-. ~.., -' - uT~r~n - -. -. v q q -' s ~-~-rstv - .onn.vcU..w..wtPoe..Wc.c.I* AIIOFeeLLflrPEoS AENKALoTONSsI EVENIN AUCTIN SALE Fdi.y. Aog. 241h. 5:30 p.m. Par Mo.i& MinAishe Clins Lecaledon 025 Hw.. 3 smiles mlB0f#Miltn (ifwy. 401. Cosialotfo&ohmaaehlandassomta at»»as ios. grere lodfs, t. Pal s*q n eotwecekc pap. JhnMCaMlceyAmoComeu 689-8778UWatafdown £3.000 PuIcAtinsI itiSi 87891tSB sst-aahllMlaaosacAttî qaUcodccos»res 2 For Sale IAe-O;TvPa;;e;:,= YPI;cc I Ponueffi8n1 0055S Leet or Strayed 3'COLOR eold braelet le th"' Mel Parkineelot or et MacIsMllkat teeles & Ontario on Frldey eftstsooo. PI«»tasocl Sasele 8784840 or 853. GRAY ettlnd hl- ts. fernaIn cet, nsearig nhli cel loirAreoeanrle & Laeorl70-74. MALE Ohelfi Celllp. Sec & white, assncrs te Obcp. Lest le arseao s i Odsooe ed 3edUet Pridc Aaa. 1. Rserd. 77-6817. WHIT7E Ceekatîsl fIont Bout' Aperîmnts. 40 i a ted8466 CASH FOR NEWPAPER Gcieeecd te eco Plaetc ct 015 Mois St. E.. Milton Attention Apaeeoeî Sopeinenoderts: F600 Pick Up otf neapo, iRelcyerofct l gtcdn etf pape,) 876-1822 0460096000tlcbte. 960phonus for treo estl0cemat e o c, s. J.W.Roebinsoe Ltd. Occs cii 1051)0925 2 eteeans (11925-3659. For Sole GORDON CARPETS FERE %"aUo»loqud FREE Insim W. bw ay - SeWn dc.a.aooea p- go, k-ta-, amp ma.to Yal taswHe U % 1 .& b fa.hi9 mlscol s 555 MiiiSt., MlLTONîîe;;bticld 878-8580 Picase oel for PREE Shop aS home cer-viced etfty caso. esessd M0 ORONTE ST. SOUTHI 1flILTON, 878-23n8 SWIMMINO POOL SALE Mn,,ett, ishace'g an nvntr 4.8'le'. dac 4194band n acb gr ..d44 p'.slcln 4111444 os ailo'. "'414' 441e k-r'.0O de l< end tonce. R.a lar $2095600 non $129500 ohle scpply lacte 50900V BE070 OUR1 PRICE, Cali 1-41652364674,o detais SeP r6 ianosl! Annuel Scratch Et Dent Sale Rentlai rarturna loor modea. Demonatratora. Sav kam UN ta *100 off Kassl. Haitta VAN GEEST Noma of Piomo Stessed ho Pia Techcbties Hwy. e.iat41 W« ai ilatardusnm 043 Delly cU9 p m. closed Soedays FACTORY OUTIETS Qottg Pits yd $1.970 Ouf atieg yd. $1. Ples yd. 50 cets;c Fibe F111 $1.1b Lacs' Miii Store 41 Brockley lofS Berton) Haemilton 45 Cross St.. Gueiph w^ FACTORY OUTIET <Boy Direct>- Redeo Pge FrtIlote Complte lite of qcolty producîs, Ase repacemnt yods 2390 Ochasrd Od. OpenOa.iy & erokerds, 94a m 9 pe 335-3717 Delîery avolol R.. ,OULPH iBiS) 824-3819 SPÎCIALI Ontariso Hasdstoodc b Softtsoedc Stock loa s, ct te ecer *Pcfoicolo 4"4".es't.24acl ..ch oc 1ex4xs8'at 1V* osIlsal IFOUAPRODUCTS- PLEASE 1<004 TELL< 0 THEAS IFANO TFELLUS. -uR Ecccepla.Bkg. Soit GAINaCL 649. 22.5 kifleMatE $20.00 877a741 le sho-,a Cac." BRAESDE IDYS fo TREASRES 50 Staala Aveaa' Uit 3. Mila (rass te Reobstali placi)t itar.,, Fi b St himi 10 aNI. -5 petL Aacoetdhled tera. op«echlil le Fshtas orie., Tonka b Marte. baby nae ed eidrîe. foostuenad acaaoc AN le etceae.et condtot. AloLlorE ticket TormoteEdeontodepeetols Sptenebi16: 20P.," 5196 e7 1147 ANTIQUE 3 daste, 4551 iîth beotIIeô gless d'or booksbelt 3' wi8v O 5t' hie S350. Cash onl, y.78 09 RE-OPENINO SEPTEMBER Mt Traalgr Village Crutt & FIeaiMarkat 125 Cos Avecc akvee (kcery Sctdoy) Adsasiced bneklnsacl 845-0341 BICYCLE S ter cale,'rone'ts 14064ee, ladiesS,359600 l&va o nio r estcs. ce8 9263 COLCULATOS, tcpooitees. tor scie o rna.PhoceOOe éee, Hari Statio'.orc St- Milton. CearacesSait. 50 porCnt off 4n al rereto0t4per ce'. t onOcal paiet *Aise Ki'.0 for sale. Evetyte,'.g Must Go bc ococot ceci Note ooty god condition, same ascohn' dti4eRd citssco04 Word Pcocpsc.' anc'd Occoc'.tî'.g job 040,604sk 11 s Cal 770056 tocîoht, 4" ncock.Lacre es oborderr Sconds whee'.acalabîr coratinqro otrancebs, oik- cccsoend Stcî,elepdc ccicceioed sttel aceîo bOlts 3/,"4X12 apptoe 400 in steak. So4el EaeMili s eoodicg Ltd. Phone5l9-006-4091, DARK ro0004 raip04ort, r09604c eetitieoo 50460070TU, r14404aides, eeritoc m040t DOC coc'.sd carplet'. Froe tî cctes. Cc4 Je DRY Seooed Hatwood, Geedliea eos. F10004400-bccian.d 04pl0 OSplit ad WHY '.4tt hp 1in the CoMforttOf cecr on.oe04 tris Chiteas wcohthetir-oncatciogcs 11404 09901 Yocu wIli isceive a ftet oitt elth t pucaset 250041044re0 Cou cAneolo006 1494 aottor6p- W9Y4Paleo3'sol lbc'.dles appoeîcatrio. toeece &, roecedor, $26;Pies $20. 6: noltes. 4, 6' & 80 e,4.1si519 8c3 3290 2615700 biacksltfoi 16 X 32' pool, 10 diny oetebag soach 1 01 dion4 eeroid.$1500 ITS0HE coolt cco ai CFlether Spots 1 /084mil ecth ot N.7 Hw nc. te1h0 octh lito. 00.9. 644 ard $ei epcrs. Otai spotieg 00040. saioctla ckio, dee'.1lgestds. buc1k lice1 solos. The irqststock otodoan.oelipartscen 11000e eiie 4Ato socablo prices. operoto k eîihts or 4ail is aet85301807, 090<111.0eChesstsrfîid scîto, 3 piOc, chescortîio, Chirît& love950at,cu evt 11000 parts or sevice ortoeajoirtppiiccesl Ecs7 Satrdai"CaHM ARCH s'.e198 78 PARK i cch0and404c4 Stta,cusommae PIcNOeoeisb.creooood cse,45". 700or 4es 5120 odtecoct877 ct1906707 o R EC roole crpt $89560squarecad, crtalltd. SEW[ N0 Mahiners toc sale, rýoedtîor0di 50 ptccontoff. c4,.ec hIrts ecaeeod. J. &RS SowncdSeccîces, t76 6497. T114000 styloe coch i'., .dbaok cic c ottoman 1l'on, Motto's ot Hiisbccob. Secdesoc abeic Ir peac'.bigs andbSean, floral.Prtoot condition, $900 ' otttîtc - tiqueora'ss bac, double. $£068 1207. 9661.5UT dirîco roon st eonsistit'.ofetatble sxchoies neotrished inexell4etconditione $900. Attelpem 0781426, 9665400 & DOeo, 1901,, 3 <eola, ece0llet condito, withhaosoand drycored. Must sai $470 or bst ote.o8e8c79t. WESTiNGCOU SE airc oeclitioeer 0,000 B.T.1U. Y acmaesEndueo dît bîko. $01 lI- Ocetite O teol pipes, longe i '.ths, 2", 4" t t".77-9948. MfULTI-AAIILY GARAGE SALE soue Sm. Ale l tPit. as.- 4 -Me 4Mi H.a- - Pd (m elatai n Se.oflwey. Fc'.'tc c , oueo.aoitons. GARAGE SALE ttlSet N1. 0itea Soncthict fosevecsee GARAGE SALE saoi. Oga1, 9&m.- 573 H* yAnl. Loto01tchid,o'.cîty '. ooeaî ibde GARAGE SALE Bat. Aog. elthmocu&t. 255 RMIO Or Mita BIAS&11Ai La- UPAL Resta. veenlen cqlopncttt fente ced lots Meeisa-eacytmig foetagel BIAM& 18. 5aSi- à-e Saturade, Aeect 18, 9 a..seau. chercher. f r il Yofars, stîsîbln, tees, ifc. MOVISOG Garas. ScIe, 501 Bsaost Crf. Fridce Pfft eed Setorday let Alla"". l Deo. GARAGE Sale. Shie.tsL.àS'rtrdy, Aaeost18,t9e.st. -siens. 394GeorgesSi. GARAGE SALE-Scsdey, Acgoat 19,S a.7n 2 ReeàFrie e fGaeaienhnfo pelcecisa etsetcc " n h Walaien loi artkg * oc rcpia*Cet Cetslog eienProdoc«Esia. PICK0 YU OIN MAY7.7-E 78-34 IFCK OURO0W1 AT RCMATS. O 0 0O i.I ECCiTH FAR. 105RO015000 O 5 1 mile 00 0walc otl e c Ft f0Traalgaoc d .,c P. dkc, iloe acOi'.corceetlblo rcc lalo e teoct, $60pe bls SODEN FORDSALEUN Oti, tirLiceSouhtocf15 aelod t Oe,94iCe&ttedSoctFm..oocR 871dlinsce6c1cW 07.173a TM1D-70551 estieg 12 H.n io '.g rce hyd5hlcidtt od aioseaocee'/acito eclstof afla e R$64d t 404,40 edn36 lbO eaitc $00540 CecctecrMeet tc oCet Dorr ck pi its ld Srbac n. C isc 24, 00, Osp e. PUR504E laf , irs oct P,ekc0 p eae secon Kiil04t, 180 c4tObat, iis r y 706 ab37 c5 068iveaieck1 7 55dy SWi eT Cscteicoucavilabl e on tagei coodes o tcn o i s fociltc <cr8,2ts8. sto Ccli on &30 5674 uppie eLC SIO SrDtOR SotLhEecd On0f7r, 8ooio, bsocieA<.fias aR.E 1 2RSE tee Oet tactore rIdr. Lic tores hyra-.I~i ftaLE pîleel . $4 pa r e ntIr.di MO Pet Stock GRA 9906popplos, oP",sal. LABRADOR Rtrevear pepolnlosti-cham. plat bloeOdin.ilc.RatscInfarst homte cltB chîtIreel. Reisf.red, edecîsaea. Reacî te se sld Septenber. 1-519-85M-9761. M HNïfsWanted ATTENTION!!!I MslSSlUSiUhicMeadoarvala Brampton, Georgatown, Mlton - NOW OPEN Kelly Services NacraBing Contra 6551 Msslosauga flood, 800, 10 (i liocksaotbaidol) 950 ace isterviewîcg people for im- mediate Tenporary asecgcmnecbs le YOROarea . 0e reqoîre' cTYPISTS c WORD PROCESSINOO(MS. -SECOETARHES c-S)BD.OPERATORS c ACCOOOTINGCLEREO c OECEP<TYPISTS c 1100 INDUSTRIAL WOOEERB Wtrb one Day, snec Wîk, ose Menthl..- -or Longer. Slgs optew fotassigsisenta "Cloeito Home" DROP INI OR CAL 821-9970OR 820-1280 Heurs: t-4 p. s. Hoeapptlnfiststt sîcîoaary SWITCHBDARDIRECEFTIONIST Appli. etch.uld bt c hîgh sceool graduais, ho ablne o type, 6h40aCbasic knlcdgofo offiea psecodceet oed d nexcelle t tephote PIeuse s$ed tsone deebyg ogducccdos.c-c paene, an'dsaxpootod .etoeengsaleytu: B.. 1125 c.The Canadien Champioe 191 Maie St. Mltoe, L9T 4N9 LOCAL MANUPACTURISO COMPANY ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK Appliceta shoold bEoa bigh school gtadcuais nilh a oodaptitud oronath aoen bl tpies end c basc kconlcdgeocf aierait cccocebegqpso.odors Resource Teacher $18000-$21,000 CoaitosDpoîcenof ot cial2Services0. CîlsrsServiceosDivision eqroîrs e ResouceoT0e1coheosecI iosnlicde cAsceboig cti lIchecoenntoo0r et ccopIablicIe of heedîcepped chldrot etbis904 0,ch ais Icotde cIn-homeotucolcssecsnsofe'141411r0t cpe pcceoent c0o4cloping individuel p'ogram01o Oc4ite to, hacdicopped scdee M Msotc'.g wcdl aycaro scetresttarfa prcvaisome440dayeyOptcoeis to dscîse an oîeg dacce'.l 4 hrid ieracceio. haedobcpdcîaoî hidre iotpcoc 1 The4sc0ce0 lcanldideate i tvcoldccc Cedlîto 4t i000< yChidloodEaofolc a recogeooc Cologo cl addcîcocal odccatîon aed oiIe 0 oohîco dccoocecIolie lordîsappod schldienPre ce sooi b ccho e4oi 0404 0,04addîliococ eeceC0c4oe wookgeîithlo'.dicappodsliidoen oboveoaoerd posibione c051ed no004 e har 6cocot 22e4 198410 o Mt .. ViR, oie Pcstconl Opaflat, îi 1OcrsoR.tiaks. 6j EIl j lThe Hilton Board i14 oh Education p J eqols-s: LUNCHROOM SUPERVISONS For the Mlton, Geogetown, ACtoc 01845. The sucîcSclci ppicaîlo cho it e scpotscb it cula ploe abiliy10 aiel cidoee. Duletseilctinocc spevsioniinlthe luch iat.l1 her pet dac. S doec par cttk. Salaili f o ttispoitilon ilMb 5650 ptr ouci Applicotions a04b4itcoblcnetdfruo'. The Halton Ooaffd of Edocetian Noerth Eucaties Cnte Ne. , ird Sldoroad Milton, Ott. LOT 2W6 878-7273 BE7T soRIMaRCALOt 800906 esoaMMue OtECTOIR RN's, RNA'o, EXPERIENCED HEALTHCARE Et HOMEMAKERS Roqcctcd lor ttuetiabelstaff rabotiefed COMCME Missaoga Brampton ý1Mai smo-.4jàu& i ' I . Il oall&ObIe actllAgcef248h. rtes rst. n53- cPal Stock 01770$ cc 1 lv Id.0'.t mela osctcc, Ua 504 shettoe tooa oocd oco. 705491, A-ng S LIGHT DUTY CLEANER Parttdnc, Mitonesec e n l .m 2coe.Mec dey tueOetotdey Epcsonceîeqoered. Cd 233-085Tttctto DON'T LAUGM! Beiut eee bilen bronoIng boby shoes fer er 50 pears. Ecexcelt c~ ommisio ic ie the lit ,0ce ot caleg 0 ontoesorlse loode Yoo 048 e 6 lacghlllq bct its ail îhe ne ou1theback No lecebtoro.. ce oltc lî'.g, 40delilors ays s& locts fleible. A c0r4ta oqcired lFe, Irthe intor. maton wree'.loStcbiýMoiaioCan.ada, 3 -340 Weodloee Rd, W ,culh. COnt.e1H7K6 or call5191621 3931 Help Wonted MOHAWK 0EOUIRE0 O0ILL CODES eHOaTCOOiCe PANTHO F10000 WAITRESBIWAiTER Fme DIPINO 00DM ANO LOUNGE CHAMeERMAIDO eue PEROONO DItH WASIiERS mhe aolab ictiosarc ebtfullaad port Appiy ln partiton toi Manager Hwy. 401& Guealph Lina Qampbeiiviiie HERIGATE MN Froteait w eab for pat-ttlstoiosa110 p..-7 a. Posiiones lcledea i0ht auditoS dalle seccîpta plusaotherscloetldotl 1 Appilatsutcbismturesandaeopeieoced. Apply le petiot 1o1 casa Dr. MIsa Toa young for the airlines? Canadien flmee be iedete o0000055 lot b atraie l nco raiieesaeostre o Se t eer CanadienPUres aecd tescri aeoee 4496ceiqce Appliceets mtefee soe frel, eble te start iredîaetlaedoeetinog the poblie. This i4 an deel job fro 00040040 141out o schlo or04,ooeoorsicst plie tirdofd et d end jobesoho cocld lice le Ir socethog eecitlrg andditaient Pst paitfata letu scChale. kie. eaî ton, Gualph LMa, Oagst ,Thstaiy il &..ta 3:30 p.. «l N pohm capou". Tamporary Pant-Urne Clark 76,e elabte pet ncek. Soedey te Tutcdey eidht. Clcuactot epcicocs t.t12 nid Bl0ht te 7 A.M Apply te Mepla Lodga Ferma Whsaton Churchia BlIvd. MAINTENANCE SHIFTSUPERB1900 30 Makt et e. Gergeet,DOctario L70 304 Profile Burning Machine Operators (FHamne Cutters) Rate cp to $12.40 per hoor, Fclly eeperienced ornec onoly ceed apply. Becelile palU - night shift premiom, Brannon Sisal 453-4732 LANSUNG a] DRIVER Se'o ws) DcLcene 2for eal p e o 399 Speersie Roa.Idg o Oubr rm andlIediin aesa Apl n pplyon le 00100 RESTAURANT 459 Mais St. E. Milton PART-TIME MERCHANDISER Mala Ldge Faina tsLd WbcteaChurchii % M@ North aiSteolasle Lot . PIANIST WANTED te pay tor Sunadceo05000 ecuch serviccc efaat cn etactio. Fetnote inortictton 878-2562 or 878-3406 LICENSED HAIRSTYLISTS seeded, fulte part-timte 96e effet Y0u * octeend hecslerte cprofit chelsg cpsodot sclec beoccc cpeid bîothdce *holîderbenefîte *e pcliotn cqlcp. cupplied *psostoll pporttcitis advacd trii coes Canadoc&Iabet Etlastinigole.g o tal ceiec, Enhacce Clenetsclc c..king e qceicel Sîcnctreet t elles woe natoîce SliII the ecestctaseiceitcPrseetctivecattdcoositc dotics. Seif yee 0e not kleg wsttSpeple: carle sekngoiguet hectly istpleyent;cp ly ln pciottett EMBASSY CLEANERS 55 Ontario St. Milten Mail lý A,