oe lis. CanadieChampion, Wed.,Aug. 15, 1984 Wedding held in May/ wendy Eizabeth Couliezazd Jerje Friend efth6e bride, Ntamss0'Parra wau Mazuel Avelar were Joued in terriage in the maid f heneer. Brdoaulu iere the. Lowville United Citrai ?May 26. brides rinde Kathy Vrei, Dale Crry lite bride je the daughter ot Arnold and and the brides cmusn Mary Loaqusnd the laie Helen Celsen o e Lotytle. Ite siter f the groom tere Avelar. groom la the son f Mr. and Ms. Manuel Paut Sulilsser, friad of the grnem.wu Avelar of Leazizgtzz grontmaz. Unheen incladed thse grezn's lite eremeny vaN Neducled by 1ev. brelher Ciris ANaer aid frionde Tony Wayne Irwiezand Faiber Wdt Murphy. Gozealves, Isaac Renenden and John 7M Rff ernardes. Frn Gwanfriezd et the ride'& famdly was masier et ceremezies for the rec' pionbeld nt Milez Optimist Club. Sevra shewers were held fer the bride iecluding e winee hemer by Eleannr ltle- i" ' johns ot Wodtech, alphabet sheiter by Barb Maize, Ev Gowlaid, Nrab Williamsz and Elmer Nerse, miscelaiezai ebeweru by NN-wrhers et the Royal Baik iz Wteatley aid Royal Bank staff et Leemizg- ton where bride aied le wrh. ti . Ie belt mai held a alag teo' the groom et the Teutoinia Club, Winduer. "'1 The coNuple honeyetaieed aI the brides Wendy Cauiteezand 5rje Averewere falber' cotage in the 1600 Iltezde. Tbey mar nMay. are now liing in Kiegsville, Ont. PICTURE FRAMING SAVE50 -MACésu "fflFeso* I FRAM Ma " G@WrfLASSw Balise. m*MffRECffr Ille ".AI LABOUR C0oe sel PMit oit. "A M EINF uuigBOY DIRECT MIDOGLMA Spocual Weokond Rats - Cal Fur Deta" Lynxz voeuagl TenT'F-150 P,lNp. Mrus RENT-A-CAR Wnln "T Nede * . ' ClbWagvo ta lgatN loder J GANRU MOTRS LIMB[E OUMI S.E (AT WILSON) MILTON 878-2883 525-1434l VOLANDA McCANN Maplost olunt NNNIYolande MCav,, has eenhCaserTh,.my's YNSolnec Ne aMapehustzter rNdinq natceaotvlnaq there ;n 1976). She hNON ONNOacON N NNPNtiena ubr of pogamms;huan ,ear, 7S tp, Satuzday Mas, FridayFINmovv hvCndone n NCsitinN.KnoNNN futor Ct wamTtNh dcn o lande isu a 'NN "CT'oNONIN v.Nuntttzt Nh. e Nc-atdothNt M,[ nastav o on,, O MaplINOOt VknOtNNCNProgramme.t Thruway tspINNNdlt akINoldgeNhuddictedNinoNtttNvfNand happy taName~ you MloInN N PayN offthe WNNN SPECIA4LS. fWEÀOK FREE! FREEI EXHAUSTr BRK IAISPEMTON SYSTEM GABRIEL- CHECK HUjY FcNuim OPEN24 HOURS HWY . 25, MILTON Couple wed at Hlllcrest A deuble ring coeensey aotçd Eie held a lin âwoe Peildle aid bave MeiRoslez outmrine, A Jack and-MUllwas hel inbannai eft1he Jeze 2. bride mnd groomn by theuhera. itebride lu 16e daghts r M. aidMm. Dov4geaiPodslle aiàd the. gitonen lu Davd MeRlnai, tiE"Rly oeiillez. lthe ceyayutlitireot Unted Otards wui cezdtmted by %Ve. ,Yohn Griffon. Mid et, hozeur wai Tert Carter. Brideamaide were EMaine, Cunnigham, Marrilys Bird, Elizabeth Feenstra aid ilrend Peddche. Bert Pepper, friand efth1e groom acted as best mue. Unhere itere Keith MrEizaien, Razdy Podie, Jerry fritzley aid John Peildie. There were 150 guesteol the dizeer and a dance wan beld aetMMltai Curling Club. Astrid Beenhar&dadegisler et Mr. and lTe coeple pent their bezeymaiz ut Mes. Horst Bernhardt of Terre Ctis and Clearweter, FlNrida. Francs is hnMcGath. sas of Mr. sud Mes. lThere itas e cemmauiy ehewer held ai John J. McGrath nt Tarante were siserled HillerestI Curcb, aid ther shemeru were Jely lsnt Chareh at Our Lady, Guelph. lite beld by the bridea aaint, Mary Kakitild Naiple are ettîcers outhle 820 MilesnMe sle aid Suan Breibet, cousinofeth6e groom's Cadet Squaidrnn. Captais McGrsth hecame thit iamily. Audrey Peildie, aait et the bride, Cessndig Ottlcer ot the qadres ait1he beld a kitchens hNwer and Nereen HirO Ansual inspection held te May. g KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR 202 Main St. Milton 878-4472 ly4"-J 184 Main St. 87"-877 MCuai hummec 208 Main St. 878-2894 é1a~ ~ Ol ahïoned CDniunlty it an e venlng of... Mu* a.d Dmnco Enttu mm Cid aM u Aidi. p "î aeia Costume 731 p~31 7:30 p.m. Un~adUawohMiOWn Fofrground ApV~lBtf~QsmbOf ComnnucaIncopa6los &» em ErsO94, 1~ ENRFORM AdAsu~> - .HaI AUSTEN Es NOBLE INSURANCE 205 Main St. 878-7271 ELSLEYS GUARDIAN DRUGS 212 Main St. Milton 8784492 COUIICRV FECkIfl[GS 4 Marttn Si., Milton 878-9765 Halton Comauiuty cmli U"uo 44 Mains St. 878-4168 -220 Main St. Milton -Milton Mal SOE. Southaneat Corner ef Hwy. 25 Et 401,Miltton 878-8393 MILTONMALL- 878-8881 mcdcltrI0at MIIWTON MAMbb 55 on" tur tS. m m