*1 Yo Ut hdies taking fgirI back home By LINDA KIRBY Staff Welter A 1-yap'nid Milton youtli descoiled as o -weiI ikcd boy " ccd "fine empiayee" muas kiiicd Monduy niflt, the victimof nac'cr 'cccident. io crasli wicli bac sent o second Milton teen 10, losicyl occouced on Bell ,cinool Line t apprnimateiy 11-30 p.m.- ricn Roblson Way nI 29 Prkmcy Dr. mci iaklag is grtfiend, ta ycac-ntdIltya trr home, mlon Ithe accident boppcncd at 7361 Beli Schoni LNP, jot tios tnemupi frnm Miss teres home. Accordisg la Hctov egionl Poice M. Way mac sothtoced in is t981 Ford Mustang mhstv the cr suddenty tot the ecet odge of the rood and struck o troc in the Soc VEduT, page A2 A ingle cr crash laimed Uic fle f lli.yecr.old rlon Robisn aWy cf Potlimny Dr., Milon fie Mnndcy evecng. llyLerer te,«fBell iolicalUne a passenger ln the car, Io reported in stable condition ai Miltone Disct Henptal. Amoaf Uie ictonaitheascece wr Jobsn Willamoan cd bis so Jcy f Bell Scoen Lice. Me. Wllllcmsen masafod 1 Dift Mse Lerer ro Uie orookago oliee lie ms trappod fr accrai minâtes. (Sacff photoliy JasBorgoani A Metroland Community Newspapor - Serving Mlton in ital2Sth year VOLUME 124 - NUMBER 12 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1984 Coroner may cail inquest A declolon u la iceheir or otau on lquait cording to Hallon Reii=Wa Police, ta cllow wll be held ito the dealli cf Milicn esildail-rays lo be tlbly hospitol staf. Cirepa Joli la llkolly labo mode'i hie nuil I Sunday, Joly 8 lie mas clieclied out af meek. - heihosptol liy hie motaer, opainai the ad- )lton Reglonol Coricor Bruce Ponton vi of the mtedaitphyiecien. hmcrecclvedo aformal raquao« fomoa lomyc Ilion 24 houri 101r c« wh:o u a tci represaitlcg Jane Jeli, m9llie of thc cc- lic k lohia Isoclel mire lic mac -roped for cidfest i vIel, 10 cl l atquent. th first Limc, Hec wcc îmmedlclcly ran- Twenty-fwo-yce-old Carsya JcU cf 4"4 if cd 10Hamilton iccerali Hospital wbere Volleyview Crec. dlcd liday, Judy 13, fisc b dicd 10cr dapi loe fromn c frc«ecd daym aflci- lc fai ot cf c movlag caro n Il and internailleedlag. Derry Rd. Dr. Ponton ill rcvew Uic ostima Mr. Jll won odiiultcd Io Milton Ditrict ulapcy recuts ccd staff reports frein Uic Hospital mlirc hcwas trenlod for a bliedag ohospitals involved rriving eai odeelelici noce acd severolscrcpen Hc rcfuccd ce- the laquet. Picnic trage is averted A pcleontce Uic ottcoake blulffs Frldey Mlton firfsglterc aded liy police cnd cvanilg tured ina a ceor trafcdy wlics a ambulance crew ipotatncecxhaustive 45 ZB-yccr-ld mac fel1 30 foot off o cliff odge. minutes la renoue tbe iclien. Hollan Regionol Polie cid lion King, of a ire doportinent officia] Roge Clament Spencer Ave., ma ac cbora c pic wl deacribed it on one of the mont difficult tbreeootlic rinonda riday evcaing mitea thi rocuon. accident occcrred.lHe mou wclinf alon "'ttmasrvaty tougbbocauseof atlof the thecedge and stcppcd osto a Iowe kcl f boulders, inctines and declian," lie nid, mben bc ol hin footngf aad polic , uddinf it oas a 'mcli conrdinated" effort plungng f ofo dc ownoo udors thatouauccenfu inremoviag Mr. Kinfin oesa thon ce bouc. 'l Ho as talin on5 Miton District Hospital DON05015 550 here hc ta roportod to bc împrovtn ncd in I gond, stable condition. i DIMIBMON Hlospital officals doctînod 10 comment on At oan du vo your ontinwinf tests. FYES SAMLES 5h01 PiS Clinic needs you Aslo,.s$5,,ýth.d. lite blond bunto arc ow sonit ta lopcd Ass":$h t ou d tomorroc,'n btood donot' ctîic iii bc pur- tlruturly tcett attended. Cal Ala eeh 8-23241 To add- encourafement, the Ioderai J eteetioncandidateg arcespected to attend 34 PAGES-30 CENTS thoeotl mbwicbiiil b etd ointiton Mait, Day blasts Coroner's opinion By LII4DA KIRBY Staff Writer A stqteintent byý Haltis Coroner Dr. Keith Phiiiips liat teenagers bve 1151e 50 do in Milton had more than one counilior ouraged Monday evening. The comment wan contained, in a written submis- sion ta Onlario'a Chief Coroner Dr. Ross Bennett, regarding thèT'findin-gs of a coroners jury inv esti- gaing the deaths of six Milton teens killed Mar. 30 in a car crash. Acopyof thal suimmission was provided to Milton Couni for discu'ssions of a propsed Mayors com- mittee to deal with the topic of drinking and driving. Speed zone extended Refiotit souent mtt etend the oere speed lii one nea the Derry Rd. raitreossinf where is coens died arier tbis yOO r. Couicîttors seanîmoonty agroed o etend the as km h lmtan additionat 24 mters mest of tie cr rent sign, athsxgh tie sîgn witt stay Tno emistînf oid. doubte ise mîtt ho etendod 300 metero fsethcer mot ai these ie Business has its dlay Loala hsnsss itt f et a boosi from the Toms ii fait i the forioof atrado showmiobc stagodin Mton. Tne popsai foe the shom esuted frnm dsclssionS ai Milton Coneit roocrnîng "Smatt Business Pioci" dertardtfortheomeek oftOct 22- 'Me speciat mccl ist org aninoit jintty hy tht Federai Business Dovelopmoct Bath antd the Canodiot Chamtor of Comn mece iih thie intention oI pomoting smatt hoinoss. Liti signs on Steeles Teeare irec itte signa at, Steles Anc cnd Martin St. but yo0010 g0in- la, bav la w i t' he 0lîiO etl 5P-lll ths eï ons the DPP deiachmcnt prnpertp and riflit in tho midde ot a oemty andscoped area ofi bhai properiy. lite sigvs are a ro-operatise effort htosoon tho DPP avd the Miton Chamber of Commerce. Wite couttc hors voted strongy intavoe of te ew commttee, severai exprossed aoger sstb Dr. Pbttttp's impicattt tis bredsm is a factor eadiof tu dinihioand tbe cor accident. "Il really fripes me tbat Dr. Phittips teets the Mito tenge gesup bas ittie to do ixty per cent otoc taxes g ses toards the board of edacatîo.We have parks, BMX tranks. nw moiiog aod kîtof in the wtter, libratio, arenoaod tie selioo," satd Conorîtto ick Day. "Tbe youih in Mton ase ton osucis and ifanyttisof maxy ds't appreciatoîit," be added. "The idea tat part of tbati or cientmwas becasxoMitotn tecos have ittie o ds iv crap,' Counittor Day ssggested tat Tonstaf prepare a fist faciities and activities '"for the troubrd, boreif youth nf sor community"ý Ho ms supported by tettoto counoidor Rone Harrso wbo ooted tbe Tosws bas put ronîiderabte eftort i planning artivities ft oc sal yongsters. "I rsent tue hell tbat duc- to," she said, addtng it as quise tîtety e asunoamittar withMiltonoand wbat iltnfers. Cocttor Jîm Watsonoexs pressed pssimtsm toards the ptaoned action oemmittee, noting the rsponibiity tas with tbe parents of ten. Mayor Gord Kranto rcptîod thero ios a eett to start sonne wlire, addîng le bas aready reeivd a nubr ofcatts frnm itîviduats îverestod in participating io the grnup. The 00w comnittee wîtt con- sît Af bticeon soven and 10 members mbo iiilie rospon- ille for mnakiag recemmendc- memliofa- la licdotïfttien from the respomse 10 cnos- paper advrtisemeni to ron in the nar future. Ittiscsprced the grqupsnilt tîklho nt f fisi meeting by the end of Soptoolior. 1*lflphOmtey JeLoi uem, Corne on back to the Famlly Farm Festival Itbe 1980s, mot othte tradîtînnat tarming ay ottlite hon dîappeared. But it remnatxns nthe heartsof iSbor- oond ond Gtadys Homo mho as- nuaattyspot thir Fouth Lino tarm ts tbe pyhic andhbrivg thomtar ts ho qietr days ot bario tîto Uiig viitagfraiiiifquipriit for demonstratsns, the Humes have added tradtiona barn dances and a corsrost pus a very large litsion things s o seand ds fr tise entre tamdfy. I 'Min year Mr. and Mm .Hnme have atss decivd oite prt o the prscoeds rnm the Frtday-Sueday Famîty Farm Festivat ced donate the moey so the Mton District Hospitat Expansion Fond. Mr. Hme aid thoeoocept nithe Famîty Farm Festivat is to "brinf ack the past gtsrysofihoseo'tany' days oisummer whrh erenot very FPridayad Satarday ovenings thee wit be barn dancos oaturing ho Patera Famdly. Itre wîtt 10 steamed smt corn from the Hume 10crm fetdý Theconoîs gong tobe stecmedhby an ntque Samye-Maey tam ongine. Friday nifht there mîtt 10 ho officiat opntnf fetnring the Dairy Princena and the Haltoti Farrow QAeno To gt to tbe Famîty Farm Fot- ivat tabo RegioRoad 9 to Fourtti Lise and fottois the sigosnortb is the tuem Duytono admission rates are $3 toc adoRas, $t for rtiitdren onder t4 and$7 for afamdly.The evoniof rate 1s 5 and their la camping avaîtobte ai $6 per traiter. Putherin- formsation on the festivat con ho obtamced hy totcplsoniog 7-0070. Draft bylaw is opposed by moto operators A y-taw regulating the raciof of tarb as Lorine Doethots,i motor vehires and motorcycieaîin sentingitrack omner Mansotll Mton, apcificait> deaisg ith the Mr. Doriheitttotd onrittot Nettix Motoross operahios os Sith a cresoit sofoaeiy 30 oppoee Lino, mîtt ho prenonted to ocaltrtecli hadt been devetoped tot ecercîttors n Monday, Au. 27 for yongstorx and that i bas peov inat opprovai. sset to North Hattnn A druit by-iam prenonted Monday "Pie are eatty teyinf nue i vnisf broufbt tronnf ritîrîam ncettasat petn froin theosperutora of the trarh and naîd ddfth e ibltetiot opposests to the rciaf opeetion. caiderdi000ofthe lienXti Coniltors met mla cmera atcr to cAmierr onuf.hebsti discosand tormuate a000w by-lwoic rlc Afuing for the udvantagea ni the Throuhot is presntatisi Racco hearing four IHamil toc mon crllaed willi the first dcgreo murder nf anun adrworfd crime figure iv Milons ct eae haligunoai Milton hProvincial Court. it At ho request of thc dfesce lasoyera, Jcdge oninobinson bas iidered o ban on public- atiov and litoadcest of evidosce pronented t the'ihqicy. Facing le chiarges are Aniliony Moitase 3, hlb 47- year'oid hecaer Dmonic. 'ýaaiI aso, tlisoppe Avgoone 23. cnd Witliamr Peler Rookin 33 cl of Hamilone. ý ccrding ta David Cor., to Hmilton Ceomn Atoney Dccc Paquette, the preimiscey triali s expected to conhne for anotbertliree weeis. lite body of Domovnie Hcco 32, of Nitn Ave., Toronto as discovered liy poice Satrday. Dec. 10 otier poice reotsed a plione ccii. Telbodymwas ocaiçdhbeaide a raiiway spur ise cp proximateiy 100 foot ccrtli of Derry Rd. iwn iomefren ect tf Tafalgar BRd. Ais aciopay.reveciod le died ao reaidoip qwt i ncfds f lic hed cc&ej~l*. r7 copro- s and ns the redusn n," ho SNorth )n Mr. Doherohein streesed thc ctîitiien have becs pianned for the henefit cf poung peope, but is adverscrlen weequicli to pint out tliey are not againt rbddren or BMX rucing, but istead oppose thienoise and traffic congention cacseoitbp regstar motor- cycte meets. "Pie are njctisf to c type of attvity that lios o det ffert on ose ifestyio," said Ruon Armostrong, spokesman for 43 Sixth Lice rosi- dents. Me. Amstrong mode cference to a 'hure scrcobto' motoryre raco oit Ssnduy whre four drivees trespassed osto is penperty and raused ronsiderabto dit. -Wo do soi matttrospcssf or intoterabe noise iookend after weokesd, We do soi objeci to eilidren, BMX racisif. borses or camping.'he aid.astressin a need for fenccînf aound the etire 45-aittC site. Heaisonesprossed concn oo' ponsibte futnre uses onitho properfy and tho e dofnipoice ai oit race evenh. Mnorlasebal ...B2 YothSocor. B2 inside Esfetram 55 ........B Ctosfed ...li.... ... a-Bu ïl p Wo " ...... nenent Scnday t rlon Bent Park. Far DAtlineToma. C more, unolpageoBIintlieSports Daoc s on. Inserts First Section Lellr s hopper'sDrof Mar Police Biotler . ýý... -, A3 Editortais .Ad... A Cotuion_ ýýýAd Letteos ....Ad. Year Afo . ... .. Ad Counnil Briots Ail Regice Briefs Eletice '04 ... .A ..Second Section o Sporicorolard... .1B2 k cenire aime, imm zýýju p.m. 1 A 9-M