î* 6"hgé6.dlachamPle, Wd. Juiy 25, 1l04 Bgàasi istà,cts pro vide skiils in aduit hide- an d sek isy JAPIE MUSLLER soluble palt) anded cr player's Chasaplsu iReporte abisliy te gîve or receavg lte cleer- Ilte ebjet la te capture the op-ftelbisat brngaet Our itter i- psiol testes flag and lobte il arb sinct. lu camp.1 A bouie drive te huol and kIW cru Sostds me enouh and il woudd b enleuled orudsY In alew te ba Illl erait fr tise ireat ef beleg et tespr. lise Great Caadie aboet. Te mesure et red plastic Adveture Gamte, one ef enverai biel (als tded osti red osier srategy and survivol ronleol, hou bit Italieon is tise loatiens io nrti Mleo n x tisLin lTe equimett necesery le play inairlybasir and is part ofthtie$S5 puciae. ite met imprtant rempoent is tise gu. ie C02 peweredhisedguos valued ai about $160 lre specaliy dsigned for tise Great Cunadie Advmnture Gaine hy Spllig out theotoilensaiflie gome is adscslsee poame peraler Mise Cinleitor. Hes honised on lie -boss aid titi roest aid bgansnpread- igsrvisol leernerce eaciierribis menth is tilotheopeaing otafield or serth istone TIME DR. R.N T§O STROHAN Optomotrist QIYIT 143 Muren .E., SMOKING Miton CAMPGROUNDS PUBLIC MEETING Re: Llcensteg Regotatees For Csmpgrooeds DOln ) isý198400tIenCyofrigoIrn will h60ola spe, olitclieerrg o ohrsider te pponlof eta 000 Iricesn rgularon ilottroisd, 0,11 oern te operto and maintenance nofcmprorrd (TIre Orrlntorr Ofiriaiolar fo te rurl rea bllei teCtthneîtnree, n ne copgod ,lr OCi.IerueaOrfficiairnelan mnrdi 0831 ItNSsmetingre rl alespraceo h6 00cr 7 00î Ps ictheCounro Camberslocaorclonthe semod et orofCt Hall 426 Ban tort fi o rt 01th aprwnî d osns onare il o ttn and ealiotte nn biosr ratrfnaerrdroe thora yu r8mar frstIer ifrmc ncr0000000eof In poosed lins epteaton lo senotact te Cy oBrlrrtoon PagDnparîn i 3 CAR WASH Share summ your personao : AM/fM/casse fie YOURBESTGASDEAL Dobp 5 oedoces Crounis. Arrordlng in a local cume francise ewoer, bOb. Coseleo, ibis pereetfhardware mubes sisal is organiotiens inl fler ueique. ite repeatlng pierol reme complte olti a iolsier, 40 obotosud two C02 cartredges, golfr 24 obole ecri. Cmoulage lethilg rue ha rmnted for $2 aod lu proboity o god ides oison il com e tiso dut ver- sien of iide sud seek. Te advenaregrqç,W, isin-i completo ithi0 ' tise prelectîve coggies ohiri st ibo sore t oIt imes. etitis a ride ibe tiai one migisi wonder howstsrictly ptsyert aiide hy tise ns esott)rote. lit naggin qeionie, ampitied iy tise signiot o) a rMesse of rmsponsiility contracl, 90euoseswered ontil tise end of tise day-log gateo. M. Costetiee said tus 100-ere gome site cue accotetodate ep to 120 players btotriet sappy oitis two toamu o) ubout 35 ployers. Ho wili martsal g4mossitisas ewtes se20 participants in total iowever. Since tise irt adenture 100h place t lise location operaled isy Mr. Costelloe and his site Lynne, cientele bas ieen lacgely male. A recent game iad eigisl etale competiloce oualo) a field o 25. "OuI oi thal gcoap, even o) tise wmnwill b a hansyoa ranIt please eceyoe" Mc. Cotelloe noted. Il's oddictive He con draw on km on exper- eneoison ticetplaint most peope1 siso do like lise came %virîl n ionisd on itRepeat hbusines sis at ilI kevp franchises lise tus own going, Mr. Cotelloe blieves. "Pmople lois toc a gond field," ho said. Variety connttet an ideal n- viconment and tiats aItut sSixt Lare location hasto1 ofier. A large aod a smalI plaint ocea are silo- ated in a wooded are, consising prrnrarily o cedac trees.Iece s sone heay bishi, ope hmd and a pond 10 add diversily. Maps otlinng field boondares and tlag locations help tes 10 plot scategres. Arrordiog te M. Coselloc, lise simplesl .srategies lis te mot effective. He played lise game 1211000s last yea andlourdhis intirncts were siarpened and gaore plant on- provedrsihexperience. 'AIt rst yoa ranI distinguisis ho- tena iird in tisebismisatd a peron' erptined lise seasoned playec. As a wrdeesle masy iret-ime players' ceactions, NMc. Costeltoe tard iniliatly people askt ieteseives misaI iey are dolug tiere. At playern emerge ftentesetraiter suited in militacy-slyle nolises rom- pîrte rili camoutlage msbe-ap lise qalet rrl sotîg bogies tlelook irie a aîlegcoond. Tie mood iecomes seieus as Mr. Cotelloe explaîns game cotes and tise dos and donîn t sond ton operatoon. Plsyect decdemietisec 10 play a directlbiti or paiel splatter game. Ater a tcw shot aI woden tac- grIS its ime toc teame 10 select leaders.Tise fip o) o coin deter- mineswiicisleam houstise cisoice ot tiag stations ted th irstict tme hegins. A 90-minuIe limil is piaced on ecri encoonlor but tomes are sally complelcd'itiortisaI tise period. Once in tisebissisa a Doag station guard or an allaciser, one thng s immcdiatlyetycodeol Camoutage deinilelymworint totacifdit orent toc tise tlisis linge ofthlie gottîe, players ootd ise onrocogoizaisle anymsece isut rn open ields. Fcom lise soondint of tise ioro mhisonstaslî tise attacis lie imagination ront mld.Tise enemy coldd ha anymisece and toc tisaI malter sa muId tise ttag sttion.Tise map s a ielp buti 0ncr on tise comtse risc enemy olpont con he edoive. Bightî green and yellom tape marksthlie lag staion and tftisai issIt enoogi,Iiesoond otgon rre is liely ta alert tiose miso approacis the coveled nylon Dlag. When a ployer n sisot he or sise mus rt list te Icoler and ssiI toc tis extdbgome iseoe etornong t0 lise iaîle ield. Tise game con ha played mIs a 15 mnute rote. Ttis gises tallen players a chance 10 gel hacki 010 lie gater 15 minotes ater eing;shot. Tise ployer may only ce- torn if a oonded apparent con go hacisaritisism, howevscc Depending on liseodisance tise ced halls are isced, tisey con lbave a iscise, expecially tftisey dont breais.Tise added pain means o lacis otpaint and lise sisot desel rqount. Generally tise impact is eqaivaleel 10 eing poked torcihly isy a ioger, A toc tise round", t sît Comm out ir tise oasis As te day progresses tise en- tisusiatm othtie cisaleoge grows anrd il s evideot Mr. Costelloo's dlaim ployers "geliigis on tise game isîcrue. He rordd lise 10 see tise adventone game evolce i010 leagues, dependrng on inîccesl. Already inlise ottecing are games involcong tise vroun franchset. Operatoro Iise hisiseli ilîl select leate membors [rome lisose mmm impres sten ontheor fields. Ibreceaceat (castI20 Great Canad- ian Advenluce Game fanchisues lu tisecounry.'MtisInumobor is more tisan equalled isy comptitors like lise oiginal Survioal Game. Lobe in any buises, competiloon igood, accnrdiog 10 Mc. Costelîne, DIVSION TArDY ELER O - LIMI - Scanner lets you in on aIl the action ... without buying crystals * C*earcis les ap te 20,480 cissenets lncitadiog Ham, anfleondoair,ofsenoters hem directly ..) C 12,0 9 er fun with ial portable einone package ?tape hiss. noise e"4495t50 -,, Maximum sterea pleasure Start your system off night with at a minimum sale price this attractive stereo recelver * Cise stgh oostadtfl ties * Asto-Magie tuningloobs ln FM stations *UnderB" htgh, RPH** 40 watts a Soperb n attsmenship and ps e mrranne OtS ed95 BASCC b Antenna rotor 2 999p 've IUMY JULY 2x P adoth MN.TWS FMIL RLMFESTVAL Check l the whie pages for he -DdneFa yMneed5thss Radio Shsck store nrs yOu hn thé Emmaneal Park 245 Commercial St FREEADMISSION Sale prces expire Juy 28,1984 More than fun and games ... Colour Computer 2 for full computing power Hoolrs Up oasily to your colour TV for graphîice, sgisîs andnoaorrds. 1e8K Standard Starts yorr comput- , sm ply and atfordahly 2-3026 1I Extended advanced comput- rot Cranté h-resolutiofl graphrcs wth one-sce commandS 263027 Was 299 D.00. u..... w 249.95 37 Give your car "hi-fl" sound 00A~ 9 e6etwatt'l 2" tweeter P., 0.1 Accurate cordiesso docka J95 30 _9- 3 ..L - - --- ------ -------