John Lawrtnce le the pense in charge ai heepiog main S. spic ad $aua"ihMs.a He hates seeing you dumnp trash Cleantng ap aller pepei Ict a lt of fune eepecîatty whee tltey are bcbng togittiesa. Joint Lawrence Jr. 15, of tomne SenteDr. stIis eniemero Maie Si. beautification persan and wiat ho ee every day are 'Ita et cigarette bla." Tieré are ater Itrroro, bt Jaha sayo be rcatty desal mmd ecane mies bes pcteutg up aller peope, es hetpiag la eep Millon eauitul. John e cctplnyed ty te rDuowtome Bsine inprvemn res (eaDBtAt and ielt e mrking rlghl op la Labtour Day. ies mainfInaction je la eep Mai, MMI and Mary Sreete fre ofai tiler aed ta matain te flwer itoxes and nraits. He saye.hie pet peeve le sSnlg people cnieg ap the treel aod ttey stilI tirow their garbage. Fresh is Tai-Woo Hallmark Hec s een the food and beerage manager of a pratigiace Hyatl btellen extir BaI. Heopeneda magniicet, 3110-rnnm lanary holtitaSraSoya, indoneiao ne New Year'o Eve 183. A eta daya later he mas bort le Mitton planning hi exCrie nture. Nntea ry tntel, butlaxriace meals for Hea Vicor Lau, wm it mitt itifIe, Hele, are te nrm omners othte Tai Weoo o Main St , miich pened ceder teir direcian in Aprl. By nom Victor has rame tlu heaM bitton vcry wel tn fac,tilmayite ietereseing to reader tolanmwtiat he picked llitwn tom tUie dama in aner each places ce Belgita and Hllced. But enugitof the family itrycandeon the Lau piilnenodty nI diieg. Frtly, te maet ipranlttieg cey retauataerca d imae sreltase laste hatîmari oIfte meat. ta Ghittese cnakoeg taI means fresitees. "Every moring Iperaaeatty go andpick out ttc vegetables,' Mr. Lau ad "Tie mea m uaI Suve Irshnesaorrft le cet Cetarer. There te a eai difference mtIt can onybe made ttrouglte ueeof fres vrgetuittra" Secnndly,serrvice ieimotnealt. r. Lau itnmom, hto rtiereetaurcets. Heitasepages nI letrs oI cammandotions fImm a ievy aI Hyctt ce-prcidenle on las rganinational abitirs. Titat wtt] an] e any sercret ta tansemita hune tees ta te Tai Wnn siece il retpeeed. Dining Ot Magazine ent recanly. ced tttry tid't lue im n t il eaineeraI days ater titey iad dnrd tiere. Tiey mstiane iied miaIttry ate iecause Vctor eaYs ttey vted me onenoftite30itesl (tise)e retaurante" in te Tronto-Hamilton ares. I I tit once people itave ieee iere, tbled aur food, ced tated te ay I tiai (Vicr dae ait te eabtag) Chitese inod sotadd ie, te itry mme iacit" Truck theft Hltt e igianat Potice are ivetgatlg te tefl et a pick-up treckerit eanHarop Rstaurantlone SIeees Aec Sceday nigin Police atd tiiene talSoite trchâfler le-n ding c ey imua'comiece iidieg spo, m- ieofI te 1975 Datace. Expenditures Regianal cecneitias appeved a sniter oI programsncd eepesdittireo meag tem are: A raeeter aof ,Wf D he iegeserol melare cesitaece acantlta te npla aeiaere accocel lTisaa ceseeogency detal mr. lise regian mili Ioonk iaitol ana MiniiY mail i£epwaiiae Plgia. lise- purdeo"e-forvce sagiemna ietwee Haltes ced pivole day-case oper- are il ie epaeded hy 70 apaces.Tis expaesion l trauihtera feading fra-ethe provnce. Titi Day-Care integratina Propacefor deveiap-oecaty iandlcapped cildras -Mi e epaeded ity four pac. Nas-seginsial operainre in Miloe and Brlinglous Mii h ceagit. Abhalf-iume aigervisor mii e loght In ta hiep Dooty Olg. Ms. i>aig, dieciar of te nmmsaily heatit sOgm n laHallan, in leaciing aI te Universiy of Toronto Maalo of Scice In Naing Pogrue. lise italtinse pesan milinu OwMs. Ôaig in teaci. il do in5Ca *m 0 t" ailSm Aàs qffl v4% #4 à" w- a »55 e en bus * à. e lahk a d a - 1 5m d m em bdck* id ctai ni qtaaa ns *cm nita d OMY ce ad ems - ce dbo 0as_ Yeeseaa & vcDand 344-97ofa81w THE HEU PUp 1scpethe swelter of nummer heat. Keep your heat umpjusi rigfsihanel. lt P.or21=you prhoe You con choose a hetpm ta con do ail ciate te economy f the heot pump in winter. yor cooling and ainter healng.O n ht Phon oa bu wel d te halngwitsehl p from your econamical year-round existng furnace. Theres a dean, easy-to-install comfort. MILTON HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSION IIPO. BOX 189,55 THOMPSON RD. SOUTH. MILTON, ONTARIO L9T 4N9 (416) 8764611 CEDRIC SAYS 6n(rVE T N\ FP iT) TVFiT AND THAI MEANS OUTSTANDING SAVINGS ON FUWRIU ! APPLIANCÈS! CARPETS! NO INTEREST FOR SIX MONTHS ON EVERYTIIING Minimum purchase $ 500. Down paymen 2 5 % on approved credit. The sale you've been Y waiting for featuring fine corner sectionals Beige ad brown îoned n%, lonblnd Oliiin à retersîble iushionc Cushtoi-s LEONCS LOW 1 9 KNNMVRSARY . PEICE JOid ne n neets Trpe dresser n.t" x 8 xs i-T%î G mirr i hct (S xs1Ix5 ( (nnonhai I e uperb quli[. n ioGjuc Nglt tables achSl189 See die Iarest and flnest showroom featuring Magnificent 4 pce. Heavy-look colonial Master Bedrooms $1499 J RARUGS5ÔYý o A-(AS W oMW~~Piiamsa s nom SUmiLUmM 3167 N",i Service Ud.nt Q.LW. andi Guep Ue IPd- Phae 335.1811 OM12 DAILY 9 A.L-6 P.N. TIUJAY ANDIUDAY MIIJ9 PXN ---------- 1