1 ?4u@auMWCWunpiMa, Wod., Aug. 1,190. Etabilshd 1861 ~ihe Eaiabian êhitmfîon HERB CROWTHER Publisher ALAN SEECH JIM ROBINSON MI HALL Ma" iuWDq P - &w tA#n Bani. .«ý K Matas1.fhww, NMtI. ti8 D Bo.ý (410 4811300 M.- Hg; - bW dnî- M.ý, R5 ý - - 59ý Pubohod every Wdna.dan by Metnand Pinning, Pubishing Et O isttig 1.9. et 191 Main Street Eta Miho. Ontario, L9T 4N9. Tniphmn 7-234: benn. Pnn.e Sore copins YY séch; Homn deivte.y 3(r. Susaiptions $15 pa Veai ycmr 415 pa ya Os mail in Cand; $75 in ait aihnî ontiesa. The Miton Cnden Chmipon le on ni the Mtroiund Pîinin. Ptibithing Et Oisbtitng Ld. goap pi suubani nennlpanr whch inclUda; The Acome Fee Pess, Th Ainsi. Bnn, Th Braepon Gauduv. The Balino PotS. The Brligone Wn.ttnnd Pot, The Etoihok Adertis/Giusrdiue. Th Gorsgton Indpendnms Maiham cooaiut & Sun Te Missssua hNs. Te Nemaetî Et, OakviIie Onos, Oakvlln Fiday Bottins. Oshwa This Wn.. Osawa Ths Wn.kavd. Ohawa/Wiiy This Week, QîhîaaWhiby Ths Wnkensd Rchmsond Hill Libnsl Thoashili Licbeail, The Svmbosough Msso, Te Ssouffiia Tibne,. The Wiowdal Mirror and Woodbsidti Liberal. Mtroiand PF95505. Pitbitahng t ODsribtin is a n di on of H arl o Estspîlan. Limited. Phone 878-2341à Toronto Lin 11M Dying dream Il s the dream non one wants. Petro-Canada has become the lateut firm to turn down the chance" to have Halton Regions Energy From Waste (EFW) plant. Basically the EFW concept is a plant whch would ncinerute garbage to produce either steam or energy. Generating energy is much more efficient than steam; therefore, it wus not sur- prising Ford of Canada was the first selectee for the EFW plant. After angry protests from akville area residents, including a public meeting which about 600 attended, Ford announced it would have nothing to do with the plant. Now Petro-Canada, a regionally-preferred site, also has stated EFW is sot in its plans.0 Regional officiaIs are disappointed in this. They are gis- appointed their firot choices have backed away; and they are dsappointed because a commitment to build an EFW plant bas been ublicly made. Naturally, it makes much more sense to have ËFW at a site where it will be efficient, and thus cost bs regional dollars to rus, than having it at a steam site. Regionatly, EFW makea many people points. It will be expén- sive, but Halton is banking on peopfe beang prepared to shoulder the cost of EFW rather tban larger and more garbage duanps. The thing to do now is find that willing landowner and start the bail rolling toward implementatton of EFW. is "Go Luck". ding receptions, starting n'ew jobs eaving nid jobs, etc. Luck cannot be packaged. Luck is often said to be the residue sf bard work. But it can't come in a letter -especially a chais letter. A chain letter informing its recipiants to read and mail 20 copies bo friends is making its way around Milton. Although il is technically legal -no wherc is money involved -chain letters are among the lowest form of reader involve- ment in use today. They are trasb and should be discarded and stopped as quick- ly as possible. Anybody wbo believes in this material will need al the lucktlhey cao possibly gel. viewpoint oica with MIKE BOYLE Thins is erlainly the somnmer tor potilcal pratalls. In Canada. John Tfurner has derrieved and civil- servied himsett into the Geraid Ford lunder Halbo Fame (and he'v only been on the jobtfora month) And in the great C.S. of A, Walter I'l have this nomination seîved up by New Hamphire") Mondale i doing the best John Turner imitationve en i Rich Litle. Mondale's gaftes ar'efarlooiiaiiy tobe listed insuch as small coliiiiisiHoeve, hsatesiiitove stribcviime atlitlle odd and somnemhat. ifnosvholly, opportunistîc. This is, ofcourse, naming Geraldine Ferraro as his vice-peesidental canddate, Athough the tille niay bc elaled t that o vhiel petiy ottîcee on the Ttanic, Mondale bas drao'si diers lvom edtoial wrtevs teom the Alanict1 Pacîtîr. Why? Becase henamed amomaiîloltepost.All o a sudden, osmen rtes's are serîbîng (oc seibbing maybe a better hoice ofivoeds) thathe hasnopened up a ishole ne'aî phere tocriomens cre Where havelthesesnonoen been foe the last 20Oyears' Maybe ihey havent îooiced ihat ihere are oe mayos,ionen seiaors, womenniemhers ofparlia- mnti, conecessmomen, iomen goseesoes, etc.,ec its as tfait o a sudden, ihese winters dscovei'e, thai iomen coadbe elevted officiaisanid. .maybe even peesidest o the U.SA. Foc starters, iltees avy sîgnîttrance in the ohote thîng is hat the postiîo i appvîined and that ama apponled hec. Take tto cosîderalios that 'iomen have heen elevled tu more imîportant posititons in the ast 15 yeavs, and the situation become ludcrous. Nom tona Campagnolo as 1thevi ctesponse 10 the mhoet ihng oa, foî'mevty an elected MP, a Cabinet memher and elecied preidentof th1e lederat Lheral Pary, said (and 1paaphrase) ifanimtais wve in tashios, hed have somioated one oh thern too. TOe move res ola pevalîinterest goap t10gec climate - votes suntuch, it's surelto achlîre. Ceriainly one thing any eleclorale toohs toc in any preident is his/he abililyto acl "presidentiat". TMat means, tb art in tuIt conscience, Nom iis Mondate seemotOc a ntre gay, being leomn Mnneoa adaltlhaiOaut,t1mean, how can anyonevso liedup in speciat-interesi groups evev pretend to represent everyone. And thaIs the Democrats'plaifovm. t dont 1,e Ronald Reagan any more tan the Soviets. Sot il tOeItemoccalo ave evec tu heat lis guy vn Roond 2, lhey savety cold have come mîth some othe candidate, even Gary Havi, toc mhom a large gcoup of people voied. tsn'i thece a Oddng JFK outl0ece" Fercavo as ptched irslly toc hec ses, and secondly for hec political amaneneso. isn't 1is what omen ee fighttng agais or nsn many yeacs. And nom 10011the ide is lrning, the polittoal parties of North Asoeica seem bo have tavnedthe olhev may and come lhrough with a modern day version oI "mal's gond loy thc gnose, iv good for 10e gander. " t'm alraidwe shoilddailduck, il's ceally Olymg nom. Nom the BReis nom how 10 handle 10îs. t mean. thcyve got Maggie Thatcher. Thcy dîdn't pssy'lûoo aroandmith cecemonîal candidates.Tey justmventiout and stated elecing top candidates and Maggie loit happencd 10Ocb a oman. None ofthlis cecemonial baloney toc them. In many ays, one must teet a certain amount toc Feccavo. 00ev becnselvctced 10 a gond position and il the U.S. comes 1950 in the Otympîco and Reagan decidev bto vade tract, the Democrats mighl lits1 in the '04 electon. ButI tm alcaîd Feeraco wmut 1001 go doms as an asvecto a 1999 version of Tcival Pucoaitllong allerca qualified 00mev candidate is pesîdent nI tOcUS. dump view Edîio'n Noie: Te JttvsIng v the ,ipe e, o theGnaro iate Maagement Copocato (0 WMCilresonse o e i cjanon aO0 me smade/lasti et y the Twn"ijit ltn"auncilo" RckDv and0eoonPeman. itopreîcvedfor the ,ovoo, ,.era,, t n an applivation ta the Onariohapreenie Court yeslecday the TownofotMlton and oihee parties have vhallengeil 1e leeal authority undec ohicO 1e Onario Wasle Management Copoaion is cndcig issearhlfoafi- qid indsrialwasle leatineni site. concenng that application and parie ]avy a pres elease tcom 1the Tomnof olMton cati tains several inaccacate slatements and olhei' misleading information. Repeseniatives nI 1e TownnIfMlton, i their application ta 1e Sapreme Coac, are seeing amone othe hingF ta have OWMC plaveit ander the EnviosmenltAssessmneni Avt and ta have the Corpoatinn subjet 10 public heaings ander ihai Ail. OWMC han almays heen sahîet1toItullpabihît harngs o ils poposed site and thOme hearings are ai least as rigocous as thone called for onder the Environmetal Assessment Act, according ta Dr. Donald A. Chant, Chairman and Peesi- dent. FuIt public heactogo and public tsndîng toc nlrsenocss ihove hearîng e mccc conditions hich Drc Chant made helore avcepting the positions of Chaîcman and Pcesident of OWMC in 1901. -We have almays lahen tOc appenach bhat our heacingo mold c aI Iasl as thocough and compeehensive as heaings mOtO mwoutd c held sndec the Envionsmentl Assesmesi At," saidtDr. Chant. "Foc instance, 0010 the heactng panen un- dmlcrial Waste Management and OWMC have agcned Ihat the bcnsd detiition ni the -"ns viosment" selt octO in the Envicosmental Assessment At ml On usnd in tOc public heaings on OWMC's leehival poposals. b addition. OWMC's heaingo pcocess is une o iOn firsi n Onaio 10 altom foc publie lundîng o inevenrs, a teatace nul nom avalahîn under the Enviromnaental Assessmcsl At heacngs prcess" In ils pneus einase. IOn Tomn nI Milton laîmed tOn DWMC At dos nos alnm toc constdecalînn ot alternative acilîlîns. sites or technologies. Sinon Noveme 91, h mno GWMC rejected 1e site in South Cayaga. ihn site selectio pocess. TOis search as sn volved a road consderatios o alternative sites and technologiev.iiWMC hegasiils searcblforsitesmwitha cosdecaioof al] of Ontario. Apptyîvg a osmbe o hcy factors, tbat seacchwao gcadsallysnarroivedtficst t vouihernOntario, tOcs 10 the Golden Horve- shoe arca aI the estern end o LakeGOtario, tOcs in May o 1983 te, severat boad candidate areas and fisally in MarcrO1904 10 the eght candidat e vites cuccenlly undcc consîdera- lion. bn addition, thn Corporaton as sosghi out evccy avaîlabîn peoven lechnology foc tOc treament anddisposal ofhaadois wastes ând published inSeplembec 1902. a report out- lining over 100 alternative technologies Comments by represenatves ofthe Town of Mlon have Suggesled thal GWMC as con- ducted ils search oc vites and technologies mthoat thceOeeil ut public consultation. Thcoughoat is proccsv of slectisg sites asnd technologes, tOc Corporationi as conslled eslensîsnly mtO the public lhcoagh environ- mental and vtîaens gousps. pofessional associations, munîrîipalîlies. indivîduals asti 'We havecaodectakeesthemos compnhefl ive public consultatiot progeant os an coviconmental isue ever in Gntario. To date me have met with moe thas 500 groups and organinations. încludîng Mlton Town Caun- cil, in ouccItorts 10 naccom the seacch toc a soîtahîn site and îdennlîy appropeite technologies," saîd Dr. Chant. Tbe pess eease tenai iOn TomnofolMlton also valed 1001 OWMC ilI ho seteclîng a pretcrred site hy thc end ot hueuss 1904. This is sot true and the Corporation basstatedn many occasions Ihal il seIl nal have con. pletnd iNs'bovb tomacds uleclîng a prnfevvnd site or sites anlil lte allI Gnce a peferrnd site on sites is selected,, bhat site itI ho stsdind in more detaîl bhorne OWMC maes is suhmission tothe Heariiig Panel on tndmlcrial Waste Management. hchmwill condaci format heacîngsnon il. The panel mlI make ita ecommendations 10 the Otario Cabinet. mhicb mîi mahe the final deis ion. GWMC mlI respond approprîately in couvi 101the Tomn of Mlton application. our readers write lise gnvnaanm.u.........nn..h . 'elle"sits Dt ua»U i pages of the, past One Year Ago Ienomtise AugatuiS .1563luue A mon denniit n. "a ceai aunet,,1. OntheMilnn, Fire Deparîmeni OaOddaller 29 yearn nt anvice. Caplain Vernonn IBarnesyt Caain.n, 63, nuccumned ta cancer lat eh ai Msiltn Distrint Hopital. He man banit aa Evergnreeaa Cemelecy. A nobiser made nff ilO an ondtsclosed amitont fcash ram Canada Trust ai Mais aid Ctarles 5lceets Saabrday nons, alter andutiig laite temain enployeen. Tieseusopect, mhn entened iOn basb minutes bhote clasisg, tbldt nthor wmrn eO Oud a weapoas. bai didial aboow il driig the rnhhory. Thse sayîsg, "ioon macOot a gond tbiis 15 gond toc youa, cas appty 10 tOc excellest mume eaiheriseve bOns espovienctng if you happon 10 base crops in the field. Ton macb son and ton ltIle ain nearly spolnd dsaiter frtocIm aeas picipal crop ofcorn. A five-year.old Torotto girl has heomme tOc bhird domnnmg aI Enm taisoConservation Aea in less tOast one ynac, Despite tOc valjant cItorts of a lifegoard. ia Marie Lowe, of San Romastomay, North York, dted mithis i mnutese of hong plld ot o 2.5tcctof waterlast ivedoesday ateebvoon. 20 Years Ago Fnam 10e Tbusdav. Atig. 6. 1964 A voppty of gond damestîr mater "lac hoyond tOc cachier cnpotatîonss" has ecs dcttiniely proves to cist ai bbc Townsof Mltons nem Itelso oeil site, il ascceveaedtibis wenb Hoevee pompng and secp' uge problents ai the soîmmîng pool delayed t0e especed open- isg on thce ektid.Conservation athoritv officiislv ers 001 a lherty to ay heîî il might openi ugain 10 bbc pubtie. Traisîeof tOn hsad office roni Toronto 10 Mlon, ices cd savigs asnd a getteval vosy pictare of operulions mccc bîgh- tîghls of tOc reports 10 bbc anvual meeting ofMiltov nrcbCo. Lid. held in Toronto l1mb meeb. TOnToronto otice i15 1los 00 olelely anp the presesi office anp I ieplaist nar Mltan ii ho nspasded. George Bondy, Dnpty-Chîiefot tOc Miltbon FîveDeparîmesi mas named second vic-pvcsideslt of bbc Otario Ficcigbtecs' Assciation ai thcîv asnuat con- venioin astd electiott held inSt. May's over theccivicweend, 50 Years Ago Fnnm the Agstst.1934 issue Tmo yomng wome in beacb pyjames sîactled Miltosn venîdents os Monday as tOny pnomessaded along Maio Street. TOc nexi ting me hnom. Milton otîl bave a vadist colony. While boeing in bbc garden Ernes Aexander, iarmer, near Norvl. added 10 hîs collecton o cave coins an Rsgtîsb hatîponsy daled 1816 amd mith the orda "Montreal" anid "lobes" in- scrihod.DOnoe sîde mas a sketch of avsailîvg vessel andon the vher tOc figure of a man. A Irvîîîc eleebvîval siocm cagcd over Mlton and district car]ly Moday movneg Tlophovs oni Martin Si. mre ouI of commissiolor many hors, whîte ightlvîg strîhîng a transformer on Martin St. shut off bydro power toc aime ime. Tlc men memes of Mlon Golt anîd Country club mece cstnrtainnd by memes of Waterdownt olt Clsb on Satavday. 75 Years Ago Fnom IOn Asg. 51909 isse Arihur George Jempoon gave ap is situation as driver of 10e Moitît Daivy mlb magon and entltoManitoba on the 191h uatt O Fiday he met mitO a horrible deatb ai Point du Bois hre he hadt gone onloo0forborton ntosbb Winnpeg power plant miv miter construction. Ois velarsa 10 tOn cityh0 e tai, hnalh a cîivi tramway car, bait ose teg etcfalnthtIe ther hadty masgled. Rn mas lahen Lv a cily bospilal aid dini tIhe same day. He as tbe nîdest snaIfAlceit JemputiofuthIs toms andt mes 17 yeaa aIf agne. Sis body mas Ooghtin0MillIon yialenday. Deur Sir: t amr0 21ynar-ld, single maie mwhon worised Inn the pat ive yeas In 1983, i paid $,9U. 38 ton incarne taa an a taxable income of $1247318. Recenly, i received a bill ram Revenute Canada Inn an additinnal $,032.03. Accanding ta the 1983 Tas Table the ttal in- n.me tan pnyable tan my iscome m9 2,99.090, shtnlalu24 percenit. Ihave received tfoadd- ii0oaua notices intaanming me that ibis amount a due, pltsitteest; the second ntice also coaaained u tiseat ta gags hec ages d the balane lu nul pad. wiatcoîicen dat1 have? FlnnOly, 1i nnd o roennthe mosey and pay a addltioao 15 per oet interest 1$154). Wby uituad anu individual bave ta honnose maney ta psy ithe gosarnnent if ho wunta ta wonh1 my age, agaimi my mahes and eîshnaî my rons. s il mnaly right ta taOn amuy tcnn. those whoan temonhand give t10nembn ave ton lauy and abuse the sytemn by goine on etare? Lasily, t coîald chalenge the systen.and go leu rt. Since t cannas attord a ampon, my alternative is govermentnponsn.vd legat aid. Thn goveninnet, ta rden ta pnnecute mn. musi pay a judge, a pnoectng attonney, a detence lanyen and any ater caurtcn.mn c90ta. TOen, if t am gi cted tan etasing ta puy incarne tas, and gel a jail snatene, the goveriment iS bhave to puy 10 keep me in jail. Allen my elesse, the gnvennmnent mutl salI hothave eceived bOe $1,032.W2 plus inten- Iy imposible. Tise aaaly uhte.l n elfn. The gveciment ta gong o npuy me tn blie mitbat mncing and t itI stilnol ho payine incame tas. 1lam as indvidutls]ebo esjoys nmpoymens and onts hard toc muat On aris. h'y sboald a persan oho wokss toc a living ho ponalined by avisg In puy incame tax and mite Ibece ave o10ccs mho use bbc mltavn systenmand areexcused andcecneiven.nnny toc nos oking? The Charter ot Righta states. "'Evecy in- dividuali s nataI heoae and sndec 1e am and han the ight ta 10e eqaal protection and equal hetit afth1etam ihonat dicrimination. 15-.I itI eqial igbta 10 bave 10 puy tîcome tas tf you sennb but ho nscased if yoa ivenoff weltare? What bus the gnvennment dane to TOn nid resat? A moning Cadan hon- rning mnney ta puy the gnvemmiest fnr marnig; an tndivtduut'n ages eiag taben ttmy tnpay & dethbudnes nntnsie; oran- d1er Cduaffhn citzen mth a criminal recd, fanced bablineonn mettace aid nt puy- ing incame tait becasse otan aistain gnvenn msent systemi. And the gasernent i stitt shotaof $1,032.03 pIn. intenest. Irsnicaliy, in Canada ynu buse o puy to mrk andif tyan da nu, yoa n.uid esdap 'in jaii. Under the pneseui structure of gavern- aiment, a Canadian lu btter att iving, an meitare. ERIN S. t3OIDEN Sakatoo oisonp isolinnghîg te Oea. Spunling, killing i2 nf them. Ibs a minl hnoud dayight and tOn daga mmme caughstanthe aci TOney mccc fot- lnmed borne aid since deatrnyed. aidney Yotnig ot Georgetown a intonnoni Mnday oias'tst in is daaghter Mrs. W.i. DicO. Me. Oliver, of the Mtrnpotttan Bankh, teetsville returned home on hasarday beig tmn mecho in chage oathiOnMilton agency duiig M. Clemesîns vacation. Helite Mn. Wison, oftshe Bank ot Hailton, mateie any ftiansn Oece and K a aws tennisnexpert. He onpe o arange a Mlto' Streetsville match.