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Sadit. thc n,sgocded feute opercussees tin tet orteet ie s eht lumps -Yc t- nn taicececcet and shoeppng aetd Ttc frui, s thtcyoct sote ,oenprytthmcee to tctg ifyou anshpping arotdtfesabettrrte. In fact eeift dey dtd lett ou cee clectots l yot options, yo carte, be pet.izied nr secefoteeetlit nd a beretdc0l D ont Se Failed Dy Ocisers OfferinsTo "Compare Quotes" Umike stetfecopetct, tsutsceHdteocndeeeeotssfltscMic, s 0 Th,,slcc.11- o c occcn to e c.mp,ey urc1tecdccttttttt.drgcotstct qu'tes luidkeep-cus cosllly ontttdnge lowesclc,.. -accccles fo affilited cet, teorctes btelce, o etst amd are totetfoe only capable ot qcehtg mt (rote Isf knu ere et cotcs ceepeeces Ocet npmtesctypc l no0 , e GET FREE SAVE TIME CONNECT WITH INOOIEANCE AND MONET OUR LARGE QUOTES et quteidy conifil NETWORK fr*-citerossdoesc -Ci..de.,. 30 .ne"". u..Cth. po5stci Save mone'y ait the puimps hy using a block heater in colder weather Didyou know that using a block heater to warm upyour vehicle could save you fuel? According to rcscarch by Environment Canada, on a - 25 oC day using a block heater can reduce your fuel consuniption hy as moich as 25 per cent at for a single short trip. Science has long known that during colder months, vehicle engines and their emission control systems take longer to warm, up to their optimum operating temperature. That optimum temperature is critical for kceping engine ellicienex at lis pcak and harnilul cix sions at a minimum. But until a vehicle warms up, its engine hurns significantly more fuel and spews out additional pollutants. As well, when an engine starts up in frigid (aka Canadian) weather, the oil that lubri- cates uts parts is thick and yslow, making the engine Rate Comparison InsuranceHotline.toms finds this rate for drivers, for FREEI Yourt Savihngor ne y or tme lowest insurance rates hours before you have to leave. Some Canadians waste as much as four per cent of their annual fuel consump- tion idling their vehicles hetween six and eight min- uses a dayx Coîssrarv to poptu lar belief, excessive idling is nos the hest way t0 warm up your vehicle - driving it is. So get yourself a block heater and use it to warm up your vehicle ahead of time. You'l he saving time, money and the environment. www.newscanadca.com VolkswagenPure - Certiftd Pre-owned Vehtctes. 0 Best Certified Pre-Owned Program in '05, '06, '07, '08 & '09. For the fifth year in a row we've won the IntelliChoiceQb Best Non-Luxury Certified Pre-Owned Programe. How do we know our cars are Pre-Loved? We put eacb of themn through a 112-point inspection, checking everything from electrical systemrs and safety features ta upholstery and bodywork. Tilen we bock up with a Volkswagen 2-year/40,OOOkm Iimnted warrarity, plus 2 years of roadside-assistance.*c But don't take our word or lntelliChoice's word for it. Stop in and learn about aur Certified Pre-Loved Vollcswagens for yourself. Ites one time the head and the heart wiIl agree. 2010 Routas. Highljnî 2006 Jetta, 2.OT e 2006 Golf CL 2010 Touareg 2007 GTI 2.0T jar Sthc 506N1)1100, , Auo 9121 lr t 00 5V6 3.60 u .42 Deu. 23,004 ei St flP1759,4 ClTbo, 2 0 CALPO CALI NOW CALL NOW 2006 Jelta TDI 2006 Jotta 2.5L 2009 Jetta Sed .. ... . . ..... o $1 , 7SLSHT Mississauga Volkswagen 8 - VolkswagenPure 2420 MOTORWAY BLVD., MISS ISSAUGA, ON ae lCertfied Pro own ci Vehicle Tel: 1.866.980.3703 Fax: 905.569.3022 www.mississaugavw.com info@missisaugovw.com work harder to get going, thereby using more fuel and increasing harmful emis- sions. Give your vehicle a head start hy using a block heater. This will warmn the coolant in 'o>ur engine anfd allov il to stars warmn and risc to its optimal operating tempera- ture faster. And that means warm air will flow to, the inside of the vehicle through the ventilation systemn faster as well. To limit the amount of electricity used to operate your block heater, put it on a timer so that it runs for 2 VW purchase fînancîng rates fromn OAPRt 2006 Passai 2.OT 2007 Rabbit 2.51 IntcliIChoice Inc., Octebet 2008 rcoe. of 31 mtanufacturer ptegramt. Sec 'coo.,ecllichoice.ceet fer additioncil details, eplaectiet of reoctits and ptegten updaecs. tuocd on U.S. Pregete attyts **Roedtde assistance is providcd by ProessioneI Dispatcc Geoup. Sec dealer fer eddctional deteilo ab02f the wetteety. tFeetce planse aveellble on epproecd ctedit thrtougl Volksweget Finance. .90% APR ineecicg petets te finance tettt oP te 48 mteets only on 2005-2009 M.Y. VckwagenPoc Jettas. Ratet steet et .90% -2.9% up te 60 eteths for other teedelo. Finncin ceample: $15000.00 finoeccd et .90% for 48 months, teeethly payent is $360.88, cost of beteening is, $314.24 fer a total obligation of $15,314.24. cDaer ney oeillo lessct. Dec, payeet neybc rcqiurcd.OAC. PPSA, insurancc, and applicable taes ore extte. Ollero expire Noetbe, 1, 2010. Sec dealcer fer coeplctc deteils. 0 2009 Velkcotegen Canada. 11$16,270 PLUS Hg il 1$14.270 PLUS HST 1