MDbgg ffiS gi Rad Stop grasps on té second Ftgb'tlng ff a tosgb cbattenge frOoi mcDuffcequflpinnt, Rad Stp pcked ùp tico ictrles ast week te mattain ils grssp su second -place là MIlIde Pustbai lueag caction aI Sias BonI Park. Rad Stop bcgsu Uiceieek Wita,&2 win scer lbcuwsY Muffler sud emdcd il Wilt a 3-2 protested! un ocer MeDuffe. in other gamon, TrswaY got on the Win comn wicilia 9"3Win over éotas; McDuffe tsrned bacb Sandtsne 11-3 sud Rcman t-; sud Sandstooe coin- pleted o tree-osn wcck fsc Reinso witb s 7-t winovoerte Reators. TMe twon ottest teamn ocer the latet tetch accvem enMcDffte sud Rad Stop maintalning o neck-aod-necb race for ecod place io the tsogoe. Witte potested wio couted oc Rad Btop, a mocgio of just 1tihmsnexsts bat- iceen the tus ctubs. In the protesteil wio. Rod Stopus Bob Baker nsroedaoe-ot Ireerus hoîoer on the bottois ot the sixth f0 overtoro o 2-0 disdcatoge lto a win. tbe protent came wbeo Jus Drenous ted off the Rail Stop sitb witb o siogte. McDuftr chargeil that Drennon is nl igibte ptoyer. Kerto Smith pomptty sngerd on oe ou lofer Baker bit o honer. McDffes cns sercored in the footb nd fift. te the footh, Otacie Frouer sinieil ood coed on Peter McDffen itripte. te the fiftb ioing, Peer McDffes bosso odeil siogle doeome Tres itbo snge after ScottI-tttsoo ms gorildot t the ptte in o bsco looden fielers choice situa- Ted Postiso rrod tbe wio obile Keib McKijnon oob the los. Rd Sop overurordoa2-1disadvano toge oib fto cns ib e secoond ogainnt andl nercbed to tbe 52 ic. Rod Stop josipedin frot io tbe fiet ionicg ihen Kevio Smith siogîrd aod carne home os a fi-oi eror. flics isoy took te leod ibrhir hoîf of the Mohawks fali behind Tb eprmis tmpelilMohi Hlio Seior sosebli Legor acton suffercd a seback lasioeek wben Mo- hawks droppril brrr gaimes c istcii iheir record fal oti8e-12 Ao-oy to Burfington lot Wdesiloy, Mhoikscooeout n hshort endofa 6-tdecioion otheirofeag leaders. Tbro in a poircof omne goes. Moawso lst 6-3to Cmbrige Stocily and 15 ina Chiefs. Mobawis oaod Dniloslokedinoa3-3 iedorbotter ioc tooîcgs. te the witd lotinnigDanilosleed off on Mohawk starter Scot Godd for eigt cns, &Ht oceocoet, teotoi the gone. Moawks' Ray Evans and Rick Mit- chel clled in the bottono of tbe 1tub ith solo homers bt the gap sios tue large toerme Dondsodeopair . fsolo hoorrs by Dog Sbtridgr te e 30lead ibe top et the ffhbMobawks alliedrdtos coco in Ibeir boit of the fftbchen Godd acd fRobers, site eacb bod ocîbrit, sred or Deug Tiobrsiso-rie, tise ot sioge. Rick Mitchell tiicdthe score ishechis iîelder's cbice allcied Larry Beolie te score iibeheotio of tbe Cimbridge beoftîtird rois orne rocs by Blt Burgess tise rosi, Aies Thies aed Brani Syder te coi-score Moawsks -3, Meobawshbd mocre tbas bhre oare ot cbances as tbe doit ecopteil for 14 its bat lrit 17 mencov bse, inccodiog ai lest oneincecey ining,eand cctd manage lest ttebrreronsi Pol Ellîti. Bill Dccii. boy Pecect, Jce bcelteRck Mitchell ad Evas ail lise its apîrce 1r Moaisks. Mork Boichioso ereod the ie wihle Gar- neyWUifel tosb the los Briotôjsl Brad ims ireis a tise hitir a( Moaksondstrockouti1lias Basis relird te the 6-1 in iWedoesiey. Bolisgioe sceced sixicees off Gartiey Mitchell ibe uir brre nigi aod coased te the ose behind Si'sin51e pichîog pefrtrisasce. Gadd aid Deois oece the ol-y Mo- hawso letginsîgles off Simi. Mc, Tmts inebiliiOncias una d ad scoredosepasedbhll Royals rally Giro Tirerre soieil ith the bises loaded in tbe bolfeisoftthesîisoîsnnig tu score the wisîg con s Miltoo bayai City Rols rrprised Dondon Chiets 12 i in Halles Sendor Bseol LeguerOctin Solocdoy rt Brîoo BenI Park. Téerictoryiws thie offy oe Rylos salveged os tbe ieeb Burlingtoo Brets tloc twosfroisnt oYos, If-9 Soodoy and the finish of a protested gamte roisaout a monthbabch. tentbotoit tlengib gome, Roals showrd o flir for the dromotico rotty- iog 6-sm eacty disodeootoages with good Matos assered 931tus worunsu n so eond. Guiets again jompoil teck in front ansi led 53in the sixth. Hoever, oyls ficil the score on bck-to-bacb doubtes hy Ken Cipps and John Trner andi a single bp Kn Amstrong. Scoring ent wov cr the fisai tree inngn. Chiets somees three in the sesentb but Bob tIsyarils tus-rus double in the btl l of the sncntb ilcem Repais f0 witbin une. In teeigtb. opots tiesthe scoccon Guis Turners toout single bt Chiefs came igbt teck in the nint b wit tece cons for an fl-s eai ands semesi 10 base the gme ocked ap. frst ihes Jake Dserlng reached on su error. Sick Yuwrt daubted sud Bruce Chdnnery drove thein bth home wtb a sngle. In Uic second, Bob Gray oored on us pasacd hall ichite Mise Cules camne bomse osuasacrtftçc tOp by Smnit. Dace Peleys REt-sngles in the 116h sud seventhIlnntags prsdused the final tics dtiusery sud Pautl nmsu had tics its escb for Truvay wbtte Smitht sud Petteybhad tws its for Rad Stop. Frank Hardy earned the hia. McDsffe sud Ssudstone got invotvcd ia witd barn-lhsrner. Sandtone con- ceded defeat In the tottoin of te third isoiog trating 1-3. Sandtone went witb jint ight ployers for the game. McDutfe bad 14 its olithPeter McDuffe eading the wsy ith tree. Ciarie Frouer, Kmn Fay. Paut Wnoa- maiser sud Keilli McKmnono dded two aplece. arry Sctt nîcsudGesff OBries prsduced runsvlith back-to-back tripts in te flet lnslg. OBrlesnpcredson iinïFekers single,. Sandtose atoned forte lss by beat- tag Seiax 7-. Steve Giervais paced Sndtone wttttbree its sud tws R8ts whle Loriu Pagglon bad tva itsansd tics RBbisud Don Hearus bad tva blîn sud eue ribbie. Remon iwan beld t10ist tva bita by Sandtone brters Neit Teuse sud Rd Duso. A] Jobnaton sud Bet Bertoti each msuaged singles. Truway benefitteitfrosm jort perormances froin Dace Del Papa sud Cionery in posting the 9-3 wln scer Remax. Del Papa atsdtipped in eth tour RBIn (one witb eachbit)' miote Doeriog had tics bits. NieS Gautiler ernedte wini. John Warren badtreits sud su RBI for the struggting ltemao Bide viele Peter Mtottt added tva bite sud an RBI. Jw,44k<tcCk takm s. MMufevandtldrtbd club> ta defeat itasuu aot week aehtag-t àa" Win wlththe Uicvnulsgrun commE home ta the btttei of due sevnti on Ktan Payes basea-toaded el ust "0@. Thse rally hegsu vith ttvaout vhé. Ji nsjevidowvas it>by s pté. Trencstet suad Friser vuheel ta tsad the bases ta sd the stage for Pays draintit it. Thec top of Mefluffe's order dld mut of thc dumuage. Troncs, Pruserasd Foy esch bad tics ita wile Puy <fraye home Ores clins. Peter licttuffe sud Fraser hsd thse suer RBts. MI tahnston bsd tics its sud tva RBts (wich iedte score illi a'tva- rus use-sut triple inth ie seventbl ictate Warren Cisrcunsu, Pie Cee sud Markojolu sdded sue it spiece. ees it icas a tics-rus homer. -1 Sâfe et home Adrios Meiî.o laton Alrs scores osa close pay a( he ploIte nbose-leogar peure action of Milton Minsr Bsebsit Wedoes- doy. Meis baftoo Aaris doubteil op BotIs Fooit 8-. For more ressîts in Minr Sports arounnelMlton, tacs in pages B2 andt R3. St. Clair marches to By LAIRV MeGREGOR fI lochs lise the bg, ugly bbars [roms Si. Clair Pint and Peper isoy bore tîscily tegos hirrassaiut once be ciiof thc Leegor mesîtberes nMilles Mess Sbawisîg flashes ci brilliance fbcy bore cise tlexrpent oetiheisseires. the Pint anil Paer palochar pt tise big ins on the teardilalst isekris.eisg theis te ithin 2-,,games of the top Ad as wise bcai lto the isailoontheof teseason, er tiisng odo t e b to winin 9th Bei bayais ioli are none ot tht. Grry Nayler stariedeninthbisiiba oaik. Wit one oubagecClrsettin-,. ged and Rich Clement walked to load the bases. Ricb Binsel sent boise one rus eilb a single andl Jack Canfelon lied tbe score mtb o iwo-con single. Afere bay Tonelu mas inleniidfialiy wotbeil, Ge Turnerilcew à bsen-loadil sak te proiluce the inning cua. Tom Shepporil pitcheil the final inn- îsg 10 gainte wis in relief etfSick McTracb white Tus tWesffereil the ions. Cntelpu pacesi Mitoo witbtree its sud ttree'els hubie Amstrong addcd it a oiser for Dusdas. Burin scbaeged ta an 5-lIail ffe ~riuings 4il eemesioeil in control of the game. Howerer, oyats chippoil away anil narcswed the gsp f0 0-6 oter suixinn ings. Burfingîoscoresi ireerucns in the top of the eigtb for as 11-6 teail but Rayais assuered witb one rus ibe igbtb and tas more ino Ibe mathb cor- ing tbe bases oaded fi ed the gome. Bob Hayuacd paced Repas 10-it sitonne witb four singte& ubile IRoger Clement and Amsntrorng -ail tuaits apiere. Gen Turner it a baiser anil droce home tsar rons. Steppaci look the lois. Si. Clair oponeil their iserk lastMon- depiitheaselfil 14-9in vrrpranbei Steel, bîocking the Stelers ot f their percit lone ai the top ot the standings Mîkey Barbtfleseeg a bg stick for the papocbeangers. bangingaout abomer codea triple aisoog is irer ite. Barry Batenoif asè it safoiy irer uses for the iinnors. ewhite Waiiy Neyes, Pool Long, ansi Brion Budisortb isero strsng n supporting roiei. For Franhel. ban Phillîpo. Neil Wood, aod' Dec MÇytcheonsatt bail ibrer bts. Cy Murphy ansi tan Brnie eocb assied a four-bagger inte loing effort. ballon Aaris ias tte soit opponeot t fee t ho somiy cquireil math of St Clair droppinga0010 i decision. Dnce agaîs the SBf cloue bats mre bt Wil Wally Neyes iseni 4-fsr-5 wth a oiser. Poul Long bail tms doubes aid a home con ansi Chris Carlton atmo bail a coonil tippor, Ail f0 iis the fbcee-it otings of Ai Wison, Graeme Comme, anil the sby MaoRîcci, anil the resot mon ineitable.' For the Aarmers. Don Dodus, Diooy Deug Craren, ansi Bousy iloiercheis al recheil base safeiytrettluns. Chers IBntaurant moresi haniinto trst-place .tic with Feonisel, bneeting Bob Dyek and i usWarren ocrete hest of the bonck for Coom ansi Soondi ith tsar ite apicce, white Larry MePhail, Bob Morrio, ansi Bit Zais- muit al chippesi in = t Steecapiece. Ileman Beaty climbesi te iithin suc- batf gaine ofthIe itplace e-le8dero, droppingthSe celiar-dueBling crcw frois D& Sigss 2-lt. No less tan sin ditterent players bail taurâ4st eesnisfocrteRealtors -Bob Castrucci, Gary Thsomas, Fas1 Frcddy Bokes, Gary Wiliams, Cari Taylsr, and AureeLangois. Castrucci aod Thomas .500 nctudeil boise ronsins heir totals. The eeti's isai matcbcup sais beiton Aarm dop tis sondcoscno tire game, Iis fume 10 Ste Dions, Anticipating te lsty beigitsioetseveoth place, te Dicis came f0 pay, sqoeecieg ot a close 17-15 wm. Craig Dartdson bod four ite for the iosers, asil be aas supported by Jor bloch, Bob Winder, and Randy Carlton. eacb of wbois aildei tbree ite te the Dicho ooutput. Carlton atmo notcheil a roussi trippor. 100 Grantbai l'ire singlestocrte Aarisers, ondle Brent Mrtisur, Ai Zihcooo, and Jin Wedgcwsod eacb got os base three imes. DiOamanel Dust As loch woulil bacc if, oc buispein-o tssone of the tesgses premier siuggees the other Day. Brnie Blouin, strsggt- ing fo orercoise o season-long stnmp, was practicing lit swing on bis daogbtees T-bail stand. YHR: H ase pou storteil te inil te range yot 'Bro? Bersie: Yeahï if looks ltube Sangs arc begirmin o fitItinto place. - YI5R Dses o slow start iSe ysucve iail this pear worry pou' flsink maphe yjourc getting ton otd tocrte est of u Dernecu us t l usy. I o usns pay te mess uihtebig guy. Y5tIG Ssrcy, Mr. Blosin, jot ted- ding 1 s tere suytbing yo'd ike tosauy to sac yousg readersosuttere, suy inspictisual mesuge? Bcede: Wel, ysu basic, icien t1ias grouing «puonte tarin in Rcd Dccc, tdere icas somethiig my Daddy atocapo ued to uap 10 me. VHR: Care t ssare it ithus' Bersie: Gem, ti'love te buttsirnes if 1 cas rcmcntser il sou. fluaI as a long time agot YR: Isanks, Bru, w'rc als Otlitte riober for bavinguspoken uith psu' T I QASA. hopes end in 2-O* sweep vsudlbtatedkâe"oid. Ise biso, w"icmmvu nder thse namne Mr. Satlog là1à abstsf-tLhree te, Gis. Wüâlams, tae acaqbe of rmer Miton pîtchocu aisng tise way. lu thmesur , Gary Hatett belted a two-run two- out haomerilatdebottoniof thse l2th tegIpve Gie WlIas sd MrkCrtsa 2- wmat is.Wil- =amsGis Wllsfo-it Milton ,%2onMItV Paul Wanamaer snd Curtis locked up in a pi- edon'duel. In the second gaine, Mike Reyolds' two-out double ecsced Tin Fild mvtb thse toue rus of the gaine 10 give due Glen a 1-0 win. Jeff Haines, wo hua ptcbed for Mitons DASA teamin th Ie past, and Wnnanaker again tscked in a duel. fIce Gis.not-hit Milton 5-3 aithoogla Miltsn teft s runseru on base sud tbree asutarcasu tiird base. Miltonu best chance came inteSiird wbes Choc- lie Fraser watbed and Don Heocn coced on1an error putting rusoces us second and third wtts one sut. Buît Haines trucb out Bob Bolier and enticed Randp.Nyksrsk tuground out. mike boyle Hamstring pull keeps fan James from Olympics Aimost four bord yeacs bore passed since ton James ot is sigts escthe 1904 lympie Gemnes, Neis 21 yers oi ege, the yooog Mlon athiete bai worked berd on is speiaiity ot the long josp. Wrid-riass calibre, James ises sers by mesy aie sore tel for tese Games. bomerer. o pear-osg troublieg boissîrîngin jury itt precent te ibrahe E.C. Drory gradoae trois takiot part chis yrar Aod ei lokes il alli stride. "This bas heco os up-eod-deiso yeec toc sic" sopo James. Iswas pre-seirrird for the Canadien Otympe trois but t puited if(thse bemelrisg i pret- ty bad. James weml 10 Winnipegooywaoy binbe f frit wmbk of Jsty te, ttempt to coispete fur e spot on te tesis Athogbhc triesi acupuncture teol] Iciate te pain, be coul jomp fot 740 metces, for rois is persono] bestof 783, and bas bad te ricin te Dames trom is uteliionsel finm yoong, Ire got totsocf ime. The prise age for a long jmepr is 25or 26years ot age lisn lookh ing tossrd oest year 1teec gond year foe ' Thdis the second straigt yr aebosring pull bas stappe l on rois comptig snoamajer mer1. A yeor ago. be piied te moscle futoe day citer is plane landed ini erisoy ensroceieue the Woli Cbompoosips i esinki. Filaod and celdrit compote. Next year promises le bring osasy charges te is flie. A rceeolgredoate trois Seseso Celege is terecreatioalimanagemet prgro, Jamseis iosloog for a job. is training sowi tooives cchahliclîsg is mus- ce tetore rigoros treining tegios ie Sepiiser. Ater hef, elllobeese at te Pi- AiesPecîlîr Games in Clforsia, the Wold biedeni Dames is Japanand finlly the World Cupin Acifelic in October. The Olympie losng oup bas isrolved soise spec tl prfortmaoces. Io 1930. JesseDOwensi tmeiyd 806 isetres le in oseet oi r gsid seedeis The renrd stosd tor 2 yers isich cnsiidering the grerel roosong trlcand eodial spîhes i oslîbc more moder equipmnt iis alisst linbelievatle. Tbrs in tstS.eBob Beemos ieped 29 lertin- ebes, ssbîrh tronsslates snteo 890. Tht mach stîlI stands as theisocidandOlymisie rerds, This pear, Carl Leis s raed te wisîsflur gcld medais inlsdisg the long jimy Lewis bei jocope in thIe 8050 range ishile mistsiof is cois ptitoco oreoinbcte 20ronge. 'Mtat 8.20 range is the terget Jaiseard bis coaccb Zotan Tinke bad sct asd Jaescîeseon faeget chu pyeur. 4siy the heissiîg pulls bacc stowei hum. Mont et the best junior tennis players Canada bas leottfer wiut tisilibemieles speodiog ith esi meerstoile te confises cf the Mitonennicsy Cioh sors, .Te Otario Opnone i aserieselof ajr at ioal trusts champiosiipo. sarji Mstider asd ruostbroogb fo aturday feaiorisg scise top-quai- ity tennis. Ioluded onte lust ofplayers is Assirce scc odr braocp l7yeer-eid s-ho is roird the top juiointe contry. Szajdcc rceîîly rempefesi in te national choispioshîpo c.lerc be lest in the qoarters o foMactis Wolstenboime. noseo Qobvitte, wooadilanced tu the inals teere losîng f0 Stefan Bonneoo. Admission s frece ond if pou isanite sec ceispet- ition of ony spor ot ils beit, yomigbb just want te ltskein ofew matches These lods are aotoas campetitive os you'U erer seandi make some back4yplayersloôbtlike psip ea. ý-IM 11mbs -w-o g .W I ..1 tta recmntty. Wayne bas long teen inrotced sith MYSC and bos teen an actire iseiter of te Mlton Reterces Association. He is te past-president of the MRA. If uatcbing te Oympc GGomis on TV sties op sues dcsire te toise sp rtosning tis sommer. there s certoiiily no shortoge of events oroud 10 keep oe and nestlegs biny. On Monday, Athtîques tnternational of Ok- ville witt bst te fourth ouseeal Myors 5,000. The race begins sud ends in Cootttios Parks in Ok- ville. Ttsece arc many pines ansi nategorirs lIorvery sus. Tne emtry tee is jot $3. Foc more inforl maion, ca] Bruce Bartoe t 827-1934.