ce Oct 015. ce lvii. ced col al, Maie St W/ remaîce 1 Ch ae Availa f JAMES SNOW/ Ovccy. evycare, estlbiîsned celer ecces. LFOR Fîs "IlîO, 2 spanes vavaie joei pcegrm 90$648 334. Arsan rafs rs n Jat Bl e eeo £od ok Saturday November 6th 1 0:DOam - 4:OOpm ait car SHOWROOM lecated at 11998 WINSTON CMURCMILL BOULEVARD 2kme nerth et MaytieIdI Read t River Drice Georgetown New Ready te, Fininh Handcratted Farnîture Oceen miesien bed, armeire, deer cheet, ward- robes, dreceere, nîghl tablen, qaîli racks, dreeeing vanity, harveet table, hetch and but- ftl china cabinets, curie cabînets, hait meen table. corner cabinets deacsn Senchvs. bssk cases, sofa racles, coffve and end tables. drp cîck, ivilo cabînete, flut panel TV compornent stand, panlry, deeke, wîne table, hall Ibrene. plant viande, hall tree, magazine lables and mach, mach more. ttring a truck lake il wîlh peu! CUSTOM ORDERSWELCOMEt Shewneem heure Mccday -Salendap lO:OOam-6:OOpm 1ONP ELECTRIC clairt John Seece ceccieoer, 28 cu. $400 Ocrer 51908532900. HARDWOOD FLOORING L Oc svtccs ci. Canada c leaaeeccînne 1900. vo8s 2 63 603063 1hlfdfCrAvaiable It'II fit your Bea ke atci Povide! (weewatch 1-877-823-2621 4- CARPEn Lvrpetaeor vil cm cfnr pet ard îinsaion.e nreck- coas ver ceces direct le ycl F esc, nectec, com mercîIa Save Save, Save,î Fiee ccep ai cree- i toll free 1-055 Carpeiseais 22770383 FREE SHIPPINO crs Canasa toc vitf reip me meus c rvei rc EcIv cIvl & Fia nce.cvvre aboet pers ro ma nich throenc le chvallenges in- ciesîre inhadeily, parentng, divorce, abse srecceer y Bey as v git or ici ycur Oelf OcO ai yccr tiracy. cee .iuesitbiscime ca 905 639-0050 NOT TUB (Spa) coerc test puice. Oesi qeaIltyý AI scapes & cuievî Lviia 1 8060 5085 0 0 55 2002 ALERO 2.2L. Nec lices, cee battleyOs 102.000 kms. $1.0 ove Cl Lvii 04440. 2004 VW t.8L, Turbo, 112,000rns. $11.500. Salety acd elesteii 1990 Feor IlConteur LX , 105,Oeckrns,. 1.000. Salely ana elenlea. ïi 647-203-1504. AeMile Jîkp. veeCais,3 GOrsi ircpe er Scakes lices, Royalî 905 , 077$00.equ es Esoce Opniais doe*d@sh*ffiedr oer Aticfor Sale ) [1 c f lrI 1995 MAZDA Mne MysI lilipOl ARMOIRREC coie ree 2.5L. V6, 2 scor, il 5ld od sturnes carnes curte, bis k inE m el oe rcs, or, eîeal condition, ternie u r s is 33 ns. cccvi Es r ssr 283.000,TH -2 - W4 2H2 .$SiSO $1200 sus muntil g eviiDME snsvo mes P E:1 Cr 1c ACCOUNTING * Ment have a minimum 3-5 yearc ecperience in an acceuntîng un tînanciai manager pesition * CMA er CA Decîgnatien * Impeccable attention te detaîl, with hîghiy deveieped erganîzaliena & malti-tackîng ckîilcs * Knewiedge ut acceantng fer multiple branches er locatiens * Kncwiedge et bcth Canadian/US acceunting practîcea & andetctandng et tac law This position reports te thte CEG. Competitive salary lbased opon esperience). Performance bonus & comprehensîve benetits package. Please e-mail your resumne ta: Intermediate Buyer Bramopton Company reqeires an interme- diate buyer to process a high volame of parchase orders. This position witl be responsible for issuing and confirming perchase orders. The saccessfal candi- date wiII have excellent interpersonal skills, possess a College or University degree and have at Ieast two pears related enperience. SPlease forward your resume and salary expectation ta: Run1234@hotmail.caI Followus on E 0 Lo01calWork.caî ante nESi SaUnE FOR LOCAL JOcSs IDeveloîment IDevellopelent I Unempoyed L B e c m e a D e n ta l H y g ie n nt in 1 8 n th. Cal ODEt teday te regînter terceur Jaceary 2011 clasces 905-304-4706 a

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