Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Jan 2011, p. 3

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to businesses, says mayor &from BEING on page Ai the rate of inflation. in other words, nothing more than 2.5 to 3 per ccnt. 'A lot of municipalities wouid kilI to, be in the position we're in," said Krantz, re[erring the town's tax rate - the second lowest in the CIA. "Thats what's attractive to husînesses. When private enterprîses look to corne here, they have a shopping iist of requiremients and they want to know the towý,n is run well." Krantz said the [avourable tax rates have .kept Multons commercial, industriai and resli- dential balance intact, something heýs dicter- mined to continue for this term. However, he does acknowledge the price to run a munîcipality has increased ahoxe the rate of inflation this past year. "The cost of gas, the eost of asphaît, the cosi of electricit>, they've A i ncreased three lrnes the rate of' inflation." Wh île the long-time Mayor doesn't advo- cate cutiing services, he said bx separating xxanis and nieeds, a haianceci budget can bc acbiex Ycet, 20111 xviii sec tbe opcnling of costiy capital projects - the new arts and cnteriaiment centre, the new main librarx antI the Milton sports centre expansion. just to namec a few. "The nexx arts centre is a want and a need,' said lKrantz, of the $39.3 million proieci. A recent report shows operatîng the build- ing xxvii cosi about $ 1.25 million a vear and ix expected to generate revenues of 5380),500O 'we had to take advantage of the lexierai and p9rovincial stitistiis funding- 'aid Krantz, adding ibat xviibouît the gox cinit iunditng. the arts centre mnax baxe been put on hioid for another four to five y'ears. tI osade ,ili the senise in tih' xxorid t)) taic adx'antagc of that,- he said of tise $33.58 nutl- Today's Champion DATELINE A7 COMMUNITY A8 SPORTS A9 CLASSIFIED A10 xxww.mîltoncanadianchampîion.(,oiC lion in iunding. is isoil tise buîdget call repsort prexertedl tiI coutscilinu Auguxi and a i 0-y'ear budget forecasi I)rseeted in Decembler, staff have conciuded tisai rexenues of grtvt oxon't fu' cavet the cs of groxvîb Ebhe idea that groxx'î shouici îay for itýeIf caîsi be proven to a teasonable doubi,' saîd Kraîîz. "The older cîstssmutity xxiii pay for a bit of the growtb and tise>'re going to use the facilities that the sxx'i xxvouldns't haxe bad if tise groxvth didn'î liîpen Thbe oider fpart of any consnunity psays for a certain portion of îsew cleveiopment." ln terms o)f operating costs, Kranîz said the opening of these facîlîties wîll take ils toil on the budget. "The arts and enieriain- ment centre and library xxiii nex'er consîsiete- iy pav for itseif, but iî wiii get close." \Wiiie he doesn't expeci to see tsew dcxci- opment take pliace on the Miton Educaiton V'illage asx tusse xoosîs Kratz xtixi iigi ors us, 21I)ri itý ix , ii"i phingii> 1(i fitiiirig for the future crst i ie Towxxn bas beetri s aiks xx'7ttb Wiifred [.aurier [iniv\crxiix .ind 'iSeridans ( 'oflege absout openîng a Miltotn campsus ansd cariier tisis vear tise loxxi look possso of the crtlfts lansds is \jiitis xvext ensd. t impos(rtant us lie psrogr essixe atsd aggrexxive. Ibat's isoxx tiings gei donc,- said Kiaisiz. Witls tise c efîscpissent plans for the Bnynr xurxey and Dcrrx (recen iLV,1Cîxts 1Park oif to tise Regioti for apto al, i \lsiioisx, populxtationi i', agîaii cxpricti( Iii gioxx over tsh' test louo xcii'. -tand il xxon ((ti stsic xxtisut gtIxx\ itsgîaus lRcici rîîsg to tic Mcatis 'xtrceeI andx I)cî ix Ri ad tetrstxc xIo iiiIgits olit t to 1 ionLi ini 201 201i2 re1x' xi. ini: xîx sie x'Xi)Cx ix to ',Cc -a sut olsittis'xi li e ,tair ixictls xix iiicix xId Irot s tise lnsotscx to gel Itxixxusik xioix' hirc l eits ilic'sux' îîsc ito ioxx, [ibut xfCxiuipcrxs ire isot obiligair'x to (Io tisai. f Olten xxc ge'î tise ttxutcx to builix toaris a x'ear uor txxo ater tise homs crnse is, anti that's xx'brc tise frusxtration lies. . Ilis hxrd to suggest, isut i exideists tarc gosîîg ix) haxe us grîts aid becar iî. insxgbit ix, grx'ai, hsct discte arc ccononic realitiex to x.ixdx'." Clmn-stius.î caii lit 1-aL bcd ai Stort the year off right with grect offers on select Toyota models. 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