SAVE- BIG" L WITH MAIR DIMENSI1ONS GREAT SUMMER SPECIAL OUPN 'ibis was the scee ai Miateitt Hlsilsa Turoday, siten Jeuf Nases lerd sas sold. Herd dispersai draws 600 tits tt ten that 1600pepe isit a dasy arte i one day but tat swtber shwed upt JeffiNurse's Titrsday. The Holstein breeder seid 96 caRile by autos ast week, winch represesed mssio his psrehredherd. M.Nrse sariedhis ose herd ales his fahers dspersai sale ie 1978. There s'as sonne actii'iy ai Moieits Hosteinssthe igiti boses thesae when to oieiers iemaeslswere born,one of hem wlith edand white earkings, A tiird ieifer was deivered houcs before the asctsQ iega Tioewobid on te pedigree catle casse roin as lac as'ay as New Bruswsick, Saskatchewcan, Wiscosin and northernQuebec. Acoding la Ma. Nurse, osceso breeder as deioped a certain aisossiofipedigree il isiimeituoeii Usaiy a pedigreeis exieeded is thrd geeeratiîsn hutsome ofi ha stock s'as fhuis geseratitos The operator of the Traagar Rd. farte kepi a caple of is older cosand s'inîse be oekig tor sone stsrdy sock ituiegîs deeisping anter herd. is Hstsei saie ok pace te day ailesa large gaiherise ai Hoseiireeders ai teOntaio Agrîcliorai Mueum. The croscd oi 2.000 sers ceebaiig 100 yeass of Hosino ertage Wedsesday sit a parade. piciic and speakers. Baverstoc 5th celebrated Famiy and rienda heiped- years la lite day ales iheir Norman ad Jean Baersiecit tariage oJly 21at imvale ceieraie Iheir ltit sedding Uiteied Cisasci. The cospes 16 atstisrsay ai thir îTrEsoaie graedcisidre aid sece greal- Rd. otesreceetiy. gaedcidren pseseeledtemn Miereceptionlsehpipace 50 s'lh 5 ed roses. Many cards and giiseresreceived bylte cosple nciodteg paqses isom Prmier Wiam Davis, Ge(oereor Geersi Jeanne SassefMayoe IGord Kranth and leteo rom Halloe MPP Jofian s Rerd aed provincial Literai leader David Pelersone Beorr moieg 10 te area. Ms. Baessoch sosked ai a sas miii aed Ms. Baversiocit e h.ran a beasdeg bosse ai Pitelpslon. The couple came to the aealto faste - Tbey base lor cidree, Gofrde, Viole aed Kay, ai et Catepheiiviiie aed Francis ef Tiie ateiversary cake as e. made hy lOsitiie Vae Toi and dcoaed by Bertha Readmae. Maroe of hoos May Nrma andJean Baeestak aserslock aed Groomman ceteaissi Skis Sih eddig Fraek acersloci t aleneddte ansiversaryJaty 21. aiee sary paty Obituwy Amy LotitaMerry Amy Loiia Mery, a lfiloeg retidesil o Trafagar Towship, receniiy passed aay. Sie as initeretnsety-sistyear. Bore te 1888, Amy Hoes as te dasgitisr of Josepht aed Isaitelia Homes, In 1925 site tearried PerecyWiflitate Meesy asd fogetestey iarteedFor ay yeas sheeftced onte fanid origîeaiiy aks este liteth Cresete inte days o easiy setiietentl Site itad a itai feres n oai hitsory and recorded ieleresiî e nre of ealies imes. Site sas a gradoale of Miftoe Modef Schoef aed Hamitoe Teashers Colege aed augitl ai oca citaeis, McCurdy's Soreity, aed 55 No. 7 Tralalger. er iseiy comm- aetyîeleress sasbses nofced in Mltoe Paie ord, te Womnens s lettofte itîci sie seved locaffy and atProvincial sone, aed tenSetiel Ueited Citurcit as Orgaoîsf. Sanday Seitooi feacites aed Citurcit sorbes Site iad a lf îe ftiee te restins Missoss Hec rtîsit eature sas espressecd te ber foce of paetieg, qiffîeg aed gar- deeîeg. Mrss Mersy feaces itsr doogiter aits (MelSogaifi of Oabsifs, Keit f iodee ityee graedetîfdree aed fthirîet greaf graedehiîldese I I F HAIR DIMENSI'ONS HAIRSTYLIST -Specia/îzing ini Men s & Women s Naît' j SYSTEMS EAP1TH COUPLED HEATNG AND COOLING - C "M le soulte M.A.R.C.H. Mmàmlkd 785 Main Street East Milton 876-11j38; * McMASTER UNI VERSITY ANNOUNCES DEGREE CREDIT COURSES IN MILTON 1984-8EVENING SESSION Beginning the week of Septembor 10, at Our Lady of Victory School* 1A3: Introduction ta Anthropology: Culture and Society. Fa)) Term, Mondays. 6:30-9:30 p. m. Anthropolgy 1la Introduction ta Anthropology: Human and Cultural Origins N.irter Term, Mondays, 6:30-9:30 p. m. Psyclîology lAU: General Psychology: Both Terms, Wednesdays, 6:30-9:30 p. m. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: August 15, 1984 Ine et ht h e i ci hool is nco mplteby SePtîmita, 10, pese onact us for the aliîrcate, [ocation. Foris - h,,d cii îcfocall e1525 914C) Exl 4325. î1 L Discover the Recreation Opportunities in Milton RECREATION OPEN. HOUSE This wilI be an excellent opportunity to Discover the many Exciting Leisure Services Available to You & Vour Family Location: MILTON MALt Date: SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1984 Time: 9:30 a.m. te 6:00 p.m. For Further Information Please Cali 878-7211 Sponsored By: TOwn Of Miton Pksandi Recreation Department Escape tlhe soeler of summer heat. Keep your heat pump just rglit for your home. home cool with an electric heat pump.- And after a long cosol summer, you'II appre- ou can choose a heot pump that con do ail aiate the economy of the heot pump in tinter. your coolng and wnter heating. Or one that Phone today about w il do the heatn&gwith some help from your economical year-round existng furnace .here's a dlean, easy-to-install comfort. MILTON HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSION IPO. BOX 189, 55 THOMPSON RD. SOUTH, MILTON, ONTARIO L9T 4N9 (416) 876-4611 1