Overflow crowd hears canddats speojk lise Mon lirry lai au oerflo romi Mise tram lofto OrinauCrle, KevnisFlyoa. Otie Jelacli, uni CisoKomuicliiut ai nsil-adidutes' nmeeting. Standing la eoonillior urinesteul mo ueruste emeeting. Onu.tOsmOvoteacramsadintlaie a The bd osfoial ectiai enp i- triac-i-eunSuail alittentin, aerdig Os meting egaiflot toiad oi te alibot10pcc audan ,liosiiogelu SO lim a he fllaodi lanaScm iet tis a otional pituro toi Intinetu. a largc perosingaof Cnadieanvoteareau- iacitlui. Isoos toaeue b- ngUile lo m ioson tiscmeeting bi lntp of oppeefuimty ie aine qp lbfor cusida to roacoci lucloue la 20 questiosufros theauiotoee. Vter cocens valeai il te poitring nopai fros Use otite o tise armai forcs,oses- ptoyetosdth dUe da'fleit tlu onlu nss lite aiorios sud capital poiaisseut. Os nmemcoeu. tcatnidateaa poniou vlaeu eeaugint lut msu s usn refleceipuflt-loe pise aup nitdirec- tisa bcbg tuba. hp ite itriemajor partp respon page£41 S5teir-oldi qiWioo1 tisa fiee-misi lie ual> wosulntt i coulterpure ours calad Ortier. lise uutrlgist at re sitago aumot t notions. Mr. Jette CAUtrolandCmuk eqpr s%"oýni t VOLUME 124 - NUMBER id MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29,159M lohPlopoolvo Consuereallos MNP naî, Liserandsidateotrieu dNOF candidate »venaMMo, ImbuS relsosting lis Groa kParith mleeotiog. <Iosrallp psin asoslie Grams Party are ta Lparlicipua. Nul oslp ou the J' participaion us exception,, Mu sinisk aiose i raI Mesus a lita foliocandidates foltoloig doto introdutrtspepoch«e. [y caiatue woo dosled ise oe vototil, abkd Mais hes O 10 tojoie usinternatioonal net- ed Paiemotorluus tueWorld mNDP candidate ou thlisee spporter ut Mr. Kswulcisuis no a tait tue Globol isselvul' ttaspur uocur treene isp uIt lo euplsined s fre s b Wî con dobuer ytur F10151 SAMPLES fNVfitPtS Any dey, any quentity. Autlowus $35, par thosand Coul Alan Rnîch, 878-2341 34 PAGES-30t CENTS and aoo noggutdtoworstlk oo NATO. Agrelag "n eus b ie mlu a qus ortue - ouitS," linr. Curie «W5 s pouce lattsto cumprliut ofailparties sut sm-Issu pence groupea muid b a a l- tiou. "As aslttdle power nema isrlag oibes ol the brguluiag lable," Mes. Corrie "It. candidatesumuatciithetisa Mof ourler power uytemu witiste NDP aid Gren candidtes excurosalos cocou of radioactive wulte. "Pt inluftvour o uctrer enorgy sud uteruste torme iecause csuvcstiunst soues wilt dry sp" nid Mfr. Jeineis. Aside tros the muqy nationual luesof roucrn Mtueuocl reientotone etoegeit miirisanof sigulirusce tM tinores aid utisero tsrgeted asupotentill Mule tsote dssp sites. A qamtoner wuoted ta boom Sec CîC page A3 Schooliback Wednesday 7ite dasnare ettut sincrter sudtce cisongiug cutour of tis e nvs con' b ignured, but tise motn tudicrMfe utsmms's endisathsestartuofsbuut. Huttun pubieatr sepor rsonlt Mciera iSl bo bris tise bouMs Tus. Sept. 4.ite prufessionst denetpseut dsy il belp prepure tisem tuertise retuen of stsdeuto Veit. Sept. S. Moto Iaw passed liy LINDA KIRBY Stuff Wrter A year long dspute concernong the Nelîts Motocros operottion on Stxth Ltne hon ended wth Milton Town Coucclposngobytw regulotong the bours and conditions under whicb motorcycle races wilt be beld. But occording to owner Monsell Nellis and is representotive ttrue flobertbien the mtter moy not end, but continue into municipal court bttin. Mr. Doberthien mode thot suggestion minutes ofter the by-tow wos possed, conctuding lmont 6U minutes of discussion in council chombers. Early dleadli ne ise ufices ut Tise Cnodion tChamptun .mttt bo ctnsed MudySet. 3,tue Lsbor Doy Dltedtnrs ton editoriot cupy and disptoysadverttuing itl bo Fridoy, Aug. St, ut Ips. Smaut ctasuised nord odu mmtt betoisen Tumsdsy, Sept. 4, Musm Photo con test for you Houe yuu gt s greut pistu- gespis yuu tiinis ecerpune ubostd sec' T'ten niy ut enter Tise Conadiun Cion Photo Cumpetition icb is prt ut tisn escus Sept. 2t-23 Mittun There are tnt cstegurteu, cutur sud blocs sud white. tuisject mtterAs tu bo tomne- thisig mittiin tise regiun ut islon boondories. Wr às tist printu b n frger tison 8n ntt sud nu smstte tisnSn5t Weuaeeass imting Mhe numbor ut pints to toue per entrant. Phoutus it ise jsdged onu composittun, nuiject mtter, rropping, design, igiting, sud piufugespii enceltence. Judgms decisiunn are finat. The desdtine tue entries i Wednesdsy, Sept. f2 at t p.m. lite inning photouu iSl ie diuptsyed t tise Miton Faitt Foie. Et ris sisnutd bo druppod uf( at tise ufices ut Tise Conodisu Camnpiun, t9f Main st. Tise b-ton sairsinctuded ses-erot omeudmeuts, pernits neirten unUtehers kbolmeen tceioues out1M sm. sud 6Op.m. ou te dsys utfrracs unly oud ml llun s maximss ut eigist meets during euris cateudur yesr. Tise tst ctase bisu een smended turead the usier sottlb determnedsanoulyisy tise tuwnu tuuctupun spplica- tion feus tise motocruun upeestuen. Tise isy-tonfurtisur tipututs tisto nuer Munetl Netlis mont erectoatlane urruuudtngthse 45-ore trocs res, preuenting rumpetiturs feus treupuuuing untu netgisbortug prupettes. Tise fenrtug itsue rougist te toudest criesut prutent feus Me. Dbrten misuo rgued tise race meets recoun o shse- string" budget sud thi o uutd cost unte netgisborisuud ut $40,00uo l$W5,000 lu pruide prupec fencng. tustesd, be pcupuuest fencen un tise eut ude ut Mr. Nettt' 300-ocre pruperty sud asetion un tis e st urde stung Sistit Line tu percent oututf-tunu trespasseru tomme ces lu tise prnpety. Couoncturs ugreen t t no mure important tu toise core ut tise cuncerus ut nctgisbourn misu cumptsined aisout mtur- cyctiutu travetting untu 'lisetc pruterttten. Speaiig un bobstt ut mure Moan 40 restdentu in tescis vcitnity, Paut Honter describod tise b-ton Onuatoet in tise rigbt direction sud eupressed sp- precistisu ortue Mesupport ut Mittun Counctt. tI tissine resa ittte disup- pointai t tise atrt enit issue tu figit about tise numbor ut meeto eneey yesr, but me non ,hsve sumethinWu nuek t,' sid thse ciirmanuofthesNort Mitton Iltepoyers Auois- tion. -We teet btter recetty isy tise support sunuiy te Tomn. .-,iesit. l a itt -W. uSoTon et Vill. tatuaii os hast ms lio Sthe. toise*br 0w1 jtf hep tou.gergos frocso *0s cosflos I r - Md .OR Crown appealing fraud trial verdict Au oppeot is bes toucbed tel t the fuse pear sentences for botb Mr. Stuot sid botb tm 'are but owiug f0 tbecrompleurity ufthte ogoinot the sentences buposed ou msn were "inudequle." requsting eeduced senteures. ,çoe neud the tise tbst wnstd lbe otnirteti businesmen Lests D. lise pair were rousvlcted bn Msy ou Inadtfition to, oppeotlingthe rettuieed, Judge Csrstwotb denflsed Nodutin sud Teeey FiYsuris Mlty. chtarges of couspb-bsg t efrsod tis ne sM.Sutsi f' tuoise ou ordre for cotupensastion. Hglton Crismu Attorneyasusistant pubtlie in conu" w t -&venin senteruM.Motsodb s fie Apnsntrm ottseCo Pouf Mount sid is officeffled te machine ss Mutht ueo ted.tise tmo IS 0100 sppecslitg Jt t e ns offiesandfrom Mr. Nsdstbt andMr. oppesi confier this moutb wth istise men $7.1 million. Cemtb eiio n 0 re ty oit utbe beord for merciu riens of tbe Court uf Appent Mn Mr. Altsud Mr. NudaM re bot restitution. moutttu,sid Mr. Muet. Osgoude Hfalt. free os b aing sscessfully fiet Dozeno of irtinss ppearreifoMeute He estimuted if migbt bo ping Mr. Stont naid tbe oppesf mss tieir own oppeas u goinst teir Joty ssttenriog sud reqoeted tise before o panet ut tiseer o more toonrbed bersuse tise Cromn office sentence. routy rouet jsdge oedee restitution, judgen itt reniew tise rose. insido Reut Entate .........MEt ÙE Third Section j P.L.. Robe rtson now an historic site Sa' offlelalu Use P. L. t 97Brote St.iisuaieusn Mr.McNeili Mtd ise reeognted,ise sosd. Robotoo Llut Mau sia . SkePSer eaooed Osamplois e now hisw it M c M.eNeit id sisba I-I., %'.n y. dttpoj =nt meZot miera M begin. Sol me bove tMe solution, Uhe Stest-Era bonkis oinide t ei ksu edttiun ouThlie Cbompion. First Section Etecisn Spial....... A...s Meginuniefs............ A7 Artiseillu Coul ......A10 Second Section Basltamgtels cbompso......... t Sot% ¶oretoa d ..........S2 Minr Sors Run-Up.. . ......B2 Socer chie ............. SB Classifii.. . .. . .. . .. . ..15-87 L iio unst LolwSioppero Drtg Murt, Dosai- I nin, K-Muet, Mctntpre & Dudd, I Meudunvute Town Centre, Csismy Lumiser, SteunsEru. I by Ontario Iferitua Fosmiation sud tissuplons mil ie for- cbssrmsu, JobsnViitetise plsttstitoteci for lise uuvlttog. Coutor headsUW Altsonis Ushe nrmp om d es acis elo oudonsoof Use town nul offlcislty sen util Sept. nom sodertadus sut United 26, MitMnUnCiteitWay là Vuplutrylug tM de. utreudy prearlog for ohisitI she sit ttoa evitent tutt bopes *515li a arnohms th e urhtiseaceont peur of United nampalg Sulgo uir WÜ=s Wal Mn, obus tiserenwasua Miltn wi ft' newca- guatlf>dog rospoose. gr aufreh= , Dosna i lsCuslspw iffrthe is te,,aWo uMpon pour &MsoSpt. 2S akil Nov. 29. oliUlw - - - V-at is&=OIatJcUCaWnz lido wnud sous lsuthUe sud isstutling tise plaque uq M Josephs Martin isuse, us it is $2oy bom kuomuwnstd tisen bove Au tise cost ut pruper siniser murtd-mide sigolfaneeasd P. L. is ubout $000, Mr. MrNeli suld Ruiserton'sutstusdug cou- be wmua bo e oliog for support tribstion wousltbe ssttubty from town cuucl. L'Il-11- mwIý Iv