W9 lou Canadomo Champion. Wed., Jcly2, 1984 Letw Stnyed POUND-Psaokat wafon with knite& chanait SoaeMad al Diaoncd. omtn Man damb aiainn.t8.870-6619. LOST fannai. Bovir poppr 23 nQntt, b61.61, nar Sn Lin. & 20 Sidenmad.NO". Aoward.833.3f61. LST-puppy 6 inanh nid t orale, ihocnd & beagle miniture, back oith wite inankings, ooarinlg r"nn înatnrcci.r.870 4024. IWaatoud CASH paid ior tidges, sInus, oconrs,& dryenofrencerst oionînorinc.i FoSt c5ulftcs pickiip, 873 1404 estioate ce yoc u ,bSE JW Rab Dans Ca"l 519352299eenîngs (511 U -Sim Z (Sco Direct> Redancd Patio Furnllurf Compt ine inofl iuîy prodivris.Ase repacement pads Omhla0f Wood - 2396 Ochat d. Oendicuoanwekends 9danm 9 P- 335-3717 Doniin-ry uviiubic E-8a.8 kg. aSU& G RAiC $63.50 22,5k OAOMOi8 205.00 89 22.56kg*$U.50 877-8741 Goregtownc BRAESIDE TDYS E& TREASURES 50 Soles AnueoaUnit 3 Mikoo i nnt ta Rckoeii pent) Tboc, FP tSot, fcon10ia.o. -Spo. Ocaetdiiaoad tant. pcLaii.g i Fiher Pi,.,Tnk, Et MutI.bah7 nooda end CHERRIES Sweot and Saur Fresie, pited, ail ions ORDER NOW Acton IGA 853-900 Acton J.9 Ciy 8530590 Hiliew Hightn Farn 1-19833-2282 Annual Sratch & Dent Sale Rentai etanas. loar mooaie. Deronstratars. SacsfromUN$30 b$1000 off MKg", omga mm, adacb Mouuù VAN GEEST Homa of Puma UtSt fed OcPianoTcncinscn Hm.PNo.5JUS! 416 SA of sIWalarauao 696m Dciliit9pnn ,ciccd uandars FACTORY OUTLETS Lingaric Fbr '- Trct Oil 2397 yd .Lngrie perden $297 yd Swmnut Lyer$9.97 yd. Lens Mill Store 41 Bnaakley (off Bartanl Hamilton 45 Cross St., Guelph MOVINS SALE Chesterield st bedrecmr snie aniqueakil ce tabebuant, all.0cUirc. tabeteddc Et M71931 SWIMMING POOL SALE Macireî havnger-rc -yivîecinacn oni 194 bard0d Ea qud poolsIn cidd,s acite,, mn-vipum ccn- me, ec -cd mcm Raq.t, î2900 on. iva$1296 00 ohm escpie reiýnSOBODri OFATS n-Ui PALE I146526467f deilad Noocea iabeenneo *as Lftînr aa 18.yW.oan nearsaced ca.e, 0511101DWOTEST SOUTH4 AiRLINE ticetl Tenta-EdcantCin depan tope, Sptrbono0 Op ne siat8781liai CADRAGE PaIrh drono & partie et dresse,coi & crnagn Siarîetis,10 cr7 cp, .rreflconro$10. Aise, oi ld kn rdnrs tan cncheted afghans. 70 070. CALCULATORS. tyenornrs, tan sale o rntni. Phone 878 6962,Haris Sttione COMPUTER lssons for aduls In air con. diiffd csnrnm Word Proeesing and Accastine job mrket k lit Cou 87759036 1040061t CONCRETE Blcks, on palirt. 553 centc coco. 854.9M83alternm 10 DAWE8 filencabint Asking 5.73 78927ý FIAEWDOD-bineh and napie Split and doliieeed OîdinlIn 003 150 For Sae I. UEC4 LI)2m Onadro Hwdood &Sa f5ftwooda Stock aima ornut pots ap.clfioln. 4c-4',x08ao$.24.auneas IFOURP$90UC7 PLEASE COU, TEL 0OTOERS. IF NO TTEL L U& - ORS GORD)ON CARPETS FIEE W' UndqpW FIEE'htém W. boy haoIy ht hde ammfaear aw Pmh bi. tuap -tovol tSmtNeu- M.. utIl ut.bPtRi ast.a -a Oustaunit bhied 555 Min St.. MILTON F.biciondi 878-8580 Please cali for FREE Shop 80 home service CULVE Rtc Gaicaniiied seen. Mcc l clat6 48tîinSock.LargecinS cy ondcn Seonods chor aaiiobin ratina frrairnohes, oel Ifa sdilrirecds. Gaiecanidttonior Sei4sO 10 accroc 400 Ini stock. Seenol oîjnsibroeim&ciairinssstelniaise Insterk. Eden MISîls nraLid. Phorno51985604091. DO Y00 nno carpel' Ene estimaitet Caii Jen Gcîlar drk oood roor. origiralciniîish cod,lckfrioinedcacnGui fanad case $600, i mucSîr mnarRd. 11000woclisearriiMivith corroinsorocitiîdcioriior aed rrnpndai, $6096AIin rA i cordiiorSpeciai actar ard amprifienr $1,000. Piast cii titill74askcIfon HO0M E Opaî r Snnvcer-dncenatiir, cor ncl Iiaiîrooih errloranereottirS, yrd andcasemnirnncinip. oilcirooing lobs. 78 HlnSSMAS 7 roirparrîent freeer oIth aioiraciri, nad cerprncsor. t78 2758 K 1TCHEN andifaiimîiy rwm uicnrîice, daafor cottage, hîachi cassette laver, rced oioc NEE 0 prns or srcv e ornmajoappiaenc' Evenr Sdlrdco' Cou MA.R.c.n cr8 1908. 785 Ma, r.vrstoni Go Station.i ROEC on-ncanre95sare yard,iisticind. Cal Jon 010 42800 ROnYUL Doviior figcrrne, colnctor o inms ard Roval Doviior dnnoann, Abhers cal OnUMMdand ohiskno aen, 00 83 3412 on tilý SEWISNG Machines on soir, iecordiîOredi 50 p-0entnroffiAilmachrnescua ranindJ&OR scoîro Servions, 878 6407. n-RINE CRASEguvrene rmocol Urn eaîr s, odovroinolr carceis.regandi scclair OSCO Caplaîis snc ifor vans. 877 0421 WASHEA 'DOn-Ca Moitt, 3 Vers oid, e cclntccordîînr, ait anacimrts ncidtd. WASHCR, OR YER. finiae and stoe, eon celntiiniciedlion. Evryihin fciiy gaanee Cocid dnliîonn Ail Applîciiono 813 1404. mnn-n-nord, skîcotan-O 78 034 WHIE ernmeioWood cooc stoonu3thoornr WHr Pan?32 se i. conldis dccnooînaieiy, ivllocn&onroovrveddn 5S26;Pren$22. 8 WOOD-osioves, iadn arctiîcoGei $00o0f170cr cr0VermntuCasings fnci acecntil Agcsi VJjJGarage Sale GAAGE SA GmtJud2San pitn Oti Ladlitai A Apol 0f sdyputiAd9 Ona a im tOi n-vi GARAGE SALE Set t Judy 830aim-10 Lr MLIFUYGARAGE SALE toiMCaluanactmiSt. Uo 2.29 .93 Drak, ioiseî, an-c eet cclilt GAARAGeiîninEn-SALE Gmoaty Jdy 2,530 ,,32pM DICKE SmO C.E CU M 465 aiOnt"f aSat.o S. MUT-AYGARAGE ALE 55GCmtfcd. Ldy 29, 30 3 Gmt Ju, Jdy 26, 1fr:Xii ama3sI a CmiLaoScaaDr. Moyn &gîdn cicirîcg.stifor p"lser co n- GAbes Rnc A rnn-nSALE tyd bUl,2tannoVItG aniGarage Sale YARD mSAL M.T F -MPI 0K OUR OWN 191, atlot ne t MLa«MsfltalslRASPIER IES Ilet Jly 21t .m.-5p.ua. 660019/SALEsato. $atiqaa radinS M moatr cycle, playfen, mnr onat, 00068, etc.ec. enc. Ahl day Wedesday, Thrsday & Fiday Joy 2,2,027 mn. 267 Eimood Cpm .,Milicen. i @-mma GARAGE Sale, Satudey, Jaly 28, 9c o o ial O p.n. Frcitn, Tappgcrare. 95y5 .Lots ofbde--Wuo Bangaint. 550 Childa Dr., UniN. 30. K&- 3000150 SALE-Juiy 20 h& 2mn. 9 âa o tnt po. 6:6 Wiso Dr., Milon. No ara.iibirda lARD SALE-Stondlay. Juin Oth, 9&R o 7 uaP P o. 99 Cmmercial St., Milon. -LFOAVISLfY R AciqoasCAL FRA AIABIIT FaolOamnPndanhtalRAa ld RASPHERRIES tClock Aepaira t Chahr Canieg MIGUSPAMS NoPdDip Srppng ,OCKOUAOWA MARY W. sEEDS 878-3968 pa Frea Piok-cp e DllcuaY 02.1 ~ 5~ Pnodacoum-a AlBra al Adrensen CheAes we vdt p>t them fôror n!» excellent for freezing, bakbtge jams and w'ne- 3toreLon-Wine Cheries Cheries inpails freshlypkked anctpftted, ,byorder 678 -4908 opven da4yw a amreapmf- 3ohn at;d aura Ôquyhes 'L/<otUneé 878-3278 Tht 111tamlalm.d cSithlo 4014rn.1 wotfl-fny. 25Miltoni tndt1km onehof Da Rtd. or tht 0401 SoaniLiso. RASPBERRIES, CURRANTS, & PEAS PICK YOUR'OWN AT BUTWICK ORCIIARDS Cc IcHo loi 6atCappioovoCon-m cr rdES ni leo ie LCncor ,Shîl aiî ,rnoir10 1n1/ i r1'1 Opnrnonrydaii8t 400 5 p.00 Ccii for daiy crop report & ovaiiabilily 689-6728 RASPBERRIES F1010 VUt 000 WHITE PINE FARM 2'h mAls ts mofaiStesAt.onc.Rt5thUnec hte Hoy. 25 aed Trafalgar Rd. Phona 878-1960 300AC ESha sinao. 100acoreso al sra, i 20 ACRES of cheatrasîno. Uied on baie vovnslil 335 0040ý CiJSt 3M soalhiro roc groie. carola. Shee GARDEN PCA5 A spnci AOFi9ttyIy una rendrdopeos. sheiied, oasSod. Oanohed cnd irdiidîdcciclasE rocen. AvalcOble srticg JobY 14 ton boct ot rntE 1lSb.boxes775. McMilar s. Hoy. i n-le West et ActOn. Morday trviFdclîc a.n- tannin.. Satcndcy and Sodayn9a m.toép.- G E ESE, lion b dressnd, Alto resh vegetabins. AAY and strao. arge on poali quontifias. Dnliiarnyroy beanrimeoed. 877-4557. 6AY for Sae i. 64325. vqMrq"T.Sarjw,7ADwlTitr - - Gardan & Lindocapa Supplea 500 FOR SALE On c.r, tSLn, htoa.a Britoaia Rd. h Dtite Rd. Iirt food @est of Tafalgar 0d.1 n e d.llnac ard .y uod. M791073wor1-14M 1 matu SnD-Ncine 1ccrsnry gror.Piokcp o Pm FarmEqa pmuas OLvmalack BLACKSMITA Stnce Detencot. Serinla na c onrcivce sroenr, ne, n-mrgetown. (416) BOULK ood shooiegs on ale, large and sinal iccds,csii deicen 9708 040 Puci6.pm. np-m GOATSNSciions: iatreiNubceornon.e du c kid17end of nonthaccnnOnnbrd Scelar dos. cccid be nmistrnd. Ecellent sock, eaorabie. Ccii 877899590 n-crgs anid ovltriasloMane, Erolîsc, tco sseccied $600 cnr mncci 85498t24. PART bonder corfnd, 10 i Ho tr'npnntOrn-s oeil ai schocliînashros ed on ten-n hield7 rnrkînencsassonrnd coinors Pincsn croie KITtENS, 1 onrge male, 1 cale gay Ine, mre, 7 onnîs nid. 878-98500 cttp i .n- MHlp Watad NTcaIsarOcoETlOSEo.t»oon-tcoaotetia Chudleights (d&e - Chudîeighns Apple Far-m Hacc port îlot jaha for: oltopesuna, chdr aoourMarkat Sip cnd Maieae omrktn. CudiigS'. Appla'n Cid.r hoppa hava hcth pant and fall tii-a johu. Salaupor- cons, Oktnr Slp, Dlioary paruatt, love2vos' nid) Apply n.or toibOt tartlng Aogcot t Soptamnban 15 Apply in porsnet the Franhta.t10 ai. eado6p- vma.k Chadleigh'g, Hany. 25, 2 miles cor-hatf 401. 8 miles sooth of Ac- CASHIER ParntiOrna. .kedt, tfo slf tarot gas ba, muetthaecashcoxpariect and oncct18yars Lisas Petto Canada-878-5031 HOUSEKEEPER Stnady dans.mut ha npocsli.,end able to handla a ttfflf oeac patRson. Pltaon mli for Interviews. R. Domenico, Mohawk Inn, Gaelph Uina. Hwy. 401, Campbellvila, 854- 2277.-, HALTON HELPINO HANOS taqointo carir5 rauibhome an- Saparoto, tharRa5Siy da the htomSas. apartrnt. Of 8cr ildarîn aedinr phpoimlly dimabitd lats. Aaiarnesocnd crnrqalnd. Rtquin*paceattltg halrerth gS ood locha. end woohbathebaablltn taka-it ISr$*- M iW:fMED1l MANAGER TRANE, Lage Natoanl Crpotor lcokieg toc rnas- grtaina irdildoal mith ombitione t ar 38.oonc. attd moae.Wiieg to tari et bot tmantd ltsin no hatmn. Oppantoelty tan $3»Rik. mhiio lamitg. Colt1-519-824-1802 SSCRETARYIWORD PROCESSOR Gaon 12 cr 13 giadct rqcitd Uvirof cvncoîclin- nWillia1-r o..d oîocctaoî Srîorg tyin-o dnd i4cgcaga An-lsessna Trcaiîeeorli rod.Phone 878-1282 potanflooenast Mst baboîdable. Appltu0.D.ncm m hiw 180ê2S8421 (toi rs UCENSEO AUTO MECI4ANIC tttaaa atm ou ta t cto ta4tn ieottdttffl niOtaw. aeb'., utp aSonaoa mannatanoR, aPutw zm to4fon oaean cnt o-at&osdoi mn W frfti Dinýn Ltd. ýýe Fý KésnocZZZZI O MHEE CASIIIEIlS SFUR .ATTENDANTS WAITENS/AITRESME No moporlanca nacsaar Aplo ln I.paaoa GIIGWING 910DM SUPERVISR Pn.faranlllha begivnsto a candidat@ nlth *or Sprlo on stlgoo aataa m oc payto- Fday * Ag-banaate aiiitfancdicoadca Ancin and boacda ocodakî ta qualiR9d candi- dat. For tpcaintmeteail: 878-9375 ext. 63 7 M,- $-âam". (2 miles corOh of Denr Rd.) -C Gb*boe MANAGER-TRAINEE Lecailofin saaiig qcick fueri ho eenos ccparvisiiig peoeiancidworkig ondEdetiîit Must hae geed egriciknoiedg.elof te Miltconares andA abîlîty le tyre 35 on-n Piecios buccinsscperierce cril e le yeci cd0002800 Must b. oale oeîok ail shifts. W.e ffer e80 celentpilOaiydand bcllais. Pincasucdîascilin Box No. 1120 Cie Tha CantdienChaaepion 191 Main st.E. Milicen Ont. UCENSED STYUST tull ht part titna position. aeailabia at Ocan Mli- ton Salcon.Tearrangetinterniao-il 876-1976 PERSON FRIDAY Part-lima position aaeoIirtaeparnl paruan vmith office «cpatience. Muet anoy orking onitb the genacai public. Application taota aticbiact. 103 Stieluca Lot, UnitS9, Miln ACCOUNTANT We :rae àiaacomtd ianiiy tano coeipaay and teaiatdtai Caompanr. W.a-ausking t Otight. aggrcuuîca individuelte taointain th. top taccunnosaition ai tapotons ta The ccnSca ccoill erpillllaicith.iice- paiitiicociierl cenini Rnd ltd dcilanaepr met inforddtiocnidiniOiooRllvte ooie d pe costing records. fluaPassca Thé Candidate ccii have eai iest secnary sriiei 712graduatin Ithmstcrerdiis coricintad forîa rgiaegod arrconodonalrUstioive yvinisf etaed tocOiieviO. scpnivîsoiy skîla If Y.. qaaliin. tspiy in ociting anly utatlng aary taqalcstnontuto: C0IoOLEIG$$'G APPLE PA8M ITO. Bot 176. No phone caleuaoancia., pintae ELECTRONIC TECHNIOIAN Appliloat t ave ac. S ctpcaoeidateli ooparlonoa To h. ci abl opanlarmtohe tupaît and installation of eloctonic or drivetboaardt, saet., talaphanaeapah tand ls»Iaatitlano thatsioctcanlc aqaipmnt thraaghaat the piant. Thaethifi mald Sa 7 a...-3:30 p.o. MAINTENANCE SHIIFT Taaom actfrcal mintetnance dada. endasuparviseaaiticallouohaai ft ca.Mut Sacet leatt2 noauasupar cisory uoperianoa oOth knonladgt cf the food .indatce n ulaeriealaiin.hniml fildu. Mot usasestn Dntatio Canatrc tien and Mainenance Ocunueanded able ta mctk on a totating 2 week shift 3:30 p.m.- il1:30 p- Pisasec-daofpocaia nsrncmnfor tho abaca poitions ta: Boa 780 dJo Thea Indapandoun 30 main St S. L7G 3G4 liNo, ANA's, EXPEI1IENCED HEALTHCARE b HOMEMA KENS Anatoirnal for institictinnai staff rolijef and Hornocaro. Work ana ilabie in ail IXIMCA.RE 273-521 45U6748 PART-TUmE