L - __ _ School board hires new superintendent of business 7 DAYSI Monday to Sunday The Halton District bîstory as a collabort ux Wcntwortb D)istrict School School Board lias sornebody lcadcr wîil lie ant asset l'or Board. ncex in charge of ils finances. this board," Director o ni li er prcvious miles, The scbool board recent>' Educanion David Entalc said Lucy was knnown f'or her appointed Lucx' Veerniani -i in i -1-11 -\-551- C-- , 1 **.1a f Ail about the kids, says board chair K Read.A»n Moks eda MU ý U«AMn B1- ' K- -D IN ELU BO()KZ&VC' ELU ED OONEYM TUE S14RTl U~~O Brand NamesRUA