4 he ulnatilun ams. mec, Aue. ilb, abs Emibllubud 1801 11MsS Eat. PO. a«u 20, M--ie, 4 Omelo LOTOSr HERB CROWTHER Pablisaer ALAN 825CM JIM ROBINSON MIKE HALL u.nsaussau.,seee- P_-a.su, ssasrcs4t, vanunîtînasýýOàM pr uac, g- . smnauicia Pubisthati sauts iedosuscibs Masrolusu Pistiig. Paishisu & isibatiig Lidai ai9t1 MainStrBoisasta, Maltas. Onturîo, LT 4N9. Taapbonot78-2341. Pins Stosiecopims30 aab, bHomesdeiaer0,y r.Buiaptionss$10 petr yanibytcrern, sis5psaaaclrbcmallinsCanaa; $7hmnaiite oiiîuasins. ThsMiltnanaadentCampion onofthesMelnsasaPisog, PabiaslaOaE Dsisaaoug Liai aiaaaofsahahsrbaoemmer hiach ldns ThAtonFresrssau, ThehAcaiaa sosset. The BatnGiasaîaThe Sui osot, The turlisgios asmi sa t n, The Etobisaha adascossi /Gyuia. The Georgeiotodepondesi, MaAkhut c casmibE Sa, Thn Misissaaga Nemo, Thenewarumsi li, akilstsaeî, Oakaiiin Crida0 Bavuan, Oshuwa Thmais e, Ohawa TOnaisasaikeTndaitabob T!toyanas WeOshawa /math0 This Weokao, Richmandai 0.1ll b<I saîLî heal eSca aîîruh Mrai 70Te StaosileTiuns, TOec mlýasand ois r iand osai iddgn Lbsril Meicoausudssniîsu, PushihcEtbastibuingaaana viinoaarlqcocnrpiaseLimitau c-1- c-i- f si.i s .1. a eacaiu.. ase .1aaa a asa Phase 878-2341 TronaisLins 821 3837 Another study Tempers flurrai laut week oser as issue Ibut migbt otherwse seeto trivial. Regiosiul cootcillorosere tlkisg aboul a $20300 tudy to fisd - nul if improvemensuarerseeded ut the Cumpheîlville four cor- sers, und ifoso, wbat ubould thoar improvemensuescompuon. The mjor prnbîem cascerrsu tbe estimaîrd tout seicb is some $t1,300 more thus the regios bus is its budget. Neyer- thelesu, tbe regios voted to go ubeud witb tbe study eves if tbey dont base the mosey. The mosey seltome from the oseser of the Crawford Lumber yard property in excbasge for llosisg tbe old brick building 10 escroucb os Guelph Lise. The owser probably wilI ohject, hbut thtu asother story. Gettisg huck to thse four corners, there cas he littho douhi the mais probîem affectisg traffin flow is tbe rail crossisg. The regios s plans remais debatuble. It is highîy douhtful the railwuy urlil suddesly decide to rip out tht tracks because il lu causisg a prohîem t tbe four corsers. Therefore, the $20300 which is goisg to be spest sili prohably tome up with some other option like re-routîsg truffic urousd the Camphellv'Illars That also is sot goisg 10 pieuse tbe mer- chantsseo depesd os people to stuy in business. Cousil or Brud Clememts feels tht study sbould ho dose to fisd oui if there lu usy solution to tht problem. Grusted ose ex- lots, but is il sortb spesdisg $20300 of rutepayeru' mosey to fisd out snmethisg that is ohvious? If there is a solution sehich bunt goisg ta brisg os s megubuck road building program, greut. Koepisg the charm of Cumplellville la the top priority. If Iis cas heobotaised sehile tusng the traffit probîem, it seul bo $20300 wecîl spent. It's yo ur vote Juat about everyose we tlk 10 in Milton seemss b be showisg a lack of istereat about tht Sept. 4 electios. Perhaps il's sot aurpriing people would rather esjoy tht aummer and listes 10 tht grau grose thas listes to the federal leaders and local combatants. In sebat. sxperiesced political ohuerveru muy cossîder the mont important electios in uit least a decade, the summer secather lis lullisg us mbt indifferesce, and thata a trup. If Milton voters do sot take a bard look and gel isvolvad wîlh muidsg a cboice, tbey will osîy bave themuelves bo blume for tht fllswing four years sehes whtever leader brînga us hud esanad sec rue the day set dids'l vote him dows. There lu lesu thas a mosth 0000 unlil Sept. 4. Nose is cary defisitely thetime 10 ut leaat leurs more about the issueu ut atake. Ose place 10 do that is..at the Milton Jaycee-apossored alI-candldâtea debate. -iý It la bisg held sexl Thuraday t 7.30 p.m. in tht Mlon Lihrary. VleW pin Debate view point Juat mhrs e or iogisi euilîsg leuision coded itu the Oymptan. me baattecandidates' dehale. It promises tabhamare iban a disacussion o at isonal issues lîha usemployascot, nmtse rigistus aidlise ecasomy, Thîs point, coanlter-pini sesuton s laetnastine lac mumes 's issues. sebat the leaderesai Casadas thra major pahubîcul partiesuhooaout claug shrt cols and matiag hauhai l'Il navrn soanHoan iii cauippeai coulai ihra mes ha' Especiaihy mies questions iii ha isrnai (ram theamouiba o wmesmo arrnoioubitflesedtin omr'athisgs. hal durs Jobs Turnr ktomabthe lisefsrai1epan- ty haseanhinhaiaen'rus' Ht bas brasrrasearchisg tise ft oh the pasty pactias hoecer Asai ahai of he tis e cnsihmarai qutchaiey suit pohsh Tise incention moulai fre wmsnsta do mort mark o uneaual cauie s day. lb mustîbave ukcn bise NahaonalAAtian Cammillen on the Stau ai seamen a long ime ta naresacln amah0e mastiminprtanti mncs imura. Mure rigsliy tl ie n was upent inoaing biem. Wai mates asyyusucaopesificaaoncees lta menT Gars il oui mahc lite gcsaiur appoar eparale irom maies ahnt il ta made touappear our conteras iller tram teiruT? Granle a aortas drectly aftects momen, Baitahal o the mes invaiceai paleenahyT Or mes sngenerai misa may ha concatneaboahut lise moeahiy aI tise art o lermtmatioguapregnasay. Ifttndermnrna dnarmtmngifactorithemuaymc coe Ibm n hy are thsr sa em wmncinsgoseromet' Men aid momas dool yvole dîtlresihy bcausr lbry arenmensandmames Peopl coteacaardisg tombhai tisay belîreuaid Ibait omes troas bbceaay bie7anre hrqughi up. nemameamwhaanîttcaaduci theaishuleiostightmaihl no douhi cacer tomearumas inais ned dscussisg. W'sr haenshearîog aboaut propaseai egîshuios la dara iittiaquah paytaormaorhoflquuhcvalue. Thasbbra mosed upaahboutus quîcthy as lise decrîminalizaton ohmarijuana,.hrstusetoiooedintohespeechnmore tbaa a dacade ugo. t guess Ian coalusg hîppi'u" ssura ils wmmns" isusnstbatohobamnce Afirmative actiona s asothnr opia of bie day Na dauit PM.Trrcoutd acltonsissmotber'sauraesn as an economist ta oicale hua suppart oh putbsng momen io lagb places. As il sanedusm owte maturitiyai capable Canadias momen mOsi ha suibeeîsg (romn ucrapisoiia. Ib is truc tiai actons optais ioudtr thas mords Bal sa (ar affirmabive achion bas amounled tha hibOu more thas smnuy moeds. There usta tu a eumncs issue butbil as aurnai hy te suffrats.00omneo ad la mute a nise ta cura suaifrage. Homeyec tise mas bad ta decide ta go ahosg mithiil Wuntinuome'stissuesnot simpiy ans uaaf humas rigisu This ia anc wmanuwaho triages wanastht mords wmncs issues arc spatta. The label makes tbasr anha mst needito btomeaamar oficertainsaoocres, urs a draiuar. Tey dan'imusttier pornosmugnacesurn on huguage caaged ta identiy munisohes us peesas- isoles. Ib is prahabhy a litlOnoaaseotianai ho virile abaut a aiuhaOe bulure il happeos Tisa peenauure anahysis is spaset iy cyninisnn sathe hnmaieaige lle ii change an a resuli aiflisetbirai encansteof a a plihiaul binai Esun if samu buegisaitan nauhes il la due bos aos aon'l change attituaiessebai gosai anaa icnaain nuecu- b-o.p being paidthei same as ber main counlerpartu aheosise gara isonan play tbe daurnaut Han anyhisng bers aaasnapltiseaifil biaI wmnroani anrar as ave-tebearsirt mithout hatsg seen as a anamenmîith greaihlegs? Jusi uasbaeily sarits home, sa dota equaiiy. Ai- titudes are nucluceai iranatise ime mr are ablen ha aompeesedmat ingoig onausd us, e aastry ha euase sereolypia depîctiana Iran sioey hauts anai les- le. NOn cas rasi uaut tisedegradaba dluanains parno- graplermauleniai. i sec cas tait aIl wmntasi esra bas il gobais the mamewobaiidsistrbhandstin the disbmalecacbsîight mhinehebrbusadrl asaier a dsy qualyuas taatog as hes' Sme iheatios misen sl ell utthbie ofiîce uaid carrida rausai duriog tbe day lihe a brîicane Abus- doodeda ah igis for a l ida mus tasictitas Ose bengu (for sure.se ctas'i miss tiis dubale, Coiesu yoa arc a cahir suisorîhar il's prrhty malt the oly progrunais prina tihan Shoulai mus ha alimad nai a ain hiy sat, thry lite- 1),rosi hacablen ta ramprnhusd oui issues anymay Tieyru mbt mens issues lite fbsdîsg a twist ail ber babls cap anhiais daesnt bile. our readers write Gone to dogs fleûr sic Ilesuraurteana1iam heli oachmdhsa n loger pralînu sinMeiosiu Paris Gng dnoppiogs hast tub ithe park usfis on ailidren or sports. Resîdens arosai tise rea complaise! ta Multas Punbs anti Reartutias, uianahoses mre dspucie! t ca ias p bbc mess. lOtis itnI far o tise aorismen or the mdlorthy hi tasxpayeau. seeadpomuai byhuwandusain(ms. JOHN GUNGAS Woodwiardi Aoc., Miton Wake upi Theuf/lioc-goa auutter addesid ta the Mayor and Coariidof Mlthon. Aioay huoeetifihaimmit The oCaîiatoChmpioforauolicirmt Ti Tise Mar ailtosn Councills Arcaeding balise Ang.I1lsse nIfTiseCana- oiun Champias, parking retrittians anses sp- gravË a! tj ",- y ýUStueî James uffuctedte le! tiut tisera la; nsceasnta han parking alibhis inersestion but tee]ino- neud, aroil souid gise tlicr attestion ta tisetangesus ill on Mill Sreet isciaees James aid Gardes Lune. Jusi isn nris ibuthru aas a liser-car pile-ap ai iis intrsection hucause crsm eing ram James la Mill Sreetiantssuilsveiialrare cnmîngsup lise ilind bill Al the residents ai iis inersection agece os Iis malie.Wbco mc anre asised lac soc opinion, anc gare il bai roustît did waisi hey uitiunly ioeddisî nliseebrsiplacecandig- noreudlise naisubisîuionu Wisy don yoa tîddlc ils uswansld aid unoecusaey parking resticîtiîo said ignore a pieolîully dusgnrom situation. Waiscup! Player thanks leur Sir * Os bh ali ai The Mlton Pta liisnouexpressnouc sussent the tavunagu ys uc seaspopet dur îsg aur ast peoductios. t isnsxtrestelimportantfor mundtytheairu geup sac s baccebise support oai hieir lhua You haesownothrsugis pour rrat tisut pou cure about ahati$ pour commuiy aid ion ibh tnunaehy gruiclul. Contre rospon igrama tor hotis moibers anai pee-scisolc9 aid adolescents murue us, mincis aas fn MIAJORIE asdisy the CindrcnsoAid Society. POWS Gurîog ibat peur, uniec tise guidante ai tise Mill St., Musasn Mlton Conanibleue rYoslb aid Chisiren, luodssg is the amaol 51 of$1,200 anas ruine! ba implamasi a ropîs peogeua. Is Jauury, 1902 Milton Coancul recise! a ruqurai irana the Cammîin e riosselilasîistance. Caun- laes1wud cil ati ls Budget Cammilir Meeting af May ipprencîaiîos for toi 182 aproce! aon-ime granof$,0 bu isesous theYoabisGca1cln Centre. r ag eus Cousait annai bad any directinslsumncs ir a saali cota wThaentusre, ioBlomuog uai hnae iramu. as ourseuls on ta p ou ion usprrasing yaur auncerns o il papr uiti thu Giicer, aid yas isJud hareteising a res- rcotna n- ponsu rota TiseCensainbise ncarfutuce. ihuppdsing in GA. KRANTZ i msweare exn Mao IARON GREGA Býeetury. MiltonsPloyers Ise Bad trip Thr.fotting càa.lettre ddirumda1,tathe Hihuton eiccCoauravmlionAuthostfy. A opy huclee fîhed wo i Te Cunadian Champîosfoepubhîruîîoo fleur Slrs: 1 1 ws is ta nialrsriianiinousisiithe N 7~sSUweaflaaidaSflfIfflW s mssas, as apoter cOnnut regaoiso TOc Croifre. Tis iotheisrpsase ch M- o.1atl aso Si fOd titi , lceCbacniiaf., MiareMea. Catalans, Thins n'ltachnsanletge rearîpi ni yonr laitr daitii uly 24 1994 antb respect to The Croire sn Multas. Voar nier sattes conteras aiib respect la lise lusdîng ausaitîliaosuo Tise Croire, aod i ace ahes the liberty ai iarmardîog yaaur e ta The Croire fosea direct response la yon This Oficedues soi hare asy documentution la adequaaely an- saner yousccsncrrns. Wih respect la background inormution. please be udaîetra iat therCroire ans alfia- allyaoprscdmonpril 198L AllhuOhtme, pro- tans ciildeen to Kelsfer a fe huas attise banis Ose irni peoistem bappenedat ithe mats gale, We aere nioppeai anti saesllsset as la a4sy iseConervation pans a msai sts4 la thewanodoan, anti tto l ea t wl mibu taou!e iil was noni rrettly attache! Ibhis wsanim- passible betause lise shacker aas on a piece ni rîrar plasti ieicis tuuto!bu aipped losa posais on lise aindae. Tisa pairhsyaptena" aas uscd is heu o hasing bal a dmzes stirces os aainduan. blnasiog lthe drises vi- sio Aller a discussions anus asupeesisse. anc antre allowerd t enler tise park but anre in- lorancd ibis anosto!huppes esery lime anc ailempteo! la enter tie park. Tisaattilade stiies me an s eîsg sery poiiy, and iscyndoa part aiflise caijre ai Keino.Ashog as tht sbuahr is aaid,misp musildbcstuah baithe wusdsielai? Ourasaiondpeobluna amarre! ahes mu ruaaisedbthebeach ei eaeeiairmcdlbhaion- y a quarlter oaIthebe hrs maiai haopes for smîmmisg. This natant that insardtr le sit aid ha abltu la nWistht ahilarco ninin hhty mure phayiog usnbise maler mu bad la pub up mus bise noane creuleai by a large namber of peope armade! tala a smaahareas. ec ere as us (orme! ihat a hrgur arefthesi bcuh mauld ha opened wmies marc ic guards caumeos du- Whien me gsi (e! up anai decuded a l amerai i.30 p.m. usre wmeu s musppeople osnte beacis and s is e uler ibai biese naahur ciiaren anre being aamstanhy kSouche! oser, spiushtd, and bumpe! by uarger leenagers, anai stil osly a quarler mas open.1s 00e mre iloarme! Ibul bhisstrteion on thebeac eisarea was fur salutprerasana. sen me ell, bie parking area ai lise beacis mus 1al, aid ibere anre (foir bsses liscru us ancO. ta il reeUy salee Otaod hat masy po la audioa s amaS are? Tisse es mesOms an nI matchppélsts atetsemusata- isgsonltpaofeacisatbee' Most people anio go bo Kelso tiuing lise amk i tien Miltonauno! hase enjsyed lise paris Iliemagh tlie paît pears. 1I eus bsstty say, ihal anc tit sol esjsy muses on ibis cocue- sins rpcialiy wane iecbildeen cdcd ap in loes. Il thse eprosten eisi ons iourxtsIcii lise paris.1 doublie wmciii eer agais use ihese lacilibraI ssa nwancare sol lise osiy people miss fccl ibis aay, This attitude is chasgisg lise par'ss erpuaaios rom pleasasi and effi- cientit le os!iriiulisg saresan miitedses M. IltilEIt l'anisaos r%.. Mtasi pages of -the- past One Year Ago Frontste Agstl17,lua83 Isse A S4.4-millian multi-ime retrea- haon testresfor Mitas bîgistigistea usé liai aI retummeadatiosacon- luiaeo! la lie Cidture uaid Ratrealian Manier Plan pre- ssied la tome tnuntii Msno!ay esenlisg.'Tise lacllily, ta buciuili uithlie Manselual Armna ile on Thompaun lia.wmuai! ie cans- airactinlalao phasuanad ansid letiude peovsion fo(setaudilo lisetre, amiure pool, ines araire and ruquelisuli courts araong il many uses. A nsm ormea sabftsyslent ibut aosid penslde beller anneinng conditiions prompleo! Hulasn regiosul police bo impiemeni 12- bouc sifsiif or moni aI ils uiilsecaolliaer s aid mucisai ils isiiian staff. fTic 32-meuh trial progruas. tie ta eno! Jas, 8, 1984, milbuesuvluateai iy the purticipuots iirm limes. An enlîmalei 5s poosais ai bomegeson marijuana anre see duigu tMraid ofa Multas reidenre Moday night. Police dissuvrea tise marijuana stackian osallitaracufnithe bous, ithe prarmsofiurtsg. Miltas toms munis aitbs pars tasbrassing la busing the 1904 irehgbhters' Association af Oturîo hela in s bmlam. 20 Years Ago Frsm Tisuesay, Aug. 1, tisa lsse Thausanda af ianndoana muse smasd ad the roflafaalaran baise maposatured mth isstes mes haitlstaaes "asbig as egga' sieurs Unitedi Greeshamso Walbcc'a Lise durmng Tursday aiteroon's eletriral som Neurly esery isandan the roof af il greeosase buldingo amneai by Mrasn eyser anai MartnsTisahier uggesied tbat damage moulaibha"in tise thausanan". As emrrgecy requcol las 5,000 galioas ofaiater a day ta hrlp prct'ela districtiiarmesrafrm laingl00tosoflhintcherry rap wsappeaardisy Multas CusiFs maiesrammitter lisa mari Hamecer, as Weaisrsday Les Hughes saneofaIBrarsiair Facns as the Bell Sahaul Lace repard he migbtt mnseai the mter tbis year alter ahi. PauaiKernigisas lopped i Mltan Glisrant Iigis Scisosi oudenis sn Grade 13 examiaions, accord- îngito rrasutrelased tissanck. Jua Caiiuby alsaohibaised ith stuainsg as tise igbt papers Wissîog fhet-clas bsaurs as 10 pupees, Kerotghas hai as uverageoî.5pe entsoasthe 10 papees. Par Ontaria Schlarsisip pueposes, is aaerage as hîs tap eight papers anas 871 per test Caltuhy am as tionenis-clas hasours onal]ttigisi popersa lasas averageaoO075 per tent toa atm is tise Otario Srhoarship, 50Years Ago Prom tise Augusi 16,1934 issue flic tuegest isdtict lawn bowlnsg isaroament ibis saums mus helai hure as Wbdoesday rcenof ai taieuh, mhes tantyhana rinsfotrm Arias, Georgetawns, Brampon, Taranta, Ilttoi as.Okair, Stretarille ailMtas esterea ins rmpeti- tîts Mloias nu arcs lin ainis i nth a stase af tiscee isa muh a plus ai 27, and tisser aintsiia pluaof ,aut ofthree tes games. , le 1093 mises Streiacviltr laid pluksisîdealis tbey baugist hemtaak plash al $lpes thauand teel anditrdar aaustsnguai $12 Tiiey pai t3per day toc teamîsg uaiil$15 per day lac a mas, anrklg othearaads. In the interesis ai the Hulasn Agelaultural Sciety, ah mrating ai the toma toisait helai on Tuesaay venng of astwmeuh, M.J.Cartound E. Harrop asiseai the osaeil (or fboosciai assis- taace.Maeai by Coosaillar tilisit anai enei by Cous- tillac Mateti, coosci agrecea tisai a grant ai $200 bu mae la Hulasn Agriaullural Sciety las lise Sepiember (al lfaie. 75 Years Ago Frsm lise Asg. 12,190issue Mn Otarto Att fids nthe emplsymesi aifansmes or girls La sopo abter 6Sp. ansthe rsrslsg ai ail days enrept Saturdays aid days belore bolidayn Campjaist s are being ma de t hal t ha Art ia- îsg vîiat cd isTarantsoaidHum- ilion andai ispectors bacc bras ilelaildIo nvsseilgale. IWrI;ý, h Zm at-O«a ôMm--. Abera. tinte bhey came ta Miltn t rom Enguanaibelaneen tansandai reen'yeuro ago. bey mader masy fins. Mrs Lame anas an eegeti cissech aoee as a menther ai the Wcmen's AulaîbanofictCacc Charcb, Miss Lais Hall îs eccîeriag from an acate aluris ai ap pesaitailin mincitbegas tant[ Saiaeilay misesber nooîer a suamnoseti home ho a tlegrami ironisBent Rimer; ,itMhskka ahere she oas itng lier brother. Ai lemieots !evl-, r-, w Mýrýl