Charles first but Dickens ch*Avn OS JON SZUKI Jot one placissg cisanged asutise Milton TPlag Football Leagae capleted regslar-seaass play loit eci at M .tn itieigi Seisool. Tise Ber of finnii ihl: Tie Cisarles 15st wtis fle Dicksensuist puesit. Baucil Fans eoded ou a igis note as th lurai poted a solid wis one Recax Reaity tB iold Bta tiird spot. Sargent Fariaaud Hlton Pools battleil in tise final gaine itis Sargeut cocoiug frsm bcbind te in 39-30 and in feurtls positioaisead of Halto Pools. Remue, miicis mas lookiog fqrwurd lu theplayeffs may have a changeaff brort as thteclubs IcI te Bannit and fiised itis. Allisongistat weci'sn gaines croot very li11e, il ac impotant fr ail lise trocs le cltabisliseir 'mind" superieity eser Ibeir rials. Tise Chares,,mise played ike lbey ocre playing eut lise string, oece upsel by tise Dickeoo 31-27. Coutdd taa little trouble if Ibiee terms mecl lintise final be- cause tise Dickseoo trengly blieve aller tiseir laclîmwo oins oser lise Cbscb tbey have the better troc. Fred Babro, vocal leader of'et isDickeso, led tise Dickses is 100 toacidowoo. Myeas, Goodingusud Simps o ooded ot thne seorlug as Hectar Campbsel sys "we'rc rcady for tiseplayoffs." Chsarles offesce producedneylitle asutisey csunag- ed ooty 27 Points, far islom lisir seasne nrages. Des- ns Gluck isad two majors miti singles going ta Yooog and Lasswcll. Tise second gaine of tis emesS froturcd a playoff pre- ico as Sargent frustrated Haltan isy a 39-38 score. Sargent started welt ussliscy reeleit off Imo qoicis leseisdowns isy Wayne St. Jebnansd Waener Mibolit ta tubte an rorly 13-O suad. Haltan battled bacS laIe iotise firsl qoorter and seccend quarter ils tise bal cnding 25-20 for Sargent. Tise tromc ent bacs and ferlis fer tise met game and mitis esly ene play Ict lunlise gaine and Sargent be- isd by sic pointa, an interlerence ralilen Italtan, gave Aedre St. Jehn a second cbance ta pull tis ot. St. Jeba capîtalioed and tirem a TD sIise ta Homard Moît and tises Mise Kentricb catmly icisciltise ioing point wit the aid ofseveral flashdigts. BsudY Slegitisolin sud Gary Keooedy bad tme mu- JOeo eaeisfor Haltas miti Otisec taacisdomoo isy Bob lt-. sou (biginfrst career TD, alcoolasu geod an is bat trick)i sud BRes MePhi. Sargents essec TDs Oece by MiSe Kesdriek mitis two, Doug Rancis aod Hoard Moto. lToc fluaI gaine of tiese aaunsmus aootiser playef f preico mitis Banil relling ecer Remue 4s-27. Ray DÇJegarde est osdy paoucd for eyes taurbdemro but alun isad tbrcc ibig interceptieo. Meran aod Heugisîo bad two apiece for Bnil itis tierc le Fairbans liaccI iscard tau suce lalely, cool bave becs on islidsysl, Hlson, and Percerceff. Dace Mrray food Gary L.esndci and Gave Spencer in lise end roue but il's gelug le lu a teugi cisere tor Re- cas te upoot Iis loain itlie upcomieg playotîn. Tise playeff pirtare in as fllomu: On Sept. ti, Bannît milI play Remue and Sargentl îlI bonI ItalIen Poels, Tise Dicksenusud CharesmlI amaîis e isseru on Sept. 15.Tise finat gam ine uît l playnni Sept. 22. Tmes for tbe gamin ml lu ginen lter. Millcr UpClaou And Feesual We miis ta cstend mie ataccre miisca far long isap- pinoos ta Danc Murray sud tan finsucce Catisy Prior, an tisey arc ta ba mamred Friday. Good lsckt Notes: O a mere seriosu note, itmwu indeed disappointing at lise turot at tac cors rost Satssrday oigist.Fer Ibese mlu atrodeti, 1 Ssow tisey ail esjoycd tisemsecîvr. 7%no e Rein Freti n ad Juin stnagisan for tlici lime and efforts ie pattisg tain nigist tageolser. A lot of bard mrs gec en tac seaeos isy a nuener of People toe ecare that cneryose hsufoo sud tbat oaellea- gse in first ctaus. 1I becthat me ait sow osa appeecia- ies isy alleediog thecfinal dane Sept. 22. Wise n adeour leaguemwas first claouîtlmas stow on Sundsy, as a toam taut mas sent ta Hamsilton ta represenl esc loague in a game againut a tap local tem ncame Ibreugh is oîtis yg colosses. Kecin Prenderguel and cempaoy drotroyed Hlamoiltoisy a score et 6-27. Gar thauisu leBrian Mrteince sud Bois Tumman mise gave up Snir Suedsy te cefecees Bau mat- ris Steamers invite 13 to training Milton Jr. B Steamers hv competd hier m dget camp and ivied13mdget to the regular junior camp hihbegin next Tucsday. Wbîte 13 have broc lenlîrd, 12 wiii attend, Darren Sbaw, late of Multons major midgets and S. Michacî's minor nîges, delned the ofer and bas signed a major midget card wth St, Clai hores, M ichîgan. Meanmhlr, tiose slated te attend tise camp arr Pal Butter, Sott Hilson, Alex Gacoozzi, Groît Pollen, Wayne Rivers MieDioTom Hil, Ed Morgan, Steve Scanorît, Chrin Turner and John Blasko nf major-midget age. Steamer coach Gary Hudson put close le 6l players tbrough the pares at the camp wbchowas met as actrongcsuccess by Steamer macagement. The club han also broc busy and has ugodcixetras tocardstfor thecoming year. Tbcy ar Claudr Brtrand, a detroce- man,mbhooith tbrryears rrmaining pro- mmse to be abeyon theblue line t(brous coîrd the clubus top deeccemani, Bob Landry, the teamcs MVP, top poînt-getter and top goaluscorcrlauîyear, Bob Milîs, the most cetean oMilton junorswoots ecirrîng ic tourth campaîgo in Mlton, also mus met popular player among tbe players and tbe teamus caplain, Mark Hasbett, most improced player last yçar and jssf in ic second year; Randy Heggie, tbe icner of the Ted ttsod Memoriat ast year, and Jeff Martin, anaîen veteran enterîng is toartb year altbougb be slilt ban ose ycar remaînîng. Mohawks hostn OSA championships Basebai panksuin Mlton and Campbell- ille mîlI be busy bîis oeecd oben Ca mpbellvîlle Mobawku bost tbe 'C' Dvc- sicbampioocbîp tournament toc tbe OIntarie Basebait Asociation. Acto mlI cun t botb parbs Saturday mtb games sceddrdfor 9am.,nmon and 3 p.m, Mobawks mlI be out in force 10 dlaim tbe tile or ut tract do better Iban its 22 records in ils tat 100 OBA tourn- aetin 1981 and 1982. Fîcst-round matcb upn mll i plIStayner agant tbe mînner. ut Gabville Walsing. bam, Kncrdior agint Ottama; ancd Campbellcîlll agaînot Wallaceburg at 9 a m. aiCampbellcîlle. Acto wll continueSucday and Monday ai Campbellcille, Sbold raîc interceds on tbemweebend, tbetourney will picbupsnnme gams at ian Best Parb. The tourney in a double-bnockout attair. Thse tille game lu lard for 10 a.m. Monday liltbreecond game (if orcessary) ftoi p tomîog t 230p.m st Milles Gpimictn rapped an exitîeg playoftleurnament by turning back Lem- ille 1211 in etra innings le capture tise cbampionnnip et the Halton Rural Girls SottisalLeague fteIbantac dvision. Tise playotf ntle came jont five dayn aller Milles bad turned bacs Cheltesbam 10 tiinis the regeler neanon mith a 16-4 rcred atop lise eague. Thr pluyotf format totaured threro oîf- playcd clone gamen. te tbe oponer Friday, Milton lugue Inn trend ut reming frein lu- hisid h2i ualing Loosille 8-. In lise semi- linuIs, Milton rallîed fer foar nons le tac tîlth smoig for a 4-2 oie ener Ciellinisuas isclore rappin thlie oeeisend mitis lieex ra.îeeing ie oser Loville in tae final. In the icol playoff game agant Lom- ville, Miton lugan stely teiling 4-0in lise icol inieg. lenlise fiflis insing, Milton -jood tiseselves taiind tac eigit-sll 5-o. AgEff 49'w ioMlassl T. Mmh 5Oî. o1sa sba SEESEE T. 5bc i0. awa a Ceunis Bois Newman mus more Iban enciied oîtb the pay of is ronps. -I bave neyer iad tour gucen of bal l(in- cluding tan 1inai game et euaslike tisaI le cy ime, ise said. Tise girls played lantastir Tiy nrver gave upor got domo. Thcy junt bepi comîcg on. "This as aIne disptayed hy tac tans aller tise final game. Froc isnlb ide, lise7 att came eut et the stands Oto te the fied and sisoniseverynnen iand. Inte lise ltgame oethlie regular -ease, Mltonagain sboedterreomebac sye Mauro's tate Mýeatia W Sports Wadnesday, Aagaat 291984 24 hmn a day r-fi b lIr Minor bail finals close i yke and peewee Noe tise Sisopsy's runner csnt tryteg in bide. Artuaity, ie'ssutrlieg ibird basn stise terer t inai. le tise game, Taon fell hind 6-i ufrie rallyiog in tbe laie innings owIl the titte in an upset. Mlton Muser Bacebail beld île Ciampieecbîp Gay toc taeIbee olderr itîi lin-ybe, perer anc baetam-Salucday aller enulHaiotary Paris Two meebc ercher cbampioncbîps ib e tbree T-Bull dîvsnîcîoe c etd c aa cecull, MMBA ccappec up îls bouse-leagueacemr laclmebkend. Ail Iree dîivîons bac opent tbe prevîvus twon oebo cempelîgîinavserirsonc playdoeu misth our sur e I vivrc remanîgby Satur dsy merning. In rocs dinisieo,'ucool finale ocre isld in tac mare ing prier le tac final gamec - sn taecaterenen Hee îca rondowvofthbe cbampioesbîp guoues necri division (l]t emi-f1maI gameu ru e teoond on page B) Tyke Tise twv tîcalîctu, Do Reigisl Iccuracce acit Creatice Memnoials badl ec r egistered a cinvere lise vIser ducîeg tiese uacor teosetlupthe rubber matchbin 1'i thil. Billy Kîng tatcd agaî n Oîtbougisthe Milton Transmission tiird-iasemas looksi con- ter Koîgitsuavd strucisou i cderaisyeteo ptpntesreauee iu tiat thaisfuccthe lise tîrot 10 mencin order barbetftise Si. Clair cosser, St. Clair mu te iehautain fiuaI Craîg Halloway came upand rasiOy. luila double. Tenextiballer,cccteb5Rcsd lir spvoetuBdetat Alec Pylr drove ic Craig sciieb ihadPla-sosr ra uwrho ils a singe. Sbaov and Kigtcm ere up11-8. St Claîr Paîel and Wall- Gaam droc ivPyle wilba Creati ce didolt quît paper mise mon 17-4. bard bt double Sut eacsWisiemareacbdtîirctmitb McBudmrta saîdlise lurown out îryicg te reachs a single avd Wigglecmorîb -ceulde't lue more pleaned' tiird. dccc a cals Wseman mas ilS lise performancretfbîs Kmugttoobithelrad.3-2vn trcec vul îcyieg te cIrai icam Saturday. In tact theirbulC Bîlly King reachi ird Ne, ibere mece to n aycne wmise mactcnale cd bave on an errer, Mîko 901 Hcillay drem unther enougis te attend tac baelam Kîcys -albed and Jelf aIk an d mac lllomed b7 risampîencsip tnureey ut McRceni stvid a ibrer Putee he aise ialbcd, Rotary Parb Btucdsy cao ronisomrlveclrarithebasces. Graamwac ncxl acdhe somnegrrat baueball, King starîrd vît tbetiicd umacbcd a twocrus doub In tiitie Champiecchip game ils a doube, Kle co r,,and ,advaeced Pyle te tiîrd. betoren Mlton Transmis- anotiser malb and McKeceîe Srac Gale came up neccxtc e es.aed SI. Clair, Mlton dcoevrhebhome agaivcwiibdrilled a hard lin htrgisTracmisien ceced tree a iard-it ingle iv cetre bacbivcmise epilcierc gloce conc is tac topo e isetrst ile fîeld. Dercis MrClonbey hisî a avd tise game eoded il- eog en a lrod-off double isy single and mavnageil te gtitev l-grrat game by bttisMîbe Brooks, a mals te thduiesbhow ot idev Revis Hiley and RBlnsingles tiru etcmacthomvconi te Grant Meredthanad Craig nîce lry isy Pyle. Ater ibrer Pocunce Ryae, 1 îneîcgc il mac 72 Io But toc tace cesofthlie KnîgissIncvne ofibe moscenter-gace iIoacaitSt, Clair, Crealive crnme eut cin he tiing Ogameu of tise day, sîrneg twon ntac licolone tnurth tîreil up. Garrer ie-eJoh abe TuoncthesrpeeeMieffZammil's ingle and mac bit a ingle, Ctoad cbampîoeubîp wmus a come hmie Bcon t scn Wrîgglcnwoerlisadcaoced rcmbehisîd 87cîctery oe o me S.Crnctarle icm ils anther ingle aod Sbopui'c iCnresbosemonier nof- ttelfloay lusted aotarorue ec hn okoe crn uhot te rIeur tise basec PyIr Tues teck a 1-0 lcad on a six runsu lutac seconddons drcm a matis and dtole ce- double b7 Mike Glroy and ingles te Tyler Caldwell and rond. Graham droee bm ccorvg o a iild îisrom te Brad Dealin, malta le Alsu home mita a sngle and Criv thisrd. Hutchinson, Dan ilst and Heipl rache fist o aner-Jases Campbllt, and a dsu- Heiel carsedtsrt o aner Bat Sbopcy'c camr hacis hic te Jasper Martin. cor. Graham and Heiprl oîtb sic cuusine second Inlshe tard,St. Claie add- ocre drinen home hy Colin îecîng on singles by Roisiie cd fear more onsie straigist Adasn d tise score teod t- Del Papa and Todd McLead singlet iy Budssrta, Brysu 7 for Crolin ow and a double hy Bretl ASey. Lecon, Maerk Simpson, iogtums o n le Thescoeremuined 0-1 foe Kenin Campffl, Caldwcll oedec int ie tortistiass te Bs ,pys.oia.ithtafiftis "dJDasjn. rallying lcom a 5-t dsadsoolage le the fourtising tpulta 10- mlout ofthe bag Tise top ilîerrefer Milles once Bougisson wiith to inges and a humer, Erin Gau- Iier ils Iree ingles, Pedula ilb a sn- gle and a double, rsli Love with a single and a double and Myrna Newman ils ibree ingles. Pedula aed Beugbten shared ise pilcis ng duies for Mton allocegnsenhbin bhIc stin eg nut egi goal gives AJ bail hockey cro wn ,1' àIm > sesd Miltons on liseir may 1tacthe- in, AJ. Mosrooc tn a "-IWin pece Hates Tammy Boughton earscd the in for Vides Norseman and tise ciampionstap of Milton gtling eenstsriisooutn miite Jodi the Milton Bal Hckey League Iast Thempoon, mise pilcbed and it oeIl, mon Tuesdsy ut Milles Sports Catre. the Isee. ise in and tile capped a treng turea- le tise second gane, Milon agaîn touod --r-jound fer lise club miicis ment 010 lise Iemnelses traitieg 2Sein lisesecond lueiog finals is tbe oodeedsg position. Ceming off bsut moueled a leur-run itis innlug le tald anunodcfrotet ocason, Hallen Vides ment un teoa 4-2 in. Lisa Pedulanrecoered in as tise laneurile. froc a shaby icol insing leteo sic Hoeser, A.J. Musutoom cdgcd Haltan slreng ioiugs sud eann tac in. Vides 4-3 lu tace pone efthlie SesI-of-tisece Pedula andi Mues poced Millen ita Imo final asd liscu rappcd ut up ils tise 5-3 singles ecciwmiile Myrna Newmn anad come-frein-betasd is. Rin Gautie added ose single sacis. Hallos Vides began tise cotest qsickly ta taec ciacplonssip gaine, Pedula and jumpod is front l-Oon agoal hp HomeSl dreve hsome Beugiten -eps finît bsie ita frsm Basdy Hcggle and Robertsoon. a triple in tacelgisth is inl to proide tac Twe minutes lter, Dan Agar srsred for -morgin etfdfferecce and gine Miltos tac A.J. Manroom le brot tc coe iior l-ý in ener loosille. Haltan Videç firci twIo gops, Sp Bois Lau- Masro bmutinh bu 1bS-la wi.ttala one anbes he scoeed oanusisled goal mita iast 17 secnds rcmoininng in tac opesisng frame. Micro Durante enened tise score earty lu tise final frame. Tis e lrmn played, more than 14 minutes witbaul a goal befere Maure broise the brot ils lise mlisng mariser. Mise Menaissu capped tac in ils a goal tareec seconds froc the final banner. Members efthlie inning A.J. Miasroom leam are Dan Agar, Mac Gandhsi, Krk Maare, Tm JHouston, Paul estoo. Remo Basin, Jsff Recides, Doug Rldtag, MiSe Menabsu, Mark eculia, Romnu utI- igicg, Stene Dgay, Mine Pnarstc, HIcS Ciampou, Terry KLlwood, Raudy Peens- acilo sud Derrick Nelans.a Creaine doms ta ordereln eut, flîrsCisogmua and Bas- taeirisalfoftefifth. dutllitacthebases tooded Enter Billy Ring. an Mur- and tac score 6-5 for Sisop- sall iad sIeurS eut and ny'u BRobert Geraicise deisv- Creabive decided te malh cmli lise Sey lem, a double Ring. They lt apitris gel ton urerieg. two n sneputtîng clone and Bitty blasteit a solu Tano aisead te slay. sol tte ntan game 0-. Bols Ranis loin scoreil anelser trocs tcf t conuers nrasded conn thie siethlneiitg. Tamn, in tac sixls sud ogain me isad Woo iniseti sieta in tac re- etra inisgs. ' gular eoson, mes tise cisain lu Rigitsshallîf e a onii aest, Ian Marsall drec o h a malS, ing mas maîbcdin- testiosally suddagain, bas R antOes ing peobaisly is bist gace of tac peur, Mceezie dronc tise NIMBA issutain dicO- bals runuers iome. McRes- sien cbampiocluip trophY ie mas drivnshbaccosnami ilI be prodly dsplayed isy still hsotsnd iu thse homne bail ot tise fifts tiey padded tiseir lead mits Bce more rns. Badmsrtb gat tisgas rol- îcg mils a doublse tises Lemue lripled, toltnwed isy singles 10 Simpson, Ken Campbsell, and Caldwell. Mdlton Trasssnoadd- ed a losseesosin tie sixtsosua triple by Donag Wardle sud a sacrifice by Brooks. Ce"Wiatslatios ntaSt, Clair Paint & Waflpaper Playerusuad coacses ICIlff Caldwell, Mal Campbsell sud Dace Hiltal sud tissuutoa ai issutain players sud coachs fer ise 1964 eason. mi Bantam girls softba Optis rally for Halton titie 'I . . . . . . . . . . 1