Major peeweos foster 4-2 win Oesuog oaNogoaleffort fremn OIsPse IlsOntario ires Futs major pee ossoerrpowsred Brtlgls4-2 Tborsday ai Sias Bst Parka. 1 r Poters secod goal woo a ice tlree-wayjcoaiag pay. Dan Walksc otacte play pesog ontRayrmond Wark roa Ibero a iglapane lu Pser wbebsoded ilfolieegoal. Gond Hcrmnaooacorqd ome Milon goal enaa direct froec k afcom about 30 yards whlIe Patricka Pesosan sot- cbed lise otler goal os a ise play with sDavid Goulart and Wark. Mailon goaie seao Wakely came op wllb some gcod saves wonoscalled opos. Booyed by lisurecoud ucces i Otarlo Ilop play, Millun Delniidos Kanitisg joverlet opped i luwioisg strinog lu tour gamteswirh o 2-1 wic orerClcogoacuy Suoduy. Milon begos lire contour coder trorrg Pressore f rom nlroog ad fast tluckicg morms frcm Ctng's elles- sire lloe. Miltocos Steus Jaop ad Miguel Dacoulu, ic midfielli, con- liced lice orkecwiue eulrcmely or- curule and imaginative posorug or Ctdgs off ence. Skawu Croegie played orelIluntce Mlo mldlicld giug opperruirlou lu Fraco Nowok oud Ed Morgan. lu tke 3tlI minute, Miltoun rulakeod rem a Rubert Von Groorel corner heudeli afely lto the coruer uftIhe goal ky Gary Tarrernal Ciog ieda te score 15 miruese ullur halîime agulu and put ulcun g pressure un Uthiltren defence bol sroug play by yoeeper Mark Picorer andi soird golkcepîug f rom Chorlie Nccraoe lunly treodte ide aglanu 10 Miltenu faneur. Mfter stroog movor fcomt Aurbooy Goudboo oud Frank Relu elociug deepboulaie Mltonus hall, prensere oan felr byea trirg Ciog ide. Anotser corner froc mnue* froor ime gare thu iai wîuuiug goal te Miltonu wtk obleepriol of Milleu's biror goal rem o Van Grmote] cerner ru the beaof Tetoternol Despire demîotiog the play trcoegbot tbe gome, Mlton BuSn marrer Sukcry miner adoms dop- -oila close -t declsoo lu urllag- fodpoo or Miton rore made isy Davld Gag, James Btock and Ryoo Sctaaler. Botta Roy Soeyd and Nlclaolao Varsictaleplayed aggreo- ine games witr scoop orroard rusas. lias cotloosd pressure paut ons by tise team provided masy gond aoiesuon goal. itolus laper Pillie Geario mode many gocdalupps md adostroagmsp- port from is defeosive Une. Mitas Bellard and Colin CompbeSl playod welI dclemsirely maluog ouooy gond blocks. Bavif drops, t)urlngltes eck ut Play, Mllun Sourd psewme reps played lrme games, drnppiog tNo of lbeou. Tuoudoy ut kome, Mitolln plyrd o floorîmo gome agaiml Streelurdlle blankiug rbcm 14-0. Mark French Ird tIre way for Milesn wrtlrrOres bits, roro bcbng tniplms, rcrrd ttrrcc rom and knoukeri10,s0e n. MilIeu pIt- cher Cbad Rasoconoki udouobedly pitcbrd is boul game ef te scasen allowîug enly twu bilu andi blankiug is eppoenulu Mltron blprd hkm camse witne erroro bcind im. Milrnnl wu loes obohbcamecai te bonde et Oukvidle. lu tiririrot matchbabck ru Jue MilIeu coasîrd toca 1e-8 victory bol Oubvillesoeught revenge. abville prîchero oece stiugy olltooiug unly eue ron per gomcl13-1andtren 5-.Anreigb-run fourtdimmrd tche po otce rinitoro icte lîrut centout. On Oturday, tryrng leorne tris bot-el tbcreoeriou, troo lrowing erroru cml Mitronleurcus corly lu the gome.fTic recors playrd cveruy cIrer te second îourug caid Miltron rrpeatedly srrauderrs nuscor- bog position. MitIons enîy nin crosserd tbe plate os Mark French rrochrd base on a singe, odraned te secunai ou a grond out, oe rticd and advanced 1983 N.A.S. L. SOCCER BOWL FINALISIS Excifing World Cinno Soccor nI Varsîfy Stadium wuay,nuts trammay ornrestaurans pety o! pakn aaie.m(tla n .. .Capos TCamioesforuNIale JVENUS avoalri - MIMI COCO .MI5Si500IIO SPORS Nocrthont Steridan Mail Central Prtosy Mil Jaanà isonss377 ursftsrthaspo Est JM.T.SPORS 777lWsrdsc Avenas Scarbonoagis Paatl a gond flolt rons start Saoas itnValooline Ottamajor =tso es- t 't.Et nMiIls. 11»sfinalressalglvss lIttle indicat- ion of thetheSlscoséessoof liasmatch. trIo MMll scocsd fiait la gIns liasm thaspiecaure Player for playor, Vaîraluas mat- ctasdEta l n. Hoaever, a gond break hi trian D'foraordo gais- ed liasa a second goa. Vatoolias fougist bock galiooliy and gave nou quarter but agatc trian l sored aoolsr goal. Iliere la little dosbt Ibat bots tesaoscillremembor liis matchis o probobty tsebardot fosght pour i teseamnths tar, two of three Rep besebli home ons a 5mbCancan 5Sf grounder. Millun flisbou tse seasos agaimît Surl10glun brere comprllarg 10 a lournamoul Aog. 4-5010 Barrir. OSA pîcydons boglo 10noid-Auguot. Millun IKnighro Mýens Wear midgclu sqoandcrd aoubr-con loai lu Surlioglus anai frit t-5 in extra ioninsaiourwmk. The lInsu losed a012-7 tous atm luo Surlogto. Millun gelu a chance lu arrogeteoselvestlins weeb ort a home-oaid-home nerres wirb Qakville. Milon Ird 5-r isteluppetfte ix- t. Surlisglorallird orlt wrommo in eck ote sixt nd saoention- iugs lu knotte scure or s-s bfoce wiloolur r wotUtro momre rico n l etra iminge. Fer Mlton, Paul McCutcheouoIrd te way ortthrrr singlousorie Frank Fitzgerald, Glen Houston and Rîtch Brobieoddrd roro singles eack. Bill Cerodetti bcd a deuble cod o inglb anai Tony Casarin and IJrren WidUln addrd oeesingle rucb. S- M Blizard ices qllabl e aI MEI-àýdrN ACJ CflL a i BUSINESS US GREAT, W . s c u h y f f e yu m o .gw a d o 1104 MSANGLU DI. 104LCOOUM 10RANISPl dotS4sssd t5 is M/P I S o c Ps ph S otch rao, cE oyS n iup.,,pis ouan 555i gboccorytock PNo = 1 coci.,oad oach mmonsStockliNo roorcmm.Stock No. 4846 EXECUTIVEDRIWMs 1104 MARK VU 2 DU. oil chlas Ocignor oqanrcrsd38sa cmv a hecia 10 Stock No.4705. USED---* 1102F150 Pli Asm eoropd Srfly79,M2k.. Souk Ne. 111A $FADS *995 c,4WARp 878-2883 655 Main St OUTDOOR LIVING BEGINS PRESSURE TREATE D~ LUMBER GUARANTEED AGAIN ST DECA YFOR 30 YEA RS h v- Thinking of building a dock or Çwp . fonco? Wc offor froc otimofos, froceeii arc happy ta accopt your Visa or 1 Mooreroord. j$-.t mu As presscre troored lamber is meocc4lî for ourdoor use, if doos cor requrre -% stoinicg and will onst for ycoro wifh-O ouf expansivo mintonance. - For ony projocf pou kaveoin miod, selhe o u nd moteriol uo n s hop pou ndmilaitchckoufnc compare our pices . We fhink poo'l' ho glod pou did. YOU CAN BUILO A 12x lj PATIO DECK WITH 24 FT. 0F PRIVACY FENCING AND i3 FT. 0F MANDRAIL FOR AS 10W AS F1BREGLASS PANELS SPRUCE PRESSURE TREATED $33286 f48136 LIGI4TWEIGHT 26" WIDE 81 $969 10' *11 9 Chaer, Whito, Green MEDIUM WEIGHT 34" WIDE Pressure Treorrd Lonice Rouf ond Sido Pones os shomo ADO. 205 9 Prossure Trearcai 4 fr, x4 ft. Sench' os shun ADO $701 LUiP24 JOIET 1UP256 s% 1 MANGERS *~mr~~a~euoe I REMAININ3. REGULAR DAMES Sun. Aeg. 19 Soc Diego 6:30 p. Mon. Sept. 3inneoosota 6:39 p or. Sun. Sept. S Taorpa Boy g 30Sp or Youtft in soerunllom 6$2.00 - pvants $5. 0soset tNo. t -ecdrsh cocos 18ad seniossopoullratos. maoCH FOcRocHEMOSON ONoCCEs M4rOST VLUBL P A ntîAAR NýTý AL SýA.ý r Poesat Orso, Liglu ren, White, TransmuentCa8rý trs honger. Naîtss re eqursl mmtarre îog mcmlur onlf 700 m- ST. E. LTGN, r. PELAND Jflacloautcf cths Milton MaS cxý É ae L-P NO .878-8171 lk Ç L5ý Msmours. s..ip.m a building SacsrSpa.Pm CHAS .COPE LANDOLTO Saordoar BmsSp.ý Value & Service you cari Build oit? S..R -M RC R ICON ;iTr , JL, - , Il ................