Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Jan 2011, p. 8

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.Local arti ~Discovery Channel i show airs tonight S By Jeremy Grimaldi CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF 1 could tell you but 1 would have te, kil) you. Su gots the famous saxîng t known by millions around the globe. Few are likely aware, thougb, of ils origîns, whichi rcrive fromn the glass-nmaking specialisîs of the I talian island of M urano iu the 'xecnctian I-goon Ilxt ali i-att-- 011 tI1 bat iti i îco rda ron' losi Rom an technique o) inillîfiori aud liligranac in tht I1500s. -o sought alter xx as their formula that divulging it or even attenmptiug t0 lcax-c thtc island could tarn a glassmiakcr the dcath penalty More than a hait century later the secret is out, and is uow beiug prar- tised in Milton hy artist- Virginia Wilson-Toccalino and hier hiusband Toux Toccalirio. Gaining recognition Tht Calactic Glass Studio duo haxe hecomie so good in their Main Strett studio that tihty have not onîs hecomne internationalîx recognizerl for their methods, but ityere nov, the subject o) a two-part stries on the Discovtry C hannel's 'How lîs Macle:' Tht items that wîll bc crcaterl on tht fîrsi program, whîch airs tonîght at 8 p ut - wîll include tht miaking o) the highly-ornat mîllefiori or 'a thousand flowers.' A second stgmnent will thien he aîred Fcbruary 1 ai 8 p.m. - when tht duo wîll bc shoxvn crcatiug filigrana, a glass renowned for ils intrirate sts to be featured on 'How It's Made' GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION UNIQUE CREATION: Viiinta Wixon-Tocealino holds a Mtilîf tare (ihîeO means a thousand flowvers) paper weight. îhrtarl lîkec patterns. to produre six iteins in cîther style, it takes tht couple six lax s and niunîrous mtthrds. Ou tht fîrsi day colcîrrtr glass ix roxered xxiîh clear r rystal anrl melitrl ai abouit 2,400 clegrets, htfore ils prilîcr and sieteherl htxvtnfve to 20 leet min a rorl shaperl piet IThe seconrd ila sets ibis roc) cru mbt ibret foot aur) then live-tuch pites. ou tht thîrd day, rltpturing on x-thrtht glass ix millefiori lie filigrana, tht )ittt5 are jointd together and tîther pulltd or spun ai 1,000 rex-olutions per minute 10 cre- aie a mufti-profiler) pitre. Aliti it ix again r rt and sorterl ou tht foui îh rlax, it s isstmibltrlichater anel tiurl tuto a final pîcce on tht filth day. Tht sixthi day ix largely recrvtd for polishing, finishing aurd txainining tht pir'cr. Tony saîd ifs tbis detailed and olten ronlusing process that ptaked tht interesi o) tht Discox-ery C hannel. - \Vt are lrîoking [orxxard te, tht geutral poprulation better rinder- standing whiat xve rdo and ioxv xx edro il: hle sairl, lis x-trx interesting to leai n about. Tht better people knowN tht prorluct tht more ibex- tan rindrltanrl tht cost and xalue, and xxhy is rîtîfereni from a $30 piece of o) ten recxcled glass fromi China." He satd hie currcntly compares the couples mtbods t0 those of Faberge Eggs to helpi people under- stand how difficuli their products are to craft. "Those eggs are worth millions rtow They bave value because they are not mass-produced and their value is in their uuiqueness and boss bard people xxorked to produre thcmi. Tony, xx ho hias been working alongside bis wife iu glass for 10 y-ears, said produts iu the gallerpart o) bis shop includle unique le\tIrs, p)aperx tigbts, vases aud hIls that cau range- auxvIcr xxbrotin sIot Io S I 0 Unique technique Vx at makes thecir producu t-,o special, lie said, ix tht paît s, ttcl b niques în lîîigîceý xx îrh thte tradi- tional lîaliaru iakers lincicrz Vcrx lexx- people arounid thtc xxorld do xxhaî xxe do. l1w saiel It1aliaus do thciî fîligir-e in a con- îrolltd wvax xxhile xxhat xxc do sý freesîx-le.- Currentx lie sairl thex -tii1 moire than hiaîf of thecir pýrodrit- a rtîlid the (TA aud O)ntario, andl tht et atý collector shows iu the t 7.S Proof of thecir abilits bias bren a receut and prtstigiou- commission hv tht Papei xx eighî C ollectoi s Association to citcat 2) uibiled paperwcigbts for tht PC Aýs 30th annîxersarr Their xx-ork, xxill later bc txhthlitrcl at the Smithsonian lustitute, the xxorld's larget tauscui in Washington D.C. Aux-ont xxanting te, fi1nd out mlore is tnx-ited to x isît ý\w x xgalactic- jerei-I Gniinaýldi e-an bc itcacherl ai -jgrinialdtiiloi-ndarliî oin the V!V Tam V!VA Retirement Communities is looking for creative and dedicated Team Members for our newest location in Mississauga. We are conducting a job fair for Management and Team Member positions in: Guest Services Food Services Environmental Services Nursing Care Programs and Lifestyle V!VA offers competîtîve salaries, benefîts and a great work envîronment- For more information about V!VA, visit V!VA Mississauga Job Fair Friday, ianuary 14, 2011 10:00 arn - 7:00 Pm South Common Community Centre - Arbour Green Room 2233 South Millway, Mississaîîga For any inquiries, contact us at VJte etren KKIA MOAR NEERD SERVICE? CA&IL r) ~ ~ 9 f 90-78:-7700 u Fi65 Ontario lit. North, Miltoin

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