MIIII a] SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 30 DAY / 2500 KM EXCHANGE POLICY PRICE GUARtANTEED 7 DAY PRICE PROTECTION MECHANICAL GUARANTEE 30 DAY 100% MECHANICAL WARRANTY LONG TERM GUARANTEE 6 MONTH / 10,000 KM POWERTRAIN WARRANTY hwrruds.co ITown's financial strength priority: 'Krantz By Christina Commisso CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Focus is what Mayor Gord Krantz says Miltonians can expect from him over the next four years. Krantz delivered a short synopsis of what he plans to focus on this term, while highlighting the Towns priorities and challenges during council's inaugural meeting Monday Decked out with white corona- tion boutonnieres and big smilcs, the Il members of Miltons town council were officially sworn in dur- ing the evening event, which saw a full house of family, friends and sup- porters. "A strong financial position inO any municipality is very important, and I'm sure it cornes as no surprise to any of you that thats first and foremost on my agenda," Krantz said during his inaugural address. He pointed to the business park, educational village and hospital expansion as bis top priorities for the next term. The operating cost of the towns several new or expanded facilities, including the sports centre and arts centre and library, pose challenges Krantz said, describing them as "sig- nificant new costs that will evolve over the next four years. lI intend to run this town like a business. And 1 know from time to time l'm criticized for that... .but 1 suspect 1 have the support of my colleagues most of the time." see COUINCILLORS on page A4 Todlay's Champion CLASSIFIED A27 ARTS BI DATELINE B2 REAL ESTATE B12 wwwv noolitoncanadianchanlpion com Inserts: *.FJLL DITIST1N. *MARKS WORK RFOD BASICA - TISER DIRECT - ZESLEES - RRESHCO VIRTRO CASSEA. lOS MILTON CHAMPION OIES GUIDE - tEST EUE OS0 SUX O. CANASISE TIRE* ROBSINESS DEPOTE OSSAL **PARTIAL DIS11TRIBUTON. M& ME S T l R ZA EST' AREAS ESTATE.- MEOICOL FOO' SOLUTIONS * TEEE CEK LISTER LOWES - ROAE* HOME HARDWARE - SOREy S XL RAES SPORT CHER. RA BA BO RP S PET CENTRES.- PHARMASSIOT *THAI HASSE *FWATER DEROT - PES RORNISHINA LITTLE CAESERS *REtEA RIME ROSA GANT TISER.- WOOFTOMN B LACKS PHOTO W ALMART - SEAES. SOLE TOWN - MPHRl - RIDA.* HOME SERAS * MESS PRO SHOR. ROSSER SHOR.- PET VALSE.- ROSE RINENCIAL YTS R USS.TSC STORES.- THE SOURCE .SUER SORERS R ORTINAS SOAR PRER ENERSE - HOME OSTRITTERS .DENIER LESTER .00 DISA