Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Aug 1984, p. 15

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R e a I E s t a t e A LOT FOR A LITTLE 376,900 Coîeoolly meoctoicet 3-bedroom home onqocuitcreceet le elloîteble sooth Moltn.Folo coîcetet. lomly oued icleg andtitooiiooomo Follctlenoet boolot. îmccoooePossession. Cool Clittoît Doothe 844-29500or827-4587. RALPH F. McCORMICK & ASSOC. kW., REALTOR 844-2950 ROYA ClI Tr1i LOG BOUSES OiBol Rbutet oeoty 210 s l Ifo- n oieogoq t Iigth iuooioîeoo h c b51-lOi oo. ouileoo os cil ,tootttcic'ttt11- e 1 ottcio totr o i f50-1,0dh0r- 1 ,d,000 h llcou-Iu loOo, ofooltltco, c ceTu o.el ous I t-kt icec 0T'y $11 000 t3'oit iOie,. cOl i$18 ii00i0 ousOVAt - mcoatoI lotock bmgaoooas , ch eoe pcol I, omth g.t.h5. o heocecoî,oet il o eiancosnt,01.t ttolîc ^Pltabtinesta boff-anict o r .pato tic ' ' Reo c O @ le e ec o c e O c hlo tl111 t, t1îoeio o c $cqolo,000 VILLAGE tOF MOPATI 'oeiioc. JtaitfoiolmsOmltitR ,tr ~lyf ctheo Oeoî4 cnr e o cltgrbt fa"'tkle- oetO w kbIol ndo BO0 .ollti dock,0drt cOlo a,,iohdaneeothscedj e hofoi tâi to,ceticc WILLIE ESSERY, FR.!. LOUISOGUZY (416t854-9963 or t519)J83M ROYAL CIT GUELPH Oý 25 WATERLOO AVE. * ~ ON APPLEÈttV'iINE 15,00.ORJust noetot f lcy. S.Lrgt y I bOte JIM IIEIL 6R-825 Ret s 335-M).7 BElL 575M2365 CALO: SES 818M MUSSAY 8008 REALTrY WGRLD- Ca..ROSS8CESCON 1 = i __ __ PRIVAITE SALE Mue »l Bmel Co mo fvUecte 4 Oeeoc o Larg mactc er oedrS Oc.m Cào COcIf Mid ceol-t dloeo CircoleroteCr, olpettb Oti ig mont, tnain Poceceeelly lndsopet hlargeocdcc teck elih thmwlekeontend mec M. CALL 878493 ExPAGE'Thename fiends I~~I recommend 110400 shm. c1%0un OC mm b- cm kwk te * op o UVM" OC é lff cl mm 3e ohi bm dl bq tamin 8.w botte. mam.m OC Oho Sp,. DUn YERM Oanbu h.. a e4 bne.,3o a te hubteF FPe-Sâo Yuh te tMW nP- F dMcfo"e 5.q co n, 6m"sm'* u c7 w.m J. On -Lop -eeSad e -. aloi ooqSd o.. -à 3 8*, OmicsT. cico 8 -h- tCIOBOO OW0C0m Cool LOBMRAS AE-Oc. .8 FAF.oi3 ad.5Me," ma o, on M PWFbons Oc tehio« mm=CB SOCaS os mzn 8704101 Tee. Lhc82Ml21 Our'Models 15 of our finest homes are now open for view±ng l% i, hOo, gîoouico> to oseckecc1 [----.~ tht huiodcîoclh erOtli re.iptcscrtttg aitaof cilmouds> humes Cccdtameed Horn' es. Sebcecr eot tclepmcoos. f l Eatccmstoets, hegal Corc Estaots aRd [)laitstyles, coth homesppcooiogîto is second nd thid time uy tril hhoef ont chioo ORahccs ît ipci as lovs asl$71 9900 andtromacooll génSucss shsoe ostOnttro homes tha( incOrRlttiemcdIoo2.788îstosr hcoloqîenttfocsocote s oi$ tl99 tm Y îoooc>.cblsis0001 shoî itîot aOc thîce I ,0Gm r inooa tht hiosetS cf Socot OthoclOi Rivercis c uct socati ucmsoOsilo FOR ALL OF YeBccoU EALoet O -filEE.eDS a 1000DB CALE ROSS COsCON TODAVI RIVERdtOAKS SB.Bcte O MEeeBehtecoo 571.96Mcî PPOeeoo 5O0.040ý XiciebloMeso Woco, Boto, Harris Soc toseOtroRMcloOei InsutceOesc. UnitC-oeeooce Mt. oecE, DensoMi ton0 Vocoom Er Applonco. Si Johtn Om blncco, Molles Mieietio0oAmbulotnce, Choolie Mitchel Millens oticoPose Bant, Kil botoeotooclohtl, o Waers, Ray Joes, Mol ton Rogiecei Police, HMolleoneoadofetEtoco liocs, MilnotnscClub, Kitomot Cub, Reoty Cub. Opoomioo Cicb, Cempboliilc Lotns Cuo> Fair oardtLaies,MealoAticciîo l ocietyc Mopichooco CootectoilCentre, Feohor Isable, oty'î Electooc, Blue Spîoce Eotet pries,Shemood Huome Femly FeomFestil "000 APOLOGIES TO 00000E WHMO MAh MAVE BREN MISSES" c Ieetcbt ecepecte 0.-nec fly' dllvecy * Fitiegotocooo eol. Ovte, 10et,.l fi RYOERS-COUP0NS-CATAEIOUEJ CALI 878-2341 Circueaton Dopa, ACTORS FOR TV TV Boeedtte.Is eoe ltervtloei e 16Peepb1teBpeicl 1 tudoM ceelnglCe .on Oi TV Bcie.oTV Ceeecat ihMmie.. Oct *ni-, 001 ce.Focrot Stutieo el, dicO 1944330. *Thc Canenh bopoCecfe :.peertmnechom art:Mon.cend Tee.I .0.m-5 ..Wd.Thoeeb&Feldcy O e ce te 5 DCcdlloe* Chmeeie Dbis- Tuee. 12eenon CRONE-Feol & Liete et 561 ChiIeo Dtrioe, aec pîeCet te seeoucte the lithoof theIt soe John Mooteos, 8OliC, ateton00eDoisttHospitel on Augost 8 , 194. GAOURIE-cooe & WectcOnece GoCe) oith oteet pleasote oeteoeee the itth et their teoehtet Tetri Aeo, 6O bC 8O cl, et Cekeile l'rteelgeotMeetootiel Hopitel et Job 029, 1984. GebocrI & Mytte & Elzabeth GoCsset Braempton. Speiel theekC te Dr.Peoe and thetotCsltg otetf tnGB & DSlect. PEPPER-Oiet oct Nancy are heppy le ecceeteethe b lott ofetheit Ceoctotdem BRoset Joeph Bant Metttttl MHopitol e onJls 300 114. A ltle btether or eeKetie. FEeoSCELLS-Cetlo & Kth Onece GeiCt0) aepîesedt te eccoce th itth oftthclt son Mectfhew, Dectic. 5 ý 1/200 ooz. t Sekeille TraftaigertMemotoalHottol, etooooegut 6, 1084. Proueot etoteetct ae LOtte Pttooelie, Jli sGeet ct dJOlICloehey. Speciel thecle te St. Octoett-PtcO oct ROBINSON-AI and0 Diace aetteliohte t t ecteotot thc brot e tot, tghtet Abie Diane, et Misotoseogao et Ooet 1, 1004, etOdO Ittlcoiottot lotr0A0ament Jeel SLED (tee Okctsetd)Ly[ccend Phllip ae hoppy teO acehe tcboots et thtît son, Gr ehettSteclies, O8IC .14 O000, Ot Sottes, Acestl21 eA Obobo broteoetNicole. SCHICHT WINGM0LLEO Mot oct Mot oJec Wltttmollct ose piesed teo ance hetc e aeeotectot tett, ertette Motte te Petert SCcton ScfetMr. oct M s.tritz mComteg Mrrioges RAItITOS GIFFiToS-Mo oct MmC 0o0 Gtitlithso ish te eceocce thc tetthotting ma rotiogee to t e esuteotDianecLsccete Doniel coayte Bosclee, sec et Mot & Mt'o JocteC & Moigett Bo.Ttehe cettite ciii btakeploct Setectbco1tht, 1984, t St. Polo MR. & MOS. Eteoto P sicaroe leosedtot anonetoc opcecttee metottgofetthelot teoghleot, Lise Dcc Assît lotfokotvil Yte Deceit Eoic Peersen (et Milltn,'set et Mot JonOR.PceassndMsSeccnnaM. Poetlet Ags251984. The tlatottoeciill eeilaceoa tehome o et cbrtte, cthcccciywsmtto WA GNE0 WATSONS-Mr. btMm. Ses Watsoit aepleasd oot teetsecelthte olttotîc marretotioftel siot toogottot ot, etoe. lot et Mot & Mots JoetWaocet, et Septembet 8, 1084, et 4300P.- et cols Rsote Cbootso, Doatha LECOCQ, Renloî-AI the Jeseph Bratt Mospieal Bolictee et Thetsteo. 800011 010, 0004.BReLecocqeofMilton.Beleeetolobocteof Doie Leocq e Scoot heof t Otholcec Ates et teetile ott Moto.Max IDois) Blocs et M toec Fuecotl Sevies me Otton Mcts, Oceoust lts t th 18 ithq MsktCie Foteotei Hoeo, Miltont 1cîcomecl Eceoteee Ccmeteoy. Milon SC OTT, Mreoteot Clitet-At tse Beleile .Scea otosepitalon etTbetoty, AuOOCI 9, 1984, o le ashort ilt 000 Sureteteet sonset r toogotteot t bm Cotes & gotocciltoot Pool, LntCay, Satoh & 'JettileofetMillto potoeceset I s bard .Elmeot, Jscoot1984 WAtt, Bioc-Oolesoit eof a0ar acidetîtoc M Yte.Aoc cltO3t, 1984. Biet W.y et Mille,, cc 19, LotIeot et Bob octdes, Wes et Milles. Deos' boteheotetMoo ,Dot-id (Kaoten) Cleotk, Mot oJe (Reobbi)Berloli and BrtdeycofetMltont Douglas etNioagoto Folio andtMts ougoela(Cîci Bseoeeofnson.s Ocîes e iThOe McKeotîe tumeraitorneho, 114 Misn SI- Miltes Vsîtaton iii M Tcmto 9psmt.Foccotel Setoicewcii btocittoot.ltosot 2.00p m.ltttccoetcinEeoteen enslctsr, MMiltronl Cris et Theeks FIEFGTESSYTANKS" THE MILTOtN FISE FIGOITERSS AND THE LADIES A8OILIASy THApSk THE FOLLOW- NB 5801NEBBEB. INDUBTRIEB, 0550101 OATIONB 0AN0 INDOIOUAEB 4WHO ASBIBTEO US IN MAKINGOUReANNUAL F080 FIGIEFERS ASSOCIATION 0F ON 00540 CONVENITION ABSUCCEBO. Tosws etMilt, RgOt oiet et ot, Reitèt Fiteligec oyalOseCocadeitLegietOtosesn 136, Miltens BlLîte, Miton Mytte, Mo. Geoge Smecc, Delcote, Elaleet uSor oe, St >bect Phelips, Mile ou llMtchents, Tîm MeortnDette , FPinscDiogho, Chotieîghs, Mollet Conservtot Aoteity, Kioo aet Me-ce. Btet Cleeoecto. M& BMm.. COtes oi -1me 1 3itttO The Canadian Champion, Wed., Aug. 15, 1994 M >-. 1 IICris of Thnks 000008V Adecms, Se, Betele, oO.01 CeatyEctiokeep wmiCo expres et 010060e theoko teotrelaesc, friands oct ceihouth te their lmes ona ctions antd liîtCcesdii the lots et eot beloeet Oc. Avectt secçile thotks teot Or. D obertspc thec C.c. Millée Mospital, t5eC.C.U. MeMestcotM.tioel Conto., theee BebeotLe cox, thc Bec. JaetMuoytt, tsIdltescol Ihe A.C.W.etotece Chetootfont the Mcetie Foccotel Mmmc cee thelrorctteof MONT t5otkc e t. Et.ct, OtrOceStO, ent lh ure ot thecote aoc tottention olooco me choile i mes opatiettetMillion DicOotIi Hospi tel Seecool tOektkct otSed netPo Oetitga o altoh essepteotite the past 6 meeks. Thetko elle ote mytrectso, telaties, atd teiehus for etlohtheit cet mwichesVeo suppotIocrctt annsoel cliOC tCctdtbeot.t folcos Sîccçete, Lawecee 8(00. leInMemortemae OI LLO S-icmemerofeEie GilioJr.t ASBIBII usI 800000 10, loto Oimeyî cn ocrthuts Soty is sedtbs Met o, Oto, Anblet, Sotot JOB I 10iOit5tttsot5 et mi, teot hoebaet, Wihliam J. Job, Who peosotes 000001 us10, .c82 toc, Aoc .e1,, 184bolis wie Coto,Ate2 oeaCmote. ciis siecelîtasaAeoir11 tep e eteso l te 0cm etTh thttatyitonSn Reet Foîcots9est9O4sai Koeoote ci ctnle Bellianad 0i 11 cote Ioct blet cog.ts1o, SENOR llootmsScetoc gCtt Oemtt 111 Ontotio St 5N, bMilon, on Tuestos, Oooot 21, btcsti 30,0 pe.,ltSecesccaOcolebte Io 011s lorcoss Mîltot CetsstttcColo the Heo ilo Sept .0022110loos anepeitmect. V00550 00WA0SO ATocosseto Tee mii M ne00lotfot ar tosnos Swlemoec 2, 1984, et thcehostmetoftter ets. Frtc t t e Brie & Gîcets aistoy oct btilee oct m Gir NEW IN TOWN MS B.01800O0 MRO M. MOWCSAY 878-3447 8782381 REMEM0OONS in sth o tofdoetieonsec te Toc Milton O 0tH01ospcîtol Feoctelte etce elOoOecitee LioBeS belme et. the neeocf the Miltoe Fitefighteto end LadiosAux- ilioty Conention Dtew Wineco FIREFIGITERS DSAW toc Pîee Mo tel MacAthur. OcîeeilB. Oet Foico Mo. Ettie Smith, Mobckon On0 3tO Foioe Mr. Oetty ScolBolioglet. O0e 4thFcrie-Mr. Jack4Whitehead.Soie, On tro LADIES AUXIEIABO 00000 lut Pe-tocr.OtJoht Moice, Gc.blph, Ontario Soit FioB. oebinson, ComcOelleille 3ctdFPi-e W.Shioe,,Milt 41h Fîioc Chtis Ogoteky, Occlioget CONVENTION BObOK05040 lot Ftooe- Mto conbol Hics..m.oMîlet Ott Pioe Mec J .Stringe, Milton PHOTOCOPIEs 51 8 li2. 1h10 Wr. 191 Main St, Milttn

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