&Getting your house in order before the holidays could save you thouscrnds John Cavan,< lU Mortgage Agent MeArchct Askyour local mu mortgageplannerR We're in the busy seasonl Lots of shopping, cookies to bake, parties to plan for, and to attend. Sou Il lower your poymonts, sove on interest ond con power dlown your debt foster. In almost every case, you're better off holding your debt in o mortgage thon in any other lending vehicle. Why? Becouse Conadian homeownrers are benefiting from mortgoge rotes thot ore stili among the lowest in decodes. Worried about penalties to breok your current mortgoge? Have your situation ossessed; there's o good chance that the savings each month will for outweigh any penalties. Consider a situation where vo, r crrn which you get o new mortgoge for $202,000 to cover the original $ 155,000, the $40,000 ia credit cords and cor loan, and $7,000 to break your mortgage. Your new mortgage is at 3.59% and you now have o much lower overal monthly payment of $ 1,018. With this new scenario, monthly payments are $848 less each month; a great improvement in cash flowl And if you put $400 of that cash flow into your monthly mortgage payment, you reduce your omortization from 25 yeors to 15. Wereafotnae nrain f i-ewer.Independent mortgage planners - who have For many though, pesky debt responsibilities con mortgage is $1 55,000 at 5.5% and you have We con benefit from Iow mortgage rotes to access to more thon 50 different leaders, dampen their planning and holiday enjoyment. a monthly payment of $946. In addition to your enjoy our lives and our homes - and to manage icuigms ftemlrbna-hv Others may not worry about their debts, thinking mortgage you have a car boan of $20,000 our debt wisely. become specialisftsthin mhelpinganCanadians they con aîways get their financial house in order und cei admxdout at $20,000. You Home equity debt consolidation is a golden restructure debt. In addition to offering occess ofter the holidays. are poying $920 a month on the car boan opportunity, especially if you're concerned the to a broad range of mortgage options, these and credit cards for a total monthly payment holiday season will further odd to your debt experienced planners provide credit advice But if you're concerned about your debt of $1,866. You're feeling financially stressed burden. Aside from the debt stress relief and and debt management tips that can help save obliatgat ,coons, adiconsemoderak adding onemrt aymorea yutask ittontrwithavnthatetrmonrnghlyrdepoymentso hosondyou olmee.tt' witha pnterestart uyour homeda euit tod cosliateei you high situain. mrgaepane aasesy give you o fresh start tot responsible financial A mortgage pionner con help you sort out use ourhom eqity a cnsoiclte our igh siuaton.housekeeping. Create a plan for this yeor's your debt so you can plan your ideal and well. interest debt into a new or existing mort(uage. Your mortgage planner presents a scenario in holiday spending; set a budget and work within budgeted holiday seasonl John Gavan is an Approvcti Mortgagc Planner wiîh Mco îcgage Arciclîcis. Mccîîgaic qucsîcccns andi (ont ti tS (tan bc di lOt tcd tc)Joihn Cac an 's offi c, lotaicd ai 14 Martin St. , Mcilton. John tan bc rectfcd h-y phonc: 905-878-721,3 or b(w inacil john.tavccnîWPmlgait ta. john ( cansccsîesccvc tcspc0mtccc a. Cocniti John todcltv about yosci sticssfrec moi tgtgc opportunities. t. M ý ý à thot omount. If this debt consolidation exercise gives you new financial comfort, you'll wont ta mointain that ease by living within your means during and after the holidays. Homeowners are recognizing that they need to get smart about debt. Canodians pay a shocking amount of money on their high-interest debt, whether it's credit cards, unsecured boans, or tax bills. It aIl adds up. But if you have equity in your home, there's no good reoson to be See aur saline version wcth lise links ta local agents and praperties at: www.nliltoncanadianchampion.com Irb Cama cbmp Lookînqc -Çor a NlneU t c4undblp do kteh cuý &r kO \"M4,dîe IH jz ..... -- i I H M ES REAL 22 Ontario St. S., mu.. ~AA~g ~Milton, ON RKVÂIMI EAL CENTRK - 878m77771 ý:gvCLATTON ru CRANS HACKENDROOK SERVING MILTON SINGE 1980 c878777 WW.bCkUb,.k.g.. Itietime Achleverrl" and Plainum Club Maints _____LET os SuN Tes Wolf.. EVERYTHINS WE TOUCH cfl 1111111111111- TURNS TU 30L1 9100w NO? unS lONe &MURS MOR A NEW FANILYV -tere's a home Chat 1,1They loveit thecr hsme han been meticulosly 7 but the tcme has came maintaineit & opgraded omvonThs3bd inclottcng naw kitchen te mnne anhis 3 eat-e with caramic tirs & hack-1 opgratted tlssning, maso- optant, 6 appîcancan, vtdmi ahom renenateit bathroos, vaed i n 80 alhorssmn -ee uprddforn ain leael, 5 appliances, thrneghout, 2 ireplaces - hnisheit nec cm, close andt a tinishait rec an. to achasis sait hackcng Lot's not torget the new on ta a park. Ta vcew windows (08), toureace & catI Claytsa ar Ccaig. ai odtsig(08) and large wattl tanitacapeet lUC $325,000. Î $2 ,50 EXECOTVE ROME FORIL A GONIO FAUDLT BnE m BUSALON FOR DENT This 4 tir brick home ns This heastîtal home hutl hy Coscorp ard as lucatedin an astuCe bmasts 2,885 sg fi, 9 t >1 subdivisin an Carlisle ceclingu, 2 storey cecliat jr in j a vary desîrahle acea. family rm, main floor dan, It tentures appruai- granite countertopo rn kit mately 2500 sq Ctl wcth ard an nak siaircase & rail caehedral ceilings, har- ingC. An added bonus is a zuSi kîtchen, haritwnsi 5 pce ensuite, 4 pce main tînars, open concept, bath plan arather 3 pme gas firaplace, opplianc- n bthrom r bsemnt.Chi hoe sjr nsute,2 pa ad Otsgh as and maay othar tanonisus fCealures. This ceulit ha a long Cerm in athoomin aismen. Tis omeis nanw condition wih aumarnuo situation for the right tamily and in uaalabta Dec. lst. Caîl Cînyton Ctuie r upgda andln a5990 o n orCrher detaits or tu nîaw. Aaking $2400/mth J Âf:À h. à ILI ! aeqai' dbyr joigfrt etpso r V Detac/ced in Dorset Park, wtith 2 car garage. Preferraileq.icple / V End Unit Condo at 1003 Milîside Dr, wilh West exposure. Hemlock / Birch / Cedarirae. V Cosntry close lu Towen with min. i acre up (o $530,000 V Gonds or freehold toters/ouse up tu $240,000, flexible I/ Cuuntry sa/lu acreage or possible 2 family closing. >W,(i ~i 4 liiiroiici lic ccci Ml i cc'îîîîîcîî i inciirr lot (m. c qcci cirestent , my 1ticcc u rcîcîîcs. tli it scicfi lcnicw; it iistî-ît ,it sc4<.c il iii À tIli ,A ik il tt) w i îoî W(xxl I.jl\, coriicr il Vista. S(j il lot \()[1 lo Illove il) lo. Lomts oi \ý()IIt I)c Lisic(l S,-)8ýmxx» il lit, ()r Inort, il )JOrin (Itiol 1. I 11we IoH1C puL 1,, e. ave beeni wàfvilg for!!! C ai) \ CbtiliV ou et lci uca pn 11 ke ittîii %* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y IlpWI. 4 BT wuw ~ ~ stt O e.l077CNP I lu M www-harkonhrank-g A 1 r 0M cali or email throuch rov wi