Auction is arts council's bld for firm financial fou» <lti*on ,,yJANLIMUILLER t BiaiSWriter W 5 5 iesihabeois labeied a "hockey temis \I i hint an Image mhisitis mmclsand te Usa W&y Othe hitim At Cucil, Ile 30isupporcersoftUse perforleng, visul, and lierary arcu camne lugeiber ls Novombor. Aimat a er liter ih lis mbonbisg ona lsnd É'siag vencure. An aucion ban bees paned for Be. ep. lB ab he Mertns usc. Nt only cil Ue greup nemi cammvslly support Ue day ai theemeni h la eeking dsnations of Items anid services te ke auctiomu. ne islamtai goa of iis ilcut-ima eveisi in 05,0.iceagcoup Carceniiybamoliiile or os ogiraitg itoidsanadkhaa berelyiisg us Usa geierouiiy of meskers te, publiait isemletece. WIUs Use pritiacied *t.s, te Usa o i n el foc Ue tirei cime bea ala te flionaie o mnandates. hRteàkispe tUsa oseay mil rlag ai lut imo pafroiiig ata groupa te tees, sposoir a bue trip te Sicaifard siakoupeaceais Fesiva anid devlop membersklp. -we're st iryisg te gai thinga ail Ue grotoid. iuaually aSas a fese yeacs," s- platneu arts couiscil mamber Jensiy Amy. A long range goal of Mlten Ate Cusiil e tuesiablicatatmrabea fr Use me of per- forrqing acta, Accirdiis< lu bi. Amy Ube plans coild bha iid bo thUe om'samaster plais loi culture and ricreaiois. Wile cke admette oauy coissider ibsaa "hockey tees' isiers tecludiisg gousp osesoiei listbt isaunarts tees. 'Mme are a isiosier o arite-elivingg te ibis cSnuiioty," bics. Amy aàld. à tecreaiu te h.vlaillty of local aite and importa la one of Ue couneiils oh- jectiveis. ise fladghing organisationaui bsoc devloped a costitution aod ce mesiner- oblp feos are belog chargad. A succeaittul auctise miliilibly move Ue groap intit direction. ise aoueds bas been ttirecitg isupport lcov hbustnecoes and artiste. Ose local wmais t doiating hkw caliaacy abus ky oileriag a gourmet dboser prepacid ai Use bayera lbome. Baverai piecesof u at bave ai éasooiisted. Aaiy item or servie iii k. accepted. Cotribsdars artesakedia put a dollar value as donations. Service cluadedtisersarata groupsa are kbelag tapped along wlUs bu- tnes.. Donation forma are baud dkivered te as maisy plaeosas the oirnsersip ea reack, Miltus Ata Counci laerdytne os ievessi te provida sms year uf oparatiisg boitt. As Mm.s Amy potstou, Ittakoumesney teget moisey. A ficm fInaiciat bos ite l ot oly give Ue gcoup crediblliy, il wll nuate Ont- acte Ats a Cunan d Miiry of Ciizaisip and Culture rastis avalable te ht. Asistaemla em4br*iigcugltnna -e or deictel vasateusawbo cas coS s jceson pgad putely. SMis Amy u mu e or typa m s o sb a l ther Uss U Mie iifesqice, "ýODe pslw a suuievy adyt isaavily comisdUs th or Siagasid! Mca Amy ci tUs amiberabp lise upceming ascitsmiiiput a dollar value os local support'at hMotn Mra Ces- cli. And judglng Wthe aima oft lis g pa Ue , autis's sucisam iii dapeisloa realdens' ta upprt ofthUe artsintegeeral. Anyse mshisgtefteconrifote te Use escHenshsosuld cali7018. tliContrIbuons iii ha recagnteed te au autiten catalogue.- 30 180 OvgbMO I I SPORTS UWPRLD MILTON WHITE OAKS PLAA 818-4484 DRING THIS AD IN AND GET 50% OFF REG. PRICE 0F ANY PAIR OF SHOES IN STORE about WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15,15984 tou'n THIRD SECTION Vampires of medicineY1 are littie known Iab Iink DOG MOUS 2 g135 apc p onlyt 878-2391 dciermineetise brai metisad ofireaimesi, sy JANE MULLER Scaff Wcte "I mut te ise a vedicat aiseatory tecsnlelict mien 1 gcew up.' As ancenventioae as tiai statement may seacd, tisre are 9,000 peepte in Otaiomiso madc tiat deciion. Thece retativcty ueheewnme vmiers et tie Healtis re teasc aeceebratinf Augst 20 te 26 as Meibral Laisecatocy Tecisclof y veci. Kaibeine Caeten ieefthtie bohisid the scernes vochers wisemcisc ceteeds are ofeles Iweme ely as vampires aed iled sacisers Tie dcpaly chifteciselegîsi et MittenDiritHspitai he, aint with tclltemcati, ee abie-te dispeltiimage inte s malilevc t aciity. Ties iceofthtie loaet isspitai maises il nrceccary tac techelegists le rame tare-te- lare ils patiectc. iey taise isiad amptec ec rismaeif and car icsesecs pes-taceng thecsamentaiethecemergenry roemand in tise labisesd. "S'eu tcaad neyer scctlie patîetai a large hacpital, Here yeu canscctalat-a iet cre," s ecplaieed. Mocs t e aechelagialo ltime ic cpeel en tiseai. Duisiedi iy the Onario Sciety et Medi cal Techisolagiatit 'pear healib cluectives", labust acanlyse acy isody flidc, seretions and exceciiecc. Aliheagis tiey ca't maise a diagcecîc, tisey atec knea'a'iatîti it hc eetre lise dactar test endeccd tise tests. Ibicfiedaofmetisctnetases in ive discipices, coeeieg tise anaiyisaofhbdy flaids, ioaion and idetiicatioc f atecta, cîaciy oaibisteecelis, tissae and treapiet aed craos natciing isteed. Wiie ait oaihlea aai clatfi ccadicg liren tait ime aed tiser part-lime, have cpeciatized ie nneoft tise areas thier erhicnetrctnined le a speciaity. As tise depnly crite pints oat, ein acgcr issptai teriseeiegt maaid ncalitîçty crose avec te suber areas. H cc versatility cs nccessary and tise jais ieremes marc itercslîeg as a resait. she decrîtes iaisoratary science as 'very exact tnrh" Il c aine ptentialty dangcraan ccpcriatty mise variing wvus diccases ihe iepalîlîs. "10e hnam the hasards,' said Ms.Calctons. Cennie Daais, mis sarted ai theilocattahiast veis saidse vwaches hec hanîte a lte". Hyg- ccirc pracices mabe er teed tUbiotics o s. ale cvec mies veorhieg mus salmonela aod genecrisaa calaures. Thccc s a rigbtesitsg factorcin ber maris homevec. Takitg blod samples ram a heari attacis virlim whie emergescy staff are attcmptinf le revive him "scres" bier tise mot. Tise techealaglots perfare aisoat 250 estcs a day inte serramded 500 square fmiot aisr- aory. A arisannel aialyzer,mtich does the mach f a icasi lhrec hamacs daily, is as accelta otise tacitly. Ilausrace la tted tis machine, capable ai campietisg saphissicaled lests, ic a ispilal et Miltes Districtssizc. Sfuit came preredares are las cemples and tinreqaccitis e rarcied euc iacally A abise Trante s semd in such cases. "Rotaine tests viicis muid etp a patient tmmediatly are dane iere," Ms. Careten csplained. Mdern ierisnelagy and is eacits have heen tet isy the depaly ciiet When sha e gan hec caceer marc tisas 10 yearu a,se retied an a siderale. Thes came ealcuaales and nav compaters. Changea no ibreat Advascemente have meade resaits mare cehiable and aitisg Uenmomre lime efic- let. She bh ou ir of betng repiaced by Uese menkanfleat aidabomevor, 'samehadybasuinte canad dsign Use machies. We have tei telerpret resulto aod troable shot," shc maid. Keepinf in step viOc change vexes consxet apfradet lhrapgis extemsion corsesc. Fac lise entsering Ue field,lil Ontario relegen etter pregraris. Medical taisalary lecbnlagislu have tradilienatly isen memen. Ms. Caletas atirihates tie tari 75 per cent ai tecciselagicts arc lemale te tac relatively tam pay. Tise tmxerial piclare is imprevig as ib e maie reprsentalies temever. "Il cs an excelent career iecamse yaa cas advanre la ditteceni degrees," saggeslied M. Carleon. Ose aspect aiflise jhbmiici cald lha censidcced a drawbackis tise ns-rail day. Ms. Carleton casmit remembor e ime mhcn sc mas sel called in ater heurs. Bemeimes il cas happestva e r lhcee lanen a nigisi "People gel s 24 hearo a day," sce eeptaiised. Tise laismach gels deseinte lis ab diopile lise cemptilian ielveen stait and cqaip- ment forcspace T'Me enpandadihspilal viii inctade a 5,000 sqaare imi t aiseceiey. 'rislonearly tes imes Uese ai tise carrent locatisn. "We'ce aillooiiretse ieevacd tle Uex panin" adVitted Ms. Carleton. Expansion coaming Same ccv eqipoiest i viii me ihUse targer variantares and Ua illmvex taten taris aramnd ime as teste, accerding te M. Caletes. The leboraiary iii ha able to anxdie a prester vlmeaof lests amd smme hem asalytic precedres te tecreaae ac- cracy of rosalia. Oui patients misla lnger beoaveccome by tise vsaetfeqipmensi Uey nam ea otbe bload samples are lahen. A large receçelue ae iii e pariaif Ue iasemeni location te the addition. Ctie tiecbselegiult Geffrey Snel han hemn mecing wiUs archileclis la designs Ue nov iacilily. "Tise chieftîenssaieisl ban s ecis mecine. ne bard an pricnt and iteetigatng eqdpmeis," Ma. Careton sald. - The resla nof is cItante i beoapen te Use publi onete ie nomaboratary la vstahlished, mhe pablirepe ban sbein ex- posed in Ue existlng laisorateny. Biudans areesnerally Use vu$ treciarni viitera. ..Wftke'lalking.abauc ar pteon," cnplateed Ue dapaiy chiot. A esman hotafeets e posiive aitude tesardusatpaofesin la impotant, she Tieevwas pleity ofroomon ibis semi-retired electric railway crte accommndate ibis groap f 43 pre-srhooiers. Tise tree te tlve'year'nlds rmv Milteon Pacbs and Rereaias Depatoiesi sumrpre-sccbmi pragrees vece ai the Electrie ltailvay Museum recesîtly. The day trip van rganized te fit Ue veebo s eme ai transportatin. Bill Petite tighl ina vluoteer eendarter. (Photshyiso irsetravt Tracks pro vide trip back in time Aftrafrl trdiasporaiohaspapular as Ue Itis valive and vaving at the Electric itailiay Miesm. Tiscougi Ue dedicatis eof volunteers, 14tanique rail vetecies and crecicars have been cstred and sel bock in mtions. A vile of track IaciagthUe tanner Westes Wacdirhge Lne Uscoug s mente woodland provdes rides inteithepast. Paneenger veterles islade a car biasin 1893.Wiat mced ta carry paneengers ftUe Toranto Cîvît Raitmay ave canres vaseuen visitera and Ue passions ofthUsme wmisuppert Ue iacîlty lacatedine nrib Milles. Mostaois 5t veurtes have been demated hy memisera efthtie On- tarie Elecie Raitmay Histarcat Association. Tiey are aine raspemîie for Ue rlacated Rocismaad raîtmay station ai Ue site Tise station, bim in 1900 as mvvd ta Ue mascarain tati, anc year betace itaoponcd tue publie. Lacated an Guelph Lias, isc mites sas-Us ef HWY. 401, Ue memn's railvay lune ram tant viat used tlec he serigisi f ay br Ue Taitiahaisan Railmay. Tise une as iecrparaled ie 1894 and dicvantlcd ine1931. Tise rarhs prevîdcd eleclsicabtp peed transpertatian tram Trante ta Gaelphs in tiscifhistacy. Whel iegan vith a ianduaiofet nibiasta and a cmalt picce ai land bac gccmc la marc Uan 200 vevisers and 32 acres. Memiser- ship has ern groief sicetUe associationn acvcrmd in 1i5,4 and drates ntantfy icam Ontario hut Europe and Use United flairas. Tis f att an internatioali gaibering ai vevisers et tise Associa- ien af Raitmay Mseants wmii verbal Ue Haltan Country Radiai Railvay Museum. Cralar Jman Jahs c ails Use locatian oethUe event a "icather in tise cap" efthUe lta a aîily. fat. Sept. 22vwilltbite shUsrd ime lise convention iiiise hliscdn Canada. Geeeratty il isniited roieastnitoese acisyeac te Use Thereonvenliasnmi l odeprive Use publiecf visitlnitlfe ite. The vaseam iv apen erbenda hcgiamüng whVictoîraaDay isalîday te Ue ende Ototaer. This saramer il hac revaiccd open Urasgis tise menh The etend- cd haurs ave meaci Ue catanteers mise van and maris ai Ue vuccam avent as te tarn iitars amay as Uey bave te Ue paci. Badaycoantinue te te th ises ihOcacymisere tram 350 le 400 peope. Jane and fcptevher hing groupe at niadenis le Use The tcatac is Ue anly bal lime cltiffand hec been n Uai puni- tien sisce Ue muemm encd n Jane, 1972. Hec hmsband in crc rently preideni ef Ue Onti ssciatlaion. Bais Jahns 2aîncd Ue grmup la 1955. Their daaghtec KaUsy hec'grora p ai Usthe ne miere sebadetedvauchaofherltime Tis scmver she ic bint paidtfor condoctingbtous,ioever. She and vlanteecc lihe Rarismaad resident Bill Petrie drive the restaed cars. Denated laboura s the mmm eto retarnîng Ue vetecies te Ueir rigim aim atsCar Na. 227, a arisiorse toc Ue Tocante Cir Radmay nom gtems as il did visen il left Prestes Car ami Cdacb in Use ltee18M.0 Utilitg volanitehlaour vaises Ue jab f estecnt cars a long anc. Bave cars bave lahen ap te 12 ycars ta revptete. Tise resail of paimitaking cane tac deteil i vevidenti n Na.327 tram ls vichec sente te shtisg wmmdvarh acnd pal elty steve. The "spitting ami smcking prniited" sîgn atters iis advîce in ariginal letteriat Located aheve mmod-icavcd ioam, aaibeniii advertiaevente ofer casumi saadinf le passengers. Prices Uey promte aid along mus Ushe ciatter of the aid car in lakint pasaengam oaetrip bock in time. WheIo Ue efforte of volanteers are ohvios, lise joaaead ofthUem te equally ovidesi, Tisa resteratian centre and car bouse canlein umse»cma5asoflalet craulsan cihicies afoenitin aito frôm 30a Despite developivesis lis the field, ssedlcai lahoratory technologiuse l alwaydItrely .amicroscopes. Sere. Katissne Carletons vies a slide of blond cels. Blond tests are the Mosi ppsutar ai Mieno District Hospisolos lob. St Appearo those chnttse carier ase rospoosîbie for geoerotlng interest intes fleid. Mies flus for exemple was tuised in hy hec sistec-iis'iis. PJiisoI4ispublic tour*émill behetdoatt istil tbe movo, Ibose intercisted cao pick op iter- ature conceriiig tise professions ai Uste hoapilal. Photos by Jon Borgstrom Avre by Usa Torontoeransiht Caoisionse ledispse uf car Nbt. 55 icirca 195)t30apoars ago te crediteul iUs Ue sta eofthIe asmocia- tien. Fesîndens panchesed tvice acres o the exstung ite te bhuim lise irtof Ue colection in Bsche taime tiai hed trucks bave becs cerrying rticed vetecles io a hrewere tbey macn' ivply sil ami rust. Spociat evente are planncd aI the vaseav severail imes dariog the eans. Tisc eeheoul s dedicaed le the Tocante Sahunhes Rilsiay. Victrs are eshed t10 iricg vevarahilia and Ikeir veoanesofthUe tarisofethUe renias-y service le the meav Aug. if and 1. Sucis inormation stanace, accordint le brs. Johns. 'Tisa T.S.R. as potelr in Haltbblt when i ended in 181-il endeu," ecplaised Ue cralar. Wben beaves change to their tai clours the mxseemo eers aâddi- tioomi rides ie ulspiene of moodlaisu. The Cali "exlravagausa" ai- tracte as many an 900 visiiors. This peen Il110 sciediulfor Sun. _e ept. 30.