MitI Community Newspaper Since 1860 CNA Nainud Canada' Top Cotinoîunastý Neupaper ________________1911M_ R EA L E ST AT E See what's on the market inside S PO0R TS V-bail Mustangs riding high C O M M O N 1 T Y Santa cornes to vilag Sofr h alainAm aot8 e ent 0 s un Rn gI Is hoi AE esnadsapai t eiet omk etedn t ( a--rsa ON.I S*CA R*ES EMIINfJITOibnIyIc 1245~~~~~M Séee Avne9oeoJmsnwki&eeAe 887062 hortial Please donate any money you can spare: Sally Ann By Christina Commisso CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF li's tobur da i ntil Chlristnmas and thse Salvatiîîn Arnv lar Iroi is londiaising goal. .\s its annual carnpaign ends on Chbristmas Evc and this vear having set a Ioliy goal of S 8,0.staff at the local organization arc appealing to residents to take notice of the red kettles and spare any mionte> they i.ould to hielp Milton's less fortunate. As of yesterday S$140,000 had been raised, about 80 per cent of the Salvation Armys goal. Wve had an incredible response with toys and food. Noxw we%, nced a final push for fîînds,- said Angela Hunt, administrative assis- tant. The funds raiscd during the holi- day season go toward niaintainîng Sally Anns food bank for the entire year she said. The demand on the food bank is uli about 20 per cent froîn lasi ycar, which Hunt attrihuted to a greater population in iosvn and more refer- raIs from oiher agencies. The nsoncy raîscd willîlie used when the food batik is rtînnîng Io\,on items;, howcvcr, following a sirong hioliday food drive, Hunt esti- mated thievî'l have enough food foi the ncxt three or fouir monihs. She saîd the need for Christmas 00 d hampers and tovs for childr-cn see VOLUNTEERS on page A2 M li _J A