OP"uww" uRM -.s- FDuhi *Lym a . , i1* Ranga *Tampo . * FIBOPIoIwPB *Zapthyra E-A-CAR Eco* *maquh, RN Wno *-h .BMB * .4ffl Club Wagon * -0014V n ~ * LN700tM& 20'Vasn wfth Do you lîve orokin =the Region of jHafto? BMSMAINIST.E. IATWILSON) MILTON878,211W ..thon you are elîgîble ai a memberlownrer à Ji i 'a tf~BI I lI~I I easason ArshitU Sciey ogners r reprpofofrSanloth d.mira.g caaog, startg Sep.10. At an rgaiathmal meeing s week Cmpaig. ChafrmacnAudea oar- Cesnlgan haded out kifs andf posters la Zone Chiran Majri oys n and Airs MeNdbo-e lseaedl; JacJmirsn andn Irene Chesfo (sanding). lHoldingthrposer laMai-iVallee. Dteence aiofField SericsfIen a Thrsifin Society, mhaopola th1e meetintg. Arthritis '84 goal set Mltonos branch of [fie Asfhritis Society tbon cf Milton) are saffering coîfh asîfiti ailnage a publfc caispaign for focds acroso Canada, ufaftng Monday, Sept. 10 and ibis oers Mrs. ear-Cofîgan gave a report os the taegef o $,300, Canopaigo Claccas aonuat-egioaalnmeetingfoeldt-ecenffy i Audseo Leas Cotgao fofd a tmeetng f Canbi-dgeohere 1983 tevenue osa, zoechcamen and canoassers Wedneoday reporfed as $5695 million. The Ontario divi Lat fall thsgroup had agoallof $7,00and sotns 1984budgeft s $5.82 ilon.o mnaged tucollecta reorsdsaf,800, se Much progessfasfien madeinfthe seporteof-We hopecascatsmpaign is jafas tseatmscf of astftsovesthoepasfcc0yeas successflfthisyears Mss. LscsCostogan and rseaschessaresnnthe thescldco cccl tosndosg the keys hat osif hsîing asîthrt Celoan Milton fas less sectiocord :010focs ocdss contrat,-she predicfsd. zoneecandtloeazonesshaosmno hsstooyeasooli InCanada il sccsousloume-ne chome be Aes MeNosen. srens Chesia, Jackt dssase. Asîitis Cossosesrf1milioosa famossan and Masfcoe Poays, osîfloneOsysas in daly osdication alonse saod morecloaîsan to eaoedlobios ef "Peoplecotloastloitsossenoreeîfcas$1 Cassasses kts, posesssanddonatoncsjars bloloa yeasoin losfoagssowinholcosfs the nl al]fleoinplaceloy toecaopaigck-off fedesaf gooerrment $150 tillion in tax an Sept.f0. sloe saod srevenaescosesaod Maai VaffeeOosctcscf ield Services Teo19M Mito Banclosoecutive oas for Tloe Asclosotos Sciety, attssdsd floe assoonord at Wdnesdays meeting. Prso meeing toshoo tle ne film fonrier in s dentood asoy Hendesonmedical ad'tso: R-caso whoclosocalsshow so mclocf flos OsS, Sclaclofss, caopaigo claosman assosatonscnsy ges. Audrea Leas-Ccsfogan, lseasu-ss Rot MrValy said30,S hlodeuderfie Cakeandpule ifomation dresfos Jo age of 12 aghloy eqo cltites c oppala Pces, Consumer show planned Ron Claske, Presodetoth iltMoni Fos fasîfeinformation calilJon Lacs Cfambof fCommoserefas anoo'as'd rece '-attloe0loambelosf CommersceOffice, plansofor a ConcsuerShOoc ow yclos Clanc o f70-3179. InOhefhld May 23 24and 25,1985aftTfimp- tois uins cmunt adgiearaVandels strike ro-ndenta cleo ppcsfcnofy to coso, frst A ocodaloon spse n a Mlon neogloosa bond, the sode range f gods and services locdfasfeftflocal pcoce nct cnfy haffledhcu asacfahfsto themoinflosr ocncnsoy. Atolthe sfrsafed cooflolocal sesodets. same timm,tfsspecfedothatonswelatoon- AOral of dehsosand damage wasleffti shipo' inses eenaea bfisnesses cas fis tloscl-de-sac arsaof Kingsnay Pace f cii estchtfshsd Tttussday soglof nhes t is hlisved one or Theprojet isbeng organizedby a Cfan posschfy tmo peope vnsesfsd haros. ber commiflee headed loy focal businessmsan Haffon Ifegiocal Police seceived reports Tom Richardson cf Rchardson Chevo 0fdsocf sesen resated incidents nlere gascraps Othes sommittes nemealsoare Ton Clood- wcossemvecd ron loccosoners' cars, lisglo, Charles Copsfand, fRcbert Lawreneor adocantecoas coee ent os snappsd ff. andDoog ShenoooVasoous sulocomttîss lceceopatsscssssfisnfandaofoched cas ndfiictcds acrss-sctooflbusinss and wosseasclosd comnioîy Miffonians, Lawncshaicrs cosse cisc scattered os Refurnong aller an absence cf rcorsa everalloacloyards. desade, the sowcass idec o soeig ow cons nchody calîrd s"' eothccslostcaffy secetordly thelosinesso qonstiocod Staff Sergeant SacsEFaie concoantyndgcssnsstTloesosfcmuccloandafsm ongcs. commuity, nd gverrientScncsodyladloseooitad tfy dcsl loflos Poather detais colSe made ao'ailotlelsins caltnus," fisoaod thecon omonn ,Plce arecotoaong thfinvcestigation. Maplewod Vetenlnary University De.A. Robnson Dr. J.Cofe courses in DR. Halton His E. DAY the nvriycrdtcussi Haffon iti atit and wl inte, ou sfsfosnafy *inpfffor personat:internt, oryaa stff nMay 8Bgltrto take 80ta, 0or8,108t S~., 491 OnComtpus Lectures brohure are M 1 aaslfabfs atithores lal01 tbaiesa ncf Main from the Renationd Parles ,.St E. Depaninant ai Saffon 111f f8 Fsr marn ACTON FAIR PARADE ENTRY FORM SATURDAY. SEPT. 158h Parade ta startetan12 Naan NOVELTY, COMMERCIAL. BUSINESS & ORGANIZATIONS COMPETING FOR PRIZES 0F 1lst $75 2nd *60 3rd $30 No Enty Fée MaabtaIaaaAoonArksnjsa a Bînit, otha 5W Offlon af Part-Tic,,,Studis,, Corespondane nddaoninuing Edocaffon fSl-RR- 211,,,t. 2000f, subfRt whîic inta f001yo. St. Jonepha Uparate School lActonI 887-5185 Chil Ase Isuet.An Itctflo (SocaiWok350C OZf> Wdnsdocs. 7-tOpe Seplanibno1-f2 Ononsson5,1f84 Mr, Dala Payne Soly Cross Separaf e Sohool lOogalcwsf 887-Sf85 Famnly Toerspy (ial oatOs32fIR fZ2) Monccys. Y- 1fois MrSnpl ss5 nosos3ta Vosîsys, 7-tO po- w. offu, convenient houts competitivo rates 5 branch locations tfullfinancial service fniendf y, professionol service hbhfo Conwnwky Ce tUnfion Belongato You8c&A. «MAN S 3x. Em s 27 QUENS M AINSTN 1titsoN oA m4l4 4 M 3 si1 *ndm 8784m Servi na che Rglcnal Mun tipaflfs off laiton nnce 1957 a.ha,bta lm slI.Iaaa..aa.Ba.ps.aa COME IN AND SEE USI NTHE HALTON ROMAN CATHOLIO' SSEPARATE SOHOOL BOARD and THE BOARD 0F GOVERNORS, HALTON CATHOLIO HIGH SCHOOLS ADVANCE REGISTRATION HALTON CATIIOLIC HIGH SCHOOLS Far New Studente - Not Prevlously R.glot.red Auguet 27th ta Auguat 31 et, 1984 1 0:00 arn. - 3:00 p.m. *Bctllngfniin sRnisGorads 9Sf0 13 snd Osacille and Milton stoenots Go-dee f2 tic 13 0110 oeQlnser t Assonofion Hgh Setioof, 3230 W.sdmfio-d An..c. BsdOogton *Oakvillnand Milton stodentsGras9, 1Oued 11fi nîl regisfs-ai St, Ignatius of Lyola 81gh So o, 24c5A Rebecoe Street, OûficIne FOR INFORMATION CAIL MR. PATRICK PACECCA, PRINCIPAL, ASSUMPTION MIGfîS CHOOL, OURLINTON-6341835 MR. BRUCE GILLI ES. PRNCIPAL, ST. IGNATIUS 0F LOYOLA MIHf SSCSOOL OAKVLLE-827-7235 CLASSES BEGIN WE0NESDAY, SEPTEMBER Sl, 1984 Busfroutes arepsted l taiosn istrneoi eac lemnaysoo l.o R.vwn.,.eJ. R. Mf8m Vary R.J.F. aOuty, Choan riChannos Hallono Sonts ScoaciBord 00115on Bad of Govaos- 0*1 q 7 MOZE SaeioAifden withbogs bopola t. Na mil cana foCnOn, MeX.loSmith Sehaal foi hiphahoco A L L ATRIESMUIST SEA T MCKEcVZIE OMSTHSCHOOL lcldhghsshafl PdAMEOFORGANIZATION ADORESS Oh boy, new Grizly Beer is fiera If's a smooth, refreshing- tasting beer we've been seling with such suc- cess iq theUS. Here at home, Grizzly You can encounter a Beer comes in abig Grizzly inaàypur local brown bottie and beer stores. If's one goes at regular beer roaring good beer. prices.cGet your paws Gizzly. on some soon. A roarmgl good béer. h tis he in as vi- he J's nf tis lie a $1 he lx as si- or in )n in ýe, ir- ut in te or ,ts PS .a, If. rs in n cr