That Boston night memorable i"oini ng Made Easiy: SNo Moneij Down! jNo Enrolment!* ( on a 1 iyear membershîp) SLimited Time Offer STEELES 24 HOUR CO-ED CLUB S855 Steeles Ave E 905-876-,3488 MAIN STREET SUPERS'1OR WOMEN'S CLUB 820 Main St. E. 2 id loo SL purst 905-876-3483 Goodtîfe FI"TNES.S The good life. Made eas.. goodlffitness.corn *Baoed on the purchase ot a t year memberohip. Bt weekiî paymeotî wîIl commence baoed oo tour stari date. Applicable provincial tax appties. No additîoal tees are reqoired abooe tire regalar membership tee, Membersip tees oary based te club and the oetecied membership opion chooeo. Citer oottd ai participatîog locations oily. Ltmited urne otter. Cter conditions appli, oee claub for detaito. 1 once umadu a Nuis Vuars rusolution tii bu luss sîuliid in thu romîing y'car. Il didn't work ourt. Iii laut, 1 cati it rnîm hubr a resolution tîsat usut rlid, so 1 dot t iaku thumn any mîoru. Iti ans, ei utt 1 isas looking hark iii tlîu yuar at sote rof thu artts tius 1 was is olsud \vitIi, îîîuludîng tîsu sîrangusit is as otiu latu sutlnîîuî iighit iii Boston. Boston s, a itre r its. brit \\u isutu tluru iosl to go to I uis ,as ParIk loi i hasulill gair ,s f il ww a gruai. flic hotul usýas tiirc r'oo. bi ni ,t a, an asirde. you ran i talkr brui toi i or hoiru1 tootil n Niassarliisui is 1t'lis ait r lais. anrd onu tIsai tatlsus r os ut cirîots to cr rrnîîsss ui. aîtlsorgh Wrv rîtr gri raruglit onice anrd han to luavr iî ss'uh hotul seur iiy. Okay so iburu \,urc four of us and 'u bian lallun asluup ai art ont casoisablu borir wbcts thu tiru alarni weti off, tîayhu arîaund 2:30 in tbu rnorning. Fvurybody îgnred it ai firsi Alarms arc always going off in brutuls. hI was ioo lrod ti ignotru, thougb, and wbaî puoplu us'untually do is lrook oui iii thu hallway and suu what uvury'hody elsu is doing. And to sec if you can smuell inoku. 'Nu wuru nuxî to the stairwuîl and ihuru usas a ronstant porunrltng on the stairs frois poler îl goinîg do\% si 'So, thi', scutiur scutors cnoîi, maybu .vu sbîîuld got Nrtbody wvas iii a rush, and ccrtainly nohody ivas iii a panic. \u lrook orr limes antîrhun jrttnud tbe peoiple ou tbe -stairsvell. 'Nu made it io tic grrîurlc floor and ihen joinuri the ihrongs across thu strct sîhuru tbucrc uas ais unpiy park-liku field. Vircîrrîrks and uicrgcnrs- vubiclus hlockud tIse siruci, so itueru artrially was a lire- On the loose Nouons\ nîîrld sec alting, thooiwî1 îî[d fIs u ss ontld. Vie latui- foold OLit il Si a- 11 clertrirati ng. In titu nîîanttime people siýcru 1p o liii( grass or lindtng ansv sparc s icire ilir\ s oIC sit. 1 notircd that inansv people sscic talkînu" on ccli phones, although 1 couldn 't illîgion who'd bc happy to lhear lromn tiai iltiai lime of nighî. Afier an hour people began Io gui ril and niore importanily had to go to tise satil room. O.iur littie group was one of the fi ra, ii wiseuUp to this and wu,, walkued about 10 itîni oies to the Boston Harbor Hoîci, losînn a hathroorn and very comtfortablu chair,. 1 nus ur siept a wandernl aio'iion! tlîis"tl\ ' uuling il 1 niitld l inl îi l si l i litned in to the bolt tnanageuteilliiog ls, people vhat îo do, and then chatîging Iis mind on the spot. People sic sluupiîîg in almosi uvery available empty spot on usec floor, and bu realized the huit thing io do na losi deal with it. \Vu all gcît back, to our moins laie usec nsu\i morning. The next das. thu lire alatiii \\ci11 off agaîn. VolkswagenPrure NO CHARGwE WUNTER TIRE & RIM PACK VolkswaàgenPrure ~ SPre-Owned VoIk * fram Mississauga Volkswagen this Boxing Wee1! wiII receive a Winter tire & rim package at no J11 (Installation, balancing and alignmrrent extra.) Now is thme time to Buy at Mississauga Volkswagen. Check ouf our entire inventory at or caîl a VolkswaigenPure Sales Consultant at 905-569-3233 Missis*sauga Volkswagen Tel: 2420 MOTORWAY BLVD., MISSISSAUGA, ON te Te:1.866.980.3703 Fax: 905.569.3022 -1UNO LMHWA