Vol kswagen's popular Golf goes electric Left to Right: Owner Carl Ruedecker, Secretary/Treasnrer Lisa Boedecker-Belanger, Winner Deigo Mayorga & daughter, General Sales Manager Phîl Ciantar, Winner Lorena Montalvo, Regional Manager Steve Knopf, District Sales Manager Tappînder Jhajj, Sales Manager Victor Soldia and Salesperson Simon Ziarati. Son makes famnily $10,000 winner ait Milton Kia Imagine the excitement of buying a brand ncw car and then having that experience amplified by winning $10,000 at the same time. That is cxactly what happcned on November 3Orh at Milton Kia when Diego Mayorga & Lorena Montalvo and their son, Nicolas purchased their family's brand ncw 2011 Kia Sorento. As part of thcir Spin and Win November and December promotion, Kia C anada was offcring une Grand Prize of $10,000 in Ontario in November. Wbcn the Mayorga family purcbased their brand ncw car, tbcy got a cbance to "Spin and Win" tu sec wbat casb prize they wouid reccive. Diego & Lorena, n(3t sure wbat box to cboosc aliowed Nicolas to make the choice and be won $109000 lor bis Mom and Dad! Kia C anada and Milton Kia congratuiatc the Mayorga famiiy on their Grand Prize win andi remind you that une more $ 10,000 Grand Prize is stili out there for December! At Novembers Los Angeles Auto Show, Volkswagen offered Canadian media their first cbance to get bebind tbe wbeel of tbe Golf bine-e- motion zero-emissions eleetrie vebicle. Drivers experieneed tbe pure eieetricaiiy pow- ered version of tihe most sueeessful European car ever built, the Golf. For Volkswagen, 2013 is tbe key year of eiectrie mobility. First tbe brand starts into the age osf pure ciectric driving by intro- ducing tbe alI-electrie Up! and sbortiv aiterwards tbe Goîlf binu u 90051990ll 1 be lix e door and live- seat Golf bine-e motion is siientiy driven by an ec tntc motor tbaî dclix crs a bigb maximum torque (199 ib/ft) from a stop, rcsuiting in a truc zero9- emissions Volkswagcn driving experienue. The elcctricitv for powering the electric motor is stored in a litbi- um-ion battery witb an energy eapacity of 26.5 kilowatt-hours. The Golf blue-e-mnotion juins Volkswagen's many other responsible mobihity options, including TOI Clean Diesels, hybrids and bio-fuel powered vebicies. Energy-conscious driv- ing with impressive per- formance The Golf blue-e- motion features a driving range of np to 93 miles; bowever, tbe specific range will depend on driv- irîg style and factors such as ic u isu of aiîr condition- ing and b atîng. Ibe acrodynamic Golf bine-e-motion offers ample power and bas fea- turcs tbat ensure energy is prcserved while driving. For exampie, tbe vebicle can coast or 'sail,' wben- ever tbe driver relcases tbe electnuc pedal. VoIkswagenPure~ ~_ _. Best Certifieci Pre-Owned Progrom in '05, '06, '07, '08 & '09. VW purchase UAPR9 2009 Jetta TDI For the f ifth year in a row we've won the lntelliChoiceQD Best Non-Luxury Certified Pre-Owned Program*. How do we know ont cars are Pre-Loved? We put each of them through a 112-point ispection., checking everything from electrical systemns and saifety features to uphokstery and bodywork. Then we bock up with a Volkswogen 2-year/40,OOOkm limited warranty, plus 2 years of roadside-assistance.90 But don't take our word or IntelliChoice's word for it. Stop in and leorn about our Certif ed Pre-Loved Volkswagens for yourself. It's one timne the head and the heort wiii agree. 2006 Jetta 2.5L 2010 Passat Wagon 200 Rabb, 2ýb. 2L 2010, R 5ta Sh.n 9,50k 270 P3LUS. H S PLUS.o 052 I 9A99 8990W CALLNOW CALL INW MisissugaVokswgen, VolkswagenPure ~ 2420 MOTORWAY BLVD., MISSISSAUGA, ON ~ ,Cùfie b8Preowfed VehiclS W Tel: 1.866.980.3703 Fax: 905.569.3022 www.mississaugavw.com infa@misiissaugavw.cOm 9.diPooDhG SooO od9O Éw i9teIiChinc,, Octbe 09002008 r009009of3199manufacturer999999990 See -mtellichoicei omh or 9 ddi0 i nal ddd ais, explancitio, of es99909 and9999909 oo 99.99Base9on0-99oogr.,.ana, 0, s.,, detoils about th9e 009909999. tFin.nce plans9 OOîil9bIeon 09 ppr000d 090999 through Voikswagen Finance. .90% APR financiog pert99199t98finance9909999 99t48 motho 09199 on92005-2009 M.Y. VoikswagenPure Jettas Rat tort 99 .90% -2.9% 9999a60 099969 for 99h09 models1. F90009999 09099910. $95000o00 8.,o,,ood ut go% for48 m.onths,, mothly payoo,,9 i $360.88, co00 of 6099099999 is $3142480or0 total obligation of $15,314.24. Deae oi 99909 or less09. Dowoo payment maybe reqio,'od.OAC. PPSA, 909999009e, an9d applicable taxes ore extra. 08809 expire Noooober 1, 2010. See dealer for cooplete 99099119. © 2009 Voik9990gO9 Canada. 1$49,988.. PLUS ffl 1 [$15,770